elo-shifting · 3 months
i'm not as active as i would've liked to be in the shifting community :') can't help it since it's been over a year since i've actively tried to shift instead of just daydreaming and made half-assed scripts
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elo-shifting · 3 years
okay I made a post a while back saying I'd talk about alternate selves and shifting and all that but just never did SO! Here it is.
We are all energy. At a molecular level we are all vibrating. This determines whether we are solid, liquid, or gas. These vibrations are energy, ie we are made of energy. This is also the foundation for things like manifestation, law of attraction, witchcraft, etc.
Regarding reality shifting, I believe that our consciousness is an energy that extends over an infinite number of realities. We can become aware of, or shift our awareness to these other realities. Shifting to another reality doesn't mean you leave an empty space, or a clone who acts like you- you're still there. Your consciousness is still there. You haven't moved it. You're simply aware of another facet of yourself.
I see a lot of different views on shifting, so I just wanted to share how I see it. If you resonate with this, feel free to send an ask or something, because I'd love to talk more about it.
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elo-shifting · 3 years
Tony: Hey kid, you writing an essay or something?
Peter, typing out his Star Wars DR script: ...yes
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elo-shifting · 3 years
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everything you need to know about scripting :)
— scripting template + my example are here!
scripting is 100% optional (depending on your method), but it’s very helpful for visualizing and figuring out different details about the reality you’re trying to shift to. it’s always helpful to go over your scripts before you shift, and/or put them under your pillow while you shift
here are some things that i typically script, and that i’ve learned to avoid;
throughout your script, try to keep negative energy away. shifting is all about having a positive mindset and happy energy. if you’re scripting that you can’t do this and you’re not capable of doing things, you won’t get too far. often, people say to avoid words like “i can’t” and “i don’t” in your script.
instead, write in different affirmations and acknowledge how powerful and capable you are! you are going to shift, so own it! believe in yourself!
you can say things like “i can’t gain unwanted weight,” “i won’t die,” “i don’t remember that draco’s family are death eaters” and such, but it’s always better to avoid those words if you can! :) try saying; “i’m immune to..” “i’m not able to..” or something else.
you can script on your phone, or on physical pieces of paper. that decision is up to you! you can also write it out however you’d like; whether it be in bullet points, sections, templates, or other! pictures are also very encouraged! :)
– your safe word/action to shift back
– immunity to things (acne, death, bloating, etc.)
– relationships with other people (what do they think of you? who are they to you?)
– the time difference (this one is actually super important. DO NOT script “one second in my CR =“ at all. that will take A TON of mental energy. instead, try “five seconds in my CR =“ because then it’s not as intense. you may think that more time is better, but it can be draining. i personally do ‘five seconds in my CR = one week in my DR” and after doing the math, it’s a lot more time than i thought)
– skills you want (are you good at baking? singing? writing?)
– where you wake up (you can just choose to wake up in your DR bedroom, but it’s really up to you! it’s also helpful to script what your five senses experience once you’ve successfully shifted. like what you smell, what you taste, what you hear, feel, taste, etc.)
– affirmations
– not feeling overwhelmed (a lot of people script that they feel overwhelmed or scared when they shift so then they accidentally scare themselves awake, so try scripting that you feel at peace once you’ve shifted (: )
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elo-shifting · 3 years
Okay for the tarot readers out there, this is a prompt (or several questions) you can ask your cards: (also for shifters)
1. What do I need to let go?
2. What opportunities are available to me?
3. What can I do to be my best self?
4. What do I need to do in order to shift?
5. What's stopping me from shifting?
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elo-shifting · 3 years
even though I've mini shifted quite a few times, I've only had one or two mild symptoms before and while I was actively trying to shift
so you can imagine my fear and panic when I was laying down not even trying to shift and felt the most intense shifting symptoms I've ever felt. I honestly wondered if I was dying before I realized afterward what was happening 😭😭
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elo-shifting · 3 years
Hey guys, gals and pals! Just a heads up about subliminals on YT.
So, there is a channel on YouTube called ‘Celestial Subliminals’ and their subliminals are falsified and are not helping people shift.
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This is what their channel looks like.
Their subliminals have been met with multiple allegations of harming people’s manifestations for shifting or literally anything. Many people have came out saying that these subliminals have been incredibly harmful.
Many shifters on Instagram claim that these subliminals get you hooked and dependant on the channel. Some have experienced horrible nightmares after using their subs. Some have even mini-shifted to nightmare DR’s because of the subliminal messages in their subs.
I’ve even had a bad experience with them. When I was using them, I found myself getting angry and frustrated, as well as a huge decrease in motivation. I also recall becoming obsessed with their subliminals at one point, like others have.
