emailmarketin · 3 years
It’s the most potent form of human communication and has been around since prehistoric times.
So yes, it’s as old as time.
Yet new stories are being told every single day, Storytelling evokes all of your senses.
According to storytelling analyst Lisa Cron in her book, Wired For Story: the regions
of the brain that process the sights, sounds, tastes, and movement of real life are activated
when we’re engrossed in a compelling narrative.
So, when a story enthralls us, we are inside of it, feeling what the protagonist feels,
and experiencing it as if it were indeed happening to us.
So there you have it, you can hear it, see it, smell it, taste it, feel it…
Yet it’s completely invisible.
Every culture on the planet has storytelling built into its DNA.
It’s how traditions and customs and norms are passed through the generations.
And before there was the printing press, and digital archives, and voice memos and Siri,
and YouTube, verbal storytelling was the backbone of education and advancement.
We all remember the stories that our parents and grandparents have told us about their
parents and their grandparents, and we’ll pass those stories onto our children too.
So yes, storytelling exists in every single country in the world, yet you take it with
you on your journey through life, everywhere you go.
There’s no doubt that storytelling is insanely powerful…
is absolutely critical for engaging your audience...
Especially in a saturated, and highly-competitive market.
Every good copywriter and marketer knows this to be true, and uses storytelling structures in their sales letters, landing pages, campaigns, and website copy.
It creates relatability, authority, and trust with your prospect.
But how exactly do you weave storytelling into your copy, and what are some of the best
formulas that have worked time and time again?
list of storytelling techniques,
Number One!!!"The Hero’s Journey"
The Hero’s Journey Also known as the Monomyth, The Hero’s Journey was conceptualized by Joseph Campbell in his
book, A Hero With A Thousand Faces.
This story structure has been used in films, and comics, and literature around the world.
It features a hero — also known as the protagonist — as they are called to awaken their potential by setting out on a difficult journey, and ultimately triumphing over adversity.
The Hero’s Journey, which has inspired marketers and screenwriters throughout the past century,
can be summarized into three main acts: The first is The Departure: When an external
event compels the Hero to leave their ordinary world.
Second, The Initiation: When the hero ventures into an unfamiliar territory (also known as
the “unknown world"), meets a mentor or guide and, of course, deals with a variety
of trials and challenges along the way.
And lastly, The Return: The Hero overcomes their struggles and is stronger and wiser,
returning to their Ordinary World with a sense of victory.
You can clearly see this story arc in works like Star Wars, Batman, Game of Thrones
Number Two !! "Future Pacing"
Future Pacing is a type of storytelling that allows the reader to imagine themselves in
their ideal future.
It’s a technique famously used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP, a unique approach to influential
communication that is used by many of the world's notable communicators like Oprah,
Martin Luther King, Tony Robbins, and many more.
Now NLP is a whole science that takes hours and hours and hours to master,
but this one particular technique can be used pretty powerfully in copywriting
The only thing you really need to know is the ONE thing your prospects are looking for.
That singular benefit.
And once you’ve discovered it, use Future Pacing throughout your sales copy to help
them visualize their dream life – or in other words, the life that they’d have AFTER
you help them overcome their problem.
Remember, your brain can not tell the difference between positive memories that have already happened or positive future dreams.
So by allowing your reader to imagine what’s to come, you’re telling their brain that
it’s already happened and therefore possible to achieve.
If you can believe it, you can achieve it, as they say.
The trick, though, is to use present tense so that their brain recognizes it as an event
that is happening or has already happened.
It’s also important to get highly specific with your future pacing.
Number Three !!"The Trouble Maker"
Trouble creates drama, drama creates attention, therefore making the story more memorable and effective
And, of course, the trouble scenarios i write about reflect the problem that his product or service is attempting to solve.
i encourages copywriters to introduce trouble early on to capture attention and
there are two ways you can do this...
The first is what I call The Build-Up: Where everything seems to be going right, you’re
setting the scene, you’re describing the main character, you’re building the tension…
Ad then, just as the reader suspects, everything goes terribly wrong…
And the second is what I call the “Sh*t Storm”: Where you start your story right in the middle of chaos.
Making your reader go- Wait?
How did we get here?
What happened?
And how do we get out?
You’ll see this technique used more and more nowadays because people want trouble
right away!
Or else they get bored and they bounce.
The key though is to draw your prospects into that story world, and then turn it upside
down with trouble.
So this can be done by describing color, emotions, season, time, texture, activity, geography,
mood, sound, or even smell.
This technique is conceptualized by Blake Snyder in his bestselling screenwriting book,
Save The Cat!
Number four! " The Before-After-Bridge"
This B-A-B technique is one of the simplest copywriting tools that has been
used in advertising since the dawn of the Mad Men era.
The Before-After-Bridge works because it moves your prospect from focusing on features and tools, to how it will help them improve their life.
So here’s a quick breakdown.
In the Before: You show your reader the world before your solution.
The key is to get them to identify with the problem you are presenting.
A company that uses this technique really well is M.M.La Fleur, a wardrobe solution
for professional women who, guess what — don’t like to shop.
It goes something like this: “You’re bored of wearing boring pant suits but you have
better things to worry about than what to wear.
You want to take the work out of dressing for work.
If only there were a practical, inspired wardrobe for professional women.”
You then move on to the After.
Which is where you show your readers what their world will look like after your solution.
La Fleur describes the After like so…
“But imagine if you could instead just focus on succeeding in the workplace and harnessing the power of your self-presentation…
While dressing with ease.”
So now you’ve now created a gap in between these two worlds, the before and the after
that your prospects want to fill.
So now all you have to do is Bridge that gap.
Enter your product or service.
M.M La Fleur bridges the gap by saying...
“Fill out a brief survey and arrive to a dressing room curated based on your fit and
style preferences.
Work one-on-one with a personal stylist, while enjoying coffee or prosecco.
Our goal is to treat you to the most productive, personalized, and stress-free shopping experience of your life.”
To their practical target audience, that sounds heavenly.
They feel heard, they feel understood, and they’re given an easy solution to solve
their problem.
0 notes
emailmarketin · 3 years
3 Persuasion Techniques To Use When Writing Sales Copy🤑
You want to know the BIGGEST secret to selling anything?
#1 biggest mistake that so many entrepreneurs make in their marketing...
3 powerful copywriting methods for authentic persuasion.
So, no matter your niche, whether it be real-estate, or beauty, or financial services, or personal development or household items… you can write more MESSAGES that make an impact.
You assume your audience believes they can achieve the results you’re promising…
So you focus solely on SELLING your product.
But here’s the thing… you can bash your prospects over the head a million times with
all the amazing features, and bells and whistles and reasons why your product is better than anyone else’s...
if the benefits lie outside your audience’s little mental box of possibility then none
of it matters…
They’ve already decided that whatever you’re selling is just not for them.
And this is the #1 secret to selling anything…
Your products are WHAT your customers buy, not WHY they buy them.
I truly believe that as copywriters, our FIRST job is to help remove the invisible walls that people have built around themselves…
To get them into that dreamer state, the comic book Universe where they believe that anything is possible.
Where they TRANSCEND their limiting beliefs and open up to a whole new world of possibility.
Not only so they’re able to better receive our sales message but so they can be inspired
to transcend in many areas of their life.
This is when your marketing becomes valuable in and of itself...
And it feels so, so good.
This is why it’s important to first know WHO your ideal prospect is and what their
highest values are, so you can be a stepping stone to help them reach their most self-actualized
And if you can do this, you can sell them anything.
So, think about it, what VALUE you are helping your ideal prospect meet.
Is it freedom, security, love, comfort, confidence…
This will become the foundation of the HOOK in your sales message… and it is EVERYTHING.
You could have the 8 other components of an effective offer nailed, but if you don’t have THIS one…
A persuasive hook…
You are SOOL.
Of course, there is a A LOT more that goes into writing compelling copy
So if you’re a freelance writer or entrepreneur looking to scale your business with crazy
good copy
Here are 3 methods for writing a more persuasive hook and opening your prospects mind to possibility.
#Number one!!
The first method is through STORY-TELLING
As I’ve said before, we all have blind spots.
Nobody has perfect self-awareness.
Nobody can fully see through the walls they’ve built around themselves.
