elsarandelle · 11 years
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     ❄ — - Elsa knew the shock showed on her face. All this time, she'd been talking to Jack Frost? But she thought he was just a myth? She'd always hoped he wasn't. It was nice to think that there might be someone else like her out there, but her parenst had told her he wasn't real, he was just a bedtime story, but, despite that, she'd never stopped believing in him. Even when she moved from childhood to adolescence to adulthood, she'd silently believed that Jack was real and he was watching over her.
             Now she knew that there was only a small part of that that had been fantasy.
             A blush made its way onto Elsa's cheeks. She felt like she was meeting someone she'd idolized all of her life. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and looked away, trying to hide her reddened cheeks from the boy standing on the railing over her balcony.
             ❝I'm sorry if I offended you,❞ she said, glancing up at him. I've just...never met anyone else with my powers before. She swallowed. ❝I mean, there are other people in Arandelle with powers, but I've never met any and...it's just strange to meet someone else to has them. And have that person be Jack Frost.❞
That's a fancy castle you got there-Closed
Jack watched in silence as she seemed to be thinking everything over. Either way,she had been quiet for a long while,and Jack wondered for a split second if he had offended her; He certainly hoped not.
"Sure I do! I mean…I can do more than make frost,you know." He frowned,though it looked more like an offended pout. "I’m Jack Frost. I made snow and ice…and nip noses and stuff." He gestured towards her face.
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"It’s kind of my job to make everything cold."
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elsarandelle · 11 years
          {     everything that drowns me   }
        makes me want to fly
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elsarandelle · 11 years
only {you} and i // anna&elsa
     ❄ — - Elsa only knew that Anna was the only one immune to her powers because when they were children she had struck her accidentally and instead of being hurt by the powers, it was as though the wind had blown through her hair: she was unaffected. The two had gone on playing and it wasn't until later that they learned that wasn't supposed to happen. Anna was supposed to be hurt. Only she wasn't.
            This only happens with soulmates, the leader of the trolls had said when her parents went to speak with them and Anna and Elsa followed behind as quietly as they could. It was hard, considering their parents went on a horse and they only had footprints to follow after, but they did it to the best of their ability and the rewards were more than they could've imagined. Your children are...meant to be together.
            But they're sisters! her mother had cried. They...they can't be together. Not like...like we are.
            The troll had said no more and the girls had been hard pressed to get back to the palace before their parents did. In the end, they were found out and their parents rode back to the palace with them on their horse, telling them that they were going to be in separate rooms, have separate lessons. Separate everything.
            Everything changed back to the way it was after their parents' death of course. Not that they obeyed the rules while their parents were alive. They always found ways to be together, to play together, to read together, to do anything together. Once their parents were gone, they moved Elsa's things back into the room she had shared with Anna for so long and the girls grew closer than ever.
            It was late when Elsa decided to wake Anna up. It was the day before her coronation. She was going to be queen in less than twenty-four hours and she felt that warranted something special.
            ❝Anna, wake up!❞ she said in a loud whisper, shaking her sister slightly. ❝Get up! I want to go do something!❞
            It was odd to think that ten years ago it would've been Anna waking her up to do something in the middle of the night, but now it was the other way around. Elsa couldn't contain her excitement. She would be queen soon. She wanted to have some fun without responsibilities one last time.
            This will hardly be the last time, she thought to herself, but it felt like everything was going to change was she became queen. She froze for a moment as she thought about how she would have to marry and produce an heir. She swallowed the worry and thoughts of the future. That didn't matter right now. Right now, she and Anna were going to have fun.
            Well, as soon as her lazy sister got out of bed that was.
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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elsarandelle · 11 years
                                                Say that everything is over
                             Tell me I’m fine
                                             No one deserves to live like t h i s
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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elsarandelle · 11 years
     ❄ — - Elsa let out a soft laugh at Kristoff's words, feeling sadder and more alone than ever. She knew she was being bitter in thinking that he knew nothing of how she felt and therefore really had no way of comforting her, even though he was trying. She thought about telling him so, but she wasn't that cruel or mean.
             She wondered vaguely if these feelings of aloneness and unbelonging would ever go away. Something told her they wouldn't. They were inherent, a part of her. Forever.
              ❝I'd appreciate that, Kristoff,❞ she said at last turning to look at him. She could see why Anna fell in love with him. He was sensitive, kind, and understanding. At least towards Anna. She was still certain that if he knew the full extent of her powers and everything she had ever done, he would hate her.
               The thought made her look away, sadness filling her once more. She wondered if she'd ever find anyone who loved her in the same way Kristoff loved Anna. To be completely honest, she was certain the answer, in this case, was no. Still, she forced back her sadness and said softly, ❝You can just call me Elsa, you know.❞ She still didn't look at him.
I Like Your Sister, But You Scare Me [closed RP; elsarendelle]
Despite seeing her ice palace and witnessing her creating an ice rink out of the courtyard, he hardly knew the scope of her power. Sure, she had frozen all of Arendelle, but was it possible for her power to snake its way beyond her kingdom’s borders?
That was something he didn’t want to think about, a shiver twitching along his spine. Power, in the hands of others, was frightening.
