elysofnir · 3 years
Holiday cheer continues to shield Hilda from pain. What was this thing even made of? She’s almost pissed off. She’d been this close to relaxation on the sidelines. Tana hadn’t landed too many hits that hurt but when she did, they really hurt.
She can tell Tana is feeling about as shitty as she is. The fight won’t last much longer. She might as well get it over with. With one last swing of the sack, the fight is over.
Counter: 9, barely hit, -1 hp
Tana is defeated!
Hilda reaches a hand down to help Tana up. “That was pretty intense. Do you need a hand getting over to the med tents? And would it be possible if I borrowed your lance? I thought the matching armor and weapon would be cute but it’s kind of a pain in the ass to actually use.”
𝓘𝓽 didn’t take much before she would be down. The sack hit her square in the face and- 
          Oh? Was this a concussion? Was she dying? 
          She groans with her forearm over her eyes to block the incoming sun. Normally she would love the sun, but right now it only seemed to make the throbbing ache in her head that much worse. 
          Though she lost, it was a fight well-fought. She supposed. It certainly was.. unique.
          Tana helps herself up using the hand extended down to her and nods, feeling a bit woozy after standing.
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elysofnir · 3 years
“And risk us both showing up dressed the same next time? Sorry but Hilda’s fashion secrets gotta remain secrets!” She gives a giggle and strikes a little pose before adding, “it is cute though, isn’t it? Even if it is a little out of season.”
Tana manages to do some damage again with one of her two hits and Hilda misses the weight of her Seiros shield on her arm. She’s not sure why the saint continues to give her her blessing when she brings it into battle, but she won’t complain about it.
From the corner of her eye, she catches a glimpse of a certain grumpy and quite tactless mage engaged in his own fight and she looks down at her unorthodox weapon and sighs. Soren had challenged her to do better and for Meya’s sake she’d agreed. Fuck.
With a newfound resolve that she would vehemently deny if anyone asked, she counters and then attacks as hard as she can. Even without an actual axe, she’s got enough strength to make it hurt.
Counter: 13, hit, steel damage, -2 hp
Attack: 15, hit, silver damage, -2.5 hp
Tana HP: .5/6
Hilda HP: 1/5
𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓪 giggles at her silliness and even claps when she strikes a pose. Ah, what would Innes say if she showed up on the battlefield dressed like that? She could practically hear him now: Just go home if you aren’t going to take this seriously. Speaking of, where was he? She figured he wouldn’t miss an opportunity like this, but maybe he thought himself too skilled to be competing against his classmates, or something along those lines. 
          The sack comes into contact with her arm first, then her side, breaking any wandering thoughts. That’s what she gets for spacing out in a place of combat. “Ow!” she yelps. Her guess at the sack being filled with coal must have been right, or it at least felt like it. That was sure to leave a nasty bruise in the morning... Tana rubs her side and arm, pouting a little. Well, not unwarranted, a hit for a hit.. or two. 
          Tana readjusts her grip on her lance and attempts another hit for herself, but only to be denied with the same results she had been prior. 
[ Roll d20+4: 14 / Dmg 0 ]
          She flourishes her lance back to her side, the other end brushing against Hilda’s armor. 
[ Roll d20+2: 6 / Dmg 0]
[ Tana HP: .5/6; Hilda HP: 1/5 ]
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elysofnir · 3 years
Hilda smiles to herself. This is reminding her a little too much of her fight against Celica last year. The queen had reprimanded her for not trying until Hilda finally snapped and sent her to the med tents. It had been totally worth it just to see the look on Celica’s face. She wonders how she’s faring this year.
Tana’s anger fuels her counterattack. Lance swings out and pierces through her festive armor. “Ouch!” Hilda shrieks but then laughs. “I guess I did ask for that, didn’t it?”
Tana strikes again but Hilda doesn’t bother dodging. The metal tip of the lance strikes her with a tink. Huh. She hadn’t realized this would protect her that well.
With a huff, Holly Jolly Hilda lifts her sack o gifts and swings it forward again. This time she manages to thwump Tana on the upswing but misses again when she brings it back from the other direction. In hindsight, wielding an actual axe probably would have been easier but it’s a little late for that now.
Hilda HP: 3/5
Counter: 11-4+2=9, barely hit, steel damage, -1 damage
Attack: 5-4=1, miss
Tana HP: 5/6
𝓣𝓱𝓮 sack brushes against her arm as Hilda begins to lift it, but it once again misses her when she does try to hit her. Considering their choice of weapons, at a glance, it almost seemed unfair. For now, she switches to using the blunt end of her lance to attack. While she hadn’t been properly hit with the sack ( goddess forbid if it’s actually filled with slabs of iron or coal ), no real damage has been taken on her end. 
          Tana swings the blunt end of her lance toward Hilda...
[ Roll d20+4: 11 / Dmg 0 ]
          Only for it to bounce back off. Her cheeks puff. What was that armor made of? She tries again, putting a little more force into it. 
[ Roll d20+2: 17 / Dmg -2 ]
          Another clink sound, only this time it seemed to hit her, if only a little. “When the tournament finishes, you will have to tell me where you acquired that armor set. At first I thought it a bit... silly, but now I see its true value.”