This is why it’s often easier for us to believe in our friends more than ourselves...
Or why may feel that your friends believe in us more than we believe in ourselves.
Studies have actually shown that we know other people – their patterns, their personalities
and their potential – better than ourselves.
That’s crazy right?
So... what’s the best way to make your reader BELIEVE in what you’re selling.
Tell them a story about someone else, or about you and your quest for a solution to a problem you’ve been experiencing…
And one that they’re likely experiencing for themselves right now.
The story can be real or it can be fictional, it doesn’t really matter, a story is a story.
What matters is that this story allows the reader to step out of their own doubts and
Your story needs to be believable and relatable – enough so that your reader subconsciously
“Wait, this could be me.”
The persuasive message in a story-based hook is: you are not alone.
# Number two !!!
SCIENCE Of the best ways to expand your audience’s beliefs is through trusted real-life evidence.
You can use science, or statistics or case studies that build trust and authority around
the concept of your hook…
For example!!!
if you’re selling a meditation product, and your audience just doesn’t believe that meditation can help them, it doesn’t matter how much you try to sell
your product, they are not buying it.
But when you can share trusted real-life evidence, you’re immediately more persuasive
when TIME magazine back on Aug 4, 2003 published a powerful study on the science of meditation.
And this was back in a time when meditation was seen as nothing but new age woowoo mumbo
A science-based hook is about proving the possibility.
Number Three !!!
Writing a persuasive hook: SUPPOSITION
A powerful way to expand your audience’s
belief is to remove one of the biggest mental constructs of them all – TIME.
So take your reader out of the present, out of their current reality, by speaking to them
AS IF they are already experiencing the results you’re promising
With this type of hook, you are inviting your audience to imagine….
To suppose they are already where they want to be.
You are speaking to their highest most-self-actualized self… the THEM that is already taken that leap of faith…
So it’s been said before that people often overestimate what they can do in 1 year and
under-estimate what they can do in 10…
So you want to remove any remove any preconceived notion of time by speaking to your audience in the present tense…
As if the results you’re promising are neither in the future or the past.
They are happening right now…
So, a hook based on supposition is about assuming your prospect’s victory.
Story, Science and Supposition are the trifecta of persuasion…
You’ll know you’ve hit the mark when your message is able to transcend your product...
and create a new, expansive belief in your prospect’s mind…
And then you’ll no longer need to TRY to sell.
You just will.
0 notes
emailmarketin · 3 years
How To Write Engaging Instagram Captions (6 Copywriting Tips)
How do you write scroll-stopping Instagram captions?
Instagram captions need to follow the ABCs of copywriting.
So first they need to get attention with a great graphic and a compelling headline.
Second, they need to provide a benefit or some sort of value in the form of education, entertainment, or inspiration.
And lastly, they need a strong close.
They need to give people one clear and concise call-to-action.
six tips for writing killer Instagram captions
Tip # 1 "to get more likes, share a relatable story"
It is a known fact that actual photos of people
do typically get more likes,especially for a personality based brand
So rather than trying to pull content out of thin air,as much as you can, share real stories
and be as specific as possible.
Remember, the more specific the story,
the more relatable your copy.
Lastly, don't be afraid to create polarity,
take a strong stand for something you believe in,or own up to your own imperfections.
Nothing engages people more than a story that validates their own concerns, doubts, and fears,or speaks to a shared cause, mission, or belief.
Tip # 2 "Get more saves,share your favorite tips and tools"
provide insider tips and invaluable shortcuts
on a topic that is highly relevant to your followers.
And there's just something about lists
that we as humans just absolutely love, right?
It's actually scientifically proven that we love lists because they're simple and they provide easy frameworks for us to process information quickly in an otherwise overoversaturated dateline and a detailed list that supplements the graphic,
we also have a clear CTA that says,
"Comment yes below for us to DM you the links."
And sometimes we even include a save for later call to action in the graphic directly above the save button.That makes it really, really clear and easy for a follower to just click once,save that to their archive,
and then they can refer back to it later whenever they want
Tip #3  "To get more shares,post a thought-provoking meme or quote"
The biggest crowd pleasers of them all,
memes and quotes, both are punchy, straight to the point,
and offer a quick burst of fun, just like a tequila shot.Memes have the ability of uniting us using the universal emotion of humor.
There is no better way to do this than through satire of real life.
And while quotes may have gotten a bad rap lately,thanks to those spreading oversimplified, stolen,
and sometimes painfully cliche wisdom,
the numbers do not lie, people love quotes.
The bottom line is this, both quotes and memes are indisputably powerful and share worthy,especially when they are relevant to your audience and speak to their sense of identity,or a common belief system.
Tip # 4 "To get more comments, ask a simple question."
one of the best ways to get your followers to comment on your posts is to ask them a question, of course,
but here's the thing, you want to keep it quick
and ask a question that requires very minimal effort.include the question in the graphic itself
as well, because don't forget,
we are in the scrolling generation so you can ask a multiple choice question
if you do want to keep your question open-ended,
that's cool too.
Make the question painfully easy to answer,
like in my most commented post of all time,
It requires very little effort to answer,
and it evokes a strong sense of pride and identity.
So these types of posts are great gagement rate.
So the higher your engagement rate,
the more likely your posts are to be seen by more people and the faster you grow.
But again, you do not want your entire account
to just be these types of posts,
because then you're not adding a lot of value
for your audience.
They are a great way though, to get conversation going and have a little fun between your heavier content posts
Tip #5 "To get more leads, provide valuable resources."
Because Instagram prohibits hyperlinks
in the captions themselves,it can be really challenging for brands to send their followers to their website.It requires a lot of interest
and serious manual effort from the reader.
Those three little words, "link in bio"
require a surprising amount of work,
which means you better be giving people a damn good reason to stop their scrolling, go to your profile,click the link in the bio,
then to leave the Instagram app altogether
to access your website,and then take the desired call-to-action,
which is to sign up or buy something.With that being said,social media can still be a great source for leads,
but see this as an opportunity to put on your marketing hat and ask yourself this question,
what can I give my followers that is so good
that they'll want to stop what they're doing right now,
leave Instagram and go get it?
So the answer to that is to share a highly valuable and relevant resource that helps them solve one of their most pressing problems.
Tip # 6 "To get more followers, make it playful and have fun."
The best posts of them all are the ones that get a lot of likes, comments, shares, and saves because those are the posts
that keep peoplese those are the posts
that keep people coming back for more
and boost your following like crazy.
So my most engaging posts of all time across all metrics was this power words post.
Power words are a copywriter's secret weapon when it comes to giving your copy some needed pizazz.
So in this good old fashioned word game,
we listed down some common adjectives
and offered alternatives that can evoke more emotion and action in your copywriting.
We then asked our followers to fill in the blank
and find a better word for "increase".
So these kinds of posts are really fun and easy to answer,
but they also evoke our human competitive nature,
add a ton of value, and provide a unique opportunity for your audience to interact with you in a fun way.
By mixing up the style, format, and design of your posts,
while of course always following the ABC copywriting rules in your captions,
you'll boost your engagement and following in no time,plus you'll have a fun, creative, and exciting feed that keeps people coming back again and again and again.
0 notes
emailmarketin · 3 years
Here are 4 tips for keeping your content fresh and staying ahead of the curve this
I am sharing what the latest social media and digital marketing trends mean for all you copywriters out there and what you must do to make sure your marketing messages continue to make an impact.
Major marketing trend
Number #1 "Video Is Taking Over."
Two, Hyper-Relevant Behaviour-Based Content Is A Must.
Three, Omni-Channel Marketing Is Expected.
And four, Voice Search Is On The Rise
All 4 of these marketing trends are powered by huge advancements in Artificial Intelligence.
But, good news for all you copywriters… in my opinion, machine-learning will never
be able to completely match real, relevant and relatable copy written by a HUMAN… at
least not anytime in the near future.
In fact, I believe now, more than ever, business must rely on the creativity, empathy and intuition of copywriters to help them take advantage of these shifting trends and stay afloat in an over-saturated marketplace…
Because compelling copy + cutting edge strategies and technologies = exponentially more powerful marketing.
4 copywriting tips for staying current
and effective.
Tip #1: Be Authentic & Transparent
Authenticity and transparency have always been seen as highly valued in marketing, but
now the stakes are higher than ever.
