elvishescapades · 11 months
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Want to know how I sculpted the stone road on my most recent base? Its not overly difficult (if a bit time consuming) and as it uses polyclay it can be worked till you are happy.
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elvishescapades · 1 year
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My funny little guys needed some cover to hide behind, so I made some barricades. They are primarily the interior packaging from some cookies, with trash and leftover hobby bits to add details. 
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elvishescapades · 1 year
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elvishescapades · 1 year
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A very make-do game of Force on Force :)
My beautiful Polish force got completely annihilated…. twice!!! Rarely had this much fun losing games.
I had the upper hand for the first turn only, I managed to immediately disable the British weapon-team with a quick salvo from my IFV. However the tables quickly turned in the following turn when my British adversaries secured the square next to objective B and subsequently pinned all entryways towards it. This proved to be disastrous for my attack… On turn three my own weapon-team sustained fire from a British unit, wounding both my machine gunner and assistant machine gunner. This unfortunately forced me to pull them out of the fight. Furthermore, my push on the left flank stalled because of the British IFV pinning down my attacking fireteams. On the right flank things were getting bad too: two British fireteams supported by the IFV had their eyes on my only path towards the objective. My only option was staying put, as doing otherwise would surely mean suicide. At this point my friends had already effectively beat me but I wasn’t about to give up yet!
Turn 4 rolls around…
I’m getting desperate, my enemies need but 2 victory point more (which they’ll obtain automatically in turn 5 due to controlling both objective B and C) and I still need a stunning 5 Of them. It was now or never. I try to assault through the narrow alleyway on the right. My IFV goes first. It spots a fireteam hiding behind some rubble and opens fire…. The poor buggers lose three of their friends, they’re dead in an instant. But then disaster strikes as the British IFV moves forward and fires its main gun from point blank range into my IFV… It blows up immediately, no survivors. My units are stunned but determined, they try to take out the enemy vehicle with their AT missiles but they miss. It’s over for me… On the left my push failed too, one fireteam managed to enter the building next to objective B but fail to do any damage on enemy units and they won’t be able to assault the objective B building due to my enemy’s incredible play.
Turn 5: The British win, they’ve successfully obtained 10 VP’s. My friends played beautifully ‘t was a real blast playing against them :)
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elvishescapades · 1 year
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I’m hard at work making these Fog of War cards for our Force on Force wargame (only 90 more to go…)! Victory Point cards are next :)
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elvishescapades · 2 years
the first of my lumineth taking shape! What do we think of the scheme?
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elvishescapades · 2 years
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A British-French combined fleet defends against a Dutch offensive in northern France.
Battle ends in a Pyrrhic victory for the Dutchies.
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elvishescapades · 2 years
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It’s time to make my first post on Tumblr so here’s some Kasrkin I got sent by the Warhammer Community team to paint from the Kill Team: Shadowvaults box.
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elvishescapades · 2 years
You know one thing I would like?
More space marine heads with hair, I'm tired of bald or mowhawk, give them some lovely locks of hair!
Is it to much to ask?
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elvishescapades · 2 years
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Want to add water effects to your bases? Its easy if you have a mould and here is how you make make one! No more taping up edges and worrying about leaks.
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elvishescapades · 2 years
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Posted with permission, My Lion and my wife’s Alpharius! 
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elvishescapades · 2 years
I really don’t want to be an annoying liberal 40k fan or whatever but it is actually distressing to me how many 40k fans are so openly transphobic, homophobic, racist etc but get a free pass because they’re ‘Roleplaying’ or ‘Keeping annoying people out of the hobby who want to make it worse’
My brothers in Christ, you’re falling for fascism hook, line, and sinker.
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elvishescapades · 2 years
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elvishescapades · 2 years
Quick & easy mud guide
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elvishescapades · 2 years
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This mini had been sitting on my shelf partially painted for AGES. It was originally gonna be a purple and black nightmare dragon but I just wasn't feeling inspired at ALL.
This weekend I ripped him off his base, dug through my bits box, broke his hands, and put him in an entirely new setting. Primed over and repainted him entirely and now he's a ghostly graveyard dragon!
REALLY excited I finally got inspired and finished him!
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elvishescapades · 2 years
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The current gang of turnip lads
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elvishescapades · 2 years
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It’s been awhile, since I posted on here, this is my turnip28 army so far, they have had there first game of sharpes practice last weekend, fantastic game, theses will also be used for black powder and pike and shotte, as well as turnip28 most of theses are up on my twitter account
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