eloquentangel · 3 years
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Anki is such a useful study tool! It’s perfect for people learning how to study (i.e. new college students) because it is most effective when used on a daily basis and can help form good studying habits. It’s also very popular among med/vet students because it can help you learn a ton of information in an quick, efficient manner. 
I’m by no means an Anki expert - this program is extremely customizable and can be tailored to fit any purpose. I used it consistently this semester, a little bit each day, and found that I barely had to study for my tests the night before! 
This post will outline my personal favorite Anki uses, add-ons and studying techniques. 
What is Anki?
“Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it’s a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn.”  (from Anki’s website)
Essentially, it’s a flashcard app. Think Quizlet on steroids. 
Anki is very simple to install - visit their website and follow the directions. The program is free with Windows, Mac and Android! 
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Card Types 
I use three different card types: Basic (used rarely), Cloze, and Image Occlusion. 
Cloze Cards 
These are essentially fill in the blank cards. The program will add brackets around around the word or phrase you are trying to omit. 
Shortcut to create brackets (Mac): Command + Shift + C 
For example:
{{c1:: phrase}} 
If you add multiple brackets, they will appear as {{c2:: }}, {{c3::  }} and so on. This means that three cards will be created when you press “Add.” This is useful if you think that you need three or more cards to memorize the concept - but often it’s too repetitive. To put multiple phrases on one card, you can replace the number each number with {{c1:  }}. See below for an add-on that does this automatically. 
The golden rule of Anki: Less is more. It’s very easy to make a ton of cards, but it makes your studying less efficient. 
See the gif below to watch me create and study a Cloze card. 
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Image Occlusion
This card type lets you create cards that hide parts of an image. Super useful for memorizing tables or learning anatomy. 
You can save images to your computer and then upload them OR copy them to your clipboard and it will select them automatically. 
Creating an Image Occlusion card: 
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There are several options for adding the card(s). At this point, you have made three fields, so clicking any of the add options at the bottom will generate three separate cards. However, If you use the select tool to select all the cards and press the letter “G” it will group the fields so only one card is created. This is what I usually do - but it definitely depends on what the card is. 
In the gif below you’ll see me group the fields and study the Image Occlusion cards.
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Anki has a ton of user created add-ons that enhance the program and make it more customizable! You can browse them here. 
How to add them: 
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These are just the add-ons I use. I’ll list them below with a description from their download page - you can click the link to view pictures. 
Image Occlusion (Described above) 
CODE: 1111933094
Frozen Fields: Frozen Fields allows you to conveniently sticky and unsticky a field right from the note editor. 
CODE: 516643804
Cloze Deletion Single Card: Whenever you add a cloze deletion in a card, you always will get a tag using “c1” instead of c2, 3, 4, etc. 
CODE: 1392166854
PDF Glossary Exporter: Allows you to download a deck in PDF form
CODE: 1334168683
Review Heatmap: Adds a heatmap graph to Anki’s main window which visualizes past and future card review activity. 
CODE: 1771074083
How you set up your decks is completely up to you! 
I have my classes as major decks, and then separate my chapter flashcards by exam. 
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I’ve seen people do this with topics or lectures as sub-decks as well. It all depends on your personal preference, but I would definitely recommend making smaller decks to keep you more organized. 
An alternative to this would be using Anki’s tagging feature. I’m not an expert on this, but I’ll link you to a video that explains it pretty well. Here’s another from a med student! 
Studying Methods/Tips
Directly after a lecture, I take my notes and create cards right away. In the ‘extra’ section or on the back of cards, I add supplemental information or diagrams from the internet or book. I make sure that I completely finish the cards that Anki assigns me every single day. I also bought the app on my iPad, which has a scratch pad feature. It helps me learn faster if I write or draw out the answer to a card as I answer them. (Before I had the app I used a whiteboard or scratch paper to do this!) 
You can go in and change the amount of cards they assign you if you need a lighter/heavier workload. I recommend setting the New and Review card limits very high - you only have a short amount of time to learn the cards between now and your next test.  Anki’s program is set up for learning over a longer period of time. However - this is up to you! 
Here’s how to change the limit: 
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General tips: 
Anki is best used on a daily basis. Study a little bit each day!
Make your cards directly after lecture (or reading a chapter). DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! The earlier you make them, the more effective they will be. 
Add pictures to your cards, and lots of information on the back or in the extra sections. You will want to know why you got a card wrong - this is how you learn!
LESS IS MORE. It’s so easy to make a ton of cards - focus on having a small amount of high yield cards. 
Do your research! The more you learn about Anki, the more effective it will be. 
