embidoesdreaming · 4 years
[ May 5, 2020 -- apparently I slept during the day on this one (Recall) ]
Series Involved: Boku no Hero Academia Theme(s): port city(?); shady businesses, idol!au-esque i fucking shit you not
There’s raw energy from when i first talked about this one upon waking up that I cannot replicate if I rewrite it so:
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*** Yami = @quirkless-wonder​ *** Yayoi = @silver-strings-of-fate​
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embidoesdreaming · 4 years
[ May 4, 2014 (according to this Facebook memory post) ]
Series Involved: N/A Theme(s): blood; zombie apocalypse; summoning demons; prob NSFW if not just TMI???
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embidoesdreaming · 4 years
[ April 24, 2019 (Recall) ]
Series: N/A Themes: horror; Chinese Zodiac; video game concepts (Yume Nikki; Corpse Party)
This one more or less still lingers in my memory. It basically had the same cinematics and themes as Corpse Party, while at the same time keeping that central hub gameplay design from Yume Nikki. It was a twist on the Chinese Zodiac, each one with a miniature 'shrine' of it's own that transports you to a pocket dimension set inside said shrine ruled by a demonic version of the Zodiac. We were forced to give up a sacrifice in order to 'complete' their trials, although there was also the option to kill the Zodiac Sign itself. 'Course, it seemed impossible, especially the whole place was trying to kill you to make your insane. It wasn't just me either; other kids were forced to partake in this ritual among the Zodiac Signs. We were all probably spirited away, and winning all the trials let you return back to the human world.
I'm not sure how I managed in the 2-3 shrines I was whisked away into in that dream. It might've just been out of sheer luck that I'd end up as the sole survivor in each one. I think I was sent to the Ram Zodiac before waking up. It wasn't like the other ones I was in, though -- it seemed to have an urban setting since I appeared under a utility pole, and a bridge crossing over train tracks to a residential area was in front of me.
Funny enough, it was the only Zodiac Sign I could remember the most details on, and I'm the year of the Boar.
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embidoesdreaming · 4 years
[ May 30, 2020 --- I ended up sleeping the second half of the day away ]
Series Involved: Boku no Hero Academia Theme(s): aliens; post-apocalyptic; sci-fi
I had an alien invasion-esque AU of an dream where there were these aliens that I want to say looked a little like Xenomorphs but also more anthropod-like in general, and they acted like a hivemind. The aliens were shapeshifters---any person that they saw, they could change their appearance into---and they all came from another planet from probably some other galaxy through this portal they made in order to claim Earth as their new home.
I was Deku, trying to find everyone amidst all the chaos happening when the invasion had begun and was at its worst, though mainly looking for Inko. The details are hazy/blurred together as to how exactly the chaos looked while I was going around the city, but I eventually stumbled upon some machine at some person's house --- my guts tell me that this person was a scientist, part of an organization that dabbled in this kind of sci-fi stuff, so I'm pretty sure the machine held some kind of importance that now evades me. That aside, I must've entered this house either under some kind of belief that Inko was there or for just some other significant purpose/reason that I can no longer tell, but soon after I found thks machine, something happened that cause the whole earth to shake.
The building collapsed, burying me underneath it, which brings us to a timeskip of 3 years later. How I managed to remain preserved alive is beyond me -- perhaps it was some unforeseen force; maybe the machine had something to do with it; it could just also be dream logic, but that's beside the point.
Waking up, I found that my legs were crushed. It took some work to pull myself out from all the debris, but what laid before me when I did was a post-apocalyptic setting where the aliens now roamed the Earth, desolate of the human race, along with some new alien wildlife settling into the remains of urban settlement. The hazy sky was a foreboding greenish hue, I remember seeing a couple of War of the World-esque tripod-looking aliens going around looking for gods know what in the distance --- it was real jarring to say in the least. I spent a solid minute or two at a complete loss and all confused, trying to get a grip of what's happened, when suddenly a portal like the aliens' opened up near me. I saw people coming out of it armed with guns and other protective/military(?) gear. They were survivors either looking for supplies/other survivors, or going on an expedition to investigate more on the alien invaders.
