emma-m-black · 3 days
White Knight - Chapter One
Cory Ellison x OC (FanFiction) - MATURE 18+
Cory Ellison's coffee is stolen one morning in an unconventional first meeting with Elenora McKnight (Yeah, it's another Elenora character I really need to find new names). I do totally ship him and Bradley together, but I like my OC's
This will be a multi chapter story and I'm not sure how spicy it will get. Cory's character is so interesting and he needs all the love from the fans.
Warnings - There is mention of rape in this story.
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Chapter One:
“Cory!” The cafe barista yelled as she set a large white to-go cup on the counter. Cory Ellison, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit that accentuated his tall, lean frame, stepped forward to grab his drink when a small hand deftly cut through the small mass of people and snagged his coffee. Following the hand, he found it attached to a woman adorned in a dark green, worn leather jacket, exuding an air of casual confidence. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back, framing delicate yet simple features, and her light green eyes sparkled mischievously as she flashed him an enormous smile. With a wink, she laid down a crisp hundred-dollar bill before sauntering out the door, leaving Cory momentarily stunned.
“Well, that was unusual,” Cory remarked with a bemused smile. The barista, still in awe of the unexpected encounter, nodded in agreement. “Well guess I would like to order again." He laughed.
“Right away, Sir,” the barista replied, quickly composing herself.
A few minutes later, Cory had his coffee in hand and was navigating the pedestrian traffic for the short distance to U.B.A. Tower. He exchanged nods with the security officer at the entrance before making his way to his office on the top floor. However, his routine was interrupted by his assistant, Kyle, who appeared to be in a state of mild panic.
“I tried to stop her, Sir, but she insisted she didn’t need a meeting,” Kyle explained breathlessly.
“What are you talking about, Kyle?” Cory inquired, his curiosity piqued.
“She said she was your boss.”
“I don’t have a boss,” Cory replied, his curiosity now mingled with amusement. “Do I?” A smile played on Cory’s lips as he approached his office door.
Kyle trailed behind him, his concern evident. “Did you want me to call security just in case?”
As they reached the doorway, Cory was met with the sight of the mysterious woman from the cafe, comfortably seated at his desk with her feet propped up, sipping his coffee as if she owned the place. “I don’t think that will be necessary, Kyle.” Cory greeted her with a mixture of surprise and amusement as he entered the room. “Coffee girl!
“For the future, I prefer a little more sugar in my coffee,” the woman quipped with a playful smile, her gaze meeting Cory’s with unapologetic boldness.
“I will remember that for next time. And when I get you said coffee, what name would I be putting on it?” Cory replied, matching her playful tone.
Pulling her feet from the desk, the woman stood up gracefully and extended her hand in greeting. “Elenora McKnight, a pleasure to meet you at last.”
“Cory Ellison, but I obviously you already know that,” Cory said with a smile as he shook her hand, his gaze lingering for a moment on her athletic build and simple yet elegant attire. “McKnight...” Cory trailed off as he attempted to place the familiar name. “Wait, you’re Matthew’s daughter, aren’t you?”
“The one and only,” Elenora confirmed with a theatrical flourish, her demeanor exuding both confidence and warmth.
“And what brings you to U.B.A. today?” Cory inquired, intrigued by the unexpected visit.
An enormous smile spread across Elenora’s lips. “Well, I heard you are looking for an investor.”
Cory gestured towards the couch, inviting her to take a seat. Elenora settled herself comfortably, kicking off her shoes and tucking her feet beneath her as she made herself at home. “So are you telling me anti-news Matthew is looking to buy a news station?”
“No, not at all. I’m looking to buy,” Elenora clarified, taking a casual sip of her coffee.
“What, did Daddy finally give you your inheritance?” Cory quipped, a hint of skepticism in his tone.
“What would it matter to you?” Elenora replied nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders with a wry smile.
Cory let out a sigh. “I’m not in the game of getting in the middle of some family dispute.”
“This has nothing to do with him. I am a woman, with a fifty-five billion dollar investment fund, waiting to be assigned to your company, Cory.”
Setting his coffee cup down on the desk, Cory rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I don’t have time for whatever this is, Ms. McKnight.”
“No, you don’t. You have a company that is about to lose your last few remaining ad revenue deals because you have no money. Or did you not know that Fred Micklen is telling everyone and anyone that this place is a sinking ship and no one should touch it?”
