elvisfatass · 8 months
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Elvis performing at the The Coliseum in Greensboro, NC, April 14, 1972.
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elvisfatass · 8 months
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Elvis performing “Bridge Over Troubled Water” at the The Coliseum in Greensboro, NC, April 14, 1972.
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elvisfatass · 8 months
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elvisfatass · 8 months
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welcome to another year of loving this adorable human, his smile, and his energy. wherever he is, I hope he can feel all of this love floating up to him and I hope it makes him smile some more 🖤
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elvisfatass · 9 months
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With a young fan 1976
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elvisfatass · 10 months
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rare vent art from a few months ago
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elvisfatass · 10 months
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203 notes · View notes
elvisfatass · 10 months
dear diary...
Part 12
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elvis presley x reader
Word Count: 2,441
Warnings: 18+, talks of pregnancy, emotions, mentions of blood, periods, use of the word miscarriage, comfort, fluff (Hopefully, I included everything. If not, please let me know).
Authors note: Sorry this took me way too long to write and post, but here it is! All feedback welcomed and appreciated! Thank you for your support for this series and my other fics! I hope you enjoy! 💕-Catherine
Need to catch up? Read Part 11 here
As you close your diary and gently place it on the bedside table, the soft click of the lamp's switch echoes through the room. You turn over, seeking solace in the warmth of Elvis's embrace. His steady breathing lulls you, but it doesn't stop the tears that silently still spill down your cheeks.
You feel small and vulnerable, and you bury your face into his chest, letting your tears soak into his shirt. His arms instinctively tighten around you, drawing you closer to him in the state of sleep he is in. 
After a few minutes, you fall asleep only to be awoken by what feels like only a few minutes have passed but as you open your eyes the morning light is already shining through the curtains in Elvis's room. You were awoken by period cramping pains in your lower abdomen.
You carefully slipped from Elvis's arms, not wanting to wake him, and rolled over in the hopes that changing your position might ease the discomfort. But the cramps persisted, relentless in their intensity. You lay there, pulling your knees to your chest, trying desperately to go back to sleep, but it was impossible.
As you lay there enduring the cramps for long enough you decided to get up and go to the bathroom to see if that would ease your discomfort. 
Slowly, you eased yourself out of bed, quietly opening and closing Elvis's bedroom door as you made your way to the hall bathroom. Upon reaching the bathroom, you closed the door behind you. The harsh light revealed your tired, tear-stained eyes as you stared at your reflection in the mirror. You brought your hand up to rub your eyes, trying to shake off the overwhelming fatigue that clung to you.
As you were standing there your stomach still ached as you pulled your panties down and sat on the toilet. You looked down and noticed your now blood-stained underwear. You started your period.
A strange mixture of emotions washed over you all at once - relief, confusion, and what surprised you most, a hint of disappointment. The fact that your period had arrived meant that you weren't pregnant. It was a relief, considering the whirlwind of emotions you had been through, and the uncertainty that had weighed on both you and Elvis. But alongside that relief was confusion. Confusion about what this meant for your relationship, for the engagement that had happened so suddenly.
You let out a sigh, unable to contain the complex blend of emotions. It led to another round of tears, and you wiped them away with the back of your hand. The weight of the situation was overwhelming, and you weren't sure how to approach it. You pondered how to tell Elvis, who had proposed to you only yesterday. He assured you that his proposal wasn't solely driven by the possibility of you being pregnant, but deep down, you knew it had played a significant role in the sudden engagement. 
As you sat there lost in your mind, a soft knock from outside the door took you out of your trance.
"Darlin', are you okay in there?" Elvis's voice, filled with concern, seeped through the door. "Are you crying? What's wrong? Can I come in, please sweetheart?"
You cleared your throat and managed to reply, "I'm... I'm...I think...I need help." His questions, for some reason, only seemed to make you cry harder.
Elvis walked through the door his heart broke as he saw you hunched over crying into your hands. "Oh my darlin'," he said with sadness in his voice as closed the door behind him and knelt beside you.
As Elvis held you, he realized the source of your distress, but he didn't mention it. Instead, he gently whispered, "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here for you. Let's get you cleaned up. I'll take care of you. Let's get you in a nice warm bath okay darlin'?" 
You nodded against him, not saying anything, but you didn't have to. Elvis was more than ready to take care of you. He stood back up and walked over to the bathtub, turning on the tap and ensuring the water was at the right temperature. As it filled up, he got you a towel and made sure everything was set up for you, his actions speaking louder than any words could.
"Okay, baby it's ready, do you need any help gettin' in or anything? I was gonna go find you some fresh clothes and what sorta stuff do you need?" 
"Thank you, Elvis. I think I can manage, fresh clothes sound good. Um, Elvis could you maybe tell your mama."
Elvis nodded with a reassuring smile. "Sure thing, darlin'. I'll let her know, she will get you what you need. You take your time in the bath, and I'll be back in a bit with everything you need, okay? Just holler if you need me." He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before leaving the bathroom to find you fresh clothes and the necessary supplies.
As you got into the tub, the warm water provided some comfort as you tried to relax and ease your physical and emotional discomfort.
Elvis quickly went to find Gladys and explain the situation. His mother listened carefully, concern etching across her face as he recounted the morning's events. Once he was done, she couldn't help but release a sigh of relief.
Gladys grabbed Elvis pulling him into her holding him tight and said, "Oh, thank goodness she's not pregnant, sweetheart. I was here to support you both in this journey, but oh thank heavens above! You need to be more careful, you hear me?" Her maternal instincts were in full swing, and she couldn't help but feel relieved that the situation wasn't as dire as she had initially feared.
Gladys released her son and smiled warmly, "And remember, both of you are young, but we learn from our mistakes, right?" She gave him a meaningful look, reminding him of the importance of being cautious.
Elvis nodded, not entirely sure how to respond, "Right, Mama. I've learned my lesson."
With a final nod, Gladys added, "Remember I'm here for both of you, always, no matter the situation." 
Elvis left his mother's presence, carrying the supplies and her reassuring words with him as he returned to you.
He knocked gently on the door and entered, seeing you in the bath. "Hey, sweetheart," he said softly, offering a warm smile. "I've got everything you need. How are you feeling?"
"A little better. Thank you so much Elvis, I love you." 
As you expressed your gratitude to Elvis, his eyes softened with affection, "I love you too darlin', I'll be right out here, take your time," Elvis replied with a warm smile as he left the bathroom.
You rested your head against the back of the tub, you couldn't help but wonder what was going on in Elvis's mind. Was he relieved, happy, or perhaps, like you, did he oddly have a twinge of disappointment? It was a silent conversation that played out in the depths of your thoughts as you lay in the bath for a few more minutes. 
After getting out of the bath, you returned to Elvis's room. You slipped under the covers and settled beside him, your head gently resting on his chest. He gently rubbed your back as he kissed the top of your head. 
Elvis finally broke the silence between you, "Y'know, darlin', I...I'm sorta relieved. I mean, I'm not ready for all that responsibility right now, and we've got our dreams and plans, you know?" He paused, and you felt the hesitation in his voice.
"But there's this strange feeling too. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's like a mix of relief and... something else. Almost like a small part of me was getting used to the idea, you know? It's weird, and I can't fully explain it." He sighed, his words carrying a hint of vulnerability.
You lifted your head to meet his gaze, searching his eyes to gauge his emotions, "What do you mean, Elvis?"
"I guess... I guess part of me had started to picture us as parents, you know? Even if it was unplanned, and scary as hell, there was a tiny part of me that wondered what it would be like," Elvis admitted, his gaze drifting to some invisible point in the room before he looked back at you and continued, "but we have the rest of our lives to figure that out, now we can just focus on us, enjoy being engaged and just enjoy each other and get married and then when the time is right begin to think about starting a family." He gave you a reassuring smile, his thumb gently brushing against your cheek. "I love you y/n"
You let out a deep sigh, "Elvis, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I get exactly what you mean. Last night, I was terrified, and all I could think about was the possibility of being pregnant. I spent almost the entire night lost in my thoughts, writing in my diary about how scared I was. It felt like the world was closing in on me, and I couldn't see beyond the fear."
You paused, tracing circles on his chest with your fingertip, "And now, here I am, relieved that I'm not pregnant, but there's this weird disappointment too. I feel crazy for even feeling that way, you know? Like, I should be overjoyed that things are back to normal, but a part of me can't shake off the strangeness of it all. I just love you so much and I...I just, I don't know, do you still want to marry me?"
When you asked if he still wanted to marry you, he cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs wiping away the lingering tears.
"Y/n, my love, I can't imagine my life without you. Last night, when I proposed, I promise you it wasn't just because of this whole situation. It was because I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter what comes our way, nothing will change that. So yes, I still want to marry you, more than anything in this world, and that hasn't changed, not even a bit. I am crazy about you y/n."
You felt a surge of warmth in your heart as Elvis spoke, reassurance washing over you. "I love you, Elvis," you whispered, leaning in to capture his lips in a gentle kiss that felt like the most love-found kiss the two of you have ever shared. 
A gentle knock on the door broke your lips from each other as Elvis wiped your tears while asking, "Who is it?" 
It was Gladys she softly asked if she could come in. Elvis got up from the bed and opened the door. 
"Hello y/n how are you feeling sweetie?, I brought you some tea and a hot water bottle for your tummy."
"Thank you, Mrs. Presley, I am feeling a little bit better after my bath."
She sat the tea on the nightstand and helped place the hot water bottle on your lower abdomen. She sat down on the edge of the bed, "Um y/n, just to make sure everything is okay, I would like for you to go back to the clinic today just so they can check and make sure nothing is wrong dear." 
You nodded, appreciating her concern. "Sure, Mrs. Presley, I'll go."
Gladys patted your hand gently. "We just want to make sure everything's alright. Elvis, take good care of her, alright?"
Elvis nodded, a determined expression on his face. "I will, Mama."
As Gladys left the room, you turned to Elvis, concern lingering in your eyes. "Elvis, do you think something might be wrong?"
He squeezed your hand reassuringly. "I don't think so, darlin'. Mama just wants to make sure, you know? Let's go back to the clinic, and we'll get everything checked out, so that way we can all stop worrying okay, baby." He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
With that, you finished your tea and got ready to return to the clinic. 
Once at the clinic, the doctor confirmed there were no signs of anything concerning, assuring you that you were not pregnant, and there had been no signs of a miscarriage.
Elvis held your hand tightly throughout the appointment, his thumb gently rubbing circles on the back of your hand as the doctor explained that sometimes stress and other factors could cause irregularities in menstrual cycles.
As the doctor's words sank in, a wave of relief washed over you, dispelling the last remnants of fear that had lingered in your mind. Elvis, sensing your emotions, pulled you into a comforting hug, his warmth and reassurance providing a sense of security.
Leaving the clinic, you felt a renewed sense of closeness with Elvis. The shared experience strengthened the bond between you, and as you walked out into the daylight, you realized that facing challenges together only made your relationship more resilient.