Whereas in the past consumers may have tolerated inconsistent messaging or a lacklustre mission
statement in exchange for a “good deal”, that is simply not the case anymore With the ease and availability of countless options and alternatives out there, you can do longer afford to hide behind the faceless front that was once the Internet.
Your customers want to know who you are, what you stand for and how you do things.
Science says 86% of consumers say that authenticity is a key factor in their purchasing
decision 73% of consumers would pay more for a product if the company behind it promises transparency and a whopping 94% of consumers say they would remain loyal to a brand that provides complete transparency.
Your audience is more savvy than they’ve ever been and they’re also more intolerant
of anything that’s inconsistent or smells like bull .when it comes to copywriting, your number one job is to, first, create a distinct and memorable brand voice that is congruent throughout all your marketing touch points
From your ads all the way to your customer service responses… then, you simply just
need to BE the company your consumer believes you to be.
Or in other words, walk the talk, no matter what,And when it comes to writing offers, use REAL scarcity, explain WHY products are on sale and for how long, set clear expectations and HONOR them, communicate frequently and authentically and look to add value first.
Showcasing user-generated content, authentic social interactions, and true video testimonials are some great ways you can take advantage of this emerging trend.
Tip number 2.  "Tell Stories"
Storytelling has been used since the dawn of time to share information and pass down
tradition… and no matter how much technology changes and evolves, stories will always be one of the best ways to create connection, evoke emotion and inspire action.
People will remember your story long after they’ve forgotten your sales pitch… and
in the future when marketing technologies shift, and render some content dead and some strategies completely ineffective, your stories will live on,They’re like the cockroach of the marketing world.
When the Internet apocalypse hits, if your business is based on stories, you’ll not only survive, but thrive.
So, copywritiers, start telling more real, relevant and relatable stories in your copy.
Take the time to learn and master the brand voice you’re representing and carry those
stories through multiple channels and mediums.
Tip number 3. "Answer Questions"
One major marketing trend this year is Voice Search.
By 2021, over 50% of all searches will be done through digital assistants, like Apple’s, Siri and Amazon’s Alexa.
Voice Search is becoming second nature for anyone looking for a quick answer to something and this creates a huge opportunity for you, if you know how to capitalize on it.
Because here’s the thing… the way people traditionally conduct a Google Search is very
different than the way they conduct a voice search.
Tip #4.  "Make Your Copy Personalized & Interactive"
Marketing is no longer about spraying ONE marketing message all over the internet to
The future of effective marketing will be sending behaviour-based messaging in REAL
TIME to your subscribers, based on their actions, interests and engagement habits.
In fact, internet users are expecting you to KNOW their patterns!
They want relevant content 100% of the time, and they’re often not very forgiving of blatant, non-personalized marketing.
For example!!!
you send an email to a customer asking them to buy a product that they’ve already purchased, you’re breaking rapport and you're hurting your chances of them buying from you ever again.
Unfortunately, this is a really easy mistake to make as people tend to purchase across
different email accounts and browsers and devices.
Which is why omni-channel and omni-device tracking is so important… but your messaging
is JUST as important
In fact, it’s IMPERATIVE.
Increasing personalization in your messaging across all channels can lead to a 500% increase in consumer spending.
So, copywriters, as you’re writing your sales pages, and email sequences and video
scripts, take time to consider WHO is consuming this content and how you might want to adapt these messages for different audience segments.
Often times it’s not a complete rewrite that is needed, but rather a quick update of relevant and identifying information.
Creating multiple messages for different audiences also allows you to go even deeper into that personalization for the specific reader, which means less generic widely applicable content that is almost always less effective.
Remember, if you try to appeal to everyone, you appeal to no one.
And along with audience personalization, you also want to look at platform personalization
in your messaging.Given that social media continue to attract record numbers of consumers, it’s more important than ever to make sure your copywriting is fully adapted to each platform and channel you’re using.
A Facebook post and instagram caption should be written completely differently, because those audiences engage with those platforms differently.
Lastly, copy that creates even the slightest bit of interactivity is wildly more effective
at attracting and converting consumers.
Enhanced engagement among your target audience creates a sense of trust and credibility.
So copywriters, start thinking about all the fun ways you can create personalized content
that inspires your audience to interact with your brand.
0 notes
emailmarketin · 3 years
The three things that you can do to start making money today on the internet.
that freelancing is taking over the freaking world.From social media managers to copywriters,to bloggers, proofreaders, designers,branding specialists, video editors.
There's a freelancing side hustle for just about any and every industry out there.
And while the recent global pandemic
dramatically increased the number of freelancers we see out there hustling day-to-day,freelancing had already been trending up for years.
In fact, the freelancing industry is growing three times faster than the traditional workforce,and stats predict that by 2027
the majority of the US workforce will be freelancers.
Here are the six reasons why freelancing is the future.
Number #1 "Brands and Businesses Need Specialized Skills".
Every business at some point in time or another will encounter one of those one-off projects or a task that needs specialized help with,and it is way more efficient and financially smart for that business to hire a freelancer an expert freelancer
who already knows what they're doing and they're good at it,then they'll get their deliverable quicker and cheaper.
And a lot of the time those one-off projects will turn into a consistent gig with a monthly check for us freelancers.It is a win-win.
Number #2 "Job Freedom and Flexibility"
What's the number one biggest reason
that most people chase that nine to five life?
It's for job security, right?
Well, that is such a crock of bologna because if 2021 has taught us anything is that there is no such thing as job security,just like that your stable position could be deemed unessential,
and you could be laid off, let go,or have your business closed, thanks to an economic crash.And then you're left sitting there wondering
what in the heck do I do now?
But when you're a freelancer, you work for yourself which means you can never really be laid off or let go because you are in complete control of your workload,
how many clients you have,
how much you charge and what skills you can learn.
This job freedom and flexibility is life-changing.As a freelancer, you become a master of the pivot.Yes, a word we heard so much in 2021.You know you can learn a new skill,find a new client if you lose one and grow professionally as much as you want to or need to.
And no matter the state of the global economy,businesses will always need specialized skills.
So while freelancing might not give you the job security in that traditional biweekly paycheck for the exact same amount sense,
it does give you the freedom to work with as many clients as you want to at the hours you choose from anywhere in the world.
It's like diversifying your paycheck portfolio.
Multiple streams of income is the secret to security.
Number #3 "Technology Makes Your  Freelance Business a Breeze"
Technology makes your freelance business a breeze.So today, more than ever, all of the tech advancements and innovations that we're seeing in the workforce are really pulling society away from that corporate style of conferences and meetings and going towards digital meetings and communications which favors, yes, you guessed it, freelancers Businesses are no longer limited to finding employees just in their local area.
Now they can employ experts and specialists from anywhere in the world which makes a lot of sense for businesses because it opens up their options for hiring the best talent they can find.And thanks to tools like Zoom, Skype, Asana, Slack,FreshBooks, Stripe, and TransferWise, and so many more,
the online work environment has been streamlined and optimized for freelancer success.These kinds of tools make it effortless for a freelancer to communicate, manage,and get payments from clients all around the world which leads me to that money you are wondering about,
Number #4 "Your Earning Potential is  Unlimited".
A lot of freelancers get the most excited about.And while it is true that money isn't everything,it is nice to know that there is no glass ceceiling ,the sky is really the limit.
You set your prices and you decide
on how many clients you wanna work with.
And therefore you can make as much or as little money as you want to.Just remember, though, that your prices should be in direct reflection of your skills, experience,
and the value you bring to the table.
I feel like this is obvious, but I still have to say it,you won't start off your freelancing career
making millions of dollars.
However, it's absolutely possible for you to get there if you put in the work.
In freelancing, you get out what you put in.
So as long as you're willing to do the work
and find the right clients
you can definitely make buckets of that money, honey.
Number #5 "A better Work/life Balance"
So for a long time, people had to choose, right? Family or work, a good career or traveling the world,a high income or doing something that brings you joy.
For a long time it really wasn't possible
to have the best of both worlds,at least not easy, right?But with freelancing, it is.
Freelancing bridges the gap between having a stable income and being able to spend more time with your family,
travel the world, or do what you really love to do,because it can be done from anywhere you choose and whenever you choose.
