elmasbayram · 7 months
He was Quinn now, but he hadn't been when she'd first met him all those years ago. Sometimes there were people she completely erased from her mind until she saw them again. And then there they were and something awakened in her like a sleeper agent. Like when some people heard an early 2000's club banger. He'd been there at that lovely wedding all that time ago. "I do most things, yes. What is it you do now?" Elmas didn't want to tell anyone she'd just gotten dental, it was what had endeared her to Hyrsam so quickly.
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@elmasbayram location: Lupercalia notes: canon fuckass hat
"So do you just do... everything for him?" The mayor was, yeah, he was something alright. Quinn had met his fair share of demons so he knew a wolf in sheep's clothing when he saw one, his assistant or... Whatever it was that Elmas happened to be, she seemed familiar, though. Somehow, like maybe they'd met before but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. "Sounds like a lot of work, hope the dental is good."
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elmasbayram · 7 months
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"Yes, but there is more to life than listening. And gathering." Ther's vague aggravation to her tone and her hand motions but it hardly steers away from her usual clear and concise cadence. What was he gathering? That was something she'd file away for later, she really did want to know. "We never get to talk with just us." Elmas doesn't talk to a lot of people unless she's working and every so often it does get to her, how empty her life is without the mayor's instruction.
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He's clip-clopping around in complete centaur mode, that damned Goose had gotten Sleipnir to convert from his human-appearing legs as though a swift hoof kick would have kept the Goose from being a complete menace. Whatever, Herløv is vibing now, if Hyrsam can waltz around in bedazzled and jeweled hooves, then this Stallion would put his best hoof forward. "What's it matter how I'm doin'? I'm just listenin', gatherin'," horses could hear up to, like, three miles away so Herløv knew plenty of juicy gossip from the fey and those within the fey forest.
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elmasbayram · 7 months
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Elmas couldn't remember when she'd added light technician to her resume, but she did know that several EDM artist's had her number just in case. She's doing matching choreography with Hyrsam from her spot in the booth, she'd tracked down that one guy who talked about Spirit Fingers from the original Bring it On to help choreograph at the mayor's request. The entire performance went off without a hitch, as was to be expected, just as she had planned. When Hyrsam was crowded by adoring fans, yet another team of satyrs, these ones in Chanel suits, parted them so the mayor could get through. And Elmas abandons her booth and makes her way to Hyrsam's side, planner in hand. "That was wonderful as always, sir. Jane Lynch called, she said she would not miss recreating her Vogue video with you for the world."
@senatusstarters location: Lupercalia CENTER STAGE notes: the mayor's performance
All these bands and not a single one of them could hold a knot to Hyrsam's performability, his charismability, his uniquability, and his talentability. There was the unsubtle clop of hooves that were decked out in the sort of gems that these lycans could never afford, his satyr entourage in their best Valentine's Day outfits were dressed in synchronous style. Music filtered over the speakers and in a canonically accurate open-chested red velvet suit, Hyrsam took to the stage, actively avoiding eye contact with Caio as he did.
"If you see a faded sign by the side of the road that says 15 miles to the… Love Shack! Love Shack yeah." "I'm headin' down the Atlanta highway, Lookin' for the love getaway Heading for the love getaway, love getaway," "I got me a car, it's as big as a whale And we're headin' on down To the Love Shack I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20 So hurry up and bring your jukebox money."
"The Love Shack is a little old place Where we can get together Love Shack baby, Love Shack bay-bee. Love baby, that's where it's at, Ooo love baby, that's where it's at Sign says. Woo… stay away fools, 'Cause love rules at the Lo-o-ove Shack! Well it's set way back in the middle of a field, Just a funky old shack and I gotta get back."
"Glitter on the mattress Glitter on the highway Glitter on the front porch Glitter on the hallway."
"The Love Shack is a little old place Where we can get together Love Shack bay-bee! Love Shack baby! Love Shack, that's where it's at! Huggin' and a kissin', dancin' and a lovin', Wearin' next to nothing Cause it's hot as an oven The whole shack shimmies! The whole shack shimmies when everybody's Movin' around and around and around and around!"
"Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby! Folks linin' up outside just to get down Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby Funky little shack! Funk-y little shack!" "Bang bang bang on the door baby! Knock a little louder baby! Bang bang bang on the door baby! I can't hear you Bang bang on the door baby Bang bang on the door Bang bang on the door baby Bang bang."
"You're what?… Tin roof, rusted! Love Shack, baby Love Shack! Love Shack, baby Love Shack! Love baby, that's where it's at Love Shack, baby Love Shack! Love baby, that's where it's at."
Elmas operated the lighting and special effects seamlessly as fireworks dazzled the night sky over Lupercalia, an eruption of synchronous lasers that she'd been assigned the day before and somehow had pulled together with less than twenty-four hours notice. Naturally, Hyrsam was a star, and as he stepped out stage to his adoring fans, a new entourage of fresh satyrs were there snapping photos of him and begging for his autograph.
