emersonism-blog · 7 years
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
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I’m tough on the outside and soft on the inside… I’m really a shy guy.
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
i jus !!!!! wanted to apologize a lot for being mia,, idk i just started a job and i’ve literally had no desire to do anything besides sit on my couch and watch tv ,, go to work ,, sleep.....repeat.......
but !!!! i’m going 2 try to get back into the routine of things & check all my messages !! i loeve you all
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
text message: open
pax: you cannot leave her out of sight in a crowded place jfc
pax: when did you last see her?
emerson: she was right beside me, i swear!! she's just started doing this new thing where she runs off any time something vaguely piques her interest. it's hard to keep track of her ALL THE TIME
emerson: i was buying her cotton candy. i turned around to pay, then she was,, gone
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
text message: daddy #1 👌🏼💦💦
river: appalled*
river: and im not saying ive seen her but if i have
river: which i havent
river: i wouldnt tell u where she is
river: we're v angry at u
emerson: U HAVE 2 REMEMBER I'M AGING ,, i'm past the 30s.....
emerson: i barely remember what i had for breakfast this morning?????
emerson: not that it's an excuse but , even i get distracted and forgetful sometimes
emerson: fuck you river
emerson: but hypothetically... is she ok??
emerson: if she's hypothetically with you, she's in danger,,
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
text message: natasha
Natasha: You're fucking kidding, right?
Natasha: Funny how much I don't believe you right now.
Natasha: No shit.
Natasha: You're lucky I'm like a beacon for abandoned children or some shit. She's over here by the cotton candy stand.
emerson: why would i joke about losing my kid??
emerson: ahhh THANK YOU.
emerson: do i wanna ask about how many other abandoned children you've attracted???
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
text message: open
autumn: don't worry daddy
autumn: i got her. caught her trying to steal a bracelet from a jewellery stand
autumn: you never told me she was a klepto. its all kinds of awesome.
emerson: she never told me she was a klepto either
emerson: better to be a criminal than completely disappeared, so i'll look past that...
emerson: don't give her that kind of encouragement. i don't need her to start stealing all of my belongings,,
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
text message: nicholas
nicholas: you didn't lose her because she's with her cool uncle nick.
nicholas: who else would i play carnival games to win teddy bears for?
nicholas: but people have asked if she's mine and i told them that i might be married to you ;~)
emerson: never thought i'd be saying this to you, but thank you for saving my ass!!!!!
emerson: i thought you'd be working hard to impress all the women in this town you haven't spoken to yet.
emerson: let me guess, you're trying to use thea for bait?
emerson: .....this is why i refuse to let myself or thea be seen in public with you...
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
text message: sugar daddy #5 (?)
soleil: uh,,, is this you trying to text roleplay?
soleil: am i thea?
soleil: or am i meant to find thea?
emerson: i mean... are you into that kind of thing?
emerson: which one do you think?
emerson: you wouldn't,, happen to be attending your town's carnival??
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
text message: open
bonnie: excuse me did you just tell me you lost a child
bonnie: carnivals are THE BEST place to take a child wtf
bonnie: i dont have a image of your daughter PHOTOCOPIED in my brain, einstein. what is she wearing?
emerson: this is my first time, i swear. i just got distracted, it was stupid of me
emerson: hypothetically, yes. it's fun until you walk in & spend the next few hours chasing after them every time they get bored
emerson: you don't? i'm hurt
emerson: anyway, she was wearing denim overalls today. pigtails. you get the picture.
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
imessage 💬 emerson
eleanore: award for best parents goes to 'drum roll' emerson
eleanore: you're asking me if i saw a tiny thing in a place full of children
eleanore: i can help you search for her
emerson: listen,, this entire carnival's been a mess... i'm sure i'm not the only parent that's lost their kid this week??
emerson: you know what she looks like, right? dark hair, probably dirty clothes...
emerson: i mean, she couldn't have gone off very far?? please agree with me so i feel less panicked
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
text message: wilheimina.
mina: oh no?! i know this is a ridiculous question, but where was the last time you saw her?
mina: no no, i totally understand. i have twins, sometimes i think i should be that parent and put them on leashes.
mina: tell me what she looks like, i will keep a keen eye out.
emerson: this is a ridiculous answer but honestly, i can't remember? i know i was with her when she was getting her fortune (total waste of money, by the way), buying cotton candy...
emerson: i feel like i should be more worried but... this is /aston/ of all places.
emerson: i actually tried using a leash at one point but,, the stares weren't worth it
emerson: you're a life saver. she's quite small, dark hair, probably running around.
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
text message: open
emerson: so, i may or may not have just lost thea...
emerson: i'm not this terrible of a dad all the time, i promise
emerson: carnivals are literally the worst place to take a child??
emerson: anyways, please tell me you've seen her,,
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
“SO, what did you think about the performance?” Sid asked, with a hopeful grin, sipping on his beer, before holding another out in offering. Carnival or not- Sid always got a rush from performing on stage. It felt nice to not be the same shy guy he seemed to revert back into offstage.
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emerson remained silent, taking a sip of his drink, uncertain of how to answer without letting the other down. perhaps it was the fact that he’d grown a little too accustomed to children’s music and nothing else, and he wanted to love antisocial’s music a lot more than he did — but in all honesty, it wasn’t exactly his taste. “it was, um, really loud.” he grinned sheepishly, sipping his drink once more before continuing. “seriously though, you guys were really good — even thea liked it. she’s still talking about the performance.
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emersonism-blog · 7 years
“Is it just me, or does Antisocial never sound like they get any better?” Natasha mused, boredly, as she reached up to withdraw the cigarette from her lips. In all honesty, she kind of quite liked their local band, but the fact that she was here to be able to listen to them and not back in London didn’t settle well with her. Flicking the ash off her cigarette, she looked over at her companion with a raised eyebrow, nodding towards the drink next to them. 
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he furrowed his brows for a moment, considering her statement, almost tempted to agree with it. “i mean, i wouldn’t say they’re terrible.” emerson argued, shrugging his shoulders slightly. “i suppose they could use a little more practice but i’ve always liked to believe that their messy sound has always been... purposeful.” he grinned. “besides, if i’m caught talking shit about ‘em, i’ll be a dead man. so if you ask me, antisocial never gets any better because they’re already fuckin’ PERFECT.” 
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