Number #6 "freelancing is not replaceable by AI"
AI means artificial intelligence
So in my opinion, AI will never fully replace freelancing,not completely because we are humans and we need emotional connection and that will never change.So rather than seeing this inevitable advancement
in technology as a threat or as an excuse to not get started,think about how you can strategically use these AI tools to support you in your freelancing journey.
The truth is that freelancers are actually more prepared for those AI shifts than the general workforce because freelancers can work with the AI tools to generate quicker and better results for their clients.Whereas other more standard employment options
may be completely if not already replaced by AI,so think manufacturing lines and call centers.No matter what though, real human connection,empathy and creativity cannot be replaced by a robot,which is so, so important for copywriting.
So are you convinced yet that freelancing is the future?If you're ready to kickstart your freelancing journey
here are three quick, easy and practical ways
for you to get started making money today.
Step #1 "Get  Specific"
So the first step is obvious.You have to actually pick what you wanna do.So start with your passions and your natural skillsets and go from there.
Do you love writing?Web design, photography or social media?
You can easily turn any one of those passions
into a full-time profitable and fulfilling freelancing career.So get out a pen and a piece of paper and start brainstorming some ideas.Write down a list of three to four things
that you're passionate about and could be great at,and start researching them so that you have a better idea of what it takes to freelance in each industry.Once you narrow it down to your top pick,
Step #2 "Package Your Skills"
You need to get very clear on who you are,
what you do and how you can help businesses.So if you wanna be a copywriter,
for example
you aren't gonna land very many clients
by approaching them and saying, hi
I'm a copywriter and I'll write copy for you.
You will however, have much more success
if you say, hey, I'm a copywriter
and I specialize in writing email sequences.
Can I help you out with your email sequences
to sell more of your product?
No matter what freelancing industry you're in,
getting super specific on what you offer
is very important before you pitch any clients.
Step #3 "Find  Clients"
put yourself out there and find some clients.
Remember that you need to be visible in order to be seen.So update your Instagram, your Facebook,your LinkedIn profile, to reflect who you are and what you're now doing.
Get on freelancing sites like Fiverr and Upwork
and start reaching out directly to brands
and businesses that you wanna work for.
be real and be personal and make sure you're talking about how you can help them, not why they should hire you.
And I know that initial process of finding your first client can seem like a daunting task
but once you get over that initial hump,
if you do a great job and show up in integrity,
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emailmarketin · 3 years
How to run the perfect client discovery call
(also known as a sales call),
including the five questions you must ask
to turn that prospect into a paying client.
The goal of a discovery call is to build rapport
with your potential client and to get a better idea of who they are, what they do,
how you can help them solve a problem...
And perhaps most importantly,if you vibe with each other.
Tips for setting up the call.
So in your request for a call,ask them what time zone they are in and for three times that work in their calendar this week.
do not do the whole...
Once they get back to you with three time slots pick a time that also works for you
and then go ahead and schedule a 30-minute call in your calendar and send them the invite.
Now, it's really important for you to take charge of this and lead the way here.
Going back and forth and not giving any direction does not give a very good first impression.
And plus the goal here is to make their life easier.Leaving all the decisions up to them
will just add one more thing to their to-do list and the call likely won't happen
do not send them a Calendly link to grab a spot in your calendar.
I know it's easier for you, but it's kind of impersonal and it implies that you're so busy
that you're not able to prioritize their needs
when you are the one looking for work.
So I like to use Calendly when there's an equal power dynamic,but if you're a brand new freelancer and they're well-established business owner,show them that you're willing to make any time work.
It'll make you look more dedicated, flexible,
and easy to work with and shows them that you're a take charge person who will make their life easier.
#Copy Posse pro tip.
That way when they see it in their calendar
they know exactly what it is and who they're going to be talking to.Because then that is what they see in their calendar,and they are not having a discovery call with themselves.
your conversation should be very organic.
You don't want it to sound like you're grilling them or interviewing them. Let the natural environment of questions and conversation happen.Your job is to be curious about their company and brand
#Copy Posse pro tip two
Do not ask yes or no questions.This will inevitably lead you to do more talking than your prospect,which is never a good thing on a discovery call.So instead of asking...
And don't ask multiple questions at once.
Ask just one at a time and allow their answers
to naturally lead into the next question.
Five  questions to ask during your next discovery call.
Number #1
I know this is a really broad question but it's a great ice breaker.It's a fantastic opportunity to get the conversation It's also a great way to suss out their expectations.So are they looking for a magical cure
* to a tanking business and think copywriting is the answer?
* Are they looking to rock their upcoming launch?
*Are they looking to up-level their brand messaging?
Knowing this is so important
so you know how to guide the conversation
Number #2
Ask them how they got started in their industry,
what they're most passionate about and why they do it.
This will give you a really good feel for the type of business they are, what they stand for,
and ultimately if you guys stand for the same thing.So if you're resonating with what they're saying,that's a really good sign of a good fit.
Number #3
It's basic, but it is important.
In order to know if and how you can help them,you first need to understand the full scope of the project.So when they answer this question. really dive deep into the specific types of copy they need.
Go back to the customer avatar.
So believe it or not they're actually people
and entire companies out there who have no friggin' idea
who they are selling to.
So this is a really great time to get inside the head of your client's audience.
If they don't know the answer, do a little digging to see if they have at least a general idea of who will end up buying their product.
And also let them know that you can help them build an entire customer avatar from scratch which will drastically increase their conversions and brand success... and make you look even more profesh.
So this is more of a nuts and bolts logistically
kind of question but it is so important to discuss briefly.
If they want a long form sales page in two days,
I'm sorry but that's probably not going to work
And they most likely have no idea how much work and research actually goes into a well-crafted sales page.So this is your opportunity to gently educate them on the amount of time and work that's required for the copy they need.
Now, there are a lot of other questions
that you can ask, of course.So let your conversation naturally flow and ask whatever comes to mind.Once you have the answers you need to send a quote for the scope of work, you can wrap up the call.
And just like at the beginning,you want to continue to make this process as easy and seamless as possible for them assuming you do want to move forward, of course.
So at the end of your call,
let them know that you'll follow up with a quote,writing samples if they haven't already requested them and a timeline of deliverables.
When you tell them that YOU'LL follow up
you're giving them one less thing to worry about and one more reason to trust you.
So simply say, "Great, thanks so much.
It was a pleasure talking to you.
I'll be sending you a follow-up email with the next steps."And this is really important.
Follow up the same day via email.Thank them again for their time and let them know that you want to work with them to help them achieve their goal.
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emailmarketin · 3 years
Five super simple productivity tips
There are some mindful habits that you can easily implement into your daily routine
to dramatically improve your focus, productivity,and even the quality of your life.
What is productivity ???
Productivity is the effectiveness of productive effort as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input."
How productive you feel you are and how accomplished you feel at the end of each day is directly related to your individual goals and expectations.
So maybe you spend an entire day brainstorming seemingly useless ideas that will actually someday lead to a multimillion dollar product launch or lead you to starting an eight figure business, who knows?
on the surface it might not seem like you accomplish much that day.You've actually done quite a lot of important work.
I am a firm believer that there's a time and place for everything in your work schedule,
a time for brainstorming,a time for planning, a time for implementation,and a time for review and reflection.
So the very first step in maximizing your productivity is just to release the impossible expectations of constant hustle and grind.
Listen, life is about balance and that is true when it comes to your work life too not every day will be an "implementation day".
Tip Number #1"Ease Into your Mornings."
You need to make sure that you're starting each and every day in the right state of mind,
which trust me is easier said than done,
when you consider the normal stress and chaos that a lot of us encounter during our morning routines.Maybe you spilled your coffee all over your white shirt this morning
or maybe you were up with a screaming baby all night long.
Maybe you're going through some tough personal stuff,or maybe the first thing you saw this morning
when you woke up, was that mean text message or bossy email.All of these things can sabotage your productivity
for the day before you even get started.
Tip Number #2 "Time Block Your Day"
So this is key to maximizing your productivity.
Find out when you work best.Morning, afternoon, evening or night,and then time block your day accordingly.
So start to experiment with your workflow
and take notice of when you're at your creative best,then schedule everything else around that.Protect your creative time fiercely.