“FUCK!” Cory’s frustration boiled over, his hand slamming against the leather of the couch. “He’s gonna haunt me to my grave.” With a heavy sigh, he rested his elbows on his knees, burying his head in his hands.
“Probably. He is an asshole like that,” Elenora remarked casually. “Which is why I’m willing to help. Legacy media is going to die, and I happen to enjoy The Morning Show, although I mainly watch to see what kind of disaster is going to befall this place that day.”
“You and most of America,” Cory muttered under his breath, lifting his head to regard Elenora with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. “What’s in it for you? What do you get out of this deal?”
Elenora leaned forward, her demeanor earnest yet determined. “I want a position on the board, and I would want to revamp this place slightly. U.B.A. would see an increase in the sports division to allow for us to compete with other sports networks and we would hire for a new digital news division. Of course, I would also want to overhaul the budgets, but I believe we could give raises to most staff, and I would require U.B.A. to start an internship program for those trying to enter broadcasting and news.”
“You’ll have to excuse me when I sit here wondering what the catch is,” Cory remarked skeptically.
“There is no catch, Cory. This place is going to die, it’s going to get sold off for parts. But I want to keep it running. I want to build on it. I want it to last another eighty years, and of course, you would be part of that.”
“I don’t buy it. How do I know you won’t just sell us off for parts?”
“Because it’s written into the contract I’ve had drawn up. Unlike my father, I don’t hate you, and I’m not an asshole, and I want to see this place succeed. With you, of course, at the helm.”
Cory squinted at Elenora, his skepticism warring with a glimmer of hope. “Come on, you understand how ridiculous this all sounds, right? You show up on your white horse, offering me salvation. Anyone would have serious questions.”
“My lawyers are sending over the offer at ten. I’m sure you can skim it. Make a list of questions and concerns, and we can discuss them over dinner tonight. Then, when you realize that this is the deal of a lifetime, you can take the offer to the board, and when you inevitably call me to accept, I’m going to make you take me out for drinks to celebrate.”
“You are quite the spitfire, aren’t you?” Cory remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice.
Elenora smiled, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear. “Oh, you can’t even imagine the fun we are going to have together.” With a graceful movement, she rose from the couch. “Well, I know you are a busy man, Cory, so I will leave you to it. See you tonight.”
Cory watched as Elenora retrieved her coffee from the table and exit the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts. After a moment, he rose from his seat and moved to his computer, his curiosity piqued. Typing “Elenora McKnight” into the search engine, he delved into a rabbit hole of articles and videos, each unveiling a different facet of the enigmatic woman who had just waltzed into his life.
The first article was a photo of Elenora dressed in khakis and a soiled tank top holding a camera. The headline of the article read, “Heiress helps in re-establishing power after the second Hurricane hits Puerto Rico.” but it was from a few years ago.
The next article showed a picture of Elenora in a dress suit. Her hair tied back in a low bun, and glasses perched on her nose. “Elenora McKnight testifies against Jeffery Epstein.” He knew he shouldn’t, but he clicked on the article. The picture that greeted him now was Elenora sitting on the stand. “Ms McKnight has revealed that while she and two others vacationed in Cancun, Mr. Epstein stalked their whereabouts and, while he was in the area, made advances towards Ms. Knight. When she refused his advances, he cornered her in a private hotel elevator and forced himself on her while he was intoxicated. She was seventeen at the time and, as such as a California citizen was considered underage. While unconfirmed, it is rumored that her father had told Epstein as to his daughter’s whereabouts, in exchange for funding a private business venture. Ms McKnight was believed to have received an undisclosed sum from her family’s estate after revealing to the press what had happened during that time.”
“Jesus Christ,” Cory whispered as he ran a hand across his face.
Backing out of the article, Cory took a deep breath and scanned more of the headlines. “Elenora McKnight receives the IPA award for photos taken in Haiti.” That wasn’t her only award, either. He found a few more headlines showcasing a bunch of her work while also assisting in humanitarian aid.
“Elenora McKnight graduates top of her class from the California Institute of the Arts.”
“Elenora McKnight opens her first New York Gallery.”
“Elenora McKnight donates ten million to Planned Parenthood. “
“Elenora McKnight makes it to the top of the list for the highest female net worth.”
“How Elenora McKnight took a tragic story of family betrayal, assault and heartbreak and turned it into a billion-dollar empire which only continues to grow. Come with us as we interview this amazing young woman as part of this year’s. Forbes 30 under 30.”
