emeto-vibes · 4 months
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emeto-vibes · 5 months
It was an absolute horrendous experience… But… hear me out!
I have quite severe emetophobia (very ironic I know). Each time I feel nauseous that’s coming close to a throwing up kind of nausea I get panic attacks. My hands and legs get all tingly and I just need someone to be there to calm me down or else I’ll lose my mind. The panic makes it hard to stay conscious and that just scares me.
But as always the fear is bigger than the thing you’re afraid of.
I started feeling sick last night after I had dinner with a friend. Thought I’d just eaten too much and just rode it out. My stomach felt full and bloated and I had these gas bubbles coming up all the time.
We joked about it a little and after a while it settled a bit. So we had some snacks and she drove me home. My stomach was feeling quite alright. Full but not too bad.
I went to sleep and woke up a few times in the morning feeling nauseous. Not too bad, just a little. I’ve been having this a lot lately due to mental health issues. (And I’m getting checked at the hospital soon.)
I made my usual breakfast and started feeling uncomfortable full again, my coffee tasted bad. Ny stomach felt bloated and full. With a hot water bottle I hoped for the best.
The rest of the day I kept feeling icky, not fully sick nausea but just uncomfortable enough to not be able to do anything productive. I just laid in bed distracting myself.
At the end of the afternoon things got worse. I called my mom bcs (emetophobia) and she sat with me for like three hours as I went through my nausea / panic waves. This part was absolutely awful. Every time I moved I felt worse but as I lay still things got slightly better but not better enough to be unbothered by it.
There was a lot of unproductive gagging and yawning, many false alarms. When I did finally puke it was such a little bit bcs my stomach was empty. It hurt a lot and felt absolutely awful but at the same time was the actual throwing up part the best thing of it all. Because afterwards I finally felt better.
Lol I threw up for the first time in 9 years
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emeto-vibes · 5 months
Lol I threw up for the first time in 9 years
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emeto-vibes · 1 year
new sickfic RP generator!
If you saw my last post, you know I created an AI sickfic RP generator using Character.AI. That one was restricted to a clinic setting. This new one I've made is more liberal. (I also think the quality of the writing is much better.)
You can write out your prompt as a sentence, but the AI will likely respond better to this format — Name: (insert name). Personality: (insert personality traits). Receptivity to help: (AKA how they'll react to you). Setting: (anything from bedroom to Antarctica). Source of pain: (indigestion, food poisoning, etc.). You can forgo any of these categories if you'd like.
Example convo (sorry for the blurriness):
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Fun things to remember!
Swipe on the AI's generated response and it'll give you more potential replies!
The more you vote (stars at the bottom), the higher quality it'll grow to be!
If you insert a fictional character for the name, the AI should mimic the character (to an extent)!
Have fun!
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emeto-vibes · 1 year
From yesterday. I had been feeling sick since the day before, early the morning of the audio nausea started building, but nothing really happened so I grabbed some plain pasta for lunch bc I felt like I had to eat. Four agonizing hours of building nausea and sipping ginger tea later, this happened.
My stomach still doesn't feel great but I'm feeling better overall so I think this might be the only content y'all are getting this time around.
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emeto-vibes · 1 year
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emeto-vibes · 2 years
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emeto-vibes · 2 years
today I’m thirsty for
vulnerable men puking from extreme emotional distress
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emeto-vibes · 2 years
i am not immune to men moaning/whimpering
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emeto-vibes · 2 years
Colson Baker as Cole ( Taurus 2022 )
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emeto-vibes · 3 years
Men with long hair got me acting unwise,
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emeto-vibes · 3 years
imagine walking into your bedroom and your sick partner has a bucket by the bedside 🥵 lmaooo
sick in bed is so simple but so hot 😩
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emeto-vibes · 3 years
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© くーた
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emeto-vibes · 3 years
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emeto-vibes · 3 years
Listen I’m ALL ABOUT actually vomiting but I really love characters who feel super nauseous but can’t get anything to come back up. Like over indulging in their favorite food and leaning over a bucket ready for it all to come back like a tidal wave because, man, they’re feeling REALLY AWFUL, but their body just won’t make anything happen except gross acidic burps. They’re on the border of throwing the hell up constantly but it just doesn’t happen. You know that inside their tummy there’s litres and litres of what could be hot, thick vomit, just edging to shoot back out. They go to bed and try to sleep with their tummy still feeling just as awful and stuffed. When they wake up their food’s all digested and they feel fine, but for real, last night was NOT cool.
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emeto-vibes · 3 years
Aww ur so cute I love u 🥺 therefore
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emeto-vibes · 3 years
That deep and guttural burp that comes from the pit of the stomach right before a wave of vomit comes out of their mouth…
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