elodiefell · 5 years
hi guys! sorry my activity has been a little spotty this week. i’ve been working literally NONSTOP and things are a little hectic right now as i’m working two jobs before transitioning to just working at one full time. after next week things will calm down and i’ll hopefully be able to get on more often throughout the day <3
love you all and love this group! so happy i found it.
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elodiefell · 5 years
“absolutely not.” matthias said after hearing the girl, shaking his head. “one, you’re what, eighteen? i’m old enough to be your father. two, i’m your professor.” he said to her. “and three, you can’t win at truth or dare.”
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“a simple NO would have sufficed.” elodie grumbled, arms crossing over her chest, knowing that she at least had to ASK, “and i don’t know how the rules work. this is my first time playing. seems like a dumb game if there’s no chance of winning.”
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elodiefell · 5 years
“Well yeah the game was made probably by girls that wanted to use it as a way to kiss the boy they liked. You got your bestie to like dare the guy to kiss you and bang. Instant pretend love.”
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“or guys that wanted to see two girls kiss.” she pointed out with the nod of her head, seeing as that seemed the more likely option, “wait...that’s such a good idea though. like a great way to see if you and your crush have chemistry.”
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elodiefell · 5 years
Vi let Elodie make the first move, after all she was the one completing the dare. She pressed her lips against Elodie’s, leaning into the kiss whilst placing her hands on Elodie’s hips.
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this would be the first time she kissed a girl and violet’s lips felt soft against her own. after a moment, she pulled away, chuckling softly, “you’re a good kisser. i totally owe you.” 
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elodiefell · 5 years
“You know it’s not against the rules to just not… not be any of that. Just be you and if that’s not a party person than so be it.” He laughed, taking a sip from his drink and just nursing hers. “No, like they are so way stronger than this one. You should really start with this and work up to the others,” he laughed. He wrapped his arm around her and nodded. “Yeah, El. I know. Just give it time okay?”
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the petite blonde gave a shrug of her shoulders, “i think i at least need to try...experimenting is normal in college, right?” brows knit into a furrow, “take all the time you need.” she insisted, brown and reassuring orbs boring into his. after a moment, she gave a shake of her head, “no...i want to try a shot! come on!” she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the makeshift bar that had plenty of options, “okay...what should we do shots of? any recommendations?” elodie chirped, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
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elodiefell · 5 years
a soft grin preyed onto her lips at the thought, “i mean...i have been told i’m an excellent kisser. personally i think i’d make a great candidate for your first kiss.” elodie teased, “but seriously..if you’re not comfortable with it...it’s just a stupid game. i hate losing but i think i’d be able to manage.” she chuckled, tucking strands of blonde hair behind her ear, “yeah, honestly the guys i’m playing with are sort of creepy anyways. misogynistic assholes. you’re WAY better company.”
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elodiefell · 5 years
Evan laughed a little. “Tha’ts not exactly what I was meaning..” he paused a little. “I should tell you that I am a teacher before we go any further with this…” he started before noticing other having fun - aome of a similar age to himself. “But if you really want to do this, then sure..”h e stated with a smile.
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the young witch thought about this tidbit of information for a moment before giving a shrug of her shoulders, “well...that doesn’t make you any less cute and that doesn’t make this kiss any less harmless. i mean...me kissing you won’t like...get you fired or anything, right?” 
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elodiefell · 5 years
“only when i feel like it.” elias said, pushing into the main hall where pools of people had already gathered. “all due respect to your point elodie,i don’t think that those sorts of people are going to be coming to a party where spiking the punch bowl is the only thing everyone has been talking about all day.” he pointed out, stopping nearby where they had entered. he wanted to get a feel for things, observe for just a moment. “oh? me?” he shook his head a little, then shrugged. “i’m from everywhere pretty much. we moved around a lot.” it wasn’t a very specific story, but people typically bought into it.
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at least it was a party where it’d be assumed that every drink there would be liquor filled. still the entire notion of spiking the punch didn’t sit well with her. she made a mental note to keep an eye on everyone that drank from the bowl, to make sure they’d be okay. the blonde merely gave a shrug of her shoulders, her point had been made and she wasn’t going to obsess over it, “okay...change of subject...i’m going to tell you something and you have to promise not to make fun of me for it.” she chewed upon her bottom lip and stopped in front of him, peering up at elias, “i’ve actually...NEVER been drunk before. and i’m telling you this because...well...do you want to help me get drunk?” it was a weird request maybe but she wasn’t sure how all of this went. she and elias had JUST met but she already felt pretty comfortable around him and he seemed like a good person to ask. “that must have been hard. having to move so often...is mystic falls your favorite place you’ve lived so far?” she was teasing, mostly.