September 11, 1956 Dear Diary, While me and Elvis both felt a hint of disappointment this morning, it was made clear that we were not ready nor did we want this in our lives at this point in time. This feeling was confirmed to the two of us by the sensation of a weight being lifted off of our shoulders the moment the doctor confirmed what we had, I guess, hoped for – I'm not pregnant. There were no signs of anything concerning, just a delayed period likely due to stress. I can't describe the happiness and gratitude I feel. Elvis was with me every step of the way, holding my hand tightly, his support unwavering. It's moments like these that make me realize how fortunate I am to have him by my side. We shared the news with Gladys when we got back home. Her relief mirrored ours, and I could see it in her eyes – the genuine care and concern for both of us. I am beyond grateful for her support and understanding over the past couple of days. And now, as I sit here writing these words, a profound sense of joy fills my heart. I'm going to marry my best friend, the love of my life. Our journey has its twists and turns, but facing them together only makes our bond stronger. I can't wait to embark on this new chapter of our lives, hand in hand with Elvis. Love always, y/n
Part 13 coming soon...
(Thank you to my besties @sissylittlefeather and @elvisfatass for helping me brainstorm some ideas)
@msamarican @elvisalltheway101 @deniseinmn @mrsbutler99 @vintagepresley @elvisfatass @doll-elvis @elvisrealgf @sissylittlefeather @claire-elvisgirl @livcst @everythingelvispresley @kissforvoid @peskybedtime @ashtag6887 @velvetelvis @powerofelvis @delulubutidontcare @raginginkedslut @littlehoneyposts @lookingforrainbows @kaitly-n
(if you would like to be added or removed from taglist please just let me know) 💕
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elvisfatass · 11 months
I'm bringing back Jodie Tatum!
Tagged: @deke-rivers-1957 & @vintagepresley
He's a bisexual himbo, and he's adorable!
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elvisfatass · 11 months
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i would pass out if i saw this super handsome man in a smoky blue jacket in a parking garage
he would have to catch me and nurse me back into consciousness. then with the lack of blood flow to my brain i would be brave enough to ask for a kiss
he’s pretty 🖤
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elvisfatass · 11 months
Just A Fan Part 2
Idk why this took so long! I have no excuse! Here's part two for those who are still interested.
You might want to catch up on Part 1, it's really been a while. Sorry again!
And, once again, just very self indulgent fluff ahead! Also, this is a response to the writing prompt "Elvis in a car"
Word count: 4.1 k
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March 24th 1977, Amarillo Civic Center, TX
Cara let out a watery laugh, her cheeks already hurting from smiling so much and quickly wiped away the tear that rolled over her cheek, trying to regain her composure. Not even five minutes had passed since he got on stage and she already felt a nervous breakdown approaching, just being in the same room as him was enough for that to happen.
The zipper of the Arabian jumpsuit he wore was pulled dangerously low, offering her a wonderful view of his hairy chest and belly. She wasn't the only one having a hard time controlling her emotions though, the whole auditorium buzzed with excitement, shrill screeching filled the air and a woman behind her just straight up sobbed hysterically at the sight of him. Cara would lie if she said she didn't do the same thing when she saw him live for the first time though.
She quickly focused back on Elvis after taking a deep breath. With a heavy heart she noticed that he didn't look too well. Although the nearly blinding spotlights made it a bit hard to see his face - she wondered how he even navigated on stage with the bright light probably blurring his vision - she could tell there were heavy bags under his eyes. He also sounded rather tired when he sang, often slurring the words and carrying a piece of paper with him, explaining that he didn't know the words to every song.
His behaviour was very different from the easy-going and relaxed man she met in Hawaii. There was such a lightness and ease about him then, something she didn't see right now. The exhaustion was written all over his face and showed in his at times almost sluggish movements. Cara was convinced that the vacation would give him some well-deserved rest and some fresh energy, but apparently, she'd been wrong.
Still, he powered through it, eager to give a good performance despite the circumstances. Suddenly she felt very thankful for the over-enthusiastic fans around her. He seemed to appreciate the audience's positive reactions, his mood evidently improving with the heavy applause and cheering. His smiles got wider and more genuine as he started engaging more and more with the crowd.
Cara quickly scrambled to the front, her entire body tingling with nerves and excitement. He stood up straight again after handing out some scarves to a few crying women a few feet away from her. With anticipation written all over her face, she watched as he leisurely strolled in her general direction.
But would he remember her? It's only been about two weeks since their encounter in Hawaii and, after all, he's had it specifically arranged for her to come after promising her a scarf at one of his shows. But he was Elvis Presley, the number of people he must've already met, the number of fans, it's probably impossible to keep track of everyone.
And Cara wasn't entirely sure if she'd really stand out from that crowd. Or any crowd, for that matter. The prospect that he may have actually forgotten about her hurt, and her face fell for a moment. The uncomfortable feeling only increased when his eyes quickly flitted past her, not even acknowledging her. She forced herself to take a deep breath and told herself she wouldn't hold it against him if he didn't recognise her. Just being here was more than enough.
Elvis let out a small laugh at something Charlie said to him and accepted the cup of coke he was holding out for him with a sniff. After letting out a low whistle he took a sip and used the scarf that was wrapped around his neck to wipe away some of the sweat that had gathered on his forehead. A brunette woman next to Cara suddenly started yelling frantically, asking him to let her have the cup he still held in his hand.
He pretended to look confused for a second, raising one cocky eyebrow at her. "I'm not wearing one, honey." He then joked. More scarves and also occasional kisses were given out to lucky fans and she got more and more impatient. She called out his name a few times, hoping he'd notice her. Eventually, his eyes landed on her and he approached her with a wide grin.
"Hey there, sweetheart." He drawled as he leaned down and wrapped the scarf around her neck, using it to pull her closer to him. Cara gasped as she was suddenly pulled forward and stood on her tiptoes in an effort to make herself as tall as possible so he wouldn't have to crouch down as much. Watching him bend down the whole time made her own back hurt and she was a good twenty years younger than him. His lips felt just like she remembered them, soft and warm and she had a hard time resisting the urge to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him down, on top of her.
Elvis pulled away from her and turned around, walking away again. But then he suddenly whipped his head around with a playful smile. He cocked his eyebrow at her and jokingly narrowed his eyes at her before doing an exaggerated double take. His ring-clad finger pointed accusingly at her, looking like he was warning her. Warning her not to pass out. A wide grin spread on her face when she realised that he did remember her. He winked at her when he saw her euphoric expression and there was this mutual understanding between them once again.
His eyes found hers every now and then throughout the rest of the concert. Gauging her reaction whenever he hit a note especially well or joked around, cracking himself up or playfully bantered with members of the band. Giving her a mischievous glance before moving his hips or jiggling his leg in the way he knew made everyone lose their minds. It made her heart flutter every time.
He's just performed a few gospel numbers and now the opening notes to How Great Thou Art started playing when somebody lightly tapped her shoulder. "Miss?" A man's voice sounded next to her, making her whirl around.
She squinted at him, her eyes flashing with recognition, though she couldn't quite place him. She's definitely seen him before. He stepped a bit closer before speaking up again. "Miss, you're gonna want to come along now before the big rush."
She blinked and inclined her head, not sure if she heard him right, only half listening to him anyway, as Elvis was currently performing one of her favourites. It quite bothered her that he just started talking to her while he was singing. She also found it rather rude that he wouldn't introduce himself. "Huh?"
"Come on now." He insisted, his tone laced with an urgency she didn't quite understand.
"But-" She backed up a little and looked back up at the stage, confused and not wanting to let her idol out of her sight.
"Boss said so." He nodded towards the stage. In that moment it suddenly clicked that the man standing in front of her was Joe Esposito, she'd also seen him in Hawaii as part of Elvis' entourage. Her eyes went wide, not quite daring to think about the implications.
"What?" She asked again, the question not even necessarily directed towards him.
He sighed and once again motioned for her to get moving. "Damn girl, just come along, boss wants to see ya. He asked me to bring you to the car."
Elvis wants to see her. He asked for her. How does one process this information exactly?
"But-" she weakly gestured towards the stage, wanting him to understand that she wanted to watch the show until the very end.
"It'll be easier if I bring you the car now."
"Elvis asked for me?" She asked, wanting some clarification from him again.
Joe let out an exasperated sigh and nodded, beginning to look rather annoyed.
The prospect of talking to Elvis in a few minutes prompted her to finally agree, though it also made her feel kind of lightheaded again. "Okay."
He nodded with a curt "Thanks" and turned around, indicating with a wave of his hand that she was supposed to follow him.
She started trotting behind Joe as he made his way through the crowd. At one point she was sure she heard him mutter something under his breath about not wanting to deal with Elvis' bad mood tonight, making her frown.
Joe eventually opened the back door for her, the chilly night air a stark contrast to the almost sweltering heat in the auditorium. She looked down at herself, inwardly cursing the outfit she chose. She wore the same sundress she'd worn when they first met in Hawaii. It served both a practical purpose, increasing the chance that he'd recognise her, but also a symbolic one.
That's at least what she told herself over and over when she realised March in Texas just wasn't the same as March in Hawaii. You wear something that's not weather-appropriate, you pay the price, simple as that. But the relatively simple concept of causality seemed way too complicated when her mind was utterly preoccupied with a single thing. A single man in fact.
She was grateful when Joe ushered her into the car, the plush cushion of the backseat feeling grounding against the back of her thighs. Everything seemed to happen in a blur as she was still wondering what the hell was happening right now. Elvis wants to see her.
It was eerily quiet in the car after all the screaming - her own and everyone else's - and her ears were ringing as she expectedly looked through the tinted glass towards the back door from which he'd emerge any second now. In an attempt to look a bit more presentable, she ran her fingers through her hair, trying to untangle some of the knots that got there from jumping up and down for nearly two hours.
A few more minutes passed, her heart nearly beating out of her ribcage as she waited, until the door opened and his unmistakable silhouette was rushed over to the car, the white, glittery jumpsuit standing out in the darkness of the back alley. Cara sucked in a breath when she heard his wonderful voice.
"What do we have here? The pretty little girl from the front row just sitting there, waiting for me. What a sweet surprise, I'm a lucky man." He whistled jokingly as if he really hadn't expected her to be there, even though he obviously sent someone out to get her.
He'd barely gotten fully inside the car and she already moved to clutch his arm in a tight grip, unable to stop herself. "Elvis! Oh my god, you were incredible, thank you for letting me be here. Oh my god, I don't even know-"
He chuckled and cupped her burning cheek with his big hand. "Shush, darlin' take a breath, it's okay. Thank you."
Cara nodded and did as he told her. "What am I doing here?" She then blurted out. Elvis wanted to see her. No, she still hasn't processed this information. And now he's here, just casually sitting next to her while she was a shaking mess.
He shook his head in a good-natured way and looked her up and down before gesturing towards her, ignoring her question. "Baby, whatchu even wearin'? I-I mean it looks real pretty, honey, but you'll catch your death in that."
Cara blinked and lowered her gaze, pulling her dress down in an attempt to hide the goosebumps on her legs. That still didn't help to conceal the very evident goosebumps on her arms though. "I didn't think this through, did I?" She muttered, still breathless. A small blush rose on her cheeks as she weakly hugged herself.
He let out a small laugh at her silliness and reached out to run his warm hand over her forearm, causing another shiver to go through her body. His eyes twinkled gleefully and she could see the dimples in his soft cheeks as he smiled. God, he looked so handsome. "And ya didn't even bring a jacket?"
