ellyyyyyyyyyy · 3 months
okay but like think about if drarry was a thing before the golden trio kiddos went hunting horcruxes and draco went with them– yes i know this has been talked about before– and the snatchers still brought them to malfoy manor. firstly, without draco’s gay ass there to identify him, nobody can be sure it’s actually harry.
secondly… lucius and narcissa immediately recognizing their son, even if hermione put a stinging jinx on him or not. they know it’s draco, and narcissa can’t bite back her sobs, and lucius is staring at him like he’s never seen him before– everyone in the room can tell this isn’t because lucius is pretending not to recognize draco to protect him. no, he honestly never suspected his son would switch sides, honestly never recognized the good in him.
and when lucius says ‘draco’ in that warning tone that he knows so well, and draco growls ‘go to hell,’ narcissa loses all hope of not crying. she’s been crying since they got here, since she recognized her son, but there’s no hope of stopping now. not for a long time.
she expects them to kill her son soon, she’s prepared to beg for them to kill her first, but what she doesn’t expect? she doesn’t expect her own sister to point her wand at her nephew and scream ‘crucio!’
narcissa screams.
draco screams.
hermione screams, begging bellatrix to stop, because even if she hated draco from eleven to sixteen, he’s her friend now, and she can’t stand to watch her friend going through this pain.
ron’s struggling even more now, because even if he wont say it out loud, he’s friends with the ferret.
and harry?
harry fucking roars.
the chandelier bursts into a million pieces, the windows shatter, and every single one of the death eaters is fuckin THROWN against the wall.narcissa, ron, hermione, draco and harry are the only ones standing, completely unharmed by the flying glass. ron, hermione and narcissa are all staring at harry in AWE and draco’s on the floor, gasping harry’s name over and over again.
and then narcissa is rushing to her son, kneeling next to him, trying to get him to sit up, calling house elves to get him soup and water and trying to pick him up so he can get to bed.
but harry takes draco into his own arms, and says ‘i don’t know how long they’ll be asleep, and we can’t risk them calling voldemort here.’ narcissa’s staring at him in disbelief, and hermione takes over. ‘mrs. malfoy, we’ll take containers of soup and water for him, and i promise he’ll get the rest he needs, but harry’s right, we need to go.’
it takes a couple of minutes, but narcissa agrees, and harry tells her to go to the wall and pretend she was knocked out too. she tells them about luna being in the dungeon, because she’s been against imprisoning a child from the beginning and if there’s a chance they can get luna out, she’s taking it. narcissa casts a glamour over herself to make it look like the glass hit her, and goes to slump next to her husband. the kiddos get all the soup and such, and hurry down to get luna and the others out of the dungeon, before apparating to the beach house.
and then harry spends days attending to draco’s every need, even though draco repeatedly insists he’s fine, and it isn’t necessary, because harry’s Very Gay For This Boy And He Has To Make Sure He’s Okay It’s Very Important.
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 3 months
I think one of the most under rated things about kaz brekker is that...he's funny
like so many dark edgy ya boys are brooding loners who aren't good with people but kaz is such a subversion of these traits
in the first scene we see him through inej's point of view he's cracking jokes with the dregs, he makes smalltalk about weather with the black tips, like Inej makes a point to note when he changes from being Kaz to being Dirty hands, who is all those edgy tropes but kaz isn't always Dirtyhands
"you're passable at demo you're excellent at hostage"
"why don't you pay someone to burn your Kruge for you thats what the big players do"
literally anything he says to Matthias when he's trying to goad him
like kaz is not some humorless sad boi, even his eternal monolog can be funny
"I definitely didnt tell them to blow up the lab"
"maybe I'm finally going to pay for all those tree spirit jokes"
also the entire scene with Van Eck when Van Ecks like "the best thief to send would be the guy who stole my deKapple" and Kaz just straight face saying "yeah. too bad we don't know who took it huh?" and then a scene later telling Inej to move it from its UNDER HIS BED cause he didn't even care enough to sell it
like please appreciate that for all he can be cruel, go too far, or cross lines like...Kaz Brekker is fucking funny
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 3 months
modern au professor moriarty and detective holmes (4P)
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Keep reading
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 3 months
I know it's two days late– but it's better late than never, right? (I'm so sorry rl has been so hard on me :"" )
so this is my take on the DCMKEMOGUST2021 Week One!
the prompt I used were–!
Word : Expertise
Dialog : "either a fool or someone who has nothing left to lose."
genre : angst
hope you enjoy it!
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
salt incoming 🧂🧂🧂
some of you guys will find ANYTHING to nitpick re: macgyver either because your favorite ship isn't front and center or because a certain actor (whom i love dearly) isn't on the show anymore and i'm done with it. i know i'll get unfollowed for this but i have to speak my mind or i'll go insane.
i miss jack too (every damn day, clearly since i write fanfic with him in it) but like holy crap... if it bothers you that much stop watching and let people enjoy it even if you don't enjoy it anymore. also it was l*nkov who killed off jack, leanna, jill, charlie, james etc, didn't give desi any character development and started the codex story/the stupid love triangle.
and speaking of love triangles they're always stupid and you can't change my mind. i don't ship macriley or macdesi, but i can tell you from experience that ship wars destroy shows. if you stop watching the show because your ship isn't featured in every episode there won't be a show to watch.
i believe this new group of writers is trying to right the wrongs caused by l*nkov but between a literal PANDEMIC and being obligated by CBS to use old episodes it's been slow. the episodes they've managed to show us have been awesome, and the cast and crew have worked their asses off to make them. it would be nice to see a little appreciation for that instead of complaining about what you wish the show was instead, or because what you want isn't happening fast enough.