To learn that the blow to Anna’s heart was the second time she had been struck would have shocked him, surly. Angered him? Definitely. But, she was right — the less he knew, the better. Maybe, some day in the future, he would learn to contain himself and listen to the truth. For now, however, he continued to see the woman that Anna loved so dearly.
“Pardon me, your highness, but you worry too much." He laughed, "Anna loves you, and I’m sure she’ll love whatever you give her. I mean, I could help if you want. Not that I’m good with sculpting or anything.”
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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Little Kristoff (and Sven) Appreciation Post
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elsarandelle · 11 years
     ❄ — - Elsa let Kristoff try to comfort her and tried to believe that he was right, that everyone had forgiven her and that no one still secretly harbored ill will towards her. She tried to believe that she was in complete control of her powers and none of what had happened would ever come back to bite her in the ass someday.
           But she couldn't believe it. Not really. Not completely. Not even a little bit. Elsa was too logical for that. She knew that there were still people out there that probably thought she was a monster and she wondered if they weren't the right ones and the others were wrong. She had hurt Anna after all, even after Anna had told everyone she wouldn't.
            She laughed a little, wiping tears from her eyes before they could fall, saying, ❝Kristoff, has anyone ever told you that you suck at comforting people?❞ She smiled at him and let out another soft, sad laugh. She took his hand. She wasn't sure why, since she barely knew him, but there was something about him that comforted her.
"Oh no, no, no," He urged in a hushed tone, raising his mittens and trying to figure out precisely what it’d said that had set her off. Was she really still not taking the whole ‘eternal winter’ thing very well? Even after everything was over? 
"Come on, it wasn’t that bad… I mean, everyone forgave you pretty quickly when you set things right again." He forgot how horrible he was at sugarcoating things, even if he meant well. Kristoff placed a hand against her back, frowning severely.
"It’s um… Okay to be upset though."
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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     ❄ — - Elsa had decided since she became queen that she needed to know all about what her new position would mean and how to help her people the most. She also decided that she needed to know more about the people they were trading with, what their reputations were like, if their standing as business partners should be terminated, and how to best negotiate terms with the business partners she would ultimately keep.
             She had also decided, much to her sister's annoyance, that Anna needed to know these things as well in case something ever happened to her. Their parents were gone and could no longer teach either of them anything, so they had to learn it all for themselves.
               ❝I've told you before,❞ she said to Anna, pulling out another book before returning to the table the two of them were reading at, ❝we need to know these things. It'll help us rule better and you need to know them because something could happen to me. You need to be able to rule in my absence, should that ever happen. You also need to be well versed in these things so you can advise me.❞ She glared at Anna over the lip of her new book. ❝Now finish what you were reading. This is going to come in use someday, I promise.❞ She tried a small smile before going back to her own book.
Why do I need this? ||| Closed RP elsarandelle
Anna slammed down her book, “Why do I need this? I’ll never be queen Elsa.” she crossed her arms and huffed, “I just want to go with Kristoff.” Anna was really stubborn and she couldn’t take these pointless dumb lesions anymore. She was sick of reading about thinks that didn’t effect her. She stared at Elsa with her eyes and Elsa knew that look. The I-don’t-want-to look was all familiar to her.
"I mean really, it’s like you want to jam books in my head!" she huffed a little more frustrated this time. "You come out of your room and we get back. But all you want to do is princess studies!" Anna started to past back and forth and when she talked she stopped, "Uggh- i dont know what this mean anyway. All it is is words, words, words. Write, write, write. I hate it!" 
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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    ❄ — - ooc: The snow effect on my blog was making my computer really slow whenever I went on my blog, so I turned it off in case you're wondering why it is no longer snowing on my blog haha.
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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     ❄ — - Elsa gave him a confused look. How could he help her with her powers? His were different from hers. Not the same at all. At least, not from what she could tell. So how could he help her control hers? Suddenly, she felt patronized. Didn't she have a firm enough control on her powers already.
             No, you don't, she told herself. Or you wouldn't have scared your country and fled into the mountains. She sighed and looked at Jack. Just as suddenly as her frustration had come, it vanished and was replaced with gratefulness. 
               ❝Are you sure you want to?❞ she asked. ❝I mean, our powers are different. I create...ice castles and, from what I can tell, you only create frost. They're similar, but they're not really the same thing, to be honest.❞ She gave him an apologetic smile so he knew she wasn't trying to be rude if that's how she sounded.
That's a fancy castle you got there-Closed
Jack paused,and his smile fell. He supposed having powers wasn’t a normal thing for humans… But that didn’t mean they didn’t deserve to kick back and have fun. People didn’t deserve to be lonely. He remained silent for a while,thinking.
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"Hey!" He suddenly faced her,a wide grin across his face. "What if I helped you? Like…Helped you with your powers!" The boy leaned in closer,slightly excited by the prospect. "I’m no teacher,but I have powers and I control my just fine! So maybe-!" Jack suddenly shrunk back with a sheepish smile. "Er-If you want,anyway. It’s just a suggestion."
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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    ❄ — - ooc: I'm sorry I was gone yesterday guys. I just needed a day to myself! I'll get to replies and whatnot now. :) Thank you for being patient with me! I'm also practicing for a song recital, so you'll have to be patient with me some more <3
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elsarandelle · 11 years
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by davidkawena on deviant art
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