"Forgot it at the hotel." She shrugged with a shy smile. Truth is she would've forgotten her head if it wasn't attached to her body due to her nerves going crazy all day, anticipation the only thing occupying her mind for the past few weeks.
He playfully clicked his tongue and raised his eyebrow at her before reaching next to him, pulling at a big piece of fabric. "Gonna break ya teeth will all that chattering and shaking." He muttered as he draped his coat over her shoulders. "Better, little one?"
It took her a few seconds to answer his question. The only thing on her mind was that the heavy coat smelled exactly like him. She only wished he would've worn it before, so his warmth would surround her as well. It was big enough that she could use it as a blanket and she wiggled around in her seat, pulling her legs up in an attempt to cover her whole body with the precious garment. As subtle as she could she nosed at the fabric, inhaling his scent that was both nerve-racking and comforting to her. With a small nod and a shaky exhale, she eventually turned towards him again. "Thank you."
"Can't have ya freezin' to death now can I?"
Cara bit her lip, not sure how to articulate what was going through her head. The post-concert adrenaline and euphoria still pumping through her veins made everything feel a bit disconnected and foggy. Not only did she get to see him today, but she was sitting in the back of a car with him. Because he wants to see her. And he had kissed her again. And he just gave her his coat. It was too much. "But... and don't get me wrong, but, uh, what am I doing here?"
"You're coming with me, honey." He offered like it was the most natural thing.
The simple statement gave her butterflies and she swallowed hard. "But why?" She whispered, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Because I wanna spend some time with you." He scooted closer to her and gently draped his arm over her shoulder, pulling her to his side. "Get to know you a little. You don't mind that, do ya, sweetheart?" The low murmur made her skin prickle, a very faint tremor still running through her entire body. She inhaled sharply at the contact and tried her best to hold his gaze. It was almost painfully tender.
No, she didn't mind at all.
"Are you sure? Because I'm not too sure if there's anything interesting about me." She shrugged with a small smile.
An endearing grin spread across his beautiful face and Cara felt an odd sense of pride. Making him smile had to be one of the best feelings in the world. Along with kissing him of course.
"Oh, honey, I'm sure that's not true." He drawled and played with a strand of her hair that fell over her shoulder. The gesture was so intimate, so familiar, it nearly made her cry again.
"I don't get it." She murmured, more to herself, just unable to believe that this was happening. To her, out of all the people.
"Ya certainly know how to leave a lasting impression, Cara." He continued teasingly, gently nudging her.
"Oh god, no, please don't." She almost whined as the memories of their first meeting replayed in her mind and tried to to crawl further into the coat to hide herself completely. To this day she felt utterly mortified by her reaction and cringed every time she thought about it.
Elvis pulled her even closer and cooed right into her ear. "Aw, baby, that's good, trust me. You're a charming little thing."
She still avoided his gaze, feeling utterly overwhelmed by his presence and proceeded to hide her face in her hands.
"No, no, don't gotta be so nervous, darlin'." He ran his finger over her wrists, gently prompting her to look at him.
She obliged and lowered her hands before turning her head, finding his eyes again. A single drop of sweat rolled down his forehead, over his cheek. Her fingers were itching to reach out and just wipe it away. "I'm trying. I just, just... love you so much."
A bashful smile formed on his lips and his cheeks turned slightly pink at her heartfelt confession. "That's awfully sweet of you. I love you too." He murmured and kissed her temple with a reverence that momentarily made her forget how to breathe.
The thing was, she genuinely believed him when he said this. His tone was so sincere and earnest, his eyes seemingly looked right into her soul. Never before has she encountered someone with such a big heart, so much capacity to love, such an ability to make anyone feel special. It made Joe's offhand remark from earlier sting even more. She leaned further into his touch and basked in the feeling of being at the centre of his attention right now.
His hotel room was dark, the curtains blocking out any light from the city below and rather cool with the AC whirring steadily. Cara looked around and found the room, or suite rather, to be empty, making her realise that she was now alone with him. Really alone with him. No other fans, not even his close friends who always seemed to be around. She had him all to herself now.
He sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh and ran a hand over his face, grimacing shortly before looking at her expectedly. Slowly, she let herself sink into the soft pillows and pulled off her shoes, relieving her aching ankle. She pulled up her legs and shifted her body to look at him.
"Are you okay?" Cara asked carefully.
He blinked and raised his eyebrows before giving her a smile that was probably meant to be reassuring. "Don't worry 'bout me, honey."
A small nod and silence followed. "... I think I'm gonna keep this one as well." She chuckled and gestured to the coat still hanging off her small frame.
"Looks prettier on ya anyway." He grinned, making her snort. "I-I'm real happy ya came... Been thinkin' about ya." He added slowly.
His words made her tummy flip. "Of course I came." Cara whispered with a puzzled smile. Why would he assume any different? "I've been looking forward to seeing you again so much."
He cleared his throat and brushed over her hair with a lazy lopsided grin. "What did ya think of the show? And be honest, little one."
Cara's eyes widened, taken aback for a second at the fact that he wanted her opinion. She didn't feel qualified enough to answer, she only knew that she loved every second of it. Just like she enjoyed every second of the other three concerts she's been to. With his face plastered all over her room and his voice lulling her to sleep almost every night she wasn't sure how objective she could be.
"I had the best time ever! The way you sang Hurt, it was so beautiful... and of course... the kiss." She blushed and fiddled around with the scarf he'd given her. Right now she doubted she'd ever take it off.
"Ya liked that didn't ya? Me too, baby. Best part of the show, I'll tell ya." He gave her a mischievous smile once again, making it feel as if they were sharing a secret. Something special, just between them.
She looked almost demure as she kept running her fingers over the silky scarf, feeling its smoothness on her skin. "It was all so perfect. Everything. As always."
His face softened and he slowly intertwined their fingers. "You're such a sweet thing for saying that." A surprised gasp escaped her when he brought her hand up to his lips to press a small kiss against the back of it. It took every bit of willpower not to start giggling uncontrollably and embarrass herself in front of him again. The way he'd just show affection like this, like they were lovers, made her feel all giddy inside.
"I mean it. I love watching you perform. I can't get enough of it." She insisted.
He looked away and hummed, his face neutral as he absentmindedly ran his fingers over her arms.
She frowned and dared to raise a hand to lightly scratch his coarse sideburns. "What is it?"
He momentarily leaned into her touch, nuzzling her palm and just soaking up her affections for a few seconds. Then he continued hesitantly. "I-I just, I-I feel like-" He stuttered, shaking his head with a huff.
"Like what?" She encouraged and reached out for his hand, cradling his bigger one in hers and squeezing it reassuringly.
Elvis sighed heavily, the lines on his forehead deepening. She squeezed his hand again. "Honey, I know what they're saying about my shows. About me. I-I don't wanna disappoint anyone. I really don't. Still got six shows on this damn tour." He shut his eyes tightly and started massaging his temples as if the mere thought already caused him a headache.
There was an almost unbearable sadness in his face and she knew immediately what he was talking about, of course she did. So, she did the one thing that came to mind every time she read those horrible things or heard someone make a rude comment about him in her presence.
With an eagerness that hopefully conveyed how much she meant it, she shook her head and tightly wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder smelling the sweat there, remnants from the concerts. She smiled and burrowed further into him, lightly caressing his still damp skin. His breathing quickened slightly when she soothingly trailed her fingers from the side of his neck over the thick patches of hair on his chest and the soft swell of his belly.
Her voice was muffled as she tried to make him understand how she felt about him. "No, don't. You're wonderful the way you are. I know it probably doesn't mean much coming from me, but, uh that's what I think. You are always out there, giving everything for your fans. I hate that you feel like this."
Warmth filled her when he slipped his hand beneath the coat and pulled her closer by her waist, his touch burning through the thin fabric of her dress. Being pressed up against his bulk felt like heaven.
"Baby-" He whispered, sounding rather needy all of the sudden. "-means a lot to me. Come here." His tone was soft and tender and matched his actions as he hooked a finger under her chin and let his lips hover over hers.
She felt his warm breath ghosting over her skin and decided to close the gap between them, kissing him with all the love she had for him. He grunted when she nibbled on his bottom lip and played with the hair at the back of his neck. The feeling of his hand squeezing her waist over and over again spurred her on and she hastily threw one leg over his sturdy thighs, straddling him.
"You're so special to me. You are." She emphasized as she broke the kiss and carefully rubbed her nose against his.
He cupped her jaw and brushed his soft lips against the side of her mouth and her cheek. "Nah baby, you're so special to me." His deep blue eyes bore into hers. "So pretty. Wanna love on ya some." He cooed, making her breath hitch.
"Honey, will you stay for the rest of the tour? I need you here with me. Need you real bad." He muttered against her neck.
An odd sense of calm washed over when he lowered his head and trailed little kisses along her jaw and neck. He locked his hands behind her back, holding her close to him while she pressed her face into his soft hair. His satisfied hum informed her that he must feel something similar.
It pleased her that she was able to take some of the pressure away from him, even if it was just for a moment. Their laboured breathing filled the otherwise quiet suite, a peaceful moment within the unpredictable and gruelling tour schedule he had to endure.
Cara nodded vigorously without even thinking about it, ready to do just about anything to make him happy, to keep him happy. Just the way he made her happy.
A million kisses and hugs to the loveliest of people. @be-my-ally @whositmcwhatsit @thatbanditqueen @vintageshanny @missmaywemeetagain @lookingforrainbows @from-memphis-with-love @peskybedtime Thank you for helping me and believing in me. You're truly the most awesome emotional support besties an Elvis fan could wish for!!
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elvisfatass · 11 months
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the way he glimmered when he sweat. like millions of tiny diamonds reflecting the light of his soul. his beauty and power and vulnerability. it’s GLORIOUS.
so i’m trademarking the phrase:
✨ only sexy on Elvis ✨
bc we all have those things that we either love or look past with him that would never fucking fly with anyone else lol
i mean could someone else be sexy when they sweat? potentially. as sexy as elvis? ha nope.
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elvisfatass · 11 months
This is the Story
Chapter 9
A/N: This one was fun to write. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Special thanks, as always, to my besties @ccab and @elvisfatass for all their help in bringing this story to life!
ICYMI: this is the one with the OC Grace Dubois, author and single mom of 6 year old Wendy. Need to catch up? Here are the links:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI! Kissing, cussing, fingering, oral (both receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, also violence (fistfight) and death threat, and an asshole talking to and touching Grace in a way she doesn't want
Word count: 3kish
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Still song inspo:
He can put his own feelings aside to make sure nothing happens to them.
"Mr. Marshall, my name is Colonel Tom Parker."
"Yeah, and who are you?"
"I'm the manager for Mr. Elvis Presley."
"Why are you calling me?"
"I'm led to believe you were once in a relationship with a woman named Grace Dubois?"
"Is this about the photograph?"
"It is indeed. Do you know your daughter is calling him 'daddy'?"
"What the fuck? Why are you telling me this?"
"I believe we may have a common goal..."