This link was for a video listed as four years old, and Cory’s curiosity got the better of him. Clicking the link, he leaned back in his seat and watched as Elenora’s smiling face came across the screen. She was standing in the doorway of a home and leaning against the door frame as she stared into the camera. “Well, come on in, guys.” She waved a hand and motioned for the camera to follow.
The next image was of Elenora walking into a modestly sized living room. “So Elenora McKnight, are you ready for our thirty questions for our favorite thirty under thirty guests?”
“I sure am. Wait, does that count as one of the questions?” The interviewer laughed along with Elenora.
“So, is this your home, or are you renting?”
Elenora spread her arms out. “Nope, this is all mine. Restored to its greatness with a few modern touches, ‘cause I’m sorry I still need television, sufficient lighting and running water.”
“So you graduated from the California Institute of the Arts and you have made quite a name in the art community with your photos. Where is the coolest place you have ever taken a photo?”
“Oh, I know the perfect shot to show you!” Elenora moved along through her living room and up a set of stairs. The camera followed Elenora into a loft filled with bookshelves. A large square couch sat in the center of the room and, suspended above, was a large photo of a Tibetan man. He was smiling and holding up a camera, peering through the viewfinder towards the photographer. “This was Dechen. He was my guide at Everest.”
“You climbed Everest?”
With wide eyes, Elenora quickly placed a hand over her face in shame. “No, I only went to base camp. I couldn’t acclimatize and eventually had to call it quits. Don’t tell anyone, but I was scared shitless to climb. It probably would not have made it anyway. Dechen was fantastic, he was a one-of-a-kind person. He even helped me more with this particular piece.” Elenora waved for the camera to follow to the other side of the photo where they were greeted with the smiling face of Elenora who, like Dechen, was behind a camera. “We took these at the same time. It is such a splendid memory.”
“Next question, are these all for show, or have you read them all?”
“I’ve read a good chunk of them. I like to read, but please do not start looking at titles. I’m a sucker for a good romance, and some of these might be a little spicy.”
He learned much about Elenora in a short amount of time. Her favorite color was pink, favorite flower was the orchid, she freelanced and reported in many of the areas she visited. She had an art gallery, where she showcased her photos as well as featured local youth artists. Elenora seemed to enjoy staying in over going out and she made a few jokes regarding the fact she thought she was born about thirty years too late and that she felt like an old soul. She had learned to knit, enjoyed Gin as her liquor of choice and, as of this video nine months ago, was not seeing anyone.
“Mr. Ellison?” Kyle’s voice sounded from the doorway, dragging Cory’s focus from his computer screen to his assistant. “A courier just dropped this off for you.”
Entering the room, Kyle handed over a large yellow envelope, and Cory opened it to discover the deal that Elenora had talked about. “Can you cancel my afternoon and set up a meeting with the lawyers instead? Tell them I want to meet them about a buy offer.”
“Right away, Sir.”
After Kyle left the room, Cory began flipping through the document. It was simple. He found much of the same stuff they had already talked about. However, there was a clause. Conditionally, Elenora would be hired on as a freelance reporter for the web division. Under salary, but with no obligation to print her articles.
As Cory pondered the terms of the offer, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Elenora McKnight was more than just an heiress with a vast fortune. She was a force to be reckoned with, a woman of depth and complexity whose actions spoke volumes about her character. And as he weighed the pros and cons of accepting her proposal, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of working alongside her to breathe new life into U.B.A.
With a determined nod, Cory made up his mind. He would accept Elenora’s offer, not just because it made business sense, but because he believed in her vision for the future of the company. He couldn’t help but feel a surge of anticipation for the journey that lay ahead.
For in Elenora McKnight, Cory saw not just a partner, but a kindred spirit, a woman who shared his passion for innovation and his commitment to excellence. And as they embarked on this new chapter together, he knew that the possibilities were endless.
With a smile on his face and a renewed sense of purpose in his heart, Cory leaned back in his chair, ready to embrace the adventure that awaited him. And as he closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh, he knew that with Elenora by his side, anything was possible.
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emma-m-black · 6 days
The Daughter - Chapter Three
Tim Gutterson x OC (FanFiction) - MATURE 18+
Tim Gutterson comes to the unconventional aid of one Elenora Crowder, ward of Art Mullen and daughter of Raylan Givens.
This will be a multi chapter story and will get spicy as it goes. This is a rough draft and only slightly edited for grammar and spelling. Just needed to finally get it out because Tim Gutterson is one of my favorite characters, and there is not nearly enough fanfic for him.