Tip Number #3 "Make a list Of Most Important Tasks"
Mapping out my MITs or "Most Important Tasks,"
really helps me to prioritize what I need to get done on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
So every Monday I jot down my MITs for the week,and then I assigned days to accomplish each task.So I like to separate my daily tasks using the 1-3-5 rule.So I'll do one big task, say like writing a piece of copy,and five small tasks, which could be as simple
So this helps to make sure that my creativity
and energy tank is full when I need it most
for that big creative task.
If you wait to do the hardest thing until later,
your tank will be empty and not only will it be more difficult for you to focus on that task, but it will take you longer too.And that is when I feel the most unproductive,when I get to the end of the day,and I still haven't done that big thing on my to-do list.
Tip Number#4  "Pomodoro technique"
So this technique is a time management method developed  by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.This technique uses a timer to break down work into small intervals, separated by short breaks.So traditionally this technique is done with 25 minutes of work, followed by a five minute break.
Now the genius behind this technique is
that it makes a big task, much less daunting.
mean, just the thought of sitting down to write an entire sales page can be so overwhelming
that you put it off for maybe weeks, right?
But when you approach it from the mindset of,
The key to this method is to work inquiries, then it isn't really a break.Is it?
Now I do believe there are some exceptions to this rule because every writer knows the importance of flow state.And when you are in it, you don't dare leave it or you might never find it again.So if my 25 minute timer goes off and I'm in the middle of a really juicy flow state, I won't stop,I'll keep writing but then
So you can set your own timer or feel free to use one of the many free Pomodoro timers you find online,just Google it.
Tip Number #5 "Work On One Thing at a Time"
So multitasking might seem like an efficient way to get more things done in less time,
but studies show that multitasking can actually decrease your productivity by 40%.
This is because constantly switching from one task to another is stressful on the brain,
resulting in less efficient focus and a lower quality of work.
So if you do have multiple things to do in one day Learning to prioritize your workflow is one
of the most important things that any entrepreneur can do.
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emailmarketin · 3 years
let's move on to a different service package
you can consider offering to your clients.
Number #1 " content writing."
So as a professional copywriter,you'll find that a lot of businesses will ask you to do some content writing for them as well.And just like picking and choosing your copywriting services,you can and should use your own discretion on whether or not you'll offer content writing to your clients as well.
While copywriting is the art of crafting words
for the sole purpose of conversion,content writing focuses more on engagement, education,and brand awareness.
And there are various forms of content writing
that you can choose to include in your services
Step #1 "Social Media Captions."
Social media is a huge part of most brands
and businesses marketing strategies these days.
And if it's not already, then it definitely should be.Because social media is where the majority of the population is hanging out on a day-to-day basis.Globally over 3.6 billion people use social media.And that number is expected to increase
to 4.4 billion by the year 2025,And handling your client's social media captions and content is a great way to get your foot in the door with a client that you just really wanna work with.Just remember that the main purpose of social media is to connect and engage with the audience.So you should always be providing value
in the form of education, entertainment, or inspiration.
Step #2 "Blog Post"
Blogs are one of the best ways to get ranked
in Google searches and optimize your SEO.
But the thing is most busy business owners
just don't have the time or energy to pump out
blog posts on a consistent basis.
And that's where you can step in and offer this as a service.As a minimum you could at least do one blog post a week and then of course you can go up from there.
Step #3 "Newsletters"
So these are weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly emails that get sent out to a list of subscribers.The purpose isn't necessarily to sell or promote anything directly but to rather build rapport, trust, and credibility,and most importantly create a sense of community.
Because one thing is certain in this day and age,
and most importantly create a sense of community.customers don't stick around with brands they don't feel connected to on some level.So if your clients don't already send
out consistent content rich newsletters to their mailing list,they are missing out on a huge opportunity to cultivate a loyal following,
Step #4 "Content Videos"
Content videos are an awesome way to built
a loyal following and brand.like promotional videos,all content videos start out as a script
or at the very least a loose outline because even though they are personal and conversational,you still wanna make sure your content videos are informative and valuable
and follow some sort of a framework.
Not to mention the need to craft compelling headlines and convince viewers to watch, like, and subscribe.
So as a copywriter,you absolutely can add content video scripts to your list of services
Number #5 "Search Engine Optimization"
SEO copywriting is common in particular industries and niches so do your research
and find out if it's something you wanna consider mastering.I mean, killer SEO strategies with high converting copy kind of sounds like a winning combination if you ask me.So if you wanna take things one step further and add SEO to your list of services
you can definitely do that,but you'll wanna make sure that you know more than me,
just the basics,if you're calling yourself an SEO copywriter The good news is the best SEO secret in the world is to write copy
and content that is valuable, creates authority
and gets people to stay and engage with your page or website,which as a copywriter you already know how to do so you are one step ahead.
Now the third category of services you could offer as a copywriter is number three,
1 # "  Marketing Support"
So if you really wanna beef up your packages
and the money you have coming in,
you might wanna consider offering marketing services to your clients as well.
Offering additional marketing support can make you invaluable to your clients
because they're basically getting a unicorn,
someone who can write, strategize, and implement
and that is very, very hard to find.Of course,
there's a whole slew of services that you could offer under this category but let's just cover three that copywriters could easily add to their list of services.
So the first is community management.So a major part of writing in business comes down to communication with your followers,
subscribers and customers via email, membership sites,and social media.Customer support was the very first role
2# " Funnel Building"
So if you have a more technical flare and you're familiar with online tools like GRU funnels, ClickFunnels, Kajabi,or all the others,
you can absolutely add funnel building to your list of services.So this is where you essentially create the pages and sales funnels that you are writing.Now, this is a highly valuable service that you can offer your clients because it will save them time
from having to hire someone else or spend hours trying to do it themselves.
3 # "Marketing Consulting."
A marketing consultant is an advisor
and strategist who works with the companies
to create and design marketing campaigns.
So as a marketing consultant you could help create detailed marketing plans,determine a business's marketing message and identify the right marketing mediums to most effectively get that message out to the masses.Now remember as a copywriter,
you are really the best of both worlds.Word nerd meets marketing master.So pick and choose the services that resonate with you the most and never forget the value that you bring to the table.
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emailmarketin · 3 years
Have you ever wondered what services you should offer as a copywriter?
the great thing about being a freelance copywriter is that you can offer whatever you want or whatever you don't want.
So I've broken down these services into three categories
and the first one is of course copywriting services.
So this first category is the list of services
that actually fall under a copywriter's job description,in my opinion.So this is what savvy clients who actually understand
what you do may ask you to do for them.
please keep in mind that this is your copywriting business and you do not have to offer all of these assets if you don't want to.
Number #1 "Advertise"
The first is ads.So this can include digital ads,like the ones you see on Google, Facebook, or Instagram,video ads you can see on YouTube,or even printed ads that you might see in newspapers or in direct mail.
Now the main purpose of digital ads of course is to get the click. Now with ads, in fact, with all forms of copywriting,
it is very important to remember that your headline or that first few sentences of text
are the most important thing to get right.
Because in the age of the scroll,you have to master the art of crafting compelling headlines.All great ads grab attention with a powerful hook.
Number #2 "Email Marketing"
Emails sent out to a list of subscribers with
the sole purpose of marketing something.
Although great email campaigns should also add a lot of value and focus on building rapport with the list.
So depending on your client's needs,they may ask you for many different types of emails,
like autoresponders or an indoctrination sequence,sales emails, content emails, affiliate emails,or re-engagement emails.
As a copywriter,you can add all of these to your list of services but as a copywriter, your job is only to write these emails.into your client's email-sending software,unless you want to.
Number #3 "Landing Page"
It's like a sales page, but shorter, and used
for the purpose of lead generation.
So the number one job of your ad is to convert
more eyeballs into clips,and the number one job of your landing page is to convert more clicks into leads.
You wanna motivate and inspire a prospect
to enter their information,
typically their first name and email in exchange for a free high value promise
or what is more commonly referred to as a lead magnet.
Number #4 "Sale Page"
It is also the page that you'll get paid the most money to write.The copywriting magic need you to turn prospects into paying customers is where persuasion and psychology and major writing swagger comes into play.
In my opinion,all copywriters need to master this skill because it is what sets us apart from other content writers.