After a week of nothing happening, Grace begins to relax. She's still sleeping in Lisa's room with Wendy, but everyday she gets closer to apologizing to Elvis. He's been so kind to let them stay with him and despite being in the same house, she misses him desperately. Still, she knows that she hurt him with what she said, but she's not entirely sure she was wrong. What would happen when he went back to Vegas or on tour? She can't afford to take the risk that he'll fall back into his old patterns. But it doesn't change the fact that she loves him and every time they meet in the hallway she wants nothing more than to fall apart in his arms. There are several moments when it feels like they're right on the cusp of reconciliation, but something always happens to get in the way. Either he's called away or she has somewhere to be or Wendy needs her. They continue working on the book in cool cooperation, him looking at her longingly anytime she's not paying attention and her praying that this time she'll find the strength to apologize.
At the beginning of the second week, Elvis turns to Grace as she packs up her notebook. She thinks he's about to say something about the situation they're in, but he doesn't.
"I'm going to be back in the studio tonight."
"Tonight? For how long?"
"Until we finish, but it could be every night for the next few weeks. I just wanted to let you know I won't be around much."
"Oh." Then a thought occurs to her.
"But what if Richard shows up?"
"Grace, it's been a week and nothing has happened. I think you'll be okay."
"Do you want us to leave?"
"No. Of course not. I just think you'll be okay here by yourself."
"I have to go to the store tonight."
"Do you want to take Jerry with you?"
"No. I'll be okay. I just... I don't want to be here without you." She looks at him, her eyes shiny with tears. The possibility of Richard showing up isn't the only reason she wants him there. He flexes his hand in an attempt to keep from touching her face.
"I'm sorry. I have to do this album. The studio is struggling and I'm hoping by recording there I can breathe some life back into it. And we already started recording back in the summer before... I just have to finish it."
"You have to do what you have to do." She finishes packing up and walks out of the room. From the hallway, she hears him cuss and slam his fist on the desk.
Maybe it's time for them to move back to the apartment.
When Elvis gets to Stax, he has a moment of concern about Grace and Wendy alone at the house, but he tells himself he doesn't need to worry. She's a grown woman and everyday it seems like she needs him less and less. It might be time for him to move on with his life without her. The thought causes a lump to form in his throat, but he swallows it quickly and gets to work. The album isn't going to record itself.
It's almost dark when Grace and Wendy come back from their shopping trip. Grace is reluctant to go back to the big, empty house. She knows Elvis and the mafia guys have gone to the studio by now.
As she pulls up to the gate, she notices a man standing against it. That's strange, since most of Elvis's fans are female. When he approaches the car, though, her heart drops into her stomach.
"Well, well. So the rumors are true."
"What are you doing here, Richard?"
"I've come to collect what's mine." He gestures to Wendy, who looks up at him quizzically.
"Who are you?" She says it sassily.
"I'm your daddy, baby." She sneers defiantly.
"No. My daddy is Elvis Presley. I don't know who you are." He hisses and turns to Grace.
"Did you tell her that? You fucking him doesn't make him her father."
"Well, you're not either. Go home Richard."
"My name's on her birth certificate. I know you don't want me to take you to court." Grace's blood runs cold. She knew this would happen. He reaches through the open window and strokes her face.
"Come on, honey, don't you remember how good we were together? You look good."
"Stop it, Richard. Don't call me honey." She closes her eyes and wills him to go away, but he doesn't.
"I bet you let him call you honey when he fucks you." She turns to him with angry tears in her eyes. Just then, a guard comes up to the them, shiny gun on his hip.
"Is there a problem here?" Grace nods.
"Yes, please let me go through the gates and make sure he doesn't follow me." The guard nods and tries to escort Richard away from the car. He shakes the guard's hand off of him.
"Don't fucking touch me." Then he turns back to Grace as the gates open. "I'm not going anywhere, honey. I'll get what I came for, one way or another."
Grace speeds through the gates and up to the house.
"Mama, what's wrong? Who was that man?"
Grace is shaking as the tears run down her face. She turns to Wendy.
"Don't worry about him, sweetie. He's no one." Wendy nods slowly and they get out of the car, leaving the shopping on the backseat. Grace ushers Wendy upstairs to bed and goes directly to the telephone.
"Elvis. I'm sorry to bother you..."
"Grace, what's wrong?" He can tell by her voice that she's upset.
"Richard is here. He's at the gates and he wants Wendy. I don't know what to do." He can hear her sniffing through the phone and knows she's crying.
"Stay inside, honey, I'm coming." He hangs up the phone and turns to the guys.
"We gotta go."
"Elvis, we're right in the middle of-"
"I said we need to go. Now." Elvis rushes to the car and the guys pile in with Jerry in the front seat.
"Is it Grace?"
"Her ex is at the gates." Jerry raises his eyebrows.
Grace watches out the window for Elvis's car to pull up to the gates. When it does, he gets out of the car with the guys. She walks out the front door and down the driveway to see and hear what's about to happen.
Richard is still leaning against the gates.
"If it isn't the man himself." He says mockingly to Elvis. Grace can tell by Elvis's body language that that was the wrong thing to say to him.
"Listen here, motherfucker. You leave Grace and Wendy alone." Grace's hand goes to her throat. She's not sure how this is going to go.
"Or what?" Elvis takes two steps and grabs the front of Richard's shirt and punches him hard. When he stands back up, he swings and lands one good shot on Elvis's nose before the mafia guys swoop in to hold him. Grace gasps. She starts to tingle as she watches Elvis beat the living shit out of Richard. Her heart races and her breathing speeds up.
As Elvis continues to deck him, he yells.
"You abandoned your pregnant fiancée, Dick." He lands another hit.
"You are no kind of father." And another.
"You are no kind of man." And another.
By this point Richard is only vertical because the mafia guys are holding him, but he's not unconscious. Elvis holds his shirt again and gets frighteningly close, but he's still loud enough for Grace to hear.
"And if you ever come around Grace or Wendy ever again, I'll shoot you in the face. Do you understand me?" He nods and whimpers. Elvis throws him on the ground by his shirt front in disgust.
Grace lets out a tiny moan at the sight. Her worry for Elvis is overpowered by another, stronger experience. The scene that just played out made her blood run to her core and she needs to put her own hands on Elvis as quickly as possible.
The gates open and he walks up to her, flexing his knuckles gingerly.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, honey."
"I'm not." She whispers breathily. He smiles and throws his arm around her shoulders as they make their way up to the house together.
Once inside, they go to the kitchen. Elvis has a bloody nose from the one punch Richard was able to land, so Grace gets a wet towel to clean him up. She stands between his knees and gently dabs at his face with the towel. When she finishes, she lays the towel on the counter behind him, looking into his eyes deeply.
"Thank you."
"I don't think we'll be hearing from him again."
Simultaneously, he puts his hands on her hips and she leans in and presses her lips against his. He pulls back and kisses her again with his lips parted, letting his tongue slide into her mouth. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in close. They stay entwined like this for a while, tongues dancing against each other and bodies pressed together.
Eventually, Elvis stands up and scoops Grace into his arms like a bride. She giggles and he carries her upstairs to the bedroom. Neither of them has to say anything to know this is what they both want.
When they get into the room, Elvis lays Grace on the bed gently. He begins to undress her slowly, kissing each part of her as he does, starting with her shoes. He slides her pants down and kisses each of her thighs.
"You have beautiful legs, honey." She smiles as he plants more kisses along her calf. He moves back up, lifting her shirt and kissing her stomach softly. Then he runs both hands up her back and pulls her shirt up over her head. She's a beautiful woman, but she's even more attractive to him because of the way he feels about her. He tries to show this in the way he kisses her neck and shoulder gently. He lifts her delicate hand to his lips, pressing soft kisses into her palm.
"I love your hands." He thinks of how they flit across the page like butterfly wings as she writes. He moves back up her arm and slides the straps of her bra off her shoulders and kisses down to her nipple. He pulls the left one into his mouth softly and then lets his lips ghost over her skin as he moves across to the other one. He continues to worship her body with his mouth as he removes her bra and panties completely. As she lays there naked in front of him, he's overwhelmed with affection for every aspect of her. The way he loves her physical body is just an expression of the love he has for the rest of her. He gently runs his fingertips from her cheek, down her neck, to her chest, and on down her hip and leg. Finally, he situates himself between her legs.
The whole time he undresses her, she revels in the tenderness of his hands, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. Her arousal grows with every kiss and she needs him more and more, but not just physically. She needs his love, his adoration, and all of him in every way.
When he presses his mouth to her center, her back arches and she moans his name softly. He licks slow circles around her clit, pressing his tongue into her slit and then licking back up to the spot that makes her wild.
"You taste so good, honey." He whispers it into her and the subtle vibration makes her crazy. He continues moving his tongue over and around her, sliding two of his long fingers into her pussy, pressing them as far in as they'll go before tickling the inside of her. She gasps and he begins to move his tongue faster over and around her clit.
"Oh god, Elvis." She moans again, throwing her head back and closing her eyes. She's just on the cusp of her orgasm and he can tell by the way she flutters around him.
"Come for me, honey." She whines as her orgasm washes over her in waves of pulsating pleasure, wetness spilling out of her as he continues to run his tongue over her clit. She puts her hand in his hair, assuming he's going to stop, but he doesn't. He just keeps right on licking and teasing her sensitive bud until it tightens again and she feels a second orgasm overtake her.
"Fuck, Elvis!" When he still doesn't stop, Grace pats the top of his head and whimpers.
"One more, honey." His speech is a little slurred from the use of his tongue, but he presses on. Grace is sweating, her hands clenching the bedspread as he refuses to give up licking, fingering, and tongue-fucking her.
Finally, she comes a third time, wetness splashing out of her this time as she moans loudly. Elvis smiles and kisses back up her body as she tries to catch her breath. He lays on the bed next to her, also breathing heavily.
She rolls over to him and, despite her shaking hands, practically rips his clothes off of him. Once he's naked, she takes his cock in her hand and strokes it gently. Then, she bends over and pulls the whole thing into her mouth.
"Fuck, Grace." He moans as she moves up and down on him. He wraps his fingers in her hair and holds it up while she drags her tongue up and down his shaft. Then, she pulls his foreskin back and makes slow circles on his sensitive head. He whimpers and throws his head back. Just when he can't stand that any longer, she pulls all of him into her mouth, pressing her nose into the hair at the base of him.
"God, Grace, if you don't stop..."
"Mhmm?" The feeling of her lips around him when she hums almost pushes him over the edge, but then she pulls off of him, sucking the tip with a small pop.
He acts like he's going to roll over on top of her, but she pushes him down on the bed.
She climbs on top of him and sinks onto his cock slowly, taking in every inch of him.
"Fuckkkk yes, honey." He groans as she begins to bounce up and down on him. After a minute of this, she switches to grinding into him, pushing him deeper and deeper inside her. She equals his relentlessness in her pursuit of his orgasm. She wants to give herself to him fully and make him come as hard as she did. He reaches up and cups her breasts with his hands as he rides him, flicking his thumbs over her nipples. Then, he moves his hands down to her hips and moves with her as she winds her body back and forth on top of him. Finally, he can't stand it anymore and he tumbles headfirst over a cliff of pleasure, cussing and shuddering and filling her with his release.
"Fuck, yes, Grace, yes." He says through gritted teeth as he comes. She leans over and rests her body on his as he wraps his arms around her. When she sits up, he pushes her hair back out of her face and looks up at her softly.
"I'm sorry-" she begins, but he puts his finger on her lips and shakes his head.