[ Tana HP: 5/6; Hilda HP: 1/5 ]
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elysofnir · 3 years
@flowerofgoneril asked:
Maybe if she brings the most ridiculous weaponry this year, Hilda will be able to get out in the first round. Is it so much to ask to simply relax in the infirmary tent? Clad in a festive little Santa dress, she approaches Tana with a sack of gift boxes over her shoulder. At least she looks cute! Hilda takes the sack and gives it a very pathetic swing sort of in her opponent's direction. It's enough to maybe make it look like she might have tried. "Hehe oops! I missed!" Gift sack: 4 miss 0 dmg
“𝓞𝓱! Hello!” Tana greets with a short bow. “You must be my opponent! Let’s have a good m—!” 
          The sack Hilda holds doesn’t even touch her, it barely comes within her range of motion. She stares at the sack, swinging in the air now pathetically hanging from Hilda’s hands. She didn’t have a problem with the unorthodox weapon of choice, but it was hard not to think she was being mocked. It was only now that she notices the costume as well. A clown would have been more fitting for this poor circus act.
          Tana may have been a new student, but that didn’t mean she lacked any combat knowledge! And this girl... 
          Her fingers grip the lance and anger floods through her as she swings it towards Hilda.  “I do not appreciate being taken for a fool,” she huffs.
[ Roll d20+4: 19 / Dmg -2 ] [ Tana HP after counter: 6/6 ]
          There was some word for the feeling she has. Satisfaction perhaps, but it was not good enough, not for her. ‘I missed~!’ Hilda’s words echo and she feels the anger building in her again. Tana swings her lance again, teeth gritted.
[ Roll d20+2: 15 / Dmg 0 ]
            Ordinarily, the angle and impact at which she struck would certainly fracture, but it was like the end is bounced off this... this costume. Bewildered, Tana observes the end of her lance with a raised brow. 
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elysofnir · 4 years
chance oppor-tuna-ties.
of course, innes always has something to say. linhardt’s expression sours as he faces his fellow viridian-haired schoolmate, nose scrunched up only momentarily before he gives a wave and a nod: “i’ll be fine.” how hard could watching some fish be? granted, the hevring heir predominantly casts back any of his catches when it comes to the monastery’s pond, but he’s consumed more than enough tomes on the topic of fishing and ichthyology that he’s practically a seasoned professional. innes and tethra descend into the ocean next and there’s a wave of relief within linhardt. peace and quiet, he thinks, as all things should be.
then cynthia appears besides him.
he turns, stomach dropping at the sight of chestnut curls. linhardt’s ready to scramble to the other side of the boat, away from the menace who he knows will ruin his afternoon entirely, but then cynthia speaks.
“you wouldn’t,” he responds with narrowed eyes, attempting to look the slightest bit menacing, “cynthia, i’ll have you know that—” she’s not listening, she’s counting and the pegasus knight makes way onto count four before she disappears into azure waters. linhardt tries to leave, tries to get to the other side of the boat when cynthia bursts out and shoots her shot—
through her nose.
linhardt shrieks.
he shrieks because the water’s gotten all over his face and it’s warm and filled with cynthia’s germs and he twists, trying to get out of the line of fire when the bottom of his boot slips. his hip hits the side of the ship and, before linhardt knows it, he falls over the edge with a thunderous splash.
“aeeUUUUGH!!” he breaks from the water with another shout, shoulders bundled up like a drenched feline. strands of thick hair sticks to alabaster skin, linhardt flails. “cynthia!” vexed for once, he tries to slam water towards the brunette’s direction… only to hit someone else entirely.
up next: @gallucis​ !
      She splashes Cynthia back in a playful manner and cheers loudly as Tethra and Innes slowly make their way into the water. It would feel much more cold that way, but however they choose, she supposed. Though she had trouble arguing with the much laxer crewmate about watching over their stuff, but they were the only ones on the water. What was the worst to happen to their stuff? A fish would take it? Tana opens her mouth to request he get in the water, but the sable-haired pegasus knight threatens him with spittle to which, she promptly closes her mouth. 
      She isn’t sure if she should enable that or not. It was a bit unsanitary, not to mention plain gross, but she has no time to protest before water is ejecting from the girl’s mouth. It was super effective! Maybe after this, she could use this tactic to convince her brother in the future. Laughter erupts from her as he falls in the water, but her amusement does not last long. 
      A splash aimed wrong, salty brine is all over her face and in her mouth, causing her to cough it back up. It was okay when it was intentionally playful, but not-so-friendly fire was much less so. Deciding she didn’t like that, Tana needed to teach him a small lesson—to aim better through demonstration. She takes the end of the harpoon (not the pointy part, of course) and...
Tana rolled a 17!