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three
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Chapter Three:
When Elenora awoke, she did not remember how she had gotten into bed.
She felt hungover, maybe almost worse than hungover. Her head was fine, but her body was stiff. After a slug of a walk to her bathroom, she showered under the hottest water she could stand, and when she had washed both her body and hair twice, she felt a hundred times better.
Elenora had gotten dressed in a simple pair of black skinny jeans and a loose fitting thin white sweater. Its collar was high on her neck to ward off some of the chill from both the night air and the air-conditioning at the school. A pair of large gold-rimmed glasses sat perched on her nose and her slightly damp hair clung to her cheeks. She moved to collect her jacket from the back of her desk chair, only to discover a green jacket that was not hers. For a moment, she had forgotten that hers would still be in her SUV, which was at the school. Lifting the jacket towards her face, she inhaled Tim’s scent. Something sweaty and a hint of fire smoke. It reminded her of the night after the bar, when they had gone back to his place, and she had laid with her head on his chest as he ran a finger up and down her arm. Something that had felt so natural that she would have thought they had done it a hundred times.
Draping the jacket over her arm, Elenora picked up her book bag and plucked a pencil from her desk. Heading to the kitchen, Elenora found Art and Leslie sitting at the table, each with a cup of coffee in their hand. “Good morning.”
“Moring Elenora. Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah, surprisingly. Would you mind if I came with you to the office with you today, Art? I would like to thank that Deputy for helping me last night and return his jacket.”
“I need you to sign a statement for me about what happened, so we can do that as well.”
Elenora gave a nod and draped Tim’s jacket over her bag. With the pencil she took, she spun her hair around it and shoved the point through the bun that had been created, effectively holding it in place. “I’m ready when you are.”
“Okay.” Art stood up and placed his coffee on the table. Moving past Leslie, he dipped down and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. “See you at dinner.”
“You have a good day now, and say hi to Tim for me, Elenora. It was mighty nice of him to bring you home last night.” Leslie gave Elenora a wink, and she wondered if something had happened during the missing time in her memory from the night before.
The ride to the courthouse was quiet and once Art had escorted Elenora through security, the two made their way into the elevator. When the doors opened on the floor, the two stepped out, along with a small throng of other people going about their day. Art held the door open for her and allowed Elenora to enter first.
Her eyes zeroed in on him right away. Tim was sitting behind the desk closest to Art’s office. He was leaned back in his chair, rocking it back and forth as he focused on whatever was on his computer screen.
“I’ll go grab the papers from my desk. Just meet me in the conference room when you're done talkin’ with Deputy Marshal Gutterson.”
Art saying his name seemed to grab Tim’s attention and his eyes shot up from his computer screen to lock onto hers. He got up from his seat a little too fast to be casual, but if it appeared unusual, Art did not say anything as he walked into his office.
“I wanted to return your jacket to you, and thank you for what you did last night.” Elenora held out Tim’s jacket to him and he took it with a smile. She noticed Art look at her through the glass of his office and point to the room next door. She nodded her head in response.
“I’ll let you return the favor one day.” Said Tim with a smile.
“What save you from being kidnapped?”
“Have you seen me? Lookin like this, I’m getting jumped at once, twice a week.”
Eleanor laughed. “Your getting jumped because you wear a badge, although.” She took a step towards the conference room and next to Tim. “I wouldn’t blame them for jumping ya.”
“Cause I carry a badge or because of my dashing good looks?”
“I’ll let you decide, Marshal.”
With that, Elenora walked into the conference room. Art directed her to sit and quickly he went over what the papers said and told her where she needed to sign. Before she knew it, she was done, and she and Art were walking back out into the main room. “Let me just make a phone call and I can drop you off at your SUV.” Said Art as he walked into his office. Elenora looked around and found Tim talking to Rachel, whom Elenora has visited with the few times she had been in the courthouse.
“Hey Rachel.” Greeted Elenora as she approached the two.
“Hey Elenora. I heard about what happened. I’m glad you’re okay.”
“You should have seen her. It was quite the takedown.” Said Tim, a tone of pride in his voice.
A smile raised on Elenora’s lips and she could feel her cheeks warm. “If only my daddy hadn’t banned me from law enforcement.”
“How is school going? You must be about to graduate?”
“Yeah. Last final is Friday. Already got a job lined up at Sayre’s Private School.”