"I love you so much. I've never loved anyone like this. You have me, body and soul, honey." Her eyes fill with tears again, but this time they don't fall.
"And I'm yours, Elvis."
She lays next to him and nuzzles into his shoulder, as he leans over and kisses her forehead, both of them determined to never let anything come between them again.
Chapter 10 coming soon!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @ashtag6887 @aliypop @your-nanas-house @dkayfixates @everythingelvispresley @xanatenshi @returntopresley @p0lksaladannie @deniseinmn @jaqueline19997 @that-hotdog @18lkpeters @joshuntildawn13 @rjmartin11 @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69
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elvisfatass · 11 months
This is the Story
Chapter 8
A/N: WHEW this was a tough one. Idk if it was the moon or what, but damn I had some writer's block. Special thanks to @ccab and @elvisfatass for helping shake me out of it. I had a bit of a writing hangover after the joy of Chapter 7. I hope you all enjoy this one!
ICYMI: This is the series with 1973 Elvis and the OC Grace Dubois, author and single mom of 6yo Wendy. Want to catch up? Here are the links:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Warnings: 18+ MDNI SMUT, kissing, cussing, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Word count: 3.1k
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In between each kiss, he whispers.
"I love you."
When morning comes, the sunlight streams in through the hotel window and across the bed, waking Grace. For a second, she forgets where she is, but she relaxes when she feels Elvis wrapped around her. She rolls over to look at him. His face is almost angelic as he sleeps peacefully, breathing softly.
Last night felt like a miracle and she's not ready to lose the feeling of safety in their hotel room bubble. She knows once they step outside, everything becomes complicated, but right now, here, in the light of the morning, she's at peace knowing he loves her and she loves him. Nothing else matters.
She runs her fingertip across his brow and down his cheek to his jawline, tracing the shadow of his facial hair that appeared overnight. Finally, she leans in and kisses the end of his nose, which causes him to stir a little. He reaches out and pulls her to him before he even opens his eyes. She's not sure she'll ever get used to the way her heart skips a beat when he touches her.
When he opens his eyes, a smile spreads across his face.
"Good morning, honey."
"Hi. How'd you sleep?"
"Better than I have in a long time. You?"
"I'm a whole new woman." She stretches and he presses his hips into her, revealing his normal morning erection. "Oh, hello soldier!" She laughs, but then he pulls her into a kiss and she feels her arousal begin to form.
He kisses and nuzzles her neck and then moves down her chest. She hadn't intended to sleep naked, but the feeling of his skin on hers was too good to interrupt with clothing, so he has easy access to her breasts. He moans quietly as he drags his tongue in a circle around her nipple, pinching the other one softly. She arches her back as he kisses back up her neck and then she puts her leg over his hip. He slept naked too, so it doesn't take much for him to line himself up and slide inside her.
"Fuck yes." She moans loudly as he slowly thrusts against her.
"You've got a dirty mouth, doll." He smiles as he continues to fuck her gently.
"You love me." She smiles back at him.
"God, I really do." He leans in and kisses her passionately, rolling his hips rhythmically against her as they continue to make love. After a few more minutes, he rolls her onto her back and keeps going.
"Goddamn, baby. You feel so good." He grunts and kisses her shoulder. She wraps her legs around him and he starts to move faster.
"Don't stop." She whispers in his ear, breathily. She feels herself approaching the edge too as he pushes into her over and over. His dick is perfect to hit all the right places inside her and she can't get enough. He leans in and kisses her again as he pumps in and out of her.
"I'm close, baby." She nods.
"Me too." He picks up the pace just a little more and a minute or two later they both tumble over the edge of oblivion together, moaning and cussing in turns, him shuddering and filling her with his release and her pulsing around him.
This time she says it first, pushing his hair back off of his forehead and holding his face in her hands.
"I love you." He smiles and kisses her softly.
"I love you too, honey." He rests his head on her chest as she runs her fingers through his hair and massages his scalp. They're both reluctant to admit that they need to get up and go back to real life.
He has an idea and pops his head up to look at her.
"Wanna take a shower?" A smile crawls across her face and she nods excitedly. He jumps up and they make their way to the bathroom together. He starts the shower and she steps in, laughing and wrapping her arms around him as he pulls the curtain shut. Reality can wait a little while longer.
When Grace and Elvis finally roll up to her mom's house to pick up Wendy, it's lunch time. She doesn't think too much of it as she knocks on the door. This time Maryann answers.
"Mhmmm. Get in here, lovebirds." Grace protests and Elvis simply raises his eyebrows.
"What? We're not...?"
"I'm messing with you, sis." But Maryann smirks knowingly. They walk into the house and Grace makes her way back to the kitchen. Elvis is caught in some kind of game with the kids where he has to pretend to be shot and play dead, which he does easily. As soon as they are out of earshot Maryann rounds on Grace.
"You slept with him!"
"Maryann! That is really none of your business!" Ruth chimes in. Then she looks at Grace expectantly. They seem to be waiting for some kind of confession from her.
"Okay! Yes! I slept with him!" Her mother shakes her head.
"Was he? I mean... there's rumors... was it...? Is he as good as they say?" Maryann dances around the question, but finally gets to it. Grace responds with a smile and a single word.
Ruth rolls her eyes and Maryann claps excitedly.
"Good. It's about damn time you got with somebody decent. He's a huge improvement, as far as I can tell." Maryann looks Grace dead in the eye. "Please don't let the fact that he's Elvis Presley ruin your happiness with him."
Grace, who has been sparkly-eyed and giddy all morning gets a little serious in response.
"I won't."
Maryann reaches out and squeezes her arm with a knowing smile. Ruth pulls her into a hug.
"I'm just happy you're happy."
Once everyone is loaded into the car and ready to drive back to Memphis, Elvis almost leans over to kiss Grace, but he notices Wendy is watching. Before he does anything he turns to her.
"Wendy, I'd like to kiss your mama. Is that okay with you?" Wendy smiles.
"Yes, please, Daddy." He nods in response and Grace laughs. Then he leans in and gives her a quick but sensual kiss on the lips. Wendy does a silent happy dance.
"Home, then?" Elvis looks to Grace and she nods. Somehow, Memphis has become home. He puts the car in drive and they set off on the long journey east.
It's dark when they pull into the driveway of Graceland, night coming earlier under the November moon. Grace is exhausted from the long drive.
"Stay here tonight?" Elvis offers up a suggestion to keep her from driving home so tired. She nods and they all head inside.
When they get there, though, Colonel Parker is waiting in the foyer.
"Where have you been, Mr. Presley?" Elvis freezes when he hears the voice and Grace can tell he's nervous to answer.
"He came to my mom's house for Thanksgiving. Is that a problem?"
"It's only a problem, my dear, if anyone saw you." The Colonel is staring daggers at Elvis, who returns his icy glare.
"Colonel, go home. This isn't your business."
"My boy, you are my business. And I'm not sure you're taking care of it properly."
"We'll talk about it tomorrow." Elvis opens the door for the Colonel to leave.
Grace knew things would be complicated when they got back to Memphis, but she didn't expect so much trouble from the Colonel. He walks out the door and looks back at Elvis.
"You will see, my boy. You will see." Then he makes his way to the driveway and disappears.
"Ignore him, please." Elvis turns Grace to him and wraps his arms around her. He kisses her forehead and she leans into the comfort of him against her. After a few seconds, he lets her go and turns to Wendy.
"Would you like to sleep in Lisa's room?" She nods excitedly and bounces up the stairs. Once she's settled in there, he walks with Grace to his bedroom. They both change into pajamas and climb into the big bed together. Everything about this feels so natural that they don't even question anything. She snuggles into him and thinks about what Maryann said.
Yes, there are aspects of his life that might make their relationship complicated, but this part, them together in bed, is the easiest thing she's ever done.
"I love you, honey." He whispers in her ear as he nuzzles into her hair from behind. She pulls his arm tighter around her and whispers in return.
"I love you, Elvis." They fall asleep there together like they plan to do it every night for the rest of their lives.
"Mr. Ebert, this is Colonel Parker. I apologize for the late call."
"Please, call me Frank. What do you need?"
"I'd like to request a new ghost writer for Elvis Presley's book."
"Is he dissatisfied with Grace?"
"Quite the opposite. Please send a male author this time."
"I'm sorry, sir, she's done too much work already. Starting over with a new author would take time that you just don't have if you want the book finished next year."
"Have you looked into her expense account recently? I believe there are some charges you might find interesting."
"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. But I'll look into it."
"Please do. And after you do, send a man to finish the book."
Grace and Wendy spend the rest of the weekend at Graceland. For the most part, they're a happy little family living a decently quiet life. Elvis answers calls and has a meeting or two, but he makes time for Grace and Wendy when he can. Sunday night, Frank calls.
"Grace, why aren't you home? Paulette said you were with Elvis?" She puts her hand on her forehead. This won't be easy to explain.
"Yes. I, well, we, he came home to Tulsa with me and we got back Friday and Wendy and I are... still here..."
"Grace. I specifically told you to keep your distance. What are you doing?!"
"It's not... I..."
"Grace, do you need to be reassigned? Because his manager is asking for a new author."
"No, Frank, please don't. I'm still writing the book. We're just... friends..."
"Go to your apartment, Grace. And send Paulette back on your own dime. The higher-ups have requested that I shut down your expense account because of suspicious use. I will bring you home if I need to."
"Suspicious use? I'm working! I need my nanny!"
"Your expense account does not cover a babysitter for date nights with Elvis Presley." Grace feels the tears burn in the corners of her eyes. They haven't even been on a date yet. "Shut it down, Grace."
"Yes, sir." Elvis notices the change in her demeanor from across the room where he sits with Wendy. She hangs up the phone and turns back to him with tears on her cheeks.
"What happened?"
"We have to go back to the apartment."
"Says who?"
"My editor. He says if I don't keep our relationship professional, he'll bring me home and send a different author. I just don't know how he knew..."
"The Colonel. Goddamn that man." Elvis stands up in a mild rage. "My personal life is none of his goddamn business."
He walks to Grace and cups her face in his hands. She looks up at him as the tears slide down and he wipes them with his thumbs.
"I'm not ready for this to be over."
"Over? Honey, this is nowhere near over." He wraps his arms around her.
"But Frank said-"
"I don't give a damn what Frank said."
"He's my boss. I have to give a damn." Elvis pulls back and looks at her.
"Quit your job. Just stay here with me." Her eyebrows knit together in the center of her forehead.
"I can't do that, Elvis. I need my job. I have to know I have a backup if you... well..."
"If I what?"
"Well, if you... move on..."
"Move on? Are you suggesting that I would be unfaithful?"
"Elvis. Let's be realistic here. The only reason you're so captivated by me is that I'm here and all your fans are not. When you get back to Vegas or on tour, I'll be the furthest thing from your mind."
"Grace, I'm in love with you. You think that means nothing to me?"
"I think you've been in love before." He steps back like she slapped him, a look of utter betrayal on his face.
"Is that really what you think of me?"
"That's what I think of any man in your shoes. It's not a commentary on your character."
"Oh, well as long as it's not a commentary on my character. That's a pretty shitty thing to think, Grace."
"Well, I've had some pretty shitty things happen to me before from people that I trusted."
"I'm not him."
"No, but you're you."