      She expects it to be a light bump to the head, but the sound resonates with a somewhat hollow, albeit loud, noise. “Uh, Linhardt?” Was that too much?​
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elysofnir · 4 years
The Water Temple || Group A Sea Thread
☆ —       the numbers don’t make much sense to her. not that they ever usually do. she repeats the numbers under her breath, mumbling all the while as cynthia tries to make sense of them. seven, then two, then six? maybe they could just start there. it couldn’t have been their group because that was only four people. there weren’t just seven people when they’d arrived in brigid either. maybe it was seven horses? no, that wasn’t right either. tana and her were both pegasus knights, but they were the only two who might have brought pegasi with them. then, there’s two? there was two, um, two dolphins. but there were also two here with them now — a shark and a turtle that promise to help them. concern sneaks into her expression, her eyes flicking in the direction of the others.
      but it doesn’t look like they have the answers.
      and neither does mr. shark or mr. turtle.
      so, she just nods as the decision is made to head to the ship. her eyes land on the red, crystalline turtle and does a double-take, having to pause to look back and forth between the two to make sure that they weren’t one and the same. they manage to sneak a little closer, but cynthia doesn’t stall in place. dark brown searches the water for somewhere, something to hide behind, when she spies several large rock formations to hide behind. pegasus knight waves an arm to suggest for the others to follow, but doesn’t stop to check as she skirts the seafloor and manages to avoid the eyes of the surveilling animals. managing her way to the ship, her eyes widening as gaze turns from silver to the flowers.
      small, yellow; familiar bursts of color that she’d seen in morgan’s hair and when she’d gone looking for flowers before with tethra. they rest, unmoving. all skin and bones and nothing more. somewhere distant, there’s a woman’s voice and whispers of a language that she’s not learned to understand but to grow familiar with. it’s brigid, but what little she does understand — tethra, kólga — her hands cover her mouth. ”do you, do you think that’s anacaona?“ she whispers, uncertain.
      Her head was still trying to wrap around the events, what the numbers, clues, the net, what did it all mean? Tana mindlessly follows their aquatic guardians and teammates when red crystal gleams and catches her eye. She freezes momentarily, remembering the hostility of the red dolphin they faced earlier. 
      She snaps herself out of it to follow Cynthia’s lead. They couldn’t afford a fight—distractions—with ship’s destination being the top priority.
      Tana slows to a stop next to the pegasus knight and small yellow flowers capture her attention. More so, what’s surrounding the flowers. Her breath is caught in her throat and she covers her mouth, careful not to scream at the sight. She has seen unmoving, dying bodies before, but it was different this time. Cynthia voices concern first and Tana releases a deep breath, trying to regain composure.
      “It,” has to be, she wants to finish. Or maybe she doesn’t want to face the music. “If it is, what do we tell the others?” She shakes her head pensively. The flowers she had seen woven in Kólga’s hair and the names of those she held dear, her family. Fingers press to either side of her temple.  “There’s... There’s no mistaking it.”  
——— fin
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elysofnir · 4 years
The Water Temple || Group A Sea Thread
☆ —       when the water settles again, cynthia nods enthusiastically. she might have been surprised by their new enemies, but she’d been lucky enough to escape without any bumps or bruises to really be spoken of. that’s obviously thanks to the help of tana and the professor, but she’s a little embarrassed to say that she hadn’t noticed when she’d started swimming towards the current that the others didn’t know and then, well, slammed into the wall. yanking her lance out, she swims over towards tana and gently rests her hand on the other pegasus knight’s shoulder with an easy smile. she must be really worried. cynthia was pretty worried about her friends, but she knows it must be different if it had been someone she was related to.
      she’d traveled through time and space to protect hers.
      “don’t worry, i’m sure innes is fine!” she chirps. he’d held his own that last time pretty well and all the other times where their paths had inevitably crossed. turning her head to look to the crystalline turtle and the professor, she frowns. “we gotta worry about gettin’ outta here ourselves, right now.” wherever here was. now that she’s got a minute to look at it proper, this must be the castle right? this is where they’d been staying for a while now. she wonders how the castle came underwater. it hadn’t rained the entire time they were here, save for in that odd, foggy part of brigid. it couldn’t have been instantaneous flooding. releasing her hand from tana’s shoulder, she follows after the turtle and azelle through the window.
      “are you okay, mr. turtle? you’re not —” she gestures at its eyes. “— glowing anymore. they didn’t rough you up too bad, right?” she wishes she knew more healing magic. or any healing magic. it would have been more useful, cynthia thinks with quiet disappointment. the turtle answers, patiently. ’ I AM FINE, LITTLE ONE. ’ and she smiles. ’ I RECOGNIZE THAT I HAVE NOT DONE MUCH … I ONLY WISH I COULD HELP MORE. HAD I THE NECESSARY PERMISSIONS … ’ and she nearly stops swimming then and there, cynthia pausing for a second as she tries to understand. permissions? it said that there’d been, something. they were interlopers, but mr. turtle was supposed to be here …
      she’s given no time to think on it when they enter the castle, overtaken by any manner of sea life. while the turtle and azelle venture off elsewhere, her eyes fall upon a similarly crystalline shark and her hand goes to her lance almost immediately but stops when it neither approaches or glows in the same menacing way the dolphins had. “hey?” and the shark’s voice booms back. ’ AHAHA! I WAS WONDERING WHEN I WOULD COME ACROSS AN INTERLOPER! FINALLY, WE MEET! YOUR NAME, QUICKLY NOW.’ cynthia startles, blinking wide-eyed as she stares back at the creature. her hands fall back to her sides. so, it was a nice one! not one she had to fight! ( good, because she’s had enough shark-related incidents for one lifetime in the last month alone. )
      “oh, i’m! i’m cynthia, mr. shark, sir! and that’s proffy azzy and then that’s tana and that’s morgan —” a pause as tactician whispers in her ear. “— oh, i mean the cooler morgan and i’m cynthia and! wait, i think i already said th —” the shark interjects again, cheerfully. ’ HUH! WEIRD NAMES, BUT I’LL GO WITH IT! ’ “right? i was tellin’ my mom i think i should have been named something that suits me more and —” oh, this wasn’t a conversation. ’ NOW I WON’T BORE YOU WITH THE SAME SPIEL THAT GRANDPA HERE GAVE YOU. MY ROLE IS TO HELP YOU ALL, I GO BY MANY NAMES, THE OCEAN IS A DANGEROUS PLACE, YADDA YADDA … ’ and cynthia claps cheerfully. “great! we could use all the help we can. um, do you know? how the uh, other interlopers got shot out of the water? we got seperated from them and —”
      jeez, this shark was much chattier than mr. turtle.
