emeliii1 · 4 years
Hey😊 so how did you find out about CNCO and what made you decide to become a fan? Personally, I think it was a game that they did called song association, I watched that video and I was like yep, that's it here I goooo and there was no coming back from that 😂
hi :)! I’ve been following them since La Banda days. I watched them audition and i watched them win lol. And they are just so humble and sweet and i love their style of music, it’s so unique and i love that.
😂😂😂 omg yes i loved that vid. Both actually they did two lol. Once you listen to them there’s no going back
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emeliii1 · 4 years
🧡 & 💚
I hope that we get closer this year ☺️
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emeliii1 · 4 years
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Let’s talk..... comment or ask me anything 😊
It can be of cnco or any topic
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emeliii1 · 4 years
And happy new yearrrr love ya bb I hope this year our friendship grows and you achieve whatever you wish to! I’m here if you ever need anything!
Happy new year!!!! Love ya more❤️ and thank you I’m here if anything as well
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emeliii1 · 4 years
🧡baby mutual
💚 cool mutual
We definitely need to talk more 🥰
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emeliii1 · 4 years
💖 heart game! 💖
   ❤️ Scary mutual, intimidating.
   🧡 Baby mutual, needs protecting.
   💛 Favorite mutual, interact a lot.
   💚 Cool mutual, don’t know very well.
   💙 Popular mutual, has a lot of friends.
   💜 Funny mutual, posts are great
so i saw this going around on twitter and uhmm 👀👀
reblog to have ur mutuals send u a heart!
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emeliii1 · 4 years
Hi buddy! Happy New Year! I'm just so happy I met you and I'm really glad we share the same fandom. I mean I'm happy to share my love for Zabdiel with someone that appreciates him too! And you are just so nice and sweet and kind kiddo. I love that you are open to jumping in and that you actively willing to make connections with others. Like that takes guts my dude and you are amazing for it!
I really really hope good things come your way because you seem like the kind of wonderful human that brings lots of happiness everywhere you go. Thank you for existing in the world, its a much better place with you in it 💛
Omg 🥺 I’m going to cry. You just brighten up my day ❤️ This is the sweetest thing someone has said to me thank you 🥰
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emeliii1 · 4 years
Happy new year to all of you!! We made it through this tough year. And let’s make the most out of 2021. Love you all ❤️
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emeliii1 · 4 years
Hi babes!! Just wanted to say that u can hmu anytime (btw this is my main my-fangirling-outlet is my cnco blog but I do post about other things as well)
Hi!! Alright i will☺️
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emeliii1 · 4 years
For me it’s always been Zabdiel hehe. Around October I kinda went to Christopher’s lane lol but then i went back to Zabdiel. So Zab is my first lane. And chris is my cheat lane after Chris is Erick, then Richard, then Joel hehehe.
Tagged by @flamediel
Tagging @lupusxuniversum @jane-ray @ohitsnicolexo @stellastyless @stonecoldinlaley @certifiedfreak7daysaweek and anyone else that sees this on the dash
Question -> who was your lane at the beginning of this year and who is it now?
Started out as Chris then I swerved into Joel’s then he did everything and then I was laneless for a bit then it was Richard for a week before it was Erick and then Joel dragged me back by my long ass hair that i ended up cutting but that a whole other story and then I’m lane less once again but then while cnc-educating last night a friend I realised how cute joel actually is and now I’m in the Pimentel lane again.
No one asked for this but these two songs accurately describes mine and Joel’s relationship
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emeliii1 · 4 years
Hey 😊 so I saw that you're new here, welcome 😊😊😊
Thank you 😊
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emeliii1 · 4 years
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As my first post i wanted to just introduce myself lol.
• My name is Emeli
• I am 19 years old
• I am Salvadoran
• My birthday is April 23rd
• I’ve been following the boys ever since La Banda
• Zabdiel is the loml
• cheat lane is Chris
This is my first post as a CNCO blog. I’m new at this so it might take me a while to get the hang of it lol. But I do hope to make new friends on here as well❤️
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emeliii1 · 4 years
Do you want some positivity in your askbox? Reblog or like this post and I'll send you some!
Valid from right now until 1/1/2021.
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emeliii1 · 4 years
I really want to start a cnco blog on here but idk how? Or what to do, or how to even start this 😭
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emeliii1 · 4 years
Mirror (Zab and Nina)
A/N: Okay I can’t stop thinking about that picture and I found myself writing this quick one shot in my phone’s notes on my way home from work lol. May or may not fit in somewhere in SMDQS later idk. Anyway enjoy…and like obvi smut warning.
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Nina looked up from her phone to find Zabdiel carefully arranging his robe and jewelry in the hotel mirror. They were currently in New York for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and Nina had flown up for the weekend to join them. She cocked her head. 
Keep reading
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emeliii1 · 4 years
they could be from lululemon
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Does anyone know where these leggings are from they're cute😩
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emeliii1 · 4 years
Taking one for the team here by tagging @colbybrocksecrethideout (all my mutuals and non-mutuals if you see this please reblog this and tag him as well I want him to see it)
I would have messaged you privately but you turned off your asks and messages. I DM'ed you yesterday on Instagram as well but I know you get a lot of messages there, so that's my only shot here.
I normally don't do call out posts because I'm not a confrontational person, however the recent actions which occurred the past few weeks led me to do this.
First of all Colby this is not supposed to be hate, I care deeply about you and your friends and I could never hate you.
A lot of people on here and I'm sure also on other social media sites have a problem with your current behaviour, which you and your friends exhibit the past few months. In your recent video about scary tiktoks Sam blatantly admitted that you guys are partying non-stop during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. A few minutes later you both preach about wearing masks and we should all take the virus seriously. I'm sorry but this is hypocritical bullshit to me. You guys endanger the lives of so many other people and you don't seem to care about it at all.
Corey is travelling most of the time and doesn't self quarantine at all when he comes back, this is just reckless. You tell us all the time we all should love each other but those are just empty words I guess. If you would love your community you would take this whole pandemic seriously.
You are privileged guys who live in a huge house with a big ass pool. You have a stable job and you guys are together nonetheless. So why can't you just quarantine and stop hanging out with so many people? A lot of others here are less fortunate and can stay at home.
I'm a college student, currently unemployed and helping my family with my extremely sick grandpa. I haven't seen my friends since March, it's hard especially with me being at home. My biggest fear is to spread the virus to others because I'm an empathetic person and I care about my community. Don't you feel guilty knowing you could give others the virus? I guess not huh.
You're a terrible role model rn for your young impressionable fans. You're being selfish, reckless and dumb (especially to admit it and post on social media how much you party or travel).
I know it's not my place to tell you how to live your life but man it makes me sad and angry how you disregard other lives. You guys live in LA, a place where the infection rate is especially high. Many people can't afford healthcare and the government is a joke tbh. This is all a huge mess and you're making it worse. If you would stop partying and obeying the rules people could go back to normal sooner than later.
If you read all of this please know that this is supposed to be a wake up call because I don't want anything to happen to you and your friends.
Again, I encourage everyone to tag him because I want him to see it so that maybe he and his friends change their behaviour ASAP. @colbybrocksecrethideout
(please excuse any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, English is not my first language)
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