"What the hell does that mean?" He raises his voice with this statement and Grace becomes keenly aware of Wendy's presence.
"Maybe we should just go."
"Maybe you should." She turns away from him and stomps up the stairs to pack her and Wendy's things. He picks up the closest knick knack and intends to throw it when he realizes Wendy is still sitting and watching him. Instead, he slams it down and walks out of the room. Wendy sighs and shakes her head.
A few minutes later, Grace comes down the stairs, suitcases in hand, still fuming. Elvis stands at the kitchen counter for a bit trying to decide if he wants to see her before she leaves. He knows he does, but he's still pretty upset about what she said.
"We're leaving!" He slams his hands on the counter and walks out to the foyer.
"I'll see you tomorrow? To work on the book?" She asks quietly without looking up at him.
"Sure." He responds. She nods, crying silently. There it is again: the overwhelming need to comfort her, even though he's angry with her. But he doesn't give in. Instead, he opens the door for her as she and Wendy make their way to her car.
When she gets to the car door, she looks back up at the house, but he's already shut the front door. She doesn't see him on the other side leaning against it near tears himself.
On Monday, there's a noticeable chilly tension between Elvis and Grace as they go back to talking about the book. He's dying to wrap his arms around her and she's desperate to lay her head on his shoulder and cry, but they maintain a healthy distance. Neither of them are sure where their relationship stands at this point or if it's even a relationship anymore. Grace knows the things she said were hurtful. And she didn't mean to say them. She was just so scared of being hurt again. She knew she couldn't fully rely on any man, not just Elvis. And he knows she had a point. He didn't have the greatest track record. Why should she trust him?
As she's packing up to leave, though, he reaches out and touches her face. She's just about to apologize when the Colonel bursts through the door and slams a tabloid on the desk. On the front page is a picture of Elvis and Grace walking together out of the hotel in Tulsa. The headline reads, "Presley's New Mystery Love: Too Soon After Divorce?"
"What the fuck?" Elvis says it first, but it's exactly what Grace is thinking.
"I told you this was a risk. You did not listen. And now you will pay the price in the media." The Colonel speaks slowly and deliberately. "As soon as they know who she is, and they will, then neither of you will be safe from them. Is this what you had in mind, my boy?"
"Of course not. I didn't even know anyone took our picture. What do we do?" He looks to the Colonel frantically and Grace backs away with her hand over her mouth.
Wendy's father will see this and there is no telling how he will respond. He's tried to reach out to Grace over the years and she's managed to stay away from him by keeping hidden. He was not the kind of man she wanted in her daughter's life. In a way, she had considered it a blessing that he'd left when he did. Now he will know where to find her and it's only a matter of time before he shows up.
"Grace?" Elvis turns to her as she stands with her back against the door and her hand over her mouth.
"I can't be here. I have to go." She gathers her things and runs for her car.
"Grace!" Elvis yells after her, but she doesn't stop. He can tell something is wrong, but he's not sure what. This is about more than just her picture in the newspaper. He gets to her car just before she pulls out.
"Grace! Talk to me. What's going on?" She rolls the window down.
"It's Wendy's father. If he finds me..."
"Then stay here. I'll protect you."
"No! Don't you see? This is exactly where he will come. I can't be here."
"Grace, I have guards and gates and, hell, an arsenal of guns here. Please stay." She looks up at him through the window, her hands shaking on the steering wheel.
"I'll send a car for her and Paulette right now." She nods her head slowly and turns the car off. He helps her out of the car and back up to the house. As they walk, she pauses and looks up at him.
"Don't shoot him." She smiles weakly.
"I can't make any promises, doll." He chuckles lightly.
Once inside, he sends Jerry to get Wendy and Paulette. Grace calls and tells Paulette to pack up as much clothing as possible for the three of them. She'll send Paulette home on the first plane out of Memphis.
The Colonel is in shock. He didn't expect this to be the response to his announcement. He hoped this would separate them further, but it seems to have brought them back together. He sneaks out, wheels turning in his mind.
Several hours later, Wendy is settled at Graceland and Jerry takes Paulette to the airport.
"Mama, are we going to stay here with Daddy now?" Wendy asks as Grace holds her close on the couch in the TV room.
"Yes, baby. For a little while at least."
"Good. I like it here." Grace smiles and kisses Wendy on the hair.
Elvis stands in the doorway protectively, watching the scene in front of him. He hasn't forgotten the hurtful things she said, but it doesn't change the fact that he loves her, and Wendy too. He can put his own feelings aside to make sure nothing happens to them.
Until next time!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @ashtag6887 @aliypop @your-nanas-house @dkayfixates @everythingelvispresley @xanatenshi @returntopresley @p0lksaladannie @deniseinmn @jaqueline19997 @that-hotdog @mykievolturi @18lkpeters @joshuntildawn13 @rjmartin11 @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69
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elvisfatass · 11 months
This is the Story
Chapter 7
A/N: AHHHH HERE IT IS! The long-awaited moment has finally come! I really hope it was worth the wait 🤞🏽 (special thanks to @elvisfatass and @ccab for their help with ideas for this one!)
ICYMI: This is the series with Elvis in 1973 and the OC Grace Dubois, author and single mom of 6yo Wendy. Need to catch up? Here are the links:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (m&f receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Word count: 6k
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They sleep this way for the next week and a half. And no matter how hard they try, they always wake up in the morning cuddled together in the middle of the bed.
On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Elvis wakes up with Grace in his arms. He's back to feeling normal, but he's hesitant to let her know that. He pulls back a bit so that they're both on their sides facing each other and looks at her while she sleeps. Her hair is wild and she has no makeup on, but by now he's used to her like this. Somehow he finds her even more beautiful this way, which is not how he normally feels at all. Still, something about her raw vulnerability in the morning makes him crazy. The last three mornings he's had to roll away from her quickly in an attempt to hide his erection. He wonders if she's noticed at all.
Today, feeling better than he has since before Halloween, he has an overwhelming impulse to touch her in a different way. His eyes wander down to her breasts and he suppresses a moan at the thought of running his thumb over her nipple. He thinks about putting his hand on her hip and pulling her close to him as he kisses her neck, waking her with the feeling of him pressed against her. He wants to make love to her more than he's ever wanted any other woman before.
He settles for brushing her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. He's about to lean in and kiss her forehead when she stirs and opens her eyes.
"Hi." She smiles and he almost melts.
"Good morning. You want some breakfast?"
"Mmm I need a shower first." She turns over on her back and stretches. Elvis is dying to ask if he can join her, but he stops himself. She's been so kind to him while he was sick. The last thing she probably wants is for him to come on to her. He sits up, careful to keep his lap hidden with the covers. Just then she pops up in a panic.
"What day is it?!"
"It's Tuesday."
"Thanksgiving is this week!"
"Yes. It is. Why?"
"I'm supposed to go home tomorrow!" Elvis's heart sinks. He didn't realize she would be leaving.
"Yes. I go to my mom's house for Thanksgiving."
"What are you and Lisa doing?"
"Priscilla has Lisa. It's just me." He gets quiet thinking about spending the holiday alone. The mafia guys all have families to go home to.
"Come with me." He whips his head around to look at Grace. Is she serious?
"Really?" She nods.
"Yes, really. Wendy and I will leave tomorrow around noon. It's only about 6 hours in the car from here, I think." He thinks about what it would mean to meet Grace's family. And he'd have to travel without bodyguards.
"Where exactly are we going?" If it's a small enough place, he might be able to pull it off quietly.
"Tulsa, Oklahoma." He laughs, trying not to think of his character in GI Blues. He's been there before on tour and there's not much to it compared to some of the other places he's been. He could reasonably hide there. And even if he's seen, it's worth it to be with Grace.
"Well, alright then. Let's go home to Tulsa." She scoots closer to him in the bed and throws her arms around him. When she does, it changes the arrangement of the blankets, but Elvis doesn't notice as he's distracted by her pressing herself against him. When she backs up, she catches a glimpse of him and gasps. He quickly pulls the covers back up again.
"It's just because it's the morning..." He knows it's a dumb excuse. Grace starts giggling, which might be the cutest thing he's ever heard.
"I guess someone is feeling all better."
"I had a good nurse." They look at each other for a bit and the energy between them hangs heavy in the air. He's just about to throw caution to the wind and tackle her when there's a knock on the door.
"My boy, I need to speak with you." The door opens slowly revealing the Colonel and Grace launches herself out of the bed and into the bathroom. But she's not fast enough.
"What do you want, Colonel?" Elvis is obviously perturbed.
"Tell me that was not the ghost writer."
"And if it was?"
"My boy. You can have any woman in the world, except that one. Do you think she is interested in you for anything other than a good, juicy story to publish? I can see it now: My Time With Elvis: an Exposé."
Elvis feels his face flush, first in anger and then in embarrassment. Surely, that's not her motivation?
"Not Grace. She wouldn't."
"You are too trusting. You always have been."
"Colonel, just get out. You don't know what you're talking about."
"You will see." The Colonel turns to leave and closes the door loudly behind himself. Elvis looks at the bathroom door. Grace wouldn't do that to him. She opens the door carefully.
"Were you listening to that?"
"Yes. You know I would never-"
"I know, honey." He takes a deep breath. "So we're going to Tulsa tomorrow?"
"We are. I should probably go shower." She moves toward the door of the bedroom. Elvis was hoping to pick up where they left off, but the moment has passed. He sighs as she leaves to start the day.
"Daddy is coming with us to Nana's house?!" Grace nods as Wendy does a little happy dance.
"Yes, so we need to hurry and get the car packed. Let's go!" After hearing the news, Wendy picks up the pace of her packing, quickly throwing dresses and shoes into her bag.
Once they get the car packed, with Wendy settled in the back seat, Grace drives to Graceland to pick Elvis up. They decided to take her car because it would be less noticeable than any of his.
Her stomach turns over as they pull up. What was she thinking, inviting him to Tulsa? This is going to be very hard to explain to her family.
When she pulls up, he comes out of the house, suitcase in hand. She thinks about yesterday morning and how there had been a moment between them right before the Colonel came in. They had been in the same bed for so long without him making any kind of move that she was almost convinced again that he wasn't interested. And then yesterday morning, before the Colonel came in, the way he had looked at her...
"Do you want me to drive?" His voice pulls her from her fantasy.
"Oh! Sure, if you want to." She slides over to the passenger seat and he sits in the driver's seat next to her.
"Hi Daddy!" Wendy wraps her arms around his neck from behind.
"Hey, sweetie. Are you excited?"
"Yes! I can't wait for you to meet Nana. She's gonna love you." Grace laughs nervously. What she hadn't thought about is that her mother already loves Elvis. Having him in her home might drive her absolutely nuts. Wendy goes back to her spot on the back seat and Elvis pulls out of the driveway. At the gates, he carefully navigates through the crowd of fans, waving gently as Grace hides her face.
"What if they follow us?"
"They won't. Not that far, at least." He chuckles. "Or I hope they won't. I know my fans can be a little... enthusiastic... but surely they draw the line at a 6 hour road trip."
They drive for a while just chatting about random things. Eventually, Wendy calls from the backseat.
"Can we have some music?" Grace turns the radio on, humming along to whatever song is playing. The next song to come on is Suspicious Minds.