“That’s great, and just across the street. It’ll make it easy for us to grab a coffee.” Said Rachel, with a genuine smile on her face.
“Ah, that explains this sexy authority thing you got goin’.” Said Tim. “You can put me in detention any time, Ma’am. Use the paddle and everything.”
Elenora felt the heat spread all over her body in both embarrassment and horror.
“Tim!” Rachel gasped in horror as she looked at her team mate. Then she turned to look at Elenora. “I apologize for him. The man has no filter and generally speaks without thinking.”
“It be weird if I didn’t.” Replied Tim with a casual shrug as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “Did you need a ride to your car? I still need to finish up my lead in that area.”
“That be great, thank you. Rachel, can you let Art know Tim’s gonna drop me off?”
“Of course. Just don’t be afraid to smack him when he gets goin’ now.”
As if to emphasize Rachel’s words, Tim threw an arm out toward the doors and took a deep bow. “This way, my lady.”
Both Rachel and Elenora let out a laugh as Tim righted himself. Without another word, Tim and Elenora headed out of the office and towards the elevator. They waited casually until the doors finally opened, and once everyone had filed out, they went in. Tim pushed the button for the garage and the two watched as the doors closed, leaving them together, alone in the elevator.
Once they were closed and before Elenora could even comprehend what had happened, she found herself pinned against the elevator wall, the buzz of the emergency stop ringing in her ears and Tim’s lips against her own. One of his hands was on her hip and the other had wormed its way into her hair, effectively knocking the pencil from its home. At some point, and what she figured must have been instinct, she had dropped her bag as her own hands moved to the back of Tim’s neck. The kiss was hard and hungry, and just as fast as it happened, it was over, and the two had pulled away from each other. Each deeply breathing and with an itch they could not scratch in the elevator. “I’ve had this dream before.” Elenora whispered with a smile.
“Ooo, I expect you to tell me all about it later.” Tim responded with a smirk before restarting the elevator, and Elenora picked up her bag and pencil.
Right away, the doors opened on the next floor down and a few patrons entered, so Elenora and Tim shifted towards the back. They stood shoulder to shoulder as they watched the people file in and out of the elevator. As they were nearing the garage level, Elenora felt Tim lean into her. “You know, never thought my type was a naughty school teacher.” It came out as nothing more than a whisper and she was sure had anyone else in the elevator heard, they would have turned around.
After what seemed like an eternity, the doors to the elevator opened and everyone filed out including themselves and Elenora noticed Tim’s hand had fallen to her lower back like it had in the past, and she let him softly guide her through the garage to where he was parked. Once they arrived at the SUV, Elenora turned to look at Tim and leaned against the door. “So what happened last night when you dropped me off? I don’t really remember much after gettin’ in the SUV, and Leslie was looking at me like she knew a secret.”
Tim gave up a smirk and stuck his hands in his pockets. “You may have muttered something about being madly in love with me when we got in the house.”
“No...” Elenora’s eyes went wide and her hand, which still held the pencil, moved up to cover her mouth in horror.
“You fell asleep shortly after we started the journey. Didn’t wanna wake you so I carried you inside. It wasn’t anything special.” Tim said with a shrug of his shoulders, but Elenora knew there was more to the story.
Elenora just smiled in response. “Would that lead of yours involve some coffee and breakfast?” Turning around, Elenora allowed Tim to open the passenger door for her and she hopped in before Tim placed a hand on the frame of the SUV and another on the inside of the door before leaning in towards her.
“Don’t you have class?”
“No, it’s just a week of studying and my final. I can spare some time for food, ooh! Ice cream. Can we go somewhere with ice cream and coffee?”
Tim’s eyes scrunched up and Elenora knew exactly what was going through his brain. It was the same thing everyone thought when she mentioned ice cream for breakfast. “You want ice cream for breakfast?”
“Yeah, eggs, milk. It’s no worse than a pancake slathered in syrup.”
“I don’t know if I can be friends with someone who has ice cream for breakfast.”
“I don’t know if I can be friends with someone who doesn’t have ice cream for breakfast.”
Leaning in a little more, Elenora watched as Tim’s eyes fluttered down to look at her lips before looking back into her eyes. “Well, I guess that’s that.”
“Your lips say one thing, but your eyes are sayin’ another there, Marshal.”
“Ma’am, I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. Besides, maybe it’s not friendship I’m after.”
Elenora’s lips turned upwards. The smirk was hard to keep down. “Acquaintance then?