How do you counter their subliminals? I recommend using a flush subliminal on a YT channel called ‘lovegood subliminals’. It’s a few minutes.
Some other channels I recommend you listen to would be:
- clqzie subliminals
- lovegood subliminals
Please stay safe on YouTube guys, and stay clear of false channels like Celestial Subliminals.
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elo-shifting · 3 years
If I wanted to have a slowburn type romance with a character in my dr, would I have to script that specifically or can I be more vague? Also, how much detail do I need to go into in my script in genera?l I'm not sure if my habit of overexplaining things is gonna help or hurt me in this case.
Hi! Here’s some general tips on scripting.
And I’m gonna use your ask as an excuse for a big informational post.
Scripting romances
Tiktok will say it’s bad to script you’re already in a relationship because of... consent? Well, Tiktok is literally wrong and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of shifting and the multiverse.
You’re not creating a new reality in which your script would create a situation where you are in a romance without their consent. You’re just specifying via your script you want to go to a reality where you’re already in a relationship.
There are no issues with consent??? They’ve already consented to a relationship with you. You’re just shifting to a reality where that has already happened.
Some suggestions for scripting to shift to a preexisting relationship:
NAME and I are a happy couple.
NAME and I share a strong, healthy relationship.
NAME and I understand each other completely.
NAME and I have been happily dating for BLANK.
NAME and I love to spend time together.
NAME and I communicate well.
NAME appreciates me so much.
NAME wouldn’t dream of breaking up with me.
NAME is the perfect S/O and I am the perfect S/O.
If you feel like it would be out of character for them to be absolutely perfect (Draco Malfoy perhaps) you can leave behavior affirmations out and just focus on their love for you.
Some people like the experience of developing a romance with a DR person, and that’s fine! You don’t have to shift to an already existing romance. You can script you have or will develop feelings for each other using whatever affirmations you want. Here are some suggestions:
NAME finds me attractive.
NAME has eyes for no one but me.
NAME finds me irrestable.
NAME and I develop feelings for each other.
NAME and I have a strong bond that developes into a friendship into something more.
NAME’s interest in me grows with every second.
You can also script for specific romantic events to happen.
Some examples/possibly suggestions if they apply ig:
NAME and I watch a movie at their house, and they first recognize their feelings when they see me smiling at the film.
NAME asks me out after we fall asleep on FaceTime.
NAME and I kiss as a dare but the next time we are alone, continue without thinking about it.
For a slow burn romance, though your intent and imagination of what your DR life will be like will likely cover it, I think scripting it is a good specification. You could script specific events like before as your relationship grow and know/script the events have long periods between each other, or you could use more specific affirmations for a slow burn in general, some suggestions being:
NAME and I gradually develop feelings for each other.
NAME and I keep our romantic interest hidden.
NAME pines for me over time.
I pine for NAME over time.
Our romantic relationship develops slowly.
As we develop feelings for each other we long for each other.
NAME decides to hide their love for as long as possible.
BLANK keeps us from confessing.
Every time we drop a hint about our deeper emotions, the other writes it off.
NAME believes they’re reading too far into any possibly romantic interaction.
NAME and I have an impossibly strong bond.
NAME and I don’t address the growing tension between us.
All these affirmations can be applied to poly relationships, too, just add in the other names and people. There are realities out there where you are all poly together!! Go ahead and shift there if you want :)
These are real people. Unless they deserve it, I guess, please don’t cheat on them. Please don’t break their hearts for fun. Please don’t murder anybody else who has feelings for them. You need their consent for sexual activities. Don’t take advantage of emotional distress to get sex. Please treat them as you would a partner in your CR.
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elo-shifting · 3 years
things to add to your script <3
hello! it’s Orphia. i was working on my hogwarts script, and i thought i’d share a few ideas of mine. there are plenty more where they came from, but i’ll limit it to this, for now. 
i kept it as general as possible, and i’m sure you’ve saw the important stuff already heaps of times. i made sure to include them because every script should have them to ensure the most fun possible, and… i didn’t label anything, haha. it’s too hard to section it when i’m writing on a whim.
if there’s any questions about scripting you have to ask, please feel free to send a message. and if there’s anything i’ve missed, mention them in the notes. 
if you’re a minor shifter like me, i’d really like to be friends <3 
dr = desired reality
cr = current reality
scripting = your tickets to your dr (explained at the bottom.)