Ochako was one of them. She freaked out when she saw me, Deku. Everyone immediately went on guard -- for all they knew, I was another one of the aliens shapeshifting to look like Deku. It wasn't until they soon started to shoot and I used OFA to dodge did Ochako immediately realize I was the real thing and made everyone stop. Apparently, from what I was told later on, the aliens don't actually copy one's Quirk unless it's displayed. Basically, if they can see it, they can implement it into their system and replicate it, so everyone was eventually advised not to use their Quirks in front of an alien under any circumstances. I'm not sure how Ochako knew it was me -- I can only assume that it's because the aliens never did anything that showed they could replicate OFA for the past 3 years since I was MiA, so it was impossible for them to suddenly use OFA now.
It took some convincing before the others finally listened. It was decided that they'd taoe me back to home base, which was beyond the portal, under the condition that I was placed inside this weird container thingy so I couldn't suddenly attack. Going through the portal brought us to the aliens' home planet (which sort of looked like a jungle, at least where we came out of), except they no longer lived there because they've all migrated to Earth. Survivors have made a home base there, and have been working on reclaiming Earth back from the aliens using their technology and making it their own. The details on how they dealt with me are hazy around here, but they eventually let me out to meet all the survivors and also be brought to the infirmary.
All of Class 1-A had survived, including several important adult figures like Aizawa, All Might and so on. I also learned that not many others made it out, and that included a lot of the students' parents. Inko was.. not among the survivors, either, but in any case, all the classmates were quite shook to see that I was actually alive, stuck between relieved and on edge (which is honestly quite understandable) before eventually just being generally glad.
I saw Kacchan. He had this.. very weird look on his face. Definitely in shocm, definitely in disbelief, but also conflicted, and.. torn over something? I can't quite explain it, but he was definitely in distraught. Rather than letting Kaminari and the others convince him to go greet me, he just.. swiftly turned away and left with a bit of haste. It was confusing, but I had to go back to the infirmary, so after I did and got my legs in casts, I went looking for Kacchan.
I found him in this huge training room, doing that training exercise with those battle ropes thingies. I know I was in a wheelchair and all, but, I guess being the Deku that I was, I threw myself off of it and dragged myself towards Kacchan. At first, it's like he didn't want to notice me no matter how many times I called out to him, but soon enough he stopped and.. well, I wouldn't say ensued a fist fight, but he sure did acted very rash. He pushed me aside, or grabbed me by the shirt and threw me back, etc. We argued for some reason, and I was saying how I was already set on joining the expedition crew as soon as I could so that I could find Mom and also basically be the protagonist that I was with the big idea of solving this mess for humanity. Kacchan wasn't having none of it, belittling me and saying not to even try, especially since my legs were crushed, that I couldn't possibly recover from that. I think he might've even said that I would've been better off dead, but I'm not too sure, but the arguments continued to escalate until eventually he just.. broke down where he stood.
Turns out, his parents also didn't survive, and it was assumed that I was dead was well, so he was convinced that he had lost everyone who were really, really important to him and supported him from the beginning regardless of how he was. The pain hurt so much that he ended up detaching himself from his emotions, distancing himself from everyone and repelling them with his rude behavior, and overall closing himself completely off just so that he couldn't hurt anymore, so that he could just focus solely on killing off the aliens and exacting revenge like a cold machine.
And yet, after 3 years of detaching himself from reality, I suddenly come out of nowhere, brought back hurt but alive. It left him in a whirlwind of conflicted emotions, like: Deku was alive? How is that possible? What about his parents? Is it only Deku? Why couldn't it also be my parents? Why only Deku? Why is this happening? What kind of sick joke was this? Why now? Kacchan didn't want to care anymore, so he ‘turned himself off’, but now...
