emiwritesthings · 2 years
Yan.Hawks- Assistant
description: Hawks thinks his new assistant is pretty neat! (g.n reader)
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• Hawks had no interest in getting an assistant, but his sidekicks wouldn't drop the subject. They kept complaining about how all the paperwork was piling up and was too much for him to complete with the new spike in crime, so Hawks eventually caved
• He probably doesn't take much notice of you at first. Nothing against you, he doesn't take much notice of anyone he works with, he's the man that's too fast after all. He doesn't have time to focus on other people
• When he does start to notice you, it's probably when he goes back to the agency after a long day of patrolling, expecting to be drowned in paperwork, only to find it had all been completed and placed neatly on his desk
• That was the first night in months that he got to go home early
• The next day the same exact thing happened, and the next day, and the next day, until an entire week had gone by, and it was as he was making his way back home that he realized he hadn't even met you yet
• He knew your name since it was always written neatly at the top of all the paperwork that was always in the same exact spot on his desk by the time he returned
• He then started to notice that he never saw you around the agency, piquing his curiosity even more. He decided to ask one of his sidekicks about it who told him that since you always finished your work early you didn't have a reason to stay longer
• Now, Hawks is not too proud to say this, but he may have started abusing his power a little
• Technically your only job was to complete those specific papers, but there was just so much that he needed help with, and since you were finishing work early you shouldn't mind picking up more slack. So one day he got back early from patrol to catch you before you left
• You were in the process of setting down the papers on his desk when you first met him, he stared at you a moment before introducing himself as though it was nessacary
"Ah you must be the new assistant they hired, I'm Hawks," he said, pretending the encounter was a coincidence
"I'm (y/n), nice to meet you, sir," you said bowing your head. He smiled at the formality
• He talked with you for a bit before asking if you could stay and help with other tasks, you agreed and he handed you a lengthy stack of papers, and you went on your way. He felt slightly bad, but you didn't seem to be complaining so that pinch of guilt went away pretty quick
• He originally planned that to be a one or two-time thing, but next thing you know you're practically doing everything around the agency
• You did everything, from that same stack of paperwork from before to now arranging meetings, cleaning up after him, making his schedule, fixing things around the office, among many other things
• During this time, you can imagine that almost every second of your day is spent with him, leading to a friendship blooming, well, more like you two talk during the day and that's it, but to Hawks, a man who has never really had a friend, that line is easily blurred
• So he begins to get confused...
• He saw you as his friend, so why is it that you won't do friend things with him?
• He asks you to join him for lunch, but you decline
• He asks you to come to his place, but you decline
• He asks you to do absolutely anything that could solidify the idea that you two are friends in his head, you decline
• You won't even give him your cell phone number, just your work one
• So what's his solution?
• Give you more work! That way, you have to spend more time around the agency! However, this time it seriously does make him feel bad because now you're coming into work with bags under your eyes, always looking so exhausted, and falling asleep at your desk, but don't worry, he thought of a solution
Waking up from your nap in an unfamiliar penthouse made you realize you probably should have just played into his fantasy
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emiwritesthings · 3 years
Yan.Hawks- Attention
I'm getting back into writting and this idea popped into my head so idk enjoy (:
description: what if reader had a healing quirk? hcs.
tw: yandere, mentions of stalking/breaking and entering
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• hawks didn't tend to get seriously hurt often, he was far too fast for anyone to ever get any real blows on him
• so imagine his annoyance when he was on patrol and got a little too close to a villain that seemed to be a small fry but ended up having a fire quirk
• let's just say the 'great hawks' wings shrunk three sizes that day
• most would be pretty upset over the serious burns that covered his back, and while they did sting, hawks seemed uncharicteristically okay with it as he flew (with what little feathers he had left) to his favorite place in the world...
your place
• as he stood outside your home, the same home he's broken into so many times, he pushed down his smile and made himself look as sad and pitible as possible as he knocked on your door
• when he hears your footsteps he feels his heartbeat pick up but he makes sure to let out a few fake groans of pain
• "oh my god! come on in!" you said steping aside the instant you saw your friend in such pain
• you two were always close and it isn't the first time he's come knocking on your door for your healing abilities, but it's usually due to minor injuries or simply him wanting his feathers to grow back faster
• you help him make his way to your couch, the same couch he's watched you sleep on from the building across the street, and sit him down, he does this all slowly, making sure the pain seems a lot worse than it is, the longer you dote on him the better
• "take your shirt off." you say not noticing the look in his eye that fades in a second when those words left you lips, it's not the first time you would see him shirtless, he's seen you shirtless...
