ellsbells2703 · 5 years
so update for whoever cares, college is stressful i’m trying my hardest but it’s really tough. I have a presentation monday that my partner won’t even help finish, auditions also on monday. and an assessment on wednesday that i’ve been given one day to prepare for and to say i’m stressed is an understatement
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ellsbells2703 · 5 years
If you’re going through some shit, I won’t tell you to have a good day.
Instead, just have a day. Stay alive.
Eat your meals. Drink water. Breath deeply. Wear something comfortable.
It’ll get better.
But until then, just have a day.
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ellsbells2703 · 5 years
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ellsbells2703 · 5 years
ok so weekend update it’s like 1am now am i can’t sleep i have to be up soon for college too, sad times bro. anyway back to my weekend on friday i went to a house party and in all honesty it was really fun from what i remember i also did not get home till 12:30am saturday morning. on saturday i went to a concet to see Ruel he’s an australian singer and man was that a good show again did not get home till 12:45am sunday morning, which was now yesterday since today’s technically monday but i didn’t really do anything on sunday cause i was exhausted and my skin has broken out probably due to the lack of consistent sleep and food/water consumption. any who that was my weekend see you when i post next i guess 💖
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ellsbells2703 · 5 years
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ellsbells2703 · 5 years
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ellsbells2703 · 5 years
‘Robert Downey Jr. is 10 minutes early every day, says hello to every crew member, and it just showed me that it doesn’t matter how famous you get or how much money you make, you should always treat everyone the same. He’s a really good role model for me to have as a young man in this industry. If I am ever lucky enough to get there, then I should act as he does.’
- Tom Holland speaking about RDJ
I am moved.
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ellsbells2703 · 5 years
how does one tumblr, omg can i make this a little journal blog like thing.that would be fun might do that
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