Use this as a supplement to your other studying methods
More Resources
Below are my favorite Anki tutorials! 
How to Add “Type In The Answer” fields to Cloze cards 
How to Use Anki Effectively 
My Memorization Technique in Med School  
Anki for Med School: Using Cloze Deletion Cards 
Image Occlusion and Cram Studying 
How I make my Study Note cards in Medical School 
I hope this gives everyone a pretty good idea of how to use Anki effectively! Let me know if there are any questions - I can always add to this post. 
2K notes · View notes
eloquentangel · 4 years
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Wouldn’t it?
91K notes · View notes
eloquentangel · 4 years
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eloquentangel · 4 years
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Pov: a philosophy major and law major, enemies to lovers
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eloquentangel · 4 years
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Enjoy the arts. Live art. Be art.
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eloquentangel · 4 years
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ethan hawke and robert sean leonard in dead poets society (1989) / eleanor and park by rainbow rowell / an oresteia, euripidies (trans. anne carson) / two by sleeping at last / jenny slate / guardian by alex london / the goldfinch by donna tartt
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eloquentangel · 4 years
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“there is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness” — Edgar Allan Poe.
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eloquentangel · 4 years
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eloquentangel · 4 years
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thank you guys for all the love and support I've been receiving the past couple of days!! I cant thank you enough ❤️
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eloquentangel · 4 years
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"To me there was magic in the learning. I got a buzzy sort of satisfaction from it."
-Michelle Obama
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eloquentangel · 4 years
Dark Academia Extended Tag 🪐
Taken from @wellyouwontknow on weheartit
1. Are you going to learn Greek, Latin or French?
2. Will you drink coffee or tea as you read trough old books?
3. Running through the dark, mysterious forests behind the school at night or early morning walks around the school?
4. Will you read Kill Your Darlings or The Picture of Dorian Gray?
5. Will you read The Secret History or Dead Poets Society?
6. All-girls school, all-boys school, or going to a school for everyone?
7. Will you tell your friends about Oscar Wilde or Edgar Allan Poe?
8. Will you tell the rough truth or the sweet lies about what happened last weekend?
9. Will you prefer the sound of the crowded library (flipping pages, pencils meeting paper, soft whispers) or your shared dormitory at night (snoring, fire crackles, rain tapping against the window?
10. Running in the rain or laying on grass during summer?
11. At night, when they ask for a scary story, will you tell of true crime or urban legends?
12. Will your old radio play classical or jazz?
13. Will you take history or English class?
14. Will you dance in the moonlight, or play the piano, softly?
15. Will you prefer an old countryside manor, or a big city house?
16. In an empty classroom, will you solve equations on the blackboard, or search for answers in an old forgotten book?
17. Will you sit on a bench, in silence, with the person that you love, or dance at a ball with the same person?
18. Will you write music or poetry?
19. Will you go to a crowded reception, or spend the night telling horror stories to your friends?
20. Will you be a student at a boarding school in the countryside, or at a prestigious university?
21. A quiet and desired solitude or a group of friends with whom to break the rules?
22. Will you play Hamlet or Othello?
23. Will you pledge allegiance to the gods of science or literature?
24. Will you be forced to abandon love for ambition or ambition for love?
25. Will you visit rainy London or gloomy Paris?
26. Will you experience a forbidden love, because homosexual, or because incompatible with the social differences?
27. Will you play the piano or the violin?
28. Will you study late at night, or from early morning?
29. Will you be crazy about old novels or old movies?
30. Will you visit an abandoned chapel, at night, or a hidden library?
31. Will you wear tweed blazer or a trench coat?
32. Corduroy or plaid pants?
33. Oxford shoes or Doc Marten's boots?
34. A beige blouse or a black turtleneck?
35. A pocket watch or metal glasses?
36. Will you prefer the sound of dead leaves crunching under the feet or the feeling of the sun on your skin on a winter day?
37. Will you smoke a cigarette on the terrace of a cafe, reading the newspaper, or drinking red wine at night, a violin in your hand?
38. Will you spend hours in a museum, starring the same piece of art, or typing an essay on a typewriter?
39. Will you wear your hair tied by a ribbon, or braided?
40. A hazy graveyard at dusk, or a wild horse running in a field?
41. Will you prefer a Gothic-style building (high windows, towers) or neoclassical (columns, sober)?
42. Will you meet your love in secret between two shelves in the library, or behind a chapel?
43. Will you read Jane Austen or Henry James?
44. Will you wear the portrait of your loved one as a medallion, or place one of their letters against your heart?
my inbox is open! send me a number <3 (or do it yourself too)
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eloquentangel · 4 years
Some of the positions of Biden going into this election:
Abolish the death penalty.
