elsa12tmnt-creates · 2 years
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I’ve been in a humongous art block/rut that made it near impossible to make anything. I got myself out of it, however, by going back to basics in a sense. Mouse-only art (no scanned lines done on paper nor lines drawn with a pen tablet) always makes me feel a little safer and more comforted? I don’t know how to explain in, but it’s a strong suit of mine. And MS Paint doesn’t put pressure on me for things to look good, so the combination is very good :D
I will say, while the sketch, coloring, and first phase of line art (the part where I put lines over the sketch) was done completely in MS Paint, I did jump to FireAlpaca for the second phase of the line art. Transform and line tools are very nice and speed up the process of cleaning up/making pretty lines, but tbh the main reason for the jump was because MS Paint limits how far you can zoom in :’) and that wasn’t cutting it for me. I did keep the blocky line art style however, mostly because coloring in MS Paint does not work if your lines have anti-aliasing. Oh, I also used FireAlpaca to quickly make the palette that I used for coloring. It was just quicker that way.
I’m not entirely sure what “my version” of Becky and the other WG characters are gonna look like. I had done some studies on her, but I hated them as much as I hated everything else coming out of my hands. I did put that knowledge to use though, and that plus the two reference images I used got me where I needed to be. (Heck, I wasn’t even originally intending for this to be a finished piece!) This art is pretty faithful to the show’s style (notice that I let Becky keep her eyelashes even though I have a not-so-secret anti-eyelash agenda, lol) and I embraced that. I don’t know if I’ll continue to do this.
Re: the hair; this is a technique I’ve been thinking about in theory for a while. So it’s not technically new, but this is my first time trying it in a way that like, makes sense. I mixed my usual MS Paint shading/blending technique with what I used for my drawing of Nurse and my drawing of Fae.
WiP shots under the cut!
Original sketch (and the first reference image, I had it lying around from a meme)
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Tracing the sketch for the lineart
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The sketch was removed and it was time to pretty up the lines
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Pulled out this second reference image
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Comparison after working with the lines and making the palette in FireAlpaca
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Flats done (and how I set up my canvas in MS Paint for coloring)
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Only the hair shaded
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 2 years
Word up it’s...
Your mom lul
Video editing, singing, and obnoxious laughter by @elsa12tmnt-creates
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 4 years
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I finally finished this art trade with Junjo! After lots of false starts, I got the sketch to a place I wanted and some of the best lines I’ve done in years. Hope you guys enjoy this and it inspires you to draw and appreciate Hana more! ((Thank you so much for doing the art trade with me ^^ Also here is the other part of their trade: 
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Just to have them both on one post ^^  Thank you so much these are so cute~ I’ll be posting my part of the trade in just a bit. ^v^ -Junjo))
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 4 years
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Hey @jadescorridor! I was your @undertalesecretsanta! Sorry about the wait - the holidays get really busy for me - but I hope I was able to deliver!
My original concept for your gift was to write a post pacifist route fanfic in a kind of slice of life/day in the life of style, but in Chara's perspective. Specifically, it would be Chara and Frisk visiting a bunch of people (including Sans, Toriel, and Mettaton) and enjoying time with them. However, I ran out of time. Instead, I decided to draw one of my favorite scene ideas - Chara coming over to Toriel's house, where Frisk is eating breakfast and Papyrus decided to stop by. Some of the small talk Papyrus and Chara were going to have was related to Papyrus' new job as the monster ambassador (hence the suit).
As for the actual art - for Christmas I received new inking pens. I drew each character on paper, inked them (which took forever), scanned them, and arranged the pieces according to the thumbnail with my art program. It's the first time I've used this method, and I think it worked out pretty well!
I hope you enjoyed this! Marry Christmas (unless you're not single) and have a happy New York!
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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Hello! I drew @xjunjox 's Undertale OC Fae! This is a drawing that I've been meaning to finish for quite some time 0_0 Fae is from a fan comic called Spirit, which is AMAZING. Junjo's art style is really unique and Fae's character is so loveable. Check her out because she deserves it. Anyway, the line art was done traditionally with my Microns and, as par for the course, took hours. I struggled with coloring it for the longest time, but eventually I decided to take advantage of my LG Stylo and Medibang Paint, and use the technique I used for the Vacation Peach. Honestly, I've relieved to have finished it. I've still got a lot of art things I'm working on that I'm excited to share with y'all. See you later!
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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Hello! This is a painting of my cousin MiMi’s friend Brushy! Elsa had a lot of fun with this and she hopes you do too!
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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Nightbot uses their jetpack to give BumBum a lift!
