elwolfen · 15 hours
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this account is a safe space for people who love Hilda the bambioid
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elwolfen · 2 days
Reblog this if you support sex-averse and sex-repulsed aces, including:
Aces who never want to have sex
Aces who had sex in the past but don't desire it anymore
Aces with sexual trauma who feel like their trauma ties into their asexuality
Aces with sexual trauma who don't feel like their trauma caused their asexuality
Aces who don't want to talk to you about sex
Aces who don't want to hear about sex
Yes even aces who do not want to engage with any sexual content and don't want it in their own personal spaces
Yes even aces who express the desire to have more spaces for queer adults where their boundaries are met (on top of the queer spaces that exist, we do not want to sanitize your existing spaces ffs)
If you cannot be normal about these people existing, if you believe they're a threat to our community and to how we're viewed by people who aren't aspec and the rest of the LGBTQ+ community, you are not an asexual ally. Yes, even if you're aspec yourself. Especially if you're aspec yourself.
Because it's been pride month for 4 days and I'm already seeing people trying to throw us under the bus or pretend we don't exist because that makes the ace community more palatable to exclusionists and people who swallowed too much "aces are puritans" propaganda.
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elwolfen · 2 days
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elwolfen · 2 days
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oc guy moodboard
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elwolfen · 2 days
pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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elwolfen · 2 days
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Make pride accessible for everyone!!!!
I made a post about this last year and the year before, and thought if I did it this way it gives people and orgs something to work towards. Often people forget that disabled people aren't just wheelchair users, and even those who are, need more than just that ramp!
My first ever pride, not only as a wheelchair but my first ever EVER pride, I went in expecting to feel at home.
Obviously I wasn't, I'm disabled, so why should I?
Instead there was just a ridiculous amount of uneven flooring, a steep ramp to the disabled toilet, no sanitary towel bin in the disabled toilet (???) no allowances to be let out of the festival to fetch things from my car, no where quiet and organisers who seemed genuinely surprised to see a wheelchair user!
My next pride, three years later, I was a seller, and while they had sorted their toilet problem (still no sanitary towel bin???), the hill to get in wouod have been genuinely impossible for me to get to if I hadn't been driving to get my stall in anyway, even with someone pushing me, no quiet areas, plenty of kerbs for me to get stuck at and again, genuine surprise.
Why is it so surprising to consider disabled people might be at pride? Not only do queer disabled people exist, but parents and family of queer kids and people, vendors and even entertainers!
Making pride accessible is crucial!
ID available in Alt Text
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elwolfen · 3 days
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It's not that I don't want to visit, it just wasn't on the list I made in my head
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elwolfen · 3 days
happy pride to all my aspecs and arospecs out there
happy pride to asexuals
happy pride to aromantics
happy pride to aplatonics
happy pride to aroaces
happy pride to alloaces
happy pride to alloaros
happy pride to het aces/aros
happy pride to demi romantics/sexuals
happy pride to grey romantics/sexuals
happy pride to ace/arospecs in platonic, romantic, and/or sexual relationships, or relationships that dont fit into any of those categories
happy pride to ace/arospecs who aren't in relationships and never want to be
happy pride to people who use microlables to describe their ace/arospec identity
we are all valid and we belong in this community no matter what anyone says. we deserve pride too.
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elwolfen · 3 days
Pride Month and The Aphobic Stereotypes
With Pride Month being here we will unfortunately see a lot of aphobia. The usual:
'you just haven't found the right one'
'are you x because you have suffered?'
'sex/romance is everything!'
'you're like an innocent child'
'you're a monster for not feeling (romantic) love'
'how can you write/draw smut or enjoy smut art if you're asexual?'
'how can you write/draw romance or enjoy romance art if you're aromantic?'
'you're going to die alone/be miserable without a partner!'
'that person't can't be your friend; must be your lover/crush'
No aphobia allowed. Asexuality and aromanticism is a spectrum. We're not all the same. I'm a sex-repulsed and romance-repulsed aro/ace. If you want to learn more research and kindly ask around. So Happy Pride Month to Aromantics, Asexuals, and Aroaces!
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elwolfen · 3 days
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my pride post i think
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elwolfen · 4 days
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anyway on that note: seeking a beginner friendly gay beach volleyball group in the LA area dm me if u can hook a guy up lol 🤙🏻🏐🏝
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elwolfen · 4 days
If you want to support Ukrainians, DO NOT donate to Red Cross. Can't speak about their work in other countries, but they're useless in Ukraine. The only trustworthy international organisation I can think of is World Central Kitchen.
Donate to World Central Kitchen
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And it's even better to donate directly to Ukrainian organisations. Here are a few good legit places:
hospitallers.life - "Hospitallers", Ukrainian paramedics on the frontlines
savelife.in.ua - "Come Back Alive", assistance to the army
prytulafoundation.org - "Prytula Foundation", assistance to the army, humanitarian causes
starenki.com.ua - "Starenki", helping elderly people
everybodycan.com.ua - "Everybody Can", helping disabled children, elders and hospitals
uanimals.org - "UAnimals", saving animals
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elwolfen · 4 days
anyway happy pride to trans people who CAN'T "just book the hrt appointment and transition" for any reason. money or fear or family or work or laws or medical contraindications or just plain not feeling ready yet. you're not less trans for it, you don't deserve to feel ashamed, it's never gonna be "too late", you can take as long as you need to figure it out. happy pride 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
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elwolfen · 4 days
Me: Hmmm, I should take the cats outside for a little bit. It's nice out and they'd love it!
Me: Oh... ok, nevermind.
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elwolfen · 4 days
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figure I started with -> figure I ended with
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elwolfen · 5 days
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An informational comic I drew last year for my Comics 2 class, reposting it to my new account (had to jump ship from the old one unfortunately) with some minor grammar changes and learned my lesson in adding watermarks! Happy early pride :)
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elwolfen · 6 days
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this year while we all celebrate pride month and celebrate ourselves as well as those who came before us and paved the way for us to do so, we must also think of those in gaza, queer or not, who live every day under a brutal occupation and don’t have that same privilege. happy pride, and may we see a free palestine in this lifetime.
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