Now, if you're a copywriter or a business owner looking to write a high converting sales page that will get you paid and keep your clients and prospects coming back for more,
Number #5"Homepages and Website Copy"
So this is what I refer to as branding copy or authority copy.Well, conversions are still really important on your main homepage.
Your brand message is everything.
Your homepage is that first thing people see
when visiting your website,so you have to make a good first impression The goal of a homepage is simple.To create trust, and
build authority
Number #6 "About Page"
So with more and more audiences seeking out products,coaches and businesses that share the same values that they have,
well written About pages are a great opportunity to share a brand story, vision, mission, philosophy,and what makes them different.It's your way of answering the question,
So as a copywriter,you can offer this to anyone who doesn't already have an About page
Number #7 "Promotional Videos and Video Sales Letters"
Promotional videos are used for the purpose
of promoting a specific marketing initiative,
event, or product.
They are typically short and sweet and get to the point.The copy part of promotional videos
will include the videos titles, subtitles,or any copy that's used in the visual elements throughout the video.And of course the script.
And it's really important to remember that although copy is only part of what makes a great promo video,up to 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound.So make sure that the copy you have in your script
that shows in the subtitles is essential to boosting your conversions.So another type of video marketing
that requires some major copywriting skills
are VSLs or video sales letters.
So video sales letters are similar to a written sales letters except they are written scripts rather than a written page and they are showcased in video form.
your job as the copywriter is just to write the script, not to produce the actual videos.
Number #8"Product Description"
So product descriptions refer to that short little blurb of text that describes what a product is,what it does, and why someone should buy it.They're typically used in e-commerce stores where copy space for products is very limited but a common mistake that I see made all the time is boring product descriptions that just describe the product.
So great product descriptions need to go deeper than the boring left brain need to know stuff.You want customers to read your product and think, "Wow, okay.That is something I really need,it is interesting, unique, smart, funny, I gotta get it."
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emailmarketin · 3 years
Five  unique ways you can make money online as a copywriter,
Number one:" Copyediting and proofreading"
So let me start with a big old disclaimer.
to become a great copywriter,you need to be fluent in the language, have a flair for words, and be passionate about marketing.
But here is a shocolking truth about most copywriters.We are some of the worst spellers and proof readers in the wordsmithing world.It's not because we don't know how to spell, it's just that we're often so focused on that high level strategy and all those ideas that we miss the finer details like spelling and grammar.
there are so many copywriters,marketers and business owners out there like me who need their webpages, marketing funnels, emails and content edited and proofread before it can be published online ,or sent to the end client.proofreading is standard line by line
review of simple spelling and grammar,copy editing is more holistic and requires you to evaluate the overall flow and feel of an entire piece.So whether you have some formal academic training when it comes to editing or proofreading,or you just fancy yourself, a little bit of a perfectionist,when it comes to spelling or grammar,this might be the perfect service to add to your repertoire, to create an additional source of income.Now, aside from scouring gig platforms and ads, you can even do some investigation yourself and reach out to brands you follow to offer your editing and proofreading skills
Number #2 "Social Media Management."
Posts and ads on social media that have great format and design,but lack the enticing copy needed to actually compel viewers to take action.With user-friendly tools like Canva to create beautiful graphics and tools like the Later app to schedule your posts, it is totally possible and actually pretty simple for you to add social media management to your scope of services.In fact, I think all business owners
should hire copywriters to help them with their social media, because great copy is the difference between those accounts that have large social media followings and the accounts that can actually monetize their large social media followings
Number #3 "Project management."
Project managers are organizational task masters that make sure projects are completed on time and on budget.
So they're the coordinators between all the different teams,the writers, the designers, and the developers.They delegate tasks and manage project work flow,
and of course, yes, they track deadlines and deliverables.So if you're just starting out as a copywriter,taking on the role of project manager can be a really great way to get your foot in the door.
if you like working with systems and processes,are highly organized and enjoy interpersonal communication.
But thanks to apps like Asana and Slack,
your job has already been made so much easier.And while it does take experience
for you to really ace this space,there are plenty of young companies out there that need organized, reliable and productive project management along with killer copy.
Number #4 "Monetized content."
Monetize content is a great way to pad your bank account every single month
if you're focused and passionate about building an audience.
So depending on your medium of choice,
whether it be Instagram, podcasts, YouTube, or a blog,
there are multiple ways to monetize your content through sponsorships, advertising spots and AdSense.
Or by utilizing platforms such as Patreon
which has revolutionized the influencer space.This platform has been a saving grace
for independent artists and creators worldwide.It lets fans and supporters become active participants in their work with a monthly membership that gives them access to premium content.But this is not exclusive to just musicians and artists,
many writers, content creators, and even podcast hosts have used sites like Patreon
to engage directly with their supporters and get regular payments through membership fees.
So you could offer paid short stories,educational articles, opinion pieces
or even personal content about your experience as a copywriter.
Now this type of income stream may take a while before it becomes fruitful,as it does rely on an established brand and following.
But having a community that advocates for you and believes in your work will ultimately benefit your career and boost your authority in the long run.
Number # 5 "Content writing and paid articles"
So you may presume that the blogosphere
has become totally fatigued and oversaturated and therefore no longer a decent source of income for writers.
But now more than ever before businesses out there are looking for consistent, relatable
and share worthy content.And that ranges from everything from blog posts and articles
to case studies and content videos
This is why job postings for content writers
are still flooding marketplaces everywhere.
Brands want strong writers like you
who know how to write catchy hooks,
provide valuable wisdom and engage with their specific audience.
Now the trick is to actually find a content writing client that will let your writing shine its brightest.
So go for brands that have a clear strategy,
prioritize quality and of course fall under a niche that you specialize in.
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emailmarketin · 3 years
How to create a business email address
and use it through gmail for free so instead
of using yourname gmail.com
you'll be able to use your name at yourwebsite.com
you how to hook it up to your gmail account so that you can both send and receive emails
through this new professional email address but have the comfort and familiarity of the gmail platform
why would you want a professional email
Number #1
Free emails look cheap a professional
email address shows that you're serious about yourself and your business
Number #2
Free email accounts are more at risk for
Number #3
professional emails help build your overall brand
Step #1
Step number one do you have a website in order to get a professional email like your name at yourwebsite.com you need to own your own domain name like yourwebsite.com
so if you don't go and create website with
hostgator so once you have a domain name and hosting we can move on to next step
Step #2
Step number two which is to add your
custom email account let's go ahead and go over to hostgator.com and sign in
from here what we're going to do is select the hosting package that we want to create this professional email
you can use 10minutewebsite.com to make a professional email here you can create email account
Step #3
Step number three which is to set up your mail client
setting up a mail client means that we will link
up this new professional email address to
your gmail account so that way you can send and receive emails through your gmail account but under your new custom professional name so to do this we have to go over to gmail and sign in
put in  information right  so now we're going to go ahead and hook up the new email that we created to our gmail
whenever you've done that just click on add account and then it's going to ask us if we want to be able to send mail as this new
professional email which we do and it automatically says yes so you can just leave that checked and click on to create an alias
and an alias means that you can add
your actual name to this new professional email address so that whenever it shows up in somebody's inbox it will not only show your professional email address but also show a personal touch of your first and last name
next to it and it doesn't have to just be your first and last name
Step #4
Step number four which is to verify your new email so in order to verify our new email what
we're going to do is just go back over to gmail
and then just scroll down to check mail
from other accounts which we went to
earlier and then just click on check mail now
and as you can see  it says one mail fetched and the reason for this is because whenever you set up a new email with gmail gmail knows that this account is not getting a lot of emails right away because it's brand new
so it's not going to fetch mail as often
but as you start to get more emails through this account gmail will fetch them almost instantly but for now you can go in and manually check it by hitting the check mail
Number #5
Step number five is is to send yourself a test email so we want to make sure this new email is working
0 notes
emailmarketin · 3 years
Here are four of the most profitable email templates you should be using as a copywriter.
Social media like Facebook Messenger and SMS marketing, email is still one of the most effective and personalized ways for businesses to communicate with their audience.