“Range buddy? Bum Chum? Girlfriend?”
“Are you saying you want me to be your girlfriend, Marshal? You don’t even know me.”
“I’m not good at this stuff. I’m not a sleep around type of guy. I shoot people and have shit hours. I got a slight drinkin’ problem, and some P.T.S.D. I’m not the type of guy girls continue to talk to unless they got daddy issues or arrest warrants. Honestly, I will probably forget whatever anniversary you feel is most important and I don’t know if I would ever want kids considering how fucked up growing up was for me. But you, you are all that I can think about right now, and I’ve never felt the way I did seeing that guy attack you last night. Maybe arrestin’ you was the best decision I ever made.” Tim’s voice held a monotone that Elenora was sure most would take as uncaring, but she could see the emotion in his eyes, that he was baring his soul to her in this moment.
“I’m not good at this either. I cling real hard and real fast. My momma was a junkie and a criminal. Who I found on our kitchen floor after she OD’d. The rest of my family is no better. They are racists, drug dealers and thieves. I have serious daddy issues. I’ll also probably forget what ever anniversary we are on, as well as your birthday. Kids scare the shit out of me, and I would much rather borrow them for the day and hand them back so I can go home, drink and selfishly spend my money on myself. I’ve never had a mutually serious long-term relationship of any kind. I usually scare them away before that, and while I was supposed to be studying yesterday, all I could think about was you, and that our wedding colours would be dark grey and teal.”
Tim said nothing in response. His eyes just moved around her face as if he was searching for something, and Elenora just watched him as her nerves ate away at her. Folding her lip in and between her teeth, she bit down, hoping the pain would distract her.
It felt like hours before Tim’s eyes settled back on hers. “Teal’s a nice colour.”
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emma-m-black · 12 days
The Daughter - Chapter Two
Tim Gutterson x OC (FanFiction) - MATURE 18+
Tim Gutterson comes to the unconventional aid of one Elenora Crowder, ward of Art Mullen and daughter of Raylan Givens.
This will be a multi chapter story and will get spicy as it goes. This is a rough draft and only slightly edited for grammar and spelling. Just needed to finally get it out because Tim Gutterson is one of my favorite characters, and there is not nearly enough fanfic for him.
Chapter One, Chapter Two
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Chapter Two:
Elenora drummed her pencil against the tabletop. The library was eerily quiet and while she may have been staring down at her textbook, her mind was on other things. Her back hit the wall hard, but she did not mind. The impact actually spurring her on as she worked at pulling Tim’s shirt out from his pants, while his lips attacked the side of her neck. Unconsciously, Elenora’s knees closed tighter together.
Tim’s hands roamed down her sides and cupped her ass and the next thing she knew, her feet were off the air. She felt Tim’s hearty laugh against her skin as she yelped in surprise and quickly wrapped her legs around his waist. Elenora felt the instinctual need to grind herself into Tim, eliciting a moan from him before his lips captured her own.
Pulling his lips away from her, Tim looked Elenora in the eyes with a smile. “I gotta’ confess, I knew who you were...at the bar.“
“Oh, really?”
Tim rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “Each time you brought Art a coffee or stopped and talked to Rachel I hoped that there would be some excuse to talk to you, but then the rational part of my brain would stop me, telling me that you were Art’s ward and that I could look but not touch.”
“So what changed?”
“Probably the alcohol.” Said Tim as he opened his eyes and gave her a smile. “And the picture. I’m never deleting that, by the way.”
Elenora dropped her pencil down in shock and shifted in her chair away from the unexpected greeting.
“Geez girl. You don’t look like you got any sleep.”
“No. I was awake most of the night.” Responded Elenora and a flash of Tim above her, lips around her nipple and two of his fingers deep inside her.
“I can’t believe you actually got arrested, can’t say I thought you had it in you, but I’m glad you did. I was routing for you.” Said the girl as she produced a set of keys and placed them on the table next to one of Elenora’s books. “The apartment is all yours.”
Reaching for the keys, Elenora held them in her hand and looked at her friend. “Wait. So no one else finished?”
“Oh no, they did. But they are all still locked up in the drunk tank. I guess there is some investigation into the amount of public intoxications that happened last night. Everyone missed class. The professors are pissed.” Said the girl with a laugh. “That’s the spare, so if you wanna start moving stuff over, you can. I’m basically packed up. My parents took two SUV loads to New York already. I’ll get the landlord to get me the copies of the lease, and I’ll leave them on the counter. If I’m not there, just sign your life away and leave three post dated’s. He’ll want them A.S.A.P. Then it is all yours.”