      “wait, so is this a real net or a metaphorical net? or is … is the ocean a metaphorical net? or the ship is a metaphorical ship?” and cynthia shakes her head too. “aaaaAAAGH, I’M NOT SMART ENOUGH FOR THIS!”
      The princess returns a small smile and nod. She could only hope, wherever Innes was, he was okay. He was plenty capable of holding his own, wit and strength alike. Right now, she should be more concerned over her own group’s well-being. Thank the stones Mr. Turtle is alright though. She is able to get back up and follow the others into the castle to another crystal shark. One much more friendly and enthusiastic.
      “Alright let's not lose our heads,” she puts a hand on Cynthia’s shoulder and another extended in Mr. Shark’s direction, with a glance over at said shark, she continues, “or tails.” 
      Tana, being the level-headed one? More likely than you think! At least when her teammate and one of the aquatic friends kept yelling at each other. “Now, if you say you're here to help, what are you helping us with? Maybe use that net of yours to launch us back? Or maybe elaborate on what you know regarding us ‘interlopers’?”
      “Like grandpa said, there's somethin' special being made here. Something that's gotta be protected until it's done baking. Naturally, being the interlopers that you are, you're here to make sure that doesn't happen, right?” A pause as the shark looks at her. Or maybe not her, but the proverbial her. Did sharks see in front of them with their eyes to the sides of their head? “You're here to disrupt the process, and destroy whatever precious thing that is.”
        “Baking?” She wants to make a joke about how fire doesn’t work underwater, but given the company, that might be touchy. Much less appropriate (joking about cake, get it together Tana!). Did this have to do with the relic? Those were to be protected, but then why would they destroy it? She shakes her head. “Okay... If you want us to destroy it, where is it?”
      “That's the rub, see?”
      Mr. Turtle interjects, “The architects of this network are very protective of whatever is being made. Everything around you is under the same code: that you are to be destroyed at all costs, lest you ruin the hard work of our creators. That we are here at all represents a quirk that the architects had to build around. An ocean cannot be devoid of empathy and generosity.”
      Tana opens her mouth to question what in the stones did that mean. Code, creators. Sure, there had to be creators, turtles and sharks didn’t just look like that, neither did those dolphins they encountered earlier. However, the shark’s and turtle’s eyes began glowing, no, flashing, almost like silent sirens. Her stomach turns, was this insider information, something they weren’t supposed to be doing?
      Mr. Turtle continues, “I have memories. Entering a ship, watching as a wall was destroyed. I could not see what was beyond it. I believe it was a 7. 2. 6. 5. 6. C. 6. 9. 6. 3.”
      She nods like she understands, but the numbers had already left her head. It had a few sixes and a three. Just to be on the safe side, she asks, hesitantly, “Will you be able to come with us...?”
      “Hell yeah!” Mr. Shark answers and if he could curl his fin to a triumphant fist, she was sure he would have.
      “Shell yeah!” She raises a fist in the air—water—on her own. 
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elysofnir · 4 years
The Water Temple || Group A Sea Thread
☆ —       “c'mon, c'mon!” she rests her foot against the crystal dolphin’s nose. its teeth tighten on her lance. with a sound of considerable effort, she forces it backward just as tana comes in to land what becomes a fatal blow. if, uh, if crystals were alive or anything, which apparently they are. it shatters on impact. she catches the professor swimming past with the aid of the turtle. head swivels immediately as she hears morgan’s voice, soft from the distance but loud enough that she can hear. “morgan?” she paddles out, swimming forward through the water. “morgan, are you okay?!” she shouts, her back turned towards the creatures. “mor — heeeeek!”
      the sudden temperature makes her spin back around and she watches wide-eyed as the remaining creature twists and turns in the water. “huh? i?” she turns to look back at morgan. no, he’s right. focus. morgan was alright! spinning her lance in her hand, she whips through the water and fixes the weapon’s point in a widening crack.
cynthia rolls a 8 ( barely hit )! dolphin, 0 / 3.
      and it splinters, but does not cry and cynthia relaxes only when she’s sure it doesn’t reassemble. like, it’s never happened before, but you never know. the risen were kind of the same things, but at least they stayed dead when you killed them a second time. shaking her head, she tucks the wishblade into the crook of her elbow before she turns with a bright smile toward tana to give her two high-fives. “good job! that was a close one. any longer and i’m sure it would'a eaten me!” a pause. well, actually, she didn’t know. “do you think dolphins can eat people?” much less crystal ones? hm. seems like something she’d have to ask a smart person.
      turning to face azelle, she was about to ask if he was alright before she suddenly catches sight of something flying overhead. she squints, swimming toward it. was that? “the others! guys, come on!” legs kick, arms pull and she glides through the water until something starts to pull her. oh, she’s! oh, she knows what this is! she’s trained for this! digging her lance into the nearest stable surface, she manages to steady herself against the pulling currently. head turns back to look at the others, even as her legs start to lift with the momentum. “oh, ouch. you guys okay?”