your family and friends love you unconditionally
your family and friends will always support you
if your family and friends are disappointed with you, they will talk with you logically
you are immune to getting yelled at
if your family and friends disagree with your decision, they will talk with you logically, but nevertheless support you
your family lets you go out whenever you want
you don’t have a curfew
your friends only have good ideas for hanging out
your family and friends can’t die unless it’s from old age (if you’re shifting to an immortal reality, then script that nobody can die)
you always have money on you
you are immune to dropping your phone
you’re immune to cracking your phone screen
your phone is immune from dirtiness, and always stays shiny and clean
your phone automatically changes it’s phone case and aesthetic to match your preference
you have unlimited data
your service is always good/you always have full bars
your phone is immune to dying, and will begin to recharge itself at 50%
you have unlimited storage
your devices are immune from hacking or viruses
social media is a healthy and lively atmosphere for people of mutual interests 
you’re popular on social media
you’re verified on social media
cyberbullying doesn’t exit
your for-you page is fully customised to your interests
you find it easy to say ‘no’
it’s safe to be out at night for everyone
crime doesn’t exist
global warming doesn’t exist
the environment is healthy
you know the cultural expectations/manners of every country
street harassment/catcalling doesn’t exist
pedophilia doesn’t exist
homophobia, sexism, racism etc. doesn’t exist
everybody respects each other’s religions
you’re immune to indigestion
you’re immune to nausea
you’re immune to headaches
you’re immune to cramps
you’re immune to sickness
rude aunts don’t exist
there are no such thing as beauty standards, just hygiene standards
you are immune to trauma 
you are immune to getting attached to your dr
nobody questions why you’re so excited when you shift
your bed makes itself
you are athletic (gotta go on those hiking dates)
you can cook well
you can bake well
you can use chopsticks
you’re a quick learner
you excel at school/work
you’re good at *insert things you’ve always wanted to be good at* 
you know all the things it makes sense for you to know
you always know when there is going to be a pop quiz
you love to learn
you’re hardworking
plants are immune to death under your care
you are immune to embarrassment and/or humiliation
there is no such thing as a dress code
you are fluent in *insert number* languages, which are : *insert languages*
you are good at makeup
you own an extensive collection of makeup
your brushes clean themselves
you are immune to poking yourself in the eye with beauty products and tools
your makeup is symmetrical on first go
your chosen restaurant/cafe/etc. is immune to being sold out of your favourite foods or cravings
everybody chews with their mouth closed
plates and cutlery are immune to squeaking against each other
your napkin will always have a clean side to fold up
you have a secret snack box that stocks up with something new every time you take something out
your living space is immune to mess
showers are sound proof and can play your chosen music
toilets automatically flush after use and sanitise themselves
your wardrobe will automatically change to suit your current preference (saves you from scripting your outfits, unless that’s what you want to do.
when you’re eating messy food, your cloths are immune to stains
your laundry is automatically done when you take it off, so you can wear it again whenever
your clothes never get wrinkled
your love interest will forget you had a jacket at the start and offer you theirs. 
your wardrobe will never run out of space
mental health is validated
your friends and family know how to support you through the downs of your mental health (or you can just script it out, but I think it would be nice to have the people I care about support me the way I want to, whether that be giving me space, helping me regulate my breathing or doing my laundry for me)
toxic therapy doesn’t exist, and all therapists are actually helpful
all your friends give great advice.
conversion therapy doesn’t exist
you can take days off as a mental health pass
everybody understands mental illness
you are immune to hearing your trigger word
you’re immune to hayfever/spring allergies (or allergies in general)
you’re immune to mosquito bites 
you’re immune to bug bites in general
bees will never sting you
flies are repelled by you
moths don’t exist
spiders and creepy crawlies clear out when you’re in a mile radius of them 
your living space is immune to creepy crawlies
you will always have your chosen sanitary product in your pocket when you need it
You are immune to bleeding through your chosen sanitary product.
You are immune to TSS
Nobody is uneducated in matters of the female cycle
Nobody is judgemental about your period
Your friends will support you on your period (buy you chocolate, comfort food and movies, etc.)
During your period, you get the benefit of a temporary super power
Nobody is misogynistic about your period
final notes:
before i end this post, i want to talk about a few misconceptions about shifting. i plan to do a longer post to bust all the rumours and wrongful stereotypes, but there are three that i think are the most important to talk and I want to cram it in as my conclusion.
Scripting deprives dr people of their choice to consent.
Not true! I mostly see this in association to romantic relationships with comfort characters, and while I can see where this stems from, this is simply not the case. 
I will try explain this simply.
When you script, you’re booking tickets for a destination you can’t seem to remember the name of. So you call a travel agent (the universe), and you start describing the elements of this place you want to go to (your dr), the things you’ll be able to do there, the things you want to be able to experience, and everything that connects to what you want from your destination. 