• his jacket was long gone, having been burned in the fire. oh well he could buy a hundred more
• he does what you say and tosses his shirt on the floor. he makes an effort to flex a little and ruffle his little feathers but you don't notice
• you gasp as you now fully see the red burn marks that cover a fraction of his back
• you seat yourself behind him and he's forced to look ahead, what a shame, your quirk was so entertaining to watch
• he feels you lift your hands to a position hovering directly above the burns, then a light comes from your hands, it feels like cold water washing over him he couldn't help the shiver that went up his spine
• you two stayed like this for a while, it was taking a long time and at some point he turned on the tv. it was some cheesy sitcom, you weren't watching, you couldn't, you had to focus
• he loved this, having your undivided attention on him, even if he had to listen to you nag him afterwards about how he should "be careful" and "if you get hurt this badly again take your ass to a hospital" you didn't mean that, you both knew it. you would always welcome him into your home, and if you didn't he would still show up any way
• he couldn't help but start being a little clumsier out on patrol, he loves your attention
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emiwritesthings · 3 years
Bnha Headcannons
A/N: just random headcanons; if you would want any of these turned into separate posts let me know!
TW: the last two are kinda sad I guess
Aizawa: despite how people perceive him, he's actually rather clean, he has excellent hygiene, just an extraordinarily bad sleep schedule.
Dabi: he smokes a lot, like a ton. the whole base is forever filled with the smell of cigarettes and weed. he drinks a lot too, but he favors smoking.
Shigaraki: he stays in his room 9-12 hours a day (and that's only his awake time), he only ever leaves for missions. he hasn't cleaned his room in months, everything is just pilled up, he can't even see his bed. (he usually just falls asleep in his chair)
Hawks: he thinks about his future a lot. his life is a constant go-go-go so when he gets back to his penthouse after a long day of patrol, he likes to think about what it'd be like to have a spouse. living in a warm home, not this fancy penthouse that holds no meaning to him. the thoughts make him sad though, cause he knows there is a very small chance he'll ever get to see that future
Miruko: similar to Hawks, she gets very lonely, she puts up the 'i'm a powerful hero who doesn't need anyone' persona, but deep down she just wants to come home and snuggle in bed with a partner, watch Netflix, touch, all of the stuff she sees the couples she protects do.
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emiwritesthings · 3 years
Yandere!Dabi x Blind Reader
A/N: I really liked how the Hawks one turned out so heres Dabi
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tw: kidnapping, taking advantage of a disabillity, yandere
🔥 he's been stalking you for a while, well more like walking directly behind you wherever you go
🔥 hell, the first day he saw you he followed you all the way back to your apartment and you never even noticed, he couldn't help but do it a couple more times
🔥 he first started out with just a fasicnation of with you
🔥 it will take a while for his fascination to turn into obsessions, a lot of following you all day, breaking into your apartment watching you sleep
🔥 he's definitly aware of his obsession and knows its wrong, he's not dellusional at all, just a prick who doesn't really care about what you want, just about what he wants- which is you
🔥 taking you is pretty easy, he just breaks into you apartment at night and drugs a couple of your bottles of water
🔥 i'm not gonna lie he probably won't take the best care of you, you barely get to shower, he forgets to feed you some nights, you never go out
🔥 but it's all fine because after all, as long as he's happy that's all that matters! to him
not gonna lie, i kinda like this one better
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emiwritesthings · 3 years
Yandere!Hawks x Blind Reader
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tw: kidnapping, taking advantage of a disabillity, yandere
☁️ before he kidnaps you he'll acts like a kind hero who occasionally bumps into and just wants to help you make your way around town
"let me help you missy, where do ya need to go?"
"you shouldn't be walking around alone, it's a bad part of town, lots of villains that will take advantage of you"
☁️ you were still nervous around him though, you were blind, not oblivious, you knew who he was, Hawks the number 2 playboy hero
☁️ don't worry though you'll warm up once he takes you!