I let him vent everything out and just listened, let him recollect himself and gather his emotions, fragile as they were now, and eventually had a moment of silence together, with him sitting there eventually picking up the battle ropes if just to busy his hands with the exercise. Eventually, people from the infirmary arrived to bring me back to the infirmary and keep me there for proper treatment, because this whole time I was too scattered and stubborn and wanted to get a grip of everything first and also too hasty to find Kacchan to sit still. Kacchan had them give us 5 more minutes since I wanted to keep him company a little longer. We talked a little, about what I can't remember, but eventually he dismissed me saying to go get treated already.
Kacchan gave me the most genuine, soft, thankful smile then. I'd never seen him with such a relieved face without any sign of him holding back or attempting to cover it up with an irritated behavior or whathaveyou. A genuinely blessed smile. He was just so, so glad that he hadn't actually lost everything.
He still insisted that I don't join the expeditions back to Earth later on as I adjusted to the new life. I wasn't in any condition for it, probably might not ever be. Of course, being the Deku that I am, I was too stubborn to agree, and wanted to prove that I could. A montage/timeskip full of recovery and physical therapy later, and I reached a point where I was finally able to stand without help (save for the bars for me to hold onto just in case), then stand and slowly shuffle forward just a little without help.
There are probably bits here and there that I glossed over in this timeframe, which were just snippets of me adjusting to the new life at the base; talking to Class 1-A, to Ochako, to other survivors; learning what happened during the time I'd gone unconscious for 3 years, how people managed to get a hold of the aliens' technology and use their portal to make a base on their home planet, and what they've all been doing with this current situation. Basically one big open world-esque lore drop.
It was around the time when Deku was working on walking on his own when I separated myself from his character, now seeing him continue his physical therapy in the background while I learn more about this dream world. Apparently, this part of the dream from then on wasn't significant enough for me to remember much of it, I guess, and soon enough, I woke up.
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embidoesdreaming · 4 years
[ May 5, 2020 (Recall) ]
Series Involved: Boku no Hero Academia Theme(s): apocalyptic; end of the world; Mass Effect(??? not sure why it makes me think so??? there weren't exactly any hostile aliens)
I had this real crazy dream that was sort of like a variation to the concept introduced in the X-Men movie, Logan --- as you get older, your powers become either more uncontrollable or weaker, something like that. Very much an end of the world setting, you could even say it incorporates that singularity theory mentioned in the series, because:
I belieeeve Deku's Quirk became so powerful that it literally shattered the Earth into pieces, and
Ochako's Quirk did this weird thing where it accumulated all the weight she's ever nullified and did some complete opposite/mutated effect(???) --- at first, she couldn't use her Quirk anymore, but was falling with her daughter off a building that was on a chunk of earth separating from others. Desperate to save her and her daughter, she tried activating it and was successful. It worked, and they landed safely, but then she couldn't control it, and it ended up making, I kid you not, a fucking black hole.
Aizawa might've had a kid --- some guy stopped the black hole, containing it in a way with some weird gelatin/silk cloth/sash thingy that stopped Quirks, and was able to save Ochako. The two of them went through some Mass Effect-like journey through space, hopping from one chunk of Earth's debris to another (though somehow able to breathe in the vaccuum of space not sure how; maybe Earth's atmosphere still lingered? who knows), all in order to find Deku.
It isn't clear to me anymore what & how it happened, but they did find some sort of small alien ecosystem living on one of the earth chunks. It was a dark, hazy atmosphere, and there were little moss ball-like creatures with an angler fish-like lure on their heads for light. Somehow, they understood what Ochako and the guy were here for, and sort of guided them from one moss ball alien to another to find Deku.
Whether they were brought to him or not, I can't say. I woke up from there.
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embidoesdreaming · 4 years
So, because my dreams are always so vivid, and because I can mostly remember them well, a friend suggested that I make fanfics out of them. Since I'm not confident in my story-writing capabilities, I opted for this instead, which could still pass as readable content for those interested.
Hopefully y'all can enjoy these interesting dreams I have. I'll try and give a date on when I had them, although if it's a dream I recall from some time ago it might be inaccurate.
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