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
I just finished it can someone yell about it with me please it so good 😭😭
“I was born knowing how to do three things—how to breathe, how to dream, and how to love you.”
-Alexandra Bracken, Lore
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
fans of characters that hate vulnerability will be like “i cant wait until they cry 😍 cant wait until the weight of their emotions breaks them 😍”
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
I just finished Wayward Son in one sitting and I'm evaporating
Me: *picks up Wayward Son*
Me: *throws it across the room*
Me: *inhales*
Me: *screams* Leave Baz alone and let him be happy because this boy has gone through so much that he really isn’t a boy anymore and he’s been watching his boyfriend suffer and thinks it’s all because of what he is doing and wants to reach out to his boyfriend but doesn’t know how because they are both struggling so much but they want and love each other so much and can we just let them be happy please
Me: *calming down but still distressed* Additionally, leave Simon alone, too, he’s been through just about as much and doesn’t deserve to suffer like this, can we just let him be happy please because he and Baz deserve the world and Simon also thinks his boyfriend suffering is his fault, but really they’ve been so fucked up by the people who have abused and mistreated them their entire lives.
Me: *going to pick up Wayward Son and placing it lovingly back on my bookshelf* Let’s let Penelope have a happy ending, too. She’s been through so much as well, it cannot have been easy being friends with the Chosen One at Watford because being in the direct line of Simon’s magic is akin to standing near an H-bomb when he goes off. Penelope has also spent so much of the series helping and worrying about her friends that she really needs to take some quality time for herself.
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
Jack: How are things?
Mac: Please don’t make me think about my life.
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
I missed Mac in hospital gown smh, when is he gonna stay in hospital again where is my sweet whump and hurt/comfort? I mean he got hit by a car, murdoc beat the shit out of him and he just got that plaster thingy? Where is the aftercare? Give me my MacInHospital2k21 please
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
*Character randomly dissapeared from the show*
Macgyver Writers: They died
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
My thought on Mac, Desi and Riley
Don't get me wrong, I love Mac, Riley and Desi as a character but the romance sideplot lowkey irked me. I love the Harcore-badass-terrifying woman with a soft-kindhearted-warm guy otp so much but MacDesi, it just doesn't really worked. In S3, I almost got hooked because they got their cute moments and the trying to get to know each other phase although the feelings itself came out of nowhere but it got railed in S4. It looks too forced, too sudden and too much unnecessary drama. Desi was reduced to Mac's love interest and bodyguard with no actual personality. The relationship is too hurried thus there's a very thin layer of trust making the catastrophe in S4 and resulting in her being a hated character. She didn't get her chance to grow, and I feel like they're trying to cover it up by giving her lots of screentime in S5. And now Riley, who's dating Aubrey at the start of S4 and suddenly realized her feelings for Mac? No, I have always seen them as sorta Spy Siblings y'know. It just feels weird and I know for the fact that Jack will find it weird too at first because they are his kids? His Kids dating each other? Maybe he'll come around to it but I don't think he'll agree that much because dating with people who you work with always got disastrous result. Riley is very dear to me and I don't like seeing her hurting and pining for Mac like that. We all love a slow burn romance but I just want Riley to be happy you know. She went through a lot too, shitty father, her time in prison, her traumas and they didn't really address it. She deserved better. Also, remember in 3x20, when Bozer said, Mac's head is always a little bit messed up when he's dating someone, like Nikki and that girl in 7th grade. Bozer is someone who knows Mac since he was a kid so I'm gonna trust his judgement in this. Mac is someone with a big heart and an emotional person, when he love, he love big. The stoic exterior is just a facade that was probably ingrained in him bcz of James and him being a spy of some sort. I'm sorry for ranting but the show is playing with me, I rather they just focus on found family trope instead of trying to force romance into it like this. The conclusion is, Macgyver deserved better, Riley deserved better and Desi deserved better.
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
Might fuck around and write Macgyver Hunger Game!Au
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
As happy as I am that we are getting macriley pining scenes, I lowkey really miss seasons 1-3 where they were unaware. Like, I would rather watch that than watch Riley get fucked over for the thousandth time while Desi lowkey emotionally abuses Mac and calls it love.
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
This isn't really a question but...
I just watched for the first time episode 5 and I knew Jack was kinda dead but-
How dare they ?!? I refuse to except his potential death! Jack cannot be killed!
Jack Dalton is not dead. I have also refused to accept it.
Basically, this is the entire fandom when it comes to Jack's "death"
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get it back even better.💗💫
I just saw this and you have no idea how happy you make me ❤😭 even better that it's my birthday today. I LOVE YOUU 💕
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ellyyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
Eldest daughters, arent you tired of de escalating? Dont you just wanna go ape shit?
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