embracingentrophy · 4 months
So it’s been a while. The System got its 3rd Play-test and I think it went well. Stay tuned!
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embracingentrophy · 1 year
It’s been 4 months and I am losing it.
Concepts has been polished and refined but it is all in head.
I have to perform open brain surgery (but with words) to extract the nectar of insanity, distil them before offering to the masses.
Welcome to the Afterlife’s Pre-Alpha Build ft. U-Post
-Interesting maps (indoor-outdoor) and scenarios (SF). Interconnectivity. JSR. Secrets.
-Reworked Momentum and Collision system
-Beautiful Danmaku
-Implants Series A and Old Tech Series 1
-See a therapist (Optional). Odyssey Coins and boss designs.
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embracingentrophy · 1 year
This blog’s purpose is to catalogue ideas, receive suggestions, and a sandbox testing ground. [Ideas are subject to change, reduction will be done to keep scale relatively manageable, abandoned if I get bored one day]
Chapter 1: Insanity
So, how do you convert high pace first person shooter, bullet hell, tech designed for self-expression, deliberately crafted level design, interactive/destructive environments, object/physic interactions into a table top roleplaying game that is manageable and fun to run by a dm? I don’t know yet, but I sure as hell am gonna find out. Step 1 will be referencing existing media for inspiration.
Citations and Inspirations (Basically plagiarism)
-Ultrakill tech - coins, slam storage, combining interactions of different weapons/mechanics (ie: railcoining, CBT (cannonBall Tech)
-Pizza Tower - more of the momentum and speed, and preservation of that speed.
-Touhou - I haven’t play these games yet… but want to employ the concept of bullet hell (danmaku). A battle map full of projectiles.
-Deus Ex/Cruelty Squad - just… immersive sim in general. Interactivity of objects and environment, unintentional solutions (The caveat is that you need to be creative and understand the game’s systems). Probably have different properties for game objects.
-Monster Hunter - this might be considered unconventional, but how MH World crafts the environment interactivity (suspended border, paratoad, ledges) and, cough, aerial gunlance and broken tech which requires set-up (so not really that broken). [Addendum: marionette spiders, Tri’s customizable bowgun]
-Rise of the Triad - retro-fps staples - power ups, consumables (dynamite, health potions), secrets? (Not to the extent where you spam interact with every wall to check for hidden walls), puzzles for sure.
-Dark Souls and Cyberpunk - Maybe??? But they contribute more to the background and story.
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