End cash bail as it disproportional punishes the poor.
End cocaine sentencing disparity as racist
Eliminate mandatory minimums
Scrap past marijuana convictions
Eliminate private prisons
Raise minimum wage to 15$/hour
Supports a government mandated 12 weeks of paid family leave for all workers
Two years of college free
Expand student debt forgiveness, including 10K of forgiveness for all student loans and complete forgiveness for all undergraduate loans from 2 and 4 year public colleges and universities, and other loan forgiveness and payment reduction plans.
Eliminate funding gap for k-12 schools based on location (essentially between white and non white/poor and non poor division) with specific first steps outlined to do so.
Increase teacher pay, especially in underfunded schools (poor and POC schools)
Plan outlined to get us back in on the Paris agreement and goal of switching to clean energy by 2035 with first steps specified.
Supports voluntary gun buyback (similar programs have had huge success in reducing gun violence in other countries)
Supports firearm registry
Supports universal background checks for fire arm purchase
Supports huge expansions of medicare and the creation of a public run health insurance option that everyone is automatically enrolled in if they lose other coverage. You would also be able to use this free option if you did not want to use employer coverage. He has moved left in a huge way since the pandemic came into full swing but most people just ignore it. There is a good chance that by the time we get to the point of implementation he could just go medicare for all.
Citizenship for dreamers (DACA)
Outlined steps for increasing the quality of life, access to resources, and autonomy of disabled people, including expansion and strict enforcement of non discrimination policies
Universal hazard pay for “front line” workers during the pandemic
Specific first steps outlined for reducing systematic LGBTQ discrimination
Large increase of taxes on the wealthy, including a direct wealth tax and increasing taxes on corporations, with short term proposals in place that include undoing much of the damage done by trump.
You will notice that a lot of these positions can be described as halfway progressive. As in they move in the right direction but stop short of the ultimate goal. Sure, we didn’t win the primary and get a truly progressive candidate in, but the strong showing of progressive ideals during the primary means that we strong armed the democrat party into compromising with us. We forcibly moved the Overton window significantly left, imagine if we did this election after election! We could force real change regardless of the presidential candidate that is ultimately chosen.
We are slowly winning, but in order for it to stick we have to demonstrate that progressives will reward the shift in our direction. We absolutely need to vote Biden in, as well as support democrats in the senate, congress, and local levels. We need to prove that progressives are a powerful political group that can make promises and deliver to those who compromise with us. This is critical for the long term viability of progressive politics.
Biden isn’t just damage control. We wont be sprinting towards an ideal world but we will be taking significant steps in that direction. Don’t throw away all the progress we made because you don’t like the names on the ticket.
41K notes · View notes
eloquentangel · 4 years
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archive mb for @pattroklos
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eloquentangel · 4 years
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Banana Yoshimoto, Kitchen
59K notes · View notes
eloquentangel · 4 years
If it was autumn i would simply open all the windows in my house and light a cinnamon candle in every room and snuggle up with a cup of hot chai on the couch with my cat and a thick blanket
20K notes · View notes
eloquentangel · 4 years
LGBT+ books by authors of color
For those of us tired of LGBT+ romance always being featured between white characters, or from the perspective of white characters, here’s a list of LGBT+ novels by authors of color centered on characters of color.
Thank you so much @percyannabcth​ for your recs! ♡
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz: a beautiful mlm coming of age story between two brown latino boys. Personally, one of my favorite books (young adult).
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia: first of a series set in fantasy Latin America with a main couple compromised of brown wlw (young adult).
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone: enemies-to-lovers time travel fantasy novel featuring wlwoc (adult).
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan: I’ll admit, this one wasn’t my cup of tea, but I’m more the exception to the rule. Fantasy with main asian wlw. Heavy rape and abuse tw (young adult).
It’s Not Like It’s a Secret by Misa Sugiura: contemporary novel with a japanese protagonist that falls in love with a latina girl (young adult). 
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie Mclemore: not a mlm or wlw story, but one with a latina protagonist and a love interest that’s a Pakistani trans boy (young adult).
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera: borrowing elements from both sci-fi and contemporary, this is a story about the hardships a Puerto Rican boy from the Bronx has with coming on his own. Suicide and homophobia tw (young adult)
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong: beautiful novel that tackles a lot of themes, including coming to terms with being LGBT+, from the point of view of an Asian man (adult). 
Tell Me Again How A Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan: coming of age contemporary novel about a persian girl that falls in love with one of her friends (young adult).