"Oh, no, we're not listening to this." Elvis reaches up to change the station.
"No, Daddy! This is your song! You have to sing it!" Elvis looks at Grace.
"Okay, but this is just for you, Wendy." He proceeds to sing the whole song in a full Vegas-style performance, complete with dance moves and fake microphone. Wendy giggles and cheers from the backseat and Grace does her best to suppress her laughter. The whole scene is so endearing that she wants to kiss him when it's done. Instead, she claps and cheers as he bows as well as he can while he drives.
Another hour passes and Wendy has to go to the bathroom. When they stop at a gas station, Grace goes to get out of the car.
"No, I want Daddy to take me." Elvis laughs and Grace puts her hand on her forehead.
"Sweetie, no, Daddy can't take you. He can't go in the girl's bathroom."
"Ha! You called him Daddy!" Wendy is ecstatic. She happily goes with Grace to the bathroom, leaving Elvis to pump the gas, a big smile spread across his face. When Wendy and Grace get back to the car, Elvis has a bag of sweets that he bought while they were in the bathroom. He hands it to Wendy and she takes it cheerfully. Grace looks at Elvis and shakes her head. He shrugs.
"What? I can't spoil her a little?"
"You're trouble, Daddy." Grace emphasizes the last word and smiles in an almost flirty way. Elvis clears his throat and Grace covers her mouth as blush rises in her cheeks.
"Oh God, that's not... shit." He laughs and speaks under his breath so Wendy won't hear.
"Honey, you can call me daddy any time you want to..." Grace meets his eyes with hers and it takes everything in her power not to jump on him and smash her lips against his. Wendy looks between them and blows a bubble with her bubblegum.
"Are you guys about to kiss?" Her little girl voice pulls them both back down to reality.
"No!" Grace grabs Wendy and puts her back in the car.
"Not yet." Elvis says under his breath again as he slides into the driver's seat.
The rest of the trip goes about the same, with everyone singing to the radio, stopping for gas and to go to the bathroom, and Grace and Elvis trying desperately not to flirt obviously in front of Wendy. About an hour before they arrive, Wendy falls asleep.
"So, what is your family like?" Elvis is a little curious about what he's going to be walking into.
"Well, it's just my mom. My dad died when I was young. And then my little sister and her husband and their three kids. It's not a big family, but we love it."
"It sounds perfect. How old were you when your dad died."
"I was 14."
"Oh. That must've been hard."
"It was." He notices that her eyes get glassy and she looks out the car window. He's all too familiar with the pain of losing a parent too soon, so he reaches over and takes her hand in his. She scoots a little closer to him on the seat and leans her head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of her head gently. They ride together like this in silence for a while.
"So is your family... will they know me?" She laughs, but doesn't move her head off of his shoulder.
"Yes. My mother loves you. She always has, since you first started doing things. My sister isn't crazy about you, but she knows who you are. They'll just be more shocked to see me with a man than anything else." She quickly corrects herself. "Well not with you, but you know what I mean." Elvis nods his head and takes a deep breath.
"Would it be so terrible if you were with me?" She lifts her head off his shoulder and looks up at him.
"Elvis, I... we..."
"I know we shouldn't. But what if we did anyway?"
"What about the book?"
"To hell with the book."
"Elvis. You know I can't just not write the book. And if anyone found out..."
"No, you're probably right." He pats her hand and then puts his back on the steering wheel. She scoots over to her side of the car and looks out the window, praying he doesn't notice the tears that slide down her cheeks, but he does. He swallows the lump in his throat and tries to focus on the road.
When they get to Grace's mom's house, it's after dinner time. The plan is to drop Wendy off and then head to their hotel. There isn't room for all of them to stay at Nana's, but Wendy always stays there with her cousins. Grace runs in to get Wendy settled.
"Hey, mom! We're here!"
"Come on in! We have leftovers, if you want some."
"No, I can't. There's... someone... in the car."
"In the car? Why don't you bring them in?" Grace looks around the room at her mom and sister.
"I need you to promise you won't freak out. I'm not bringing him in until tomorrow."
"Him? You brought a man home?" Grace's sister asks incredulously.
"Yes. And it's, well, it's Elvis Presley." Grace's mom drops the dish she was drying into the sink.
"I'm sorry; I thought you said Elvis Presley is coming to this house tomorrow."
"I did. You know I've been working with him on his book. He, um, didn't have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving, so I invited him here." Grace's sister laughs.
"Grace. Are you sleeping with Elvis Presley?" Her mother gasps.
"Maryann! That is not appropriate!" She turns to Grace and whispers. "Are you?"
"No! We're just friends! I just didn't want him to be alone for the holiday. So can he come tomorrow?"
"Of course!"
"And you will treat him like an everyday person? He's just a man. No autographs, no questions, nothing. Treat him like any other boyfriend- I mean FRIEND!"
"She's totally sleeping with him."
"MARYANN!" Both Grace and her mom holler at her sister at the same time. Then her mom chimes in.
"We will treat him like a normal person. We promise."
"No songs from GI Blues."
"I promise!" Her mom puts her hand on her heart.
"Okay. We're going to the hotel. TO SEPARATE ROOMS." Grace glares at her sister. "But we will be back tomorrow around noon."
She stomps out of the house and out to the car.
"Everything okay?" Elvis asks as she slides back into the passenger seat.
"Yes. Just my sister. It's fine." She guides him to the hotel, where they check-in and carry their bags up to the rooms. They laugh nervously when they realize they've been given adjoining rooms.
"I'll lock it." Elvis assures her.
"It's okay. It's not like we haven't spent the last week in the same bed."
"Oh. Yeah. I guess that's true. Do you want to...?" Grace shakes her head.
"Probably should try to break that habit, now that you're well again."
"Sure. Well. Goodnight." Elvis goes into his room and closes the door. Grace walks into her room, closing the door gently behind her. She walks to the door that connects the rooms and considers knocking. All she wants in this world is to crawl in bed with Elvis, but she doesn't trust herself anymore. Now that he's healthy, she would kiss him, and probably more. Her mind flashes back to Halloween and the things she thought about as she touched herself.
She wants him. There's no denying it.
Elvis stands on his side of the door connecting their rooms and considers knocking. He laid in bed for an hour just thinking about Grace and missing her in his arms. He's not sure he'll be able to sleep without her.
But he knows she's right. If anyone found out they were together and then the book came out, the press would never leave her alone. And maybe there was some truth to what the Colonel said. If they got together, what would the book say about it? He shakes his head trying to get the whole thing out of his mind.
At the end of it, all that remains is Grace and how much he wishes he could knock on her door.
Grace's heart is in her throat as she and Elvis stand on the front porch of her mom's house.
"It'll be okay. Whatever happens is fine." She turns to him.
"You say that, but you don't know my sister." She holds her hand up and knocks carefully. Her mom throws the door open.
"Maryann, Grace is here! And she brought company!" Grace leans in and hugs her mom, whispering in her ear.
"He knows you knew he was coming."
"Okay, sweetie, I just wasn't sure how far we were taking this pretending." Her mom holds her hand out to Elvis.
"I'm Ruth. What's your name?" Elvis looks at Grace and stifles a laugh. He takes her hand and kisses it.
"I'm Elvis. Nice to meet you ma'am." His southern accent is stronger than normal and Grace looks at him funny. He shrugs as they walk into the modest living area. The kids are running around playing some kind of cops and robbers game. When Wendy sees Elvis she runs to him and wraps him in a hug.
"Hi Daddy!" Ruth looks at Grace with her eyebrows raised.
"It's not... she just..."
"My daughter, Lisa Marie, said she could borrow me when she needed a daddy and she's called me that ever since. It's fine." Elvis gives Grace a reassuring look and she takes a deep breath.
Seemingly satisfied with that story, Ruth walks back to the kitchen to grab Maryann, whose husband is sitting on the couch watching football. She drags Maryann out to the living room.
"Hi Elvis. It's nice to meet you. I'm Maryann, Grace's prettier sister. I'd shake your hand, but I'm covered in flour. These are my kids Bobby, Chris, and Susanna." She gestures to the kids as they run around her. "That's my husband Ben." He waves without taking his eyes off the TV. Elvis smiles genially.
"It's nice to meet you all. Grace didn't tell me she had a prettier sister." He winks and Grace rolls her eyes.
"Can we borrow Grace in the kitchen?"
"Of course." He makes his way to the couch and sits down to watch football. He asks Ben how long they've been playing and they dive into a conversation about how Detroit just doesn't have it this year. Grace is surprised at how well he's blending in, but she knows she shouldn't be. She follows Maryann into the kitchen.
"Okay, he's way more attractive in person."
"Maryann, really?"
"I'm sorry! It's true! I never believed it but.." she wiggles her eyebrows. Then she leans in so their mom won't hear her. "If you're not sleeping with him, you should be."
"I heard that." Ruth turns back to her girls. "Now, we have a lot of food to cook and not much time. Let's stop ogling Grace's date and get back to work."
"He's not... okay fine." The three women go to work making dinner.
As they sit down at the dining room table, Elvis pulls Grace's chair out for her to sit in. He sees Ruth and Maryann both soften and makes a note that he's on the right track. He wants nothing more than to make a good impression on her family. He's not exactly sure why, but he cares deeply about gaining their approval as a man and not a famous person.
Ruth sits at the head of the table and blesses the food before they begin to eat. He's seriously impressed by the quality of the food.
"Ruth, these mashed potatoes are great!"
"I actually made them." Grace says quietly. Ruth laughs.
"I'm so glad you like them! Grace isn't exactly known for her cooking. It's just another reason she's been single for so long." Elvis's eyes widen.
"Well, I'm sorry, Grace, but surely he knows you haven't exactly made dating a priority." Grace puts her fork down and covers her face with her hands. He watches the impact that her mother's words have on her and gently puts his hand on her leg under the table. Just when he thinks Ruth is finished, she keeps going.
"She's always been very pretty and very smart, she's just never been good with men. Wendy's father-"
"-Mom that's enough." Maryann tries to interrupt her, but she doubles down.
"Wendy's father wasn't the best. And since then she's been too focused on herself to worry much about it. She's not really family-oriented."
"She's been focused on Wendy." He says it without really thinking. "And she's been building a career so she could take care of Wendy. I would say that's pretty damn family-oriented." The room is silent. Ben gives Elvis a look of approval and Maryann looks like she could cry. Ruth sits there with her mouth partially open. Elvis turns to Grace nervously, thinking he's pushed this too far. Instead, she grabs him and kisses his cheek and whispers in his ear.
"Thank you." He smiles at her and gives her a small nod.
"Elvis, how are you liking Vegas?" Ben jumps in to start the conversation again, but Maryann kicks him under the table. He looks at her. "What?"
"It's fine, Maryann." He smiles. "I like it just fine. I'd like to do something more, maybe a show in London or Japan, but Vegas is not a bad place to play."
"A show in Japan would be groovy." Everyone goes back to eating and the conversation continues. Ruth is quiet, for the most part. At least, she doesn't go after Grace anymore.
As everyone finishes eating and Maryann and Grace fetch the pies, the kids go back to playing. The youngest boy, Bobby, comes out with a model train and starts playing in the living room. He hollers to Ruth.
"Nana, come play with me!"