It helps them improve their reach and  visibility, and convert more leads on a consistent basis.Now, while email deliverability is getting harder, thanks to those douchey people who make the internet a filthy minefield of clickbait and phishing scams, tighter spam restrictions
are not necessarily a bad thing.It actually creates a huge opportunity for those of us who do want to play by the rules.and use email to authentically market our products and services.So yes whether it’s a weekly newsletter, an autoresponder, a sales campaign, or an email update during an online course…
So, as a copywriter, your job is to write email messages that matter to the subscriber,
and ultimately compel them to take action
Number #1 "Click Magnet(short form)
email copywriting templates that engage and covert!
This type of email is short and sweet – sometimes no more than 10 words or so
It builds up curiosity and opens a loop in the reader’s mind.Click Magnets are succinct, conversational messages that rely heavily on a call-to-action
that piques your prospects curiosity or triggers a micro-commitment, like answering a yes or no question.Paired with a compelling subject line, these emails can drive a massive amount of clicks,
which make them fantastic for reviving dead leads or starting a dialogue with your prospects.
Now, of course, like any technique or method, the Click Magnet has its pros and cons.
short emails have the power to garner a bunch of clicks.
They are quick to write and can pack a big punch in just a few words.They are also less of a time commitment for those people who don’t have interest in reading novels in their inbox.The goal for this template is to START a conversation, which means the copy on your site post-click needs to work harder to continue the dialogue, communicate value and build trust, or you’ll risk having a much lower conversion rate.
Number #2"long-form storytelling email"
This type of email feels personal, builds brand loyalty and provides endless opportunities
for you to overcome your audience’s objections – right there in their inbox, while you have their trust and attention.
So the key with any long form email is to hook your reader’s attention right away and keep it by telling a story that’s believable, relatable, and valuable.There’s no doubt that people who click on long emails are more committed, resulting in a much higher on-site conversion rate.BUT, it doesn’t always work.keep your paragraphs short and format your emails so they’re narrow and easy to read.
Number #3 " Classic"
The goal of this style of email is to make quick sales and it includes 3 core elements:
The first, a discount or premium.
So, throw in some limited-time bonuses or lower the price of your original offer to
increase the value/price gap.
Second, a strong reason why.
Make sure to give a good, but brief explanation on why you’re having a sale.
And number three, scarcity.
Give your reader a deadline or quantity limitation so they act right away.
This simple email template allows any business with an email list to ramp up their sales for a limited period of time
So you could use this during a holiday sale like Black Friday or Back to School, or use
a personal reason for the discount, like your anniversary or a day that’s special to a cause
or mission that your business supports.
This style of email works best when used with an audience you contact regularly and who are very familiar with your brand.
Number #5 "Soap Opera"
Soap Opera emails create open loops throughout an entire campaign by using the art of serialised storytelling.
So imagine leaving a cliffhanger at the end of each email that continues onto the next one just like your favorite Netflix drama or Soap Opera
Soap Opera emails create a series valuable touchpoints that help you create a strong
connection with your audience.They get your readers committed!Not just to your brand and your offer, but your mission, your personality, and your story.
Now, because this type of email style requires a whole series, it’s best used in autoresponder
campaigns or evergreen funnels for a targeted list.My four go-to email templates whether you want high engagement, high conversions, a quick spike in cash flow or increased brand loyalty.
Just make sure that whatever template you choose fits your brand voice and audience
and always nurture your list with lots of value and love so that these emails can continue
to work for you.And, of course, no matter how great your email is, no one will read it if you don’t have a compelling, and attention-grabbing subject line that will get your reader to click open.
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emailmarketin · 3 years
We have to write a lot of emails these days
we receive a lot of emails we send a lot of
emails how effectively do we write emails it's very very important as a professional
because I personally think that what you are or how you are as a person definitely reflects in your writing
5 tips to write an effective email!!
Number #1 "Subject Line"
the first one says subject line let's see if I have written something like this emergency okay(please read urgently) what I think is
an emergency or maybe what I think is urgent it's not necessary that you also think it's urgent
if I have to say something like say important (please read it's important) but how am I supposed to understand that what I think is
important is also important to you of course not this is absolutely wrong because nobody
is going to look at your email
if this is your subject line because he will he
or she would think that he has more important work to do and he would not want to read this email instead of announcing in your subject line that the content of your message is so
important why don't you write an information subject line when I say informated I mean you could write something like maybe emergency
all meetings for tomorrow are rescheduled and trust me he or she who is looking at the subject line is definitely going to open this email you know why because if you say all meetings for tomorrow are rescheduled he would have definitely planned his day tomorrow according to the meetings which are lined up so your subject line in an email is very very important for the reader or for you
to ensure that your email goes read and
not unread
Number #2"Keep The Message Focused"
Many people who hate to read land the
messages not only messages whether it's a short text  or maybe an email it's very boring
for them for some people of course they
definitely are the people who do not even like
to read books so they do not like to read email
to read books so they do not like to read emails long emails
will help you with few tips here like I say introductory add an introductory line okay let's say you your meeting or your email is about the person not receiving his mail on time or
you are in a customer service and the person's the delivery of a product has not happened and you always ensure that
you write an introductory line the second one that I would suggest is
always number use numbering it is very
easy when you use numbers or bullets for
the person or the reader to understand the points and to read them through correctly
Number #3 "Caps"
it's mandatory in fact to use caps were ever
required and small wherever required if you write in all caps it's definitely gonna look like you don't know how to write so always keep your caps and small only focused or related to where they're supposed to be keep them limited to where they're supposed to be and over
Number #4 "Short Message"
Always ensure that your messages are short
writing paragraphs when you write in paragraphs it's very very easy for a person to read through it correctly and to read every line like I told you people don't write to like to
read a lot of long messages and some people hate reading trust me I know some people who just hate reading for those
kind of people and of course for everybody
your message if you want your email to look good always write in paragraphs
Number #5"Avoid Bulky Attachments"
I would suggest that you keep an attachment maybe to a 2 MB or a 3 MB usually what happens is when you send bulk emails I mean bulky attachments on your emails or along with your emails there are many chances of
them to go into spam or say it eventually goes into a junk and you don't even realize that your reader has not received that email which of course is very bad or instead what you could do is you could always paste a link which
helps them to download that attachment
and read it for themselves which by that way you know that your email has reached
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emailmarketin · 3 years
5 Fiverr Gigs that require no skills & Zero Knowledge | Make Money Online Today!
One of the easiest and simplest methods to  make money online is publishing your skills
and services on websites like fiverr,freelancer   upwork and then you can start making money online  by providing your services as a freelancer
Five gigs you can publish today and start
making money online even if you have no skills,zero knowledge
Number #1 "Remove Image Backgrounds
number one is providing a service  to remove image backgrounds
how we can remove the background of any image
how we can remove an image background simply  just go to canva.com this awesome website for  image editing and creating photos and thumbnails  and ebooks and so on and now  click on create  a design and
upload an image simply
click on effects and then background removal
simply  download the image and send it to your client ,
you can  resize the image and download and provide this  as a service on fiverr or any website so this is  number one removing image backgrounds
Number# 2 "Providing in-depth SEO Report
For any Website"
If you go  into fiverr and search for seo as an example you  will find a lot of people offering seo services  and some offering just an seo report in-depth  report about a website to show them what's wrong  in their websites and help them rank on search  engines
# What is SEO???
It stand for search engine optimization and it's  a technique to optimize your website so you can
rank on google or any search engine and get free  organic traffic from search engines so how you can  provide in-depth seo report of any website if  you have no knowledge simply use this service  seo-analyzer any free seo analyzer tool
Number#3 "Designing html5 advertisements"
maybe someone will ask you to design  an ad for him to publish on his website or he
he want to create a google ad campaign or whatever  and he want a design
simply go to website called bannersnack.com      an awesome website to create banners and  ads with a drag and drop editor and a huge  library of templates
you can see  animated ad you just need to edit it , just maybe change the logo
maybe edit the text and so on and then you can  download as html5 ad or you can publish directly  embed on his website you can    give  responsive scale just copy this code and give it  to the user who is requesting this service and he can publish directly on his website without  worrying about speed or downloading uploading and  so on you can give him the code directly or if  you want you can just export the template here a jpeg png html mp4 whatever you want and give it to
the user so this is service number three
Number #4 "Arbitrage or Reselling Services"
What do we mean by this???
you know we have a lot  of websites providing freelancing services  like freelancer.com like upwork like fiverr  and so on so the idea here is to publish a gig  on fiverr as an example or on freelancer and then  resell it so you find a cheap gig here like for  maybe five dollars ten dollars twenty dollars on fiverr here and then you publish on freelancer  with a higher cost or higher price so and you  earn the difference between the two prices
Number #5 "Commenting On  Blogs"
commenting on  blogs anyone now can open a blog post and comment  on a blog
this will help blog  owners get more backlinks and increase the  authority and the rank of their website so it's somehow an seo service but you are providing  a simple task which is commenting on others blogs
if you go  to fiverr and let's  search for blog comments or whatever you will  find a lot of people will tell you i will give  you high quality backlinks using blog comments i  will comment on whatever blogs about these niches  and so on so simply you can provide this service
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emailmarketin · 3 years
Fiverr Gigs That Require No Skill & 0 Dollars For Beginners | Make Money Online Fast Today!