"They love me, they love me, I know I can't help it." Hyrsam said as he attempted to settle the crowd of adoring satyrs and mortals alike that had begun to gather.
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elmasbayram · 7 months
Person: @zahryaofdawn Location: Where Zahrya is No Doubt Preaching the Horrors of Abstinence "You're so passionate." There's something almost wistful about it as she sips at her smoothie as she watches the fey take the hands of a lycan and tell them that condoms aren't the way. There'd been a significant amount of fey births the last year in comparison to previous years and that's because....Well because the chancellor had popped his own children out of the cabbage patch. "Are the rumors you're going to be holding classes on 'Fertilizing the Pumpkin Patch: Ensuring a Baby Batch' true?"
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elmasbayram · 7 months
Person: @sleipnirx Location: She is literally trailing after him "We never get to talk about how you're doing." She's pulling a garlic knot apart as she trails after the horse. It's more of a thought out loud than anything, she'd seen the mighty horse and couldn't stay away. Mostly because if Hyrsam needed him for a bath again, she figured it was best to know where he was.
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elmasbayram · 7 months
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"I've never not been employed." It's less of a shot and more just a thought out loud and she's very thoughtful about it indeed. It wasn't something she really understood, people who spent time leisuring instead of working. Granted, relaxing was not something Elmas was very good at doing. If she stopped moving, if she stopped working, she just.....Sleeping was about the only time she wasn't doing something. Her plate had to be full otherwise she herself was empty and she could add one more thing to her resume. Her centuries long resume. "I have time to help out."
"We always are," she admits slowly, almost reluctant to offer the every busy assistant more work. Pretty silly, really, when the other is a grown woman and can make her own choices, even if those choices would lead her to crashing and burning due to her status as a human. Oh, well, at least if the other volunteers she can make sure she isn't too overwhelmed. "Rome has a lot of unemployed weirdos, and that is without counting those who come from Lupercal for a free meal."
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elmasbayram · 8 months
"I mean to out him for being a Nicki Minaj fan still in the year in which she harassed Megan thee Stallion. He can't avoid being cancelled forever, I just want to be able to see a coming of age movie without having to see his pretentious little cheekbones." There was that snail that was eventually coming for all of them and it was supposed to be slow and patient but always coming. Elmas had been around long enough to know that no such snail existed. But also no one had ever seen her and this snail in the same room and one day, she was going to convince Greta Gerwig to stop giving that man work. "Sleipnir is going. I haven't looked that horse in the eyes since the bathtub incident." Hyrsam had wanted horse milk. There'd been eye contact involved.
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"An outfit? I always have an outfit. I'm always prepared." Narcissus could see it now. He'd be a glittering, shining star amongst the mud. The lycans knew how to throw a party, and the demigod knew how to steal the spotlight. It was the perfect place for him. Either way, he looked at the other now, tilting his head, "Timothee? Please. You couldn't think of a better guest list?"
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elmasbayram · 8 months
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Valentine's Day Scrapbook: Oliver & Elmas
"And people ask me how Well, you're the reason why I'm dancing in the mirror And singing in the shower" - "Shower", Becky G @oliverevansx
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elmasbayram · 8 months
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Elmas, Lupercalia
“Good-bye, Luanne. I just wantd you to know that I never read your diary, even though you suspected I did on June 18th, 1985.” - Bobby Hill, King of the Hill
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elmasbayram · 8 months
"Well I can only hope you are." Just because she knew everyone and everything didn't mean she had all of the facts due to contrary belief. It was a combination of knowing people and things and have quite a good intuition that gets her by. Leaning forward just a little, martini glass in hand, her brows raise. "I have heard of a rather beautiful woman." Back in the day they hadn't called anyone 'mother' except actual....Well, women who had brought children into the world, but from how said woman had been described to her, she thought 'mother' seemed rather appropriate.
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Perhaps he should have considered her words more carefully, given how the last drag bingo had gone that she'd participated in. But a part of him knew that he could take her words as they were, with the hint of a promise upon them. Besides, if it truly came down to it, Ángel could do the worst and threaten to do away with the whole thing. What a move that would be. "I wondered how long it would take you to reach this point," he mused, hand lifted to encourage her to go on. There was little gossip that he ever cared to partake in, but he wouldn't dismiss her want of it. Until said gossip revolved around him. "You heard right, but what makes you think I'm not being taken care of?"
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elmasbayram · 8 months
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"You know, I've never asked." Elmas looks upwards thoughtfully before taking yet another dainty bite of the crepe before her. "We don't talk much. I think because when he sees me, he expects me to be asking him a favor. And he is right." She never just stopped in to say hello to the mystical horse aside from the one time she'd asked if he got a tramp stamp, it would make him look like a My Little Pony. "But that's enough about me." She could go on and on about her day, she had an entire day planner full of things for the next decade, an Apple watch she had to actually mute just to have this outing.