“Thanks again for this. It’s nice to know I’ll have a place of my own finally.”
The girl gave Elenora a nod and then headed off. Once Elenora was alone, she pulled out her cell phone and opened up her conversation with Tim, which still only comprised of the text to give her a wave and the nude photo her friends had both sent.
Elenora: Please say that you did not have anything to do with the fact there is a bunch of hungover university students locked up in jail right now.
Tim must have had his phone near him, as his response came through almost instantly.
Tim: I thought you wanted the apartment to end all apartments?
Tim: Also, I’m insulted that you would think I would use my powers of authority in such a manner. *gasp*
Elenora: Well, you didn’t seem to have that mentality when you used those handcuffs on me for a second time...
Elenora pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought about when she and Tim went for round two once they had finally made it onto the bed. Tim had reached down to his pants, where he had shoved the discarded handcuffs after helping Elenora out of the remaining side. He held them up to her with a grin. “Wanna make it a little more challenging this time?” Elenora said nothing as she stuck her wrists out to Tim. Once he had the cuffs on her, he pushed her up to the headrest on his bed and placed her arms above her head and the cuffs around one of the bed posts.
Tim: It was an unusual intake of public intoxication. I just wanted to ensure that those girls were safe, and that they couldn’t drink their way into a new apartment. It was my civic duty, I assure you.
Elenora: Well, I thank you for your service, Marshal. Think I might owe you something for taking on such a life saving task.
Tim: Now Ma’am, I like my laundry pressed and folded. Eggs over easy and I prefer my steak more on the rare than the medium side.
Elenora: Really now?
Tim: Oh, does this fancy apartment not have in-suit laundry?
Elenora: Is this your way of telling me you want to see me again, Marshal?
Tim: Ma’am, the thought of seeing you again is the only thing getting me through today.
The heat that ran through Elenora and to her core made her squirm. She never figured for her crush on Tim would amount to anything, considering how she had been banned from having a relationship with anyone in law enforcement. With what her father did, he had a strict rule about who she could date. It was for good reason she knew, because there was always that voice in the back of her mind that told her each time her phone rang that this was the call to tell her something bad had happened.
Elenora: I’m sure that could be arranged. However, Art does always seem to be quite interested in my male friends, probably under the behest of my father. So for now, mind if we keep whatever this is out of his radar.
Tim: Probably for the best. Don’t need Art sticking me on transport duty for the rest of my life. I’m already getting the shit end of the stick for being the new guy.
Elenora: Plus, I don’t need my daddy showing up here and shootin’ you.
Tim: Come on, Dad’s love me.
Elenora: Why do I feel like that’s a lie ;)
Tim: Offended!
Elenora: Don’t you have a perp to catch?
Tim: Shouldn’t you be in class?
Elenora: Studying for final on Friday.
Tim: Same, you are really making it hard to study, by the way. This picture of you keeps popping up on my phone. It’s really distracting.
Elenora let out a loud laugh and quickly her hand shot up to cover her mouth as she looked around the library. A few of the other students had turned to look at her.
Elenora: I’m going to go back to studying now.
Tim: I gotta go do something today. If shit doesn’t hit the fan and you aren’t to studied out, there is a bluegrass band plain’ in this bar in Georgetown tonight...
Elenora: You let me know when you are hole free and off the clock, Marshal.
Tim: Will do Ma’am.
The rest of Elenora’s day went by as usual, however she found she was checking her phone a little more than usual and when finally she could not stand the sound of her empty stomach any longer, she packed up her books.
As Elenora stepped out of the old brick walls and into the evening air, the bag slung over her shoulder. She wished she had not left her jacket in the SUV. The air was crisp once the sun went down. Moving around the side of her old Bronco, she opened the back door and tossed her bag in before leaning in to pick up her leather jacket from the floor. When she moved to stand back up, an arm wrapped itself around her shoulder and down across chest. The arm pulled her tight against a chest and the smell of cheap whiskey engulfed her.
“Well, aren’t you just a pretty one?”
Elenora rolled her eyes. “You best be takin’ your hands off me.”
“Now, why would I ever do that?”
The feeling of another hand sliding across her thigh made her skin crawl. “Maybe you didn’t hear me clearly, so I’ll say it nice and slow this time, so I don’t need to repeat myself for a third time. Remove your hands from my person.”