      A voice in the distance, one she can put a face to, instructs them for how to handle the dolphin and she is ready to cheer that they were all alive, but immediate danger says otherwise. The water grows warmer and if she didn’t know better, she’d accuse someone of... Well, that.
      Her head turns in the direction of the remainder crystal enemy and her other teammates. “Professor Azelle!” she yells upon seeing him get tackled. She begins to move, but his handle over magic has her captivated. Frelia was not a place of much magic, sure she’s fought along side mages, but seeing it up close like this was fascinating. Her hands move, but not fast enough before Cynthia goes in for the last hit. The dolphin shatters like before and Tana finally swims to the others to ask if they were alright. 
      Her attention is drawn back upwards something above them floats along. Tana squints and her teammate answers her question before she asks. The others? That meant—
      “Innes!” she finishes her own thoughts aloud and begins to swim to the cluster, determined and delighted that it was not only the siblings to be reunited, but the rest of the crew as well. 
      As she begins to swim, however, she didn’t seem to get closer to the group, far from it literally. The water pushes her away and Tana tumbles around as she scrambles around for something to grab ahold of. Her back finally hits something hard knocking the air—or bubbles—out of her. 
Tana takes -1HP / 9/10HP
      Still under the effect of fatigue, feebly, her arm raises with a thumbs up at the end. She could shake it off, she just...needed a minute. 
      All things considered, she felt more bad for the turtle though... 
Next: @displaced-tactician​
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elysofnir · 4 years
The Water Temple || Group A Sea Thread
☆ —       cynthia’s always been kind of agile. not always in a good way because usually when she says agile, she really means she’s fast but trips over things inexplicably. but you can’t really trip in the water. not really, at least, which is also a very neat perk. the turtle doesn’t shake her hand, which turns out to be a good thing because it means she looks around instead as morgan and the professor asks a few questions of mr. turtle. which also means she notices when the belfry begins its descent. the crack is muted by the water, but not completely.
      bubbles rise as the tower falls and the pegasus knight is luckily able to dodge its collapse as the bricks fall. the collapse sends cynthia aback. sand rises, kicked up by the sudden disruption and she whirls back with a half-scream already rising when she can’t see the others at first.
      the sediment settles and she catches azelle’s voice. morgan? was she hurt? ”morgan?“ her own comes quieter. legs kick as she swims a little farther out in an effort to catch more of a vantage point, as if should could spy the tactician from the wreckage. she doesn’t see anything. doesn’t even notice with the way her eyes are focused on trying to see the others that she’s found something new. her back bumps into the stone, bubbles rising with the sudden thud. turning, cynthia looks up. a castle? where had the castle come from? was it always here? maybe they could rest inside.
      she still doesn’t know if azelle got hurt. or if tana got hurt. or heck, even if mr. turtle got hurt. but, she needed to make sure everyone was safe. that was what — she was sure that was what the others would do if they were here. prepared to swim back toward the fallen cathedral, she instead finds two dolphins. bright red, clear like a crystal — never a very good sign of anything. her lance steady in hand, cynthia swims backward and, privately, is thankful that at least she doesn’t have to hold her breath. spearfishing while free-diving was hard enough. nevermind, well. whatever these were.
      the dolphins charge forward, their slick bodies cutting through the water.
cynthia rolls a 13 ( hit )! left dolphin, 1.5 / 3.
      the crystal cracks. the butt of her lance is tucked into her arm, the tip of the wishblade extended outward as she kicks her legs to swim backward towards the others just as the dolphin lunges for her again. teeth catch the edge of the blade.
left dolphin rolls 7 ( barely hit ), but ally of justice negates it! cynthia, 10 / 10.
      her head turns back over her shoulder, pigtails floating upward as the dolphin pushes her forward towards the ocean floor. ”if anyone could help, that’d be super awesome!“
      The princess listens with her chin nestled between her index and thumb as the turtle gets interrogated further. She supposes they could consider the turtle as an ally. The vague answers have her a bit worried, but if it wanted to attack them, by now it would have, right? Sea turtles had a long lifespan and were known for their wisdom, or... was she mistaking her animals? It seemed they couldn’t bring their new friend with them past this mission or waters, but this was a tale she would tell Innes once they reunited. 
      In the midst of her plans, the professor yells for them to move quickly and it is only then that Tana notices the belfry collapsing. In a slight panic, she begins paddling, squirming in one spot before getting ahold of her sea legs once more to swim away and narrowly avoid being crushed. She followed Professor Azelle and the turtle and sees Cynthia’s sable pigtails a bit further out, but what of Morgan? 