After having a rude awakening to the cold and callous nature of his kind, gone were ideals of brotherhood and yet he couldn't shut off that part of his brain that didn't want to be alone in a cruel new world, enter Elmas and she was like a point of shelter in the eye of a storm, he couldn't help but cling to her kindness, to the way she took life in stride and with a form of humor that couldn't be topped. She appeared human but her knowledge went far beyond. He drank his black coffee with drops of blood infused, staring with rapture at the decadent crepe that she devoured, remembering how his Nana used to bake with lemon and icing sugar. He blinks owlishly, "I have so many questions.. did he once live as a horse, innocently neighing out in the fields until he magically transformed into a human or was he born that way?"
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elmasbayram · 8 months
There was something so nice about being around someone who seemed to so easily command others. Hyrsam was one thing, but people just did things Narcissus told them to do. Just because. Anyone would do anything for that face and she couldn't say she was entirely immune to it, he was very pretty. But she had no time for romance, just a quick time out to destress from having to ask Sleipnir to be around while her boss bathed. It was less asking, it was more the fact she would need someone to no doubt file the mystical horse's hooves as compensation. "Do you have an outfit for Lupercalia yet? A date? I tried to invite Timothee but he's so busy with that Kylie. That Wonka PR won't go on forever."
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The tiefling had never told a lie ever in his life. Nor had he ever done anything wrong. It was hard for people to swallow the truth as it was, anyway. Or to swallow one other thing, but that was for Rawlins to know and everyone else to eventually find out. "Another one? I've told so many bangers, I should let someone else talk." Impossible, really; he'd stare at them until they were finished then pick up where he left off. "Be a doll and get us more drinks," he turned towards the mortal who was staring before they ran off to do as such.
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elmasbayram · 8 months
Person: @tieflingxnarcissus Location: Wherever he is telling tall tales "He's right you know, he caused three people in the room to faint at just the sight of him. No smolder, twas just a look." The moment anyone looks skeptical of Narcissus, she's beside them with her bellini in hand and casually sipping. Elmas didn't even think Narcissus noticed her doing such a thing, defending him to the masses but she likes listening to his stories too much to fault him. "Tell them another one." It's like yelling 'play Freebird' at a musician except he loves it and doesn't sigh.
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elmasbayram · 8 months
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Oliver & Elmas
"Ready or not, here I come Where you at? The night is young In the crowd the music's loud but I will find you." - "Ready or Not", Bridgit Mendler @oliverevansx
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elmasbayram · 9 months
Person: @vincenzodives Location: Town Hall
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Elmas is not used to handing things off to other people, not really. It was one thing to be instructed to make something happen and call in contractors and favors and kind of lead what they were doing but it was another thing to be....In charge. Hyrsam, as the mayor, did not quite sit on the senate but she did and it's a role that she is....Not hesitant on, but somewhat baffled by. Vincenzo Dives walks with her as she goes over her other planner, the one that is blush colored, her gold pen in hand and he's one of her marshals. An underling of sorts, she's never had one of those. "We should probably get to know each other if we're going to be working together." It is a matter of fact as she unclicks her pen and draws her planner to her chest.
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elmasbayram · 9 months
"Are you looking for volunteers?" Elmas thinks for a second what she has coming up this week. And by that she more means that she wonders what Hyrsam has coming up. There's little things here and there, her planner is constantly booked with things the satyr is doing but also every waking moment she is not working she is doing something to forget work. Volunteering could very well be something, she was practically nonverbal whenever she was at What's Cookin', she could be warmer here maybe.
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who? @elmasbayram where? outside porus
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"If you are looking to volunteer you should come back tomorrow, we just closed." The redhead doesn't look like she is about to volunteer, but she has seen her around the Mayor when she goes around to city hall to snoop and look at the records that are accessible to the public so who the fuck knows. She does seem ridiculously busy too, so it wouldn't even be a good idea for her to offer. "If you are looking for something else, you might be lost."
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elmasbayram · 9 months
"Are you telling me you don't think I'd appreciate it?" She's teasing, but her tone is even. Elmas has been around the block more than a few times, she doesn't really discriminate when it comes to most things. Variety is indeed the spice of life and sometimes one simply needed to put something on and scream in a taxi as the driver pretended not to hear her. "And I would actually love to hear your opinion of early 2000's party music." Elmas means it, has her hands clasped before her as she looks to the seraphim as they peruse the stacks.
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"I would just figure someone of his caliber would actually appreciate Cannibal Corpse," they smirk at that, it may have been something preposterous but nothing was really impossible in Rome, least of all an archsatyr getting down to Cannibal Corpse in their free time. "There's nothing wrong with 'Like a G6', it's therapeutic," their sarcasm was blazing, but it was basically the national anthem of the US in the 2010s, which felt like yesterday for Roth.
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