"Oh, buddy, not today." She looks at Elvis nervously. Bobby's little voice breaks out into song.
"This the train the Frankfort special!" He looks at her expectantly, waiting for her to do the next part of the lyrics. As everyone sits awkwardly, Elvis stands up.
"Ain't this outfit something special?" His smooth baritone fills the room as he sits down on the floor with Bobby.
"You sound just like Tulsa!" Bobby looks at him incredulously.
"What if I told you I am Tulsa?" Bobby laughs.
"Nooo Tulsa is young!" Elvis laughs his contagious big-joy laugh and everyone at the table laughs with him.
Wendy rounds the corner.
"Is Daddy singing?! Watch this." She looks at him and sings. "Caught in a trap!" He laughs again and everyone erupts in more laughter. Grace jumps in this time, walking to Elvis and sitting next to him on the floor.
"I can't walk out!" He looks her in the eye and puts his hand under her chin gently.
"Because I love you too much, baby."
Ruth and Maryann make eye contact as Elvis and Grace continue the song.
After dinner, the women go into the kitchen to clean the dishes while the men settle on the couch to watch the kids and discuss football again.
"Elvis is nice." Ruth starts the conversation.
"He is." Grace looks out the window over the sink dreamily.
"He sure is in love with you." Maryann says tentatively, pulling Grace out of her dream state.
"No. He's not... we're just friends."
"Okay, sure. You're wrong. But okay."
"I wish Ben still looked at me like that." Grace stops her before she can say anything else.
"We can't be." This time Ruth chimes in.
"Why not?"
"Because we have to finish this book and... he's Elvis Presley, mom! I can't be another woman in love with Elvis Presley."
"Well, it looks to me like you are. Difference is he's in love with you, too." Just then, Elvis pokes his head into the kitchen.
"Do y'all need any help? I know how to wash dishes. I wasn't always... me..." Ruth and Maryann look at Grace and then at each other again. Ruth speaks up first.
"Oh, no, honey, but thank you. You're sweet to offer. You just go relax on the couch. We'll take care of Grace." He blushes a little at the suggestion that he only came in to check on Grace, even though it's true. He nods and goes back to the living room. This time it's Maryann who speaks first.
"He's got it bad for you, sis." Grace throws the dish towel at her and rolls her eyes, secretly hoping that her mom and sister are right.
Towards the end of the evening, Elvis notices Grace escape to the porch. When he follows her out there, he finds her on the porch swing with a cigarette in her hand. He pulls his cigarillo out of his pocket.
"Can I join you?"
"Oh, of course." She scoots over a little on the swing and he sits down next to her.
"I like your family." She laughs.
"Yes. They're very normal. I miss that."
"You know, I forget you weren't always... this." She gestures to him.
"I actually was normal for more years than I've been this." He laughs. He leans back against the seat and puts his arm on the swing behind her. When she leans back against him, his heart skips a beat.
"Are you about ready to get out of here?" She asks quietly.
"Whenever you are, honey." He checks his watch. Almost 8:30pm. A little early to go to bed, but he figures he can find something to entertain himself back at the hotel if she's ready to leave.
They sit for another ten minutes before she stands up. He stands up with her and puts out his cigarillo.
"Yeah, let's say goodnight to Wendy and then head out." She opens the door and they go inside.
Back in the car, Grace slides over to Elvis on the front seat and leans her head on his shoulder again.
"Thank you for being so great today."
"Of course, honey. It was important to you; I could tell."
They pull into the parking lot of the hotel and walk up to their rooms. Outside the door, she stops and looks up at him, thinking of what her mom and sister had said. Does he love her?
"Thank you for defending me... against my mom."
"Oh. I didn't like the way she was talking to you. I hope I didn't go too far."
"No, it was perfect. No one has ever stood up for me like that. I really appreciated it."
"Well I'm glad-" she cuts him off by pressing her lips against his, throwing her arms around his neck. She pulls back quickly.
"Oh God, I'm sorry-"
"Don't be." He puts his arms around her waist and pulls her into a deep and passionate kiss. Her stomach pulls tight and she feels like her heart is about to leap out of her chest. They stay locked like this for a while, tongues moving in tandem as the passion between them builds. He turns and presses her up against the hotel room door, rolling his hips into hers. She whimpers when she feels him against her. Somehow, he pulls back from her, breathing heavily.
"Is this what you want?"
"Yes." He kisses her again. But this time she pulls back. "But we shouldn't. We can't."
"Grace, please." She kisses him again, but pulls away.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She turns to face the door and puts the key in the lock. He stands behind her, still pressed against her with his face in her hair. She slips into the room away from him. Before she closes it, she kisses him one last time, just a quick peck on the lips.
"I'm sorry." Then she closes the door.
He hits the door frame with his right hand and then backs away, moving to the door of his room. Once inside, he walks to the door between their rooms. He wants to knock so badly, but she said no. He's trying so hard to respect what she says. But he knows she wants it too and that's what is killing him. He has one hand on either side of the door frame, trying to talk himself out of knocking when the door opens. Grace is standing there with her shirt half unbuttoned and her shoes off.
"Fuck it."
She whispers and they finally come together with the full force of their feelings for each other. His lips crash into hers, his hands moving up to her breasts and down to her ass, pulling her hips into his. She jumps and he catches her with her legs around his waist, and he carries her to the bed in his room, never moving his mouth from hers. Both of their hearts are racing as he lays her on the bed, kissing down her neck to the middle of her chest while she moans desperately. He rips her shirt open the rest of the way, buttons flying across the room. He continues kissing down her stomach, leaving a trail of burning kisses from her neck to the top of her pants. She sits up onto her knees with him on his knees in front of her and pulls her shirt off, frantically unbuttoning his shirt as well, pushing it off his shoulders. He pulls her body in to his pressing their heated skin together. His hands fumble with the clasp of her bra, but he eventually gets it off, freeing her breasts to press against him as well. He moves his mouth back down her chest to her nipple, licking over it and moving across to the other, pulling it gently into his mouth. She leans down and kisses his forehead while he works. He lays her back down and unbuttons her pants, sliding them down her legs and dropping them on the floor. He kisses her right ankle and then moves back up to her dripping core, leaving soft kisses along her leg as he goes. He presses his lips to the inside of her other thigh and she moans and arches her back. Finally, he hooks his finger in the part of her panties that's in between her legs and pulls, dragging them down her thighs and off.
He stands up for a second and looks at her laying there completely naked. No amount of fantasizing could have prepared him for the beauty of her body there waiting for him. She looks like poetry and he wants to press his lips to every inch of her skin. He's never been this attracted to anyone in his life. It almost hurts how much he needs to touch her, to feel her body on his. He wants to give her the most unimaginable pleasure, so he pulls her hips to the side of the bed and gets on his knees between her legs. Leaning forward, he presses his lips to her pussy, letting his tongue explore her slit.
"Oh, fuck, Elvis." Hearing his name come out of her mouth like this just makes him want to give her even more, so he moves his tongue up to her clit, licking over and around it as he feels it harden in his mouth. He slides first one finger and then two into her, moaning when he feels how tight she is. She whimpers and arches her back at the sensation of his mouth on her, feeling the deep coil of her orgasm tighten between her legs. He continues pressing his fingers in and out rhythmically as his tongue works her clit, licking firmly and sucking it gently. He flattens his tongue against her and moves his head back and forth. She cries out as he tightens his tongue again and drags it over her clit, pushing her over the edge into the driving waves of her orgasm. She half-screams as the pleasure slams into her, radiating through her like heat that gathers in her fingertips, races back to her core, and spills out of her into his mouth and hand. He laps at her as she comes, soaking up every bit of her desire. She runs her fingers through his hair and pushes him back off of her.
"Come up here." She says, chest heaving. On his way up, he goes to wipe his face with his hand, but she doesn't seem to care, instead grabbing him and pulling him into a passionate kiss. Her hands go immediately to his pants and she unbuttons them, freeing his aching cock and pushing them down and off of him. She pushes him onto his back and slinks down his body, kissing and nipping him as she goes.
"Mmm." She whimpers as she holds his cock in her hand, finally appreciating the size and shape of it. She rolls his foreskin back and licks a circle around the sensitive head.
"Fuck, yes, baby." He says through gritted teeth as she pulls him into her mouth fully. She opens her throat and moves back and forth slightly to get his full length into her, pressing her nose into the soft patch of hair at the base of him. When she pulls back and bounces her mouth on him, pumping him with her hand, he cries out her name and runs his fingers into her hair. His hips buck up into her and she lets him thrust into her mouth for a while, massaging his balls with her hand.
"If you don't stop, 'm gonna come, baby." She pulls off and laughs.
"I'm not finished with you yet." He smiles and pulls her up to lay next to him. He rolls over on top of her and lines his cock up with her entrance.
"This is what you want?"
"Elvis, I want you more than anything." He presses his lips to hers and thrusts his hips forward, filling her entirely in one move. She throws her head back and moans loudly.
"Oh, God." He starts pumping in and out of her rhythmically. She's so tight and wet and the feeling of her around him exceeds everything he imagined. But something about this is different than any sex he's ever had. He looks into her brown eyes as he fucks her and all he wants is to stay connected to her like this forever. She wraps her arms and legs around him and pulls him in close to her, kissing his neck and shoulder.
Then, she pushes him off and rolls him onto his back. She puts one knee on either side of him and lowers herself onto his cock slowly, reveling in every inch of him. She's been with men before, but something about this is different. No amount of him could ever be enough. He puts his hands on her hips as she grinds him deeper and deeper inside of her, looking into his blue eyes as she does.
"Where should I?"
"Inside. Please." He nods. The last thing he wants is to disconnect from her at the most vital moment. As he gets closer and closer, she leans over onto his chest. He wraps his arms around her and thrusts from underneath.
"Oh, fuck, don't stop." She pleads and he does exactly as she asks. Finally, they both rush over the edge of ecstasy together. She presses her lips to his again as he shudders and pulses, filling her with his release as she feels herself throb around him. They stay connected this way for several minutes before she kisses his cheek and relaxes on his shoulder, with his arms still wrapped around her.
She sits up and he runs his hands in her hair, pushing it back behind her ears.
"I love you, Grace." She opens her mouth to protest, but he stops her.
"I've loved you for months. You know I'm telling you the truth. I'm in love with you."
Her eyes get wet and soft.
"I'm in love with you too." He holds his hand up to her cheek and catches the tear that falls with his thumb.
"I don't care about anything else, honey, I just want you. From now on. Just you and me. And Wendy and Lisa. I want our family." She nods her head as the tears continue to fall. He pulls her to him and kisses the tears on her cheeks. In between each kiss, he whispers.
"I love you."
Until Chapter 8...
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @ashtag6887 @aliypop @your-nanas-house @dkayfixates @everythingelvispresley @xanatenshi @returntopresley @p0lksaladannie @deniseinmn @jaqueline19997 @that-hotdog @mykievolturi @18lkpeters @joshuntildawn13 @rjmartin11 @littlehoneyposts
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elvisfatass · 11 months
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Okay, let's talk about his b...elt!? No... 🫠🫠🫠
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elvisfatass · 11 months
i have this deep need to be a girl in germany in 1959 🖤
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lay your head in my lap baby boy
wrap your long beautiful legs around me
take me for a ride in your car
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