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elodiefell · 5 years
“Generally wondering if you are ready for college right now,” Jasper laughed at his sister. Seemed they had managed to keep one of the kids out of party trouble. “You can something without a kick to it if you want,” he offered, holding his hand out for the drink. He gave his sister a look. “I’m fun. Just… getting used to it all.”
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“shut up!” she exclaimed, gently shoving her brother, “listen...new year, new el. i’m totally going to become a party animal...just you watch.” it wasn’t that elodie TRIED to be a goody good, she had always had her priorities set on other things in high school that partying and getting drunk just didn’t seem all that interesting to her. elodie handed him the drink, “i think we need to like...ease me into this. or shots? aren’t those like...quick?” the petite blonde gave a nod of her head, “yeah well...not to be like...totally cheesy at a rager BUT...” she looped an arm around her brother’s waist and peered up at him, “you know i’m like...always here for you, right?”
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elodiefell · 5 years
  The girls words were a bit surprising, then again she didn’t play it that often. Perhaps it would make sense if someone had never done it before. “Really?” Questioning softly before a laugh escaped Julia. “Um… sure , if it’s just a kiss.”
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a soft chuckle escaped from painted lips, “yeah...uh...i was definitely the less bold of my siblings. hung out with the nerds who didn’t really play truth or dare.” elodie admitted, “ah! you’d be my hero! i mean totally okay if you say no, it’s 2020 and we don’t kiss people who don’t want to be kissed.”
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elodiefell · 5 years
“Yeah, all good,” Ella said with a chuckle. “Though i don’t think you can actually win truth or dare. You just kind of survive it,” 
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this was news to the witch, eyes widening as she looked at the other, “wait...hang on! what do you mean you can’t actually WIN it? seriously? what kind of game can’t you win? fuck this!”
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elodiefell · 5 years
          blaise had been to parties with his witch, jasper, plenty of times since being able to take on human form. but of course, this was his first college bash. the raven haired familiar had wasted no time at all in spiking the party punch. somebody had to do it. the voice that came from behind has startled him for just a beat, quickly tucking the flask into the back pocket of his jeans. “ oh ! elodie.. uh, ” he scrambled to find the right words. “ i will gladly be your cat in shining armor, but i’m not sure jasper will be all that thrilled about me kissing his sister. probably violates – what do you call it.. BRO CODE ? ”
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she hadn’t even noticed that he was the one spiking the punch, if she had she’d probably rip him a new one, lecture him on WHY it was a shitty thing to do. her arm looped within his, expression desperate, “he doesn’t have to know! it’d just be a quick kiss to win the game. it won’t mean anything. harmless.” elodie symboled the scout’s honor for a moment before forgetting who she was talking to. 
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elodiefell · 5 years
A curious brow rose as the familiar looked down at the witch. “You’re right. That is ridiculous. Your sister’s not going to like this… but if we…kiss, do we win? Or do I have to play this truth or dare game too?” Human-y creatures and their games were so strange.
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the young witch merely gave a shrug of her shoulders, “she doesn’t have to know about it besides...i don’t see the harm in just a small kiss.” elodie’s nose crinkled at the question, “i...that’s a good question. i’m NEW to this game. honestly...i’m sort of over it. i say we complete this dare, i tell them to go fuck themselves and we can go get a drink or something.”
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elodiefell · 5 years
Vi waved off her comment about owing her, she wouldn’t have agreed to it if she didn’t want to. Could you blame her though? The blonde was cute. “It’s not really torture for me. I like a good kiss, especially when someone has been dared to.”
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the prospect of actually winning was EXCITING, all thanks to violet who was willing to participate, “well pucker up because we’re about to win this stupid game AND give them a show.” elodie pushed up on the balls of her feet, capturing violet’s lips within her own, hand gently sliding to hold the back of the ginger’s neck.
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elodiefell · 5 years
“No but i didn’t stop the guy that just poured like a whole bottle of vodka in it,” he said. “So drink up before i change my mind.” After all what kind of brother would give drinks to his sister? Well Jasper. He took a sip of his own. “Damn.”
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“ugh...” her nose wrinkled as she eyed the drink dubiously, “does it get...easier to drink? like seriously...how am i even supposed to drink this?” though knowing elodie’s lightweight ass, it’d only take a couple of sips for her to get drunk. “what’s up? you’re looking...moody. you having fun?”
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elodiefell · 5 years
“Okay you know what the ridiculous thing here is, that you have never played truth or dare before,” Ella laughed before told her hand out to the other girl to pull her towards the kiss. 
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her nose crinkled, a groan escaping from her lips as she giggled, “i know, i KNOW, i’m a late bloomer but i’m playing now! this is why you need to help me!” elodie pleaded. though she didn’t have to plead for long before the other’s lips were crashing against her own and she was grinning against the other’s lips. after a moment, she pulled away, “you’re my HERO!”
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elodiefell · 5 years
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And does it have anything to do with the fact that you’re dressed like Little Red Riding Hood?
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