Now, I’m going to put the stress on the tickets, part. You’re booking tickets to a place that already exists. 
So everything you want to happen is meant to happen, anyway. 
Summary: Scripting is basically you booking tickets to a reality that already exists. Everything you want to happen is meant to happen, and every you want to have happened already happened, and not because you said it would, but because the universe did. 
You just happened to be booking tickets without the name in mind but the traits figured out, and the universe knew exactly what you were talking about and where you wanted to go. 
You can script a permanent residency in your dr. 
Respawning is uncharted territory for me, but it definitely exists. I can’t explain it, as I don’t know much about it. I plan to do an in-depth post about it, complete with all my research and sources to share. Kind of like an article, and if anybody is interested please send me your questions to include in the next post. Otherwise, I am mostly researching for myself. 
But generally, you can’t script your permanent residency in your dr, or as somebody who will shift continuously. But there are ways to shift permanently, and it’s a very big decision to make and an irreversible one at that. 
Summary: No. You can’t necessarily script a permanent residency in your DR, but there are ways to change your current reality to your DR which is called Respawning, which I will be researching and explaining in another post. DO NOT RESPAWN WITHOUT PRIOR RESEARCH. (IT HAS NOTHING TO WITH OFFING YOURSELF)
Severing your connection to your current reality is a big, irreversible decision that should be made in maturity.
Scripting controls your dr completely. 
You can’t script to pursue a god complex. 
You aren’t making your desired reality. It already exists. As I said earlier, your script is like your tickets to your dr. And your dr is full of real people with real feelings, and they can do whatever they want. Yes, you’ve scripted. But the things you want to happen are destined to happen anyway, and leading up to those moments, you won’t be planning ever single interaction and day that you have. 
Summary: This is untrue. Please don’t be a jerk to the people of your desired reality, it’s manipulative and toxic. These are real people. You experience your scenarios because they’re going to happen anyway, but you aren’t controlling the events leading up to them. The only thing you can control is you. 
sources i found helpful:
Shifting Misconceptions from Tiktok - angelsgate on amino
Shifting Misinformations - kilsey on amino
Drink lots of water!
- Queen Orphia
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elo-shifting · 3 years
Reality Shifting Info - Pt. 2
If you have been practicing shifting for a while and haven’t been able to shift fully yet, I have a tip for you.
I know a lot of you are trying to shift to universes that come from fictional source material (in our universe at least), however, because it is further away from our reality (especially if you’re shifting into a reality that is animated in our reality), it is much more difficult to shift to. 
It’s no secret that the more you shift, the better you get at it. But how are you supposed to get better at shifting if you can’t shift in the first place?
Well, I have the solution for you!
I know it’s no fun, and I know a lot of people are wanting to shift because you want to escape reality, however the best thing that you can do to improve your shifting ability so that you can get to your true DR is to practice shifting to a reality that is close to your own.
Some examples of this could be: 
a reality where everything is the same except you have straight teeth (i did this one and i looked weird with straight teeth lmao)
a reality where everything is the same, except Digimon is as popular as Pokémon and Pokémon is the same popularity level as Digimon is in our CR
a reality where everything is the same except you go to a private school (as opposed to a public school)
a reality where everything is the same except you know how to do math
a reality where everything is the same except you have a different hair or eye color
a reality where everything is the same except you live in a different city or state
Again, I know it’s boring, but quality practice makes perfect, and the more you are able to shift, the easier it gets, and it could make it easier for you to shift to your actual desired realities. 
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elo-shifting · 3 years
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elo-shifting · 3 years
Last week my animal oracle cards gave me the Goose card, and instantly I felt reminded of the 'duck-duck-goose' game. And I realized how much a shifting journey is like that.
In the game, you know that someone is going to get called 'goose' — there’s no doubt about it, and even when the tagger is not near you, you’re apprehensive because you know that you could very likely get tagged suddenly. There’s no doubt about it that someone has to get chosen, and usually you feel convinced that it’s going to be you.
Each night, every attempt in which you don’t shift, are the 'ducks'. But suddenly, no matter how many times the cycle repeats and a goose isn’t chosen, it’s going to happen. One day or night, you’re going to shift, whether you expect it will be then or not.
I love thinking about it like that now!
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elo-shifting · 3 years
My subconscious trying to figure out what it’s suppose to do when I say “I am shifting. I am in my DR.”
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elo-shifting · 3 years
Snap out of it and focus on your goal. Remember who the fuck you are and what you set out to achieve and experience. Keep it going👏🏼
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elo-shifting · 3 years
Making yourself a super OP main character in your DR
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elo-shifting · 3 years
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elo-shifting · 3 years
Some shifting memes I made while bored
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