      She spins to the now fallen cathedral and the remains having hit the sand form a large sand cloud behind. She wants to go check on her, but another voice calls to her attention. Spinning once more, crystalline red in the form of dolphins are ambushing Cynthia. Tana equips her lance in hand without hesitation and darts toward the enemies. Resistance was different, much stronger underwater than above it, but she uses the built-up momentum to attack one of the dolphins.
Tana rolls a 17 ( crit )! left dolphin, 0/3.
      Her lance cuts through the top of the dolphin, cracking straight through where its heart should be. She begins to paddle backwards to avoid further contact. Red is scattered throughout the water, but not of blood and flesh. In its place are shards that glistened despite the little light beneath the tides. 
      Her grip tightens around the lance. It shattered so easily, that couldn’t be right. Never mind, she thinks. There was still another dolphin after them, so they best keep their guard up. 
Next: @displaced-tactician​
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elysofnir · 4 years
The Water Temple || Group A Sea Thread
      she’s stopped at the perimeter of the cathedral by the arrival of a crystalline turtle, cynthia staring up at the creature with quiet anticipation. man, fódlan had some weird animals. it tilts its head. she tilts hers back and then it talks. ’ hello. i sensed that there were interlopers here. are you the ones? ’ interlopers? “well, i don’t know anything about interlopers! i guess that’d be us unless you’re the interloper, which would be kind of super confusing. do you know where we are? can you give us directions?” she treads water, straining to make eye contact with the creature. it answers, blinks ( she thinks it blinks, anyway ) —
      ’ i’m sorry, i cannot do that. ’
      ’ i do not know where you are going, only that you are not of this place. ’
      well, that wasn’t very helpful. no directions, no way to find the others. she sure knew that they weren’t of this place. the turtle knew that they weren’t of this place. everyone knew that they weren’t of this place. “is it? bad we’re here?” the turtle grows still, eyes flickering before its voice begins anew. ’ that answer is more complex than you can comprehend, little one. the ocean’s waves is filled with life and love, and yet its mighty fist can cause terrible destruction. some may tell you yes, and seek to eradicate you. some may tell you no, and be compelled to offer you help. i count myself among the latter. ’ help, huh? “well, alright.” she chimes in reply, offering her hand to the turtle’s flipper? hand? flipper-hand? “i’ll be counting on you for lots of help, then! i’ll lend you my strength too!” well, she didn’t know.       did turtles need her thumbs for heavy lifting?
      This wasn’t what she meant when she wished to be a mermaid so many years ago. Were it not for this being in unfamiliar waters, swimming this deep would be something to write to home about, tell all her friends so they too could join. Well, that and the overarching point of this was to secure the relic, which, seemed a far ways off now. 
      Efforts to piece together what happened before she was smacked by a fin, before she was suddenly floating in the abysmal waters, before the ground consumed her whole, were all nearly in vain. She couldn’t place a finger on it (poor timing for puns), what was real and what wasn’t. 
      Moments of existential awareness pass and she shakes her head. She need not hold her breath, figuratively and literally, she needed a way back to normalcy. Tana dives deeper to find others in the same predicament she was in. 
      She arrives with a few others at the buried cathedral and a turtle. As Cynthia interrogates it first, Tana tugs at the seashell necklace, glancing up at the reptile every now and then.
      Skepticism finds its way in the form of a raised brow and cautious eyes fixated on the seemingly gentle, aquatic reptile. The question slips out before she can grasp at her own words. “How can we be sure to trust you?” Questions of validity normally would come later, but it was a talking turtle.
      She waits for a response and watches as the turtle’s eyes... or the lids, seem to shift. Finally, it answers, “Whether or not you trust me is your decision, but distrusting me is not to your advantage. Strength comes in many forms, and strength in numbers is one of them. The necklaces are the only reason air fills your lungs, your surface-dweller lungs. Even you all must recognize your weakness when it sits at your very throats.”
      A glance upwards. Normally, light would filter in the glittering water, moon or sun, but they were far too deep to see the rest of humanity. At least for now. A sigh preceding a couple of bubbles. She is adjusting to the underwater environment, for now. The necklaces and turtle, while they may be the least of her worries as of right now, still hold suspicion in the back of her head. It may be best not to cross the turtle lest their only way of breathing be suspended indefinitely.
Next: @displaced-tactician​
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elysofnir · 4 years
» at the peak of solstice
He absolutely loves stories like these, of spirits and journeys and happy endings. Pragmatic as he can be in some veins, it’s never stopped Ewan being something of a daydreamer, and he harbours very little doubt that the story behind the arrival of the caona flowers might be true.
As for the tales of them bringing luck, however…
He’s skeptical, but open to the idea nonetheless. And ducking out of the task given them is not an option - getting to explore a brand new place is too tantalizing to ignore. And getting to explore with Tana, Mr. Grumpy-Pants’ darling, pretty sister…
Well, it’s a no-brainer. It’s time he gets to spend with a cute, bright lass, and it’s time the mage gets to flaunt before Innes should he ever feel the need to rile the prince up just a little.
Their true mission is hardly forgotten but it’s taken a backseat for the time being. There’s so much to take in - the sights, the smells, the feel of the energy about the forest… He inhales. Exhales. There’s nothing quite like adventure to make one feel grateful to be alive.