☁️ speaking of which, once he does takes you he'll take sooo much advantage of your disabillity, like he said those villains would
☁️ he'll force you to rely on him
☁️ he'll randomly move things around so even if you got used to the layout of his flat when you wake up everything will be in different places, causing you to trip and fall
☁️ luckily he can swoop in and help you
☁️ he's not too cruel, he'll never lay his hands on you, but manipulations is his key
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emiwritesthings · 3 years
Platonic Bnha Yandere's
Summary: a list of platonic yandere's from bnha (Deku, Hawks, Miruko)
TW: Yandere, Obsevive behavior
he sees you as his best friend
you were most likely quirkless too and met him when you were young kids, you guys were young and connected on a lot of things, not having a quirk, your love of heroes, favorite food, everything!
his yandere tendencies started to show when you two entered middle school, mainly because of Bakugou. he was so worried he would bully you too, luckily Bakugou didn't seem to have any interest in you
once he got OFA his possessiveness skyrockets, for two main reasons
1: now he can protect you
2: you were still quirkless, meaning you didn't go to UA with him, he didn't see you as often as he used to, he's not there to protect you
don't worry though, you're his best friend, you're practically his sibling, so once he becomes a pro you can come live with him and his mom, Inko!
You'll all be a family
he sees you as his little sibling
you met him through being his intern from UA
he would take you on patrol with him but wouldn't actually let you fight anyone because "you're still a student, leave it to me."
you brushed it off at first, apparently, some of the other students had the same experience with their teachers, except it started getting more intense, especially after what he refers to as 'the incident'
he had taken you on patrol like always and told you to stay back, sadly when you saw him start to struggle you had decided to try and help, only to have one of the robbers restrain you and point their gun at you
let's just say hawks took care of all of them and handed the men over to the police. he walked over to you and insisted on you and him heading back to the agency early
"I'm sorry I know I should have-"
"I said let's go."
he stopped letting you patrol with him after that, you had threatened to go to a different agency and he only rolled his eyes
not like you could anyway, he would make sure no other agency hired you if you quit.
she sees you as her own kid, despite the fact that she's not even old enough to be your mom (not that she cares)
like hawks, you two met through the UA internships
she immediately took a liking to you, she loved taking you on patrol with her, she also loves you sitting on the sidelines watching her, your eyes filled with amazement
what if you got hurt? well she would just get to fulfill her motherly role and nurse you back to health, and she would have to do it either at her agency or her place, she always says "those people at your house will just get in the way of your recovery
you always brush it off, mainly because she's the number 5 hero! you can't risk this opportunity
that was one of your many mistakes
This behavior is not acceptable and should not be displayed in the real world. This is purely fiction.
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emiwritesthings · 3 years
Yandere!Hawks x Reader
tw: yandere, implied kidnapping
☁ you worked at a coffee shop he liked to go to before patrol, he honestly didn't take much notice of you when you first took his order
☁ something started to change though, maybe it was the fact that you started serving him his coffee more and more since your store lost some workers, or maybe it's because spring was coming up and he's not too fond of medication, maybe it was both
☁ he started making small talk with you in the morning, asking you about your day, cracking cheessy bird jokes that only make you cringe (not that he minded, he thought they were hilarious)
☁ after about a week or two he finally asked for your number and despite the media portraying him as a player who's had several partners, he was pretty nervous
☁ so imagine his surprise when you said "sorry, no"
☁ he just stared at you blankly for a second before laughing it off and telling you it was fine
☁ he was so embarrassed, not that you could tell, he's the best at hiding his emotions
☁ he hasn't gone out with too many people, but he never would have imagined being turned down
☁ he won't lie, it was a hit to his confidence
☁ he kept stopping by in the morning, you taking his order and him trying to get you to show the slightest interest in him (you never did)
☁ he slowly started getting more and more desperate, you wouldn't even give him your social media and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't find it on his own, you must not have any
☁ he started swinging by in the afternoon too just to spend some more time with you, but all it really happened was you ignoring him and then him being up all night due to all the coffee he was drinking from your shop
☁ during those sleepless nights all he could think of was you, spring was getting closer and closer and the thoughts of things he wanted to do to you are thoughts he'll take to the grave
☁ he finally snapped when one morning he walked into the store a little earlier than usual and he didn't see you there, thankfully his feathers could pick up your voice in the back, you were talking to a coworker.
☁ he listened in and wouldn't you know you were talking about him! sadly, it wasn't for any good reason, the more he listened in the more annoyed he got, you were bitching about him! he has been sooo nice to you and here you are complaining about how he's 'creepy' and 'annoying'. the last thing he heard you say was "he makes me want to quit this dammed job." he walked out after that
☁ let's just say you woke up in an unfamiliar room the next morning and you in fact, never had to go back to that job
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