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender: contemporary novel in a high-school setting about a black trans boy learning to navigate the dificulties that are put in his path due to his identity. Transphobia tw (young adult).
Hurricane Child by Kacen Callender and Kheryn Callender: a tale of magical realism about a girl whose luck was sealed when she was born on the dreaded day of a hurricane (middle grade).
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera: Juliet, a Puerto Rican lesbian, moves out of her family’s home and leaves to explore what her identity means both for herself and for those around her (new adult).
Ash by Malinda Lo: a wlw retelling of Cinderella with a girl of color as a protagonist and a very quick, entertaining read (young adult).
A Line in the Dark by Malinda Lo: a contemporary novel where the main character, an asian girl called Jess Wong, used to being on the sidelines, becomes the protagonist of her own story as she falls in love with her best friend (young adult). 
Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann: Alice, an asexual black girl, learns to navigate her sexuality and how the perception of others affects her (or not) after a break up with her girlfriend and the start of adult life (adult).
Seven Tears at High Tide by C. B. Lee: Kevin Luong, an asian-american guy, asks the ocean for one summer where he can find love - and a selkie boy hears his pleading and seeks him out, willing to give him exactly that (young adult).
Not Your Sidekick by C. B. Lee: an intern girl with no powers at a superhero school starts getting notes from a mysterious person that goes by “M”. Bisexual main character, and the sequel includes a trans boy on the main cast, both people of color (young adult).
The Wicker King by K. Ancrum: prepare for your heart to be torn out by this not-quite psychological thriller about two boys in a codependent relationship that must learn to cope with their less-than-ideal circumstances, and their also less-than-ideal dynamic. Read the book’s description for potential trigger warnings (young adult).
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo: a series of short tales that tells the stories of british black women through different years, including the those of lgbt+ women (adult).
You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson: when a girl’s attempt to get a scolarship to the college of her dreams falls through, her only choice if she wants her life to keep going on the path she’s set for herself is to become prom queen. It’s just too bad that the competition is so cute (young adult).
Final Draft by Riley Redgate: an 18 year old writer, who happens to be a plus-size pansexual ecuatorian girl, learns the perils of adulthood and gains life experience in this extremely relatable contemporary novel (young adult).
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera: a heart-wrenching novel about two boys that meet up to live the entirety of their life in a day - a day which happens to be their last. (death tw) (young adult).
Adaptation by Malinda Lo: when strange events turn the American government into a paranoid mess, Reese wakes up with a month of her life gone from her memories. This time, as our main character finds herself pulled in two directions, the love triangle is bisexual (young adult).
The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum: a slow-burn, slow-paced romance between two women that will leave the reader bewildered and feeling like they have a new understanding of life, with a touch of sci-fi (young adult).
She of the Mountains by Vivek Shraya: an illustrated novel that touches on gender, sexuality and a re-imagining of Hindu mythology (adult).
The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin: fantasy novel set in an apocalyptic world, with a cast made up mainly of black characters, that includes polyamory in the first book and wlw relationships on the latter ones (adult). Be wary of possible trigger warnings.
Note: all the links redirect to The Storygraph, a Black-owned site currently on Beta! Consider checking it out and giving it your support - it lets you import all of your books and shelves from Goodreads, but unlike Goodreads, it’s not owned and ran by Amazon.
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eloquentangel · 4 years
okay guys, there’s something we need to talk about more.. 
netflix just released the film ‘ek ladki ko dekha toh aisa laga’ which is an indian movie about a girl who’s into girls and how she gets the courage to come out and face her family and be with the woman she loves. sound familiar? yeah, i know it’s the basic plot of most hollywood lgbtq movies but that’s not the point. 
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this is literally the first indian movie i’ve seen on a famous platform, accessible by anyone, that actually represents the lgbtq community in all its beauty and love and affection, rather that scorning or mocking it. 
the movie is beautiful and the scenes and the fluff and the cute couple and the emotions just make it so worth watching, and that’s not all.
i’m an indian bisexual teenager and i would’ve been so happy to have been exposed to a movie like this when i was younger. if i had seen this kind of portrayal in the film industry, i doubt that i would’ve been the afraid young girl i was and i would’ve had the courage to do what the main characters did and just BE MYSELF. 
all i hope is that someone sees this movie, some little girl out there sees it and knows that she is not alone, that she is not abnormal. with a topic such as this, which has been treated as taboo for decades now in my country (still is kinda), when it is actually being represented and being represented well, i can’t help but wanna scream about it from the rooftops. 
also just look at this adorableness:
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