“Hmmm…” He hums in thought a moment. There’s nothing much to deliberate, in truth. The paths are too similar. Woulda been nice if someone had thought to plonk down some signage. “This way!” It’s an arbitrary decision -
a one he vaguely regrets but moments later when he finds himself slung up into a net, awkwardly dangling some ways above ground.
“T-Tana?” he calls, eyes wide. “You still there? Wowww though… I can see so much from up here.”
A pause. The shock is slowly wearing off, but the uncertain tremble in his voice yet remains a moment longer.
“So very, very many leaves…”
      She follows him without second thought. To foreigners or those not familiar with the forest, the two paths looked the exact same, aside from a few discernible trees and plants here and there. They would arrive at the mountain by one way or another, optimistically thinking—a Tana specialty. Though this disposition was advantageous for boosting morale, lack of awareness of their surroundings became the folly at the start of their quest. A loud zip, and suddenly her partner is imprisoned in a net.
      A net trap made for rabbits in the hunt, or maybe a bear if the rope were durable enough. Or was it for trespassers like them trying to climb to the special flowers? An attempt to deter travelers from plucking nature’s bounty and selling it. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to find the answer; the predator in question could very well be around the corner ready to gobble its catch of the day.
      If this was any more of a joking matter, she would think her brother had something to do with this. What, with his knack for traps and suspicion of Ewan, or was it plain annoyance? But no, he wouldn’t resort to lengths this far out.
      Tana stares at him for a moment as he dangled in the air like prey... The thought is unnerving to say the least. She suppresses a shiver and instead scans for the piece she could saw at. The suspended trap lends her to believe there was a rope to cut and release the net, a simple pulley, in other words. 
      Carefully, the princess treads around the trap, finding the lone rope. “Don’t worry! I think I found it.” She equips her lance, wondering how well she could possibly cut through. Shrugging, she begins, no harm in trying. No harm to her. She glances back at the trapped mage. That was quite a fall... 
      As an afterthought, she adds, “Be prepared for landing though.”
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elysofnir · 4 years
chance oppor-tuna-ties.
      but it’s too late to raise concerns now ( and who was she to deny someone the chance to do something really cool? ) because the rowing stops and cynthia moves to stand. “so, who’s going in f —” the vessel lurches, “— iIIiiUHhRIST!” splash! the canoe rocks back and forth with the sudden weight absent, cynthia plunging into the water headfirst without much fanfare save for her screaming. a wet slap collides with the inside of the boat when hand reaches over, sable brown darkening as it remains plastered to her forehead. “i’m! hah, i’m okay!”
     …Why exactly had he agreed to this again?
     Innes wouldn’t deny that the idea of spearfishing was an appealing one; the sport was commonly practiced along the shores of Frelia, the prince having participated himself whenever his packed schedule allowed. Although their mission in finding the Relic was priority, even Innes knew that stressing over work would only hurt the group’s performance in the end.
     And so, he would allow himself this small respite.
     Or so he thought, quickly learning that ‘break’ and ‘Cynthia’ did not at ALL belong in the same sentence. It didn’t help that his chatterbox of a sister was here to contribute to the noise, and the prince wasn’t exactly thrilled to have a certain viridian-haired slacker onboard, either. Tethra was the most tolerable presence here, with their reserved and focused nature.
     Verdant strands dance softly in the sea breeze, Innes’ shoulders straining with effort each time he wades his oar through the water. Once they reach a suitable fishing spot, where the waters were clear enough to see colorful schools of fish, Innes stops rowing with a weary sigh. It had already been difficult enough being one of the few people to row this thing, but Cynthia’s damned bouncing about wasn’t helping—
     Grumbling, the prince sets his oar down and carefully moves over to where her hand now grasped the side of the boat (keeping far, far away from the harpoons glinting ominously in the sunlight), leaning down and offering his own for her to take. “Well, how is it, then? Seems you’ve answered your own question.”
{ @gallucis | @herrings }
      The smell of brine and gentle rocking of the boat as it fought with the waves brings her back to summers in Frelia. Present company was... a bit odd. The majority of the boat’s occupants were quiet, excluding herself and Cynthia, but aside from making occasional comments about the scenery or fishing, she was at a loss for words, allowing her chatty crewmate and the sea to make the melody for her. 
      She had never fished in such an intimate way and quietly thought, if all things went well, she should bring the method to her home country. 
      The boat slows to a gentle lull and Tana looks over the edge at the water that sparkled a crystalline blue, plentiful of fish nearby. She points down, ready to compliment Brigid’s beautiful scenery, when a shift in the boat causes her to grasp the side of the boat and her seat instead. 
      A large splash emerges on the opposite of the boat, but it was no fish. Instead, a hand reaches into the boat followed by the sable-haired group member who now looked like a wet dog, in an affectionate way. Laughter spills from the pit of her stomach at the mishap. ( Not to worry, Cynthia, I am laughing with you, rather than at. )
      Breaking from her otherwise unusually silent manner, she stands up, rocking the boat once more. “Here we gooo!” Tana hollers and dives off the boat, harpoon in hand. When she rises above water once more, a hand comes to sweep the wet bangs from her face and waves at the others still in the boat. “Well? Aren’t you coming? Last one in is a fermented fish!”