Fiverr gig ideas for  beginners to start making money online today
make money online on fiverr or maybe on upwork  or freelancer or maybe sell your own services
Number#1 "Content Research"
Content research or content planning    to make things simple for you anyone now
on the internet who has a blog or a youtube  channel is publishing content so obviously
all those people need content ideas for this you can use any free tools ,any free SEO tools
it  will give you the monthly search volume on youtube  and the difficulty on youtube so you will use this  metrics to get the best ideas
you can use the service to  provide as a gig to your clients really it's very  helpful and they will love to get the service  from you
now how to choose the best keywords? simply  you can search for keywords or topics with high  monthly search volume  this is really very important for  making money online for him for your client so you  will help him make more money also by choosing the
best keywords for with a high cpc
you can go to the seo keyword research tool
and find now target keywords  on google
Number #2 "providing or selling ad spaces
and backlinks"
it's simply selling  an ad on your website
why it's cpm based  because he will not pay per click he will pay per  view so for each 1000 views he is paying around  0.6 or 0.7 dollars now this pricing depends on  your website, how much traffic do you have and  the countries from where visitors are coming
if your website like has %80 or %90 traffic  from the U.S you can charge more like $2 or $3  for 1,000 impressions
what do you mean by backlinks?
maybe you can sell  a backlink and not an ad space
a backlink simply is  mentioning a link for another website because this  will help him in SEO and ranking on google
Number #3 " Setting Up a Wordpress Website"
Three is simply setting up a wordpress website  you need to sign up with digitalocean cloud  you will get around $100 for one month to test  anything you want
in digital  ocean after you sign up we can simply create  a droplet here,create a droplet and then you can  simply set up a wordpress website. you can see here
go to marketplace and then select wordpress  you see this just select wordpress and go down  and select a size for the machine this depends on  the client needs he may tell you i want a machine  like for $10, $5 and so on you select the machine  and then simply select the region where you want  this website to be like in in the U.S in london  and so on you select the place and set the  password here let's set the password and then go  down and click create droplet and now digitalocean  will do everything for you it will create the  droplet for you the wordpress website for you
you have a  full wordpress website to give to your client  and this website is hosted on a vps service so  it's somehow a premium service you can give to  your clients a premium hosting a premium wordpress  hosting to your client and that's it you have your  wordpress website, you can access now with   ip or just point the domain to this ip and start  and give to your client, so this is the third  service is providing and setting up wordpress for  your clients
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emailmarketin · 3 years
What is Amazon SES? and how it works
how it helps you in your own online business
It's a service provided by Amazon allows you to send emails  so it's an SMTP mailing service very nice whether you have a website or you want to send transactional emails or maybe marketing emails, Amazon SES is a great choice
Three awesome features about Amazon SES
Number #1
number one it's super cheap Amazon SES
may be the cheapest or it is the
cheapest SMTP service on this planet
you can send around 1 million emails for only $100? Yes you can send ten thousand emails per day for only $1 it's super cheap
Number #2
Second thing, the second awesome feature
in Amazon it's super powerful it's super fast
you can send hundreds and thousands of
emails per second so it's super powerful
Number #3
The third powerful feature in Amazon is
its awesome reputation its high reputation so when you configure SES and send your first email it will go directly and drop in the Inbox
except if you are not a spammer
is there any negative side of Amazon SES?
yes and no if you are an email marketer you
know you need a system to create campaigns
to manage your lists to follow up your
autoresponders to monitor your campaigns
and so on Amazon SES. is an SMTP service it's not a mailing application so the only negative side or not negative the only thing you need to do is to connect it with a mailing
you can get a mailing you can get a mailing
application like MailWizz which is super powerful for only $50 with one-time payment connect with Amazon SES and go with your marketing campaigns with no recurring fees
When you want to send emails ,when you want to run email marketing campaigns you need an SMTP server, this SMTP server is responsible for sending your emails you can use Google SMTP means Gmail you can use services like SendGrid like mail gone like tier SMTP whatever service you want and Amazon we have an SMTP service called Amazon STS or simple email service To configure Amazon  SES you need a domain name,get a domain from GoDaddy Namecheap,named silo whatever domain provider you want ,the first thing you need to do is to add your domain to STS so simply click on domains  and click verify, it will give you now some  records to add your DNS zone,we have here three records and if you want to set the MX record also you can select here then ax is the email server record for your domain after you set this simply click close and you're doing will be verified soon after verifying your domain you will be able to send only for verified email addresses by default that you are set in the sandbox you can only send to verified emails and only 200 emails per day so to unlock this limit simply request a sending limit increase after 24 hours to 48 hours Amazon will reply and open the  limit for you you have a limit of 14 emails per second and 50,000 emails per day you can build you own SMTP server and open the limits and pay around 20 to 40 dollars per month to get a VPS server for you and send 100,000 emails every day so this is our configration and you can use it for email marketing campaigns
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emailmarketin · 3 years
Five new techniques to monetize your
website  and make more money even with the same  number of visitors every month
so whether you have a website already or you want to start a website or a blog  you can
make money from different methods on the
same website.
Number #1 "Paid Guest Post"
Number one simply is accepting paid
guest posts.So if you have a blog
where you can accept guest posts, you can
charge people for posting on your blog.
If you have like maybe 5 000 visitors per month, 10 000 visitors per month and so on
what people get of this?
simply,they get traffic.So, people in your blog
they will see their articles and read it and
inside the articles they may be  promoting
their services
Number #2 "Monetize With Ads"
You can post Google ads on your website.
Also, another option with ads is to sell ad spaces on your website
You can create a newsletter add a small ad for someone else.
So you can promote other services inside
your newsletter and get paid for
This is really an awesome option also to
monetize your newsletter.
This is not spamming, you are just sending your subscribers,and at the bottom of the newsletter, you can maybe add a promoted post or so on.So this about monetizing with ads using Google AdSense or similar networks, selling ad spaces or monetizing
your newsletters.
Number # 3  "Repixel"
What is three Repixel??
Simply is advertising the traffic.Maybe you
heard about Facebook pixels, Quora pixels,
Google ads pixels. This is a small code that
you add in your website.so you can track your
visitors and then retarget them in a Facebook ad.So this strategy number three which is using a website called Repixel
Number # 4 "Affiliate Marketing."
This is really so important So you can simply share affiliate links in your blog post, or a
small note in your website
Promoting products for someone else,
Affiliate marketing  is to market products that you don't own.It's for someone else and you will get  paid  when an action is done on the product.
Affiliate marketing goes mainly in three steps
Step #2
Step number two is simply choosing a
product to promote.That simple! So we have online  hundreds, maybe thousands, of products  that you can promote as an affiliate
marketer. You just need to  pick one, or two, or maybe 10  and start promoting
How to  pick  a product???
The first website is  warriorplus.com.
This is a very good website for beginners
2 #The second  network  is cj affiliate
3 #  The third network  is impact.com
4 #  The fourth network is  clickbank.
5 # Network number five is shareAsale
So this is how you pick a product. You go
to an affiliate network  and you will find a lot of products to  start promoting.
Other than affiliate networks, we have affiliate products.
Number #5 "Accepting Donations"
If you want to get more money also using your website is simply accepting donations.
if you are giving somehow good value to people,they will be maybe happy to donate you like with five ten dollars or more depending on your content. So you can simply go to PayPal and add a PayPal button to accept donations or if you don't have PayPal in your country, you can go with a website called Patreon which allows you to accept using Pioneer and by the way here you have two patterns
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