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
Elsa did a speedpaint of me in Mircosoft Paint! Check it out!
Final drawings under the cut:
Keep reading
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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Nightbot high fives Aiko Kikyunne. Right on!
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
I finally finished my first UTAU cover! I did pretty much everything by myself except write the base melody. I converted the VSQX Circus released to a UST and tuned the UST myself.
I posted this picture a while ago on my Instagram - if you want to see the details of me making that, check it out over there. I'll be uploading the cover to Instagram TV as well!
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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Happy 250th comic page Junjo!
We thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this comic. We can’t imagine how much trouble it must’ve been for you to get this out to all of us. We just wanted to give you thanks(and a cake).
From: @banmf @nxsuper @lunaria-tsukano97 @letipup @boshedagh @timebender25 @skelespirit @blobtheartist @randumbness-productionz
Oh. My. Goodness! 
This is so sweet of you ^^ Thank you so, SO much for this wonderful surprise~ 
I feel so appreciated and loved ^///^
All of the work is worth it if I can make wonderful people like you happy with my art~
Thank you, thank you so much~!!!
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 5 years
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Hello @kanexan ! I was your Undertale Secret Santa this year! Or last year, techinically. It's New Year's now. Anyway, I still have the fic part of this to finish, but in the meantime, here is a drawing of your third prompt, Frisk trying to pass Flowey off as a science fair project! I kinda talked to you a lot about this without giving all the details (and then you turned out to be MY Santa and I was like :OOOO) so you probably know what I originally wanted to do was a comic. I've had to compromise with time though, so I've reworked the pieces of the comic I had into a drawing and the script I had into fic. I'll get that up when I can. I hope you enjoy this for now!
I didn't want to seem super narcisistic so my usual "this is how I made the thing" stuff is under a cut.
Ok, so, this drawing was a LOT of firsts for me. First of all, I sketched this 100% with my Wacom tablet! That was honestly kinda interesting. When sketching mouse-only I've always used different colored lines and blobs in order to tell everything apart and make it easier to see exactly what I was looking at. For the most part, I actually stuck with the colored sketches! Another new thing was using snap guides a lot more often. I used the straight line one a lot, and for the background, the 3D perspective snap helped me add the floor. I used the curve snap a TON for the lineart, but no more than usual, TBH. The big new techinique though was the actual coloring. I've done rough coloring with the watercolor brush before, but because of how tablets work versus how mobile devices and mice work, I never tried adding shadows and highlights and blending it and all of that. My usual process takes me forever (although I'm guessing that it will get a lot faster once I start using the tablet to do it instead of the mouse) so I decided to try something new but probably quicker. And I really liked it! I'll probably use this process regularly from now on, especially on simple drawings with just one character or something like that. I colored everything for the most part in one layer, which it wild - you normally could never catch me doing that. It was harder to do the background, mainly because I didn't plan for a background, but I felt it needed one. I made a huge effort to keep the color palette limited, because this is the kind of scene that very easily gets out of hand when it comes to this stuff. I actually added a pink gradient to it because I couldn't find a place to reuse the pink of the stripes on Frisk's shirt, and it was sticking out a lot. Because I based a TON of the colors off of the judge character, the palette was kinda dark and desaturated looking? I'm not sure if that bothers me or not since the scene is supposed to be pretty lighthearted and the colors don't exactly reflect that, but the colors in generel look super nice with the painted watercolor style. The judge, by the way, is one of Snowdin Libraby NPCs. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say about this piece. Have a nice 2019!
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elsa12tmnt-creates · 6 years
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I want to apologize for this being so late! D: At least it’s still Thursday!
Happy Birthday to my friend Liz, (@thegeminisage)! For those who don't know, our livestream family likes to come together to make birthday or anniversary gifts for each other, and today, she's a year older! Liz loves both the Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy XIII, so Nikki suggested we have the Zelda characters dress up as Final Fantasy XIII characters! A good chunk of us weren't familiar with characters from either game, but we knew she'd love it! Each of us took a character, and I put it all together. Coralie and Jay helped with the composition. We have here:
Groose as Snow (drawn by myself) Link as Fang (drawn by @archieblizz) Aryll as Vanille (drawn by @nxsuper) Saria as Hope (drawn by @youngbenkenobi) Zelda as Lightening (drawn by @machidielontheway) Impa as Sazh (drawn by @bunnikkila)
This was super fun and I really hope you enjoyed it! The fact that I was able to put the drawing together says a lot about what you've done for me personally. You were one of the people that inspired me to try and work at digital art. :D Thank you for being such a great and amazing person, and I really, REALLY hope you like this!
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