Next: @herrings​
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elysofnir · 4 years
» at the peak of solstice
Event Starter for @jehannanmage
      As far as stories involving magic and mystical devices went, Tana had a feeling they were only surface deep. Coming from relatively grounded and arguably apostate country, she could only believe tales, from her homeland or no, so far. Still, she humors the group’s tour guide and agrees to help her out. The flowers were real, so she had that assurance at the very least. How reliable these flowers were or even remotely connected to a possible cure is uncertain. 
      If in the end it turned out they were a placebo, she could at least say she’s explored the depths of Tuatha. Though it may not look it, she was intent on the group’s main objective, but she didn’t see anything wrong with exploring the area a bit. The relic was a short-term goal, but the way she saw it, Brigid could be a potential ally in the future, so long as they appealed to the natives in some fashion of appreciation. 
      With her lance strapped to her back and her desert partner at her side, she felt confident in their trek. Caona, Anacaona, she mouths as she steps over random twigs, sticks, and stumps throughout the forest. According to the story, the spirit rewarded the boy for selflessness. The flowers were being protected and were already difficult to get to, so maybe it really was the act of spirits that guards them so. They sold for a high price, being so rare, and getting coin couldn’t fall under that selflessness act. Hopefully though, they could be recognized in their good deed of a quest so they don’t suffer negative consequences too bad.
      Tana stops when they reach a fork in the path, each seemingly leading to the mountains in the distance, but they both looked... the same. Turning to Ewan, she points both index fingers in either direction. “Which way?”
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elysofnir · 4 years
Headcanon meme - send me a symbol and I'll describe my muse's...
❣ - hands
❤ - voice
۵ - feet
❦ - lips
ø - eyes
ღ - nose
♮ - body type
♫ - singing voice
✮ - sleeping habits
✉ - texting habits
✿ - laugh
✍ - writing style
⌨ - time-wasting habits
❅ - keeping warm/keeping cool techniques
✎ - taste in music/literature
☤ - self care/first aid habits
✪ - favourite food/eating habits
☁ - ideal holiday
✄ - nervous habits
☂ - sadness
❈ - ideal birthday
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elysofnir · 4 years
✢ – An awkward hug. Oh how embarrassing. Rhys groaned slightly, forehead burning hot as he gracelessly collapsed on Tana in something of a hug, a sudden dizzy spell overtaking him. He must seem quite direly ill, but he was fine! Really! “This happens a lot,” he muttered. Who was she again? Oh, even his head was foggy. “My bad.” He weakly gave her a thumbs up.
      Passing by others through the halls was simply that, a passive activity, though occasionally, she would wave at those she recognized or nod for a curt greeting to her peers and faculty. 
      As she goes about her usual stroll and greetings, the next person her eyes land on, seemed paler than most and she stops to inquire his condition, but he answers that himself by collapsing. “Whoa there.” She catches this man, certainly no student she’s seen before. A professor, maybe? 
      Her eyes flicker down to the poor man’s state. “Come now, and make haste. The infirmary is near.” His assurance did no good in convincing her. 
      She pats him on the back, but little response received. The back of her hand contacts his forehead for only a moment, but he was burning up! Shaking her head, she decides to put the weight on her shoulders, literally. This man was in no condition to make it there on his own. 
      Though, she wonders if they should stop by the dining hall to grab a bite to eat, a dizzy spell could oft be solved by filling one’s stomach. Ah, no, she best leave this to a professional. Medic she was not, but thankfully, she could put the strengths she did possess to use.
      With a grunt, Tana shifts to lift him up by the arm and leg so the majority of his weight, torso and all, rests on her shoulders. An ill man is a step up from a floppy corpse, so this seemed the only viable method of carrying him. This wasn’t too unusual for her, at least during the war that spread in Magvel, but it wasn’t entirely how she imagined her first meeting with a professor, no less, to go.
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elysofnir · 4 years
[ ❣ – Hug After Being Separated ] "Here we go..." Innes can already feel a year's worth of exhaustion once he spots his sister bounding into the halls of the dormitory. The moment their eyes meet, he knows /exactly/ what's coming, so he gets ahead of it. With a scoff and resigned shake of the head, the prince opens his arms and braces for the inevitable.
      Abrupt was his appearance when she rounded the corner and into the hall. Instantaneously her eyes lock so he was impossible to avoid, even among the few students sprinkled between the distance between them. 
      Though it hadn’t been too long since they last were in contact; they exchanged letters, though it was more oft than not she sent a yard long of a scroll only to receive a sheet or two back in response. Still, encountering him once again never failed to set her eyes alight with joy. 
      Tana could hear his exasperation from this distance, yet even before his arms opened for the inevitable, she is already bounding toward him. Though legs not as fast as dear Achaeus, she gallops swiftly enough to the end of the hall, avoiding poor students as best as she can without knocking them over. Lacking perfect maneuverability on her feet, a couple students suffered the fate of bumping into her or being shoved into the wall, by accident, of course.
      It would be too easy to just give a normal hug. In Tana fashion, therefore insurmountable amount of affection, she leaps off the ball of her foot from half a yard’s distance into Innes’ arms. “Brother”—her arms wrap around his neck in a hug, but the weight and incoming projectile that was her whole being, sends them both to the ground—“augh!” 
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elysofnir · 4 years
[ December Activity Check ]
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