“Are you gonna be all bark and no fight, little lady? Here I was hopin’ for a little more...”
Eleanor’s shoulder dropped, which caused the grip on her to loosen. The fact that he was clearly intoxicated did nothing to help his reflexes as Elenora ducked down, looped her right arm around the arm that had been traveling her leg. Pulling up, she wrapped her arm around his and spun herself out from in front of the man. With little thought and mainly on instinct, Elenora soon had the man’s face pinned again the side of her SUV and his shoulder pulled from the socket as she held his against his own back.
The man let out a scream as the realization and pain set in. “You bitch!”
“Now that is no way to speak to a lady. Ma’am, do you require assistance?”
“No, Marshal, pretty sure I got this piece of shit handled.” Elenora turned her head slightly to see Tim standing a few steps away, hand resting at the ready against his firearm and his chest heaving as if he had been running.
“This woman...” He began and Elenora felt him try to push off from the SUV.
Threading her fingers through the man’s hair, Elenora gripped the locks and pulled back hard, before putting all her weight into bashing the man’s head against the steel of her SUV, effectively knocking him out. When she felt him go limp, she removed her hands and let the man drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
Taking a few steps back from her SUV, Elenora looked to Tim, who was now slowly approaching the man. He gave him a push with his boot and put the mystery man on his back.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” Whispered Elenora, as she wrapped her arms around herself. The adrenalin from the event was already wearing off. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought I would drive by on the off chance you were still here. Was going to phone you when I parked.” Tim pulled out his cell phone and after that, Elenora did not really pay attention. Instead, she moved herself towards the curb that surrounded the parking lot and sat herself down. Resting her elbows on her knees, Elenora picked at the cuffs of her denim shirt.
She noticed her hand began to shake and just stared at the tips of her fingers as she remembered the feeling of the man’s hand on her leg. “Nell?”
Elenora’s eyes focused past her fingers to see Tim crouched down a few feet away from her. “Do you want me to call Art, or your Daddy?”
“What?” Questioned Elenora in a daze.
“Either way, they both find out about what’s happened. I’ll say I was driving by when I saw the altercation and recognized you as being Art’s ward. Best to call now before the Lexington P.D. gets here.”
“Art, call Art.”
Eleanor watched as Tim gave a nod of his head and stood back up. He pushed a few buttons on his phone and held it to his ear. “Yeah hey Art. I stumbled into a bit of a situation. That Marshal’s kid that’s staying with you, she was attacked outside her car near the university. No, no. She’s okay. Definitely in shock, though. Locals are on the way, but you’ll want to come down. Yup, okay.”
Tipping her head down, Elenora rubbed at her eyes with the palms of her hand, and then looked up to where the man was now laying on his stomach, hands cuffed behind him. “I didn’t kill him, did I?”
Tim must have pocketed as both his hands were free when he crouched back down. “No, think the fucker passed out from the pain. Your daddy taught you all sorts of tricks, didn’t he? Remind me not to piss you off.”
A chuckle left Elenora’s lips before she could help it. “Yeah, never had to put anything into action before.” Her words were followed by a gasp as she felt her breath catch in her throat, and could see her vision glass over with unshed tears.
He must have known what was about to happen as he place his hands out in front of him, palms facing her and took a tentative slide forward, as if he was approaching a wild animal. “Nell, I think you might be about to have a panic.”
“Yeah...” Elenora gasped as she struggled to find breath. She was feeling as though she was about to suffocate, like there wasn’t enough oxygen in the air. Her lungs burned. “Think I might be.”
“I can help if you trust me, but I need to touch you. Is that okay?” Tim asked calmly.
Elenora could only nod her head in response as she gasped once again for breath and tears cascaded down her cheeks. She saw the blur of Tim as he moved around her and came to sit behind her. He pushed himself up his chest against her back and reached around her to take her hands in his. “We’re gonna fold your arms over and I’m gonna hug you tight, okay?” Elenora quickly nodded her head and allowed for Tim to cross her arms against herself and then he followed with his own. “Okay now I want you to feel my chest, and I want you to try to breath with me. In...”
Taking a struggled breath, Elenora could feel Tim all around her. He was like a blanket surrounding her. It was different from the other man. This was warm and as she listened to him tell her when to breathe out and in again, she felt as though nothing could hurt her. At some point, she noticed the blur of what must have been Tim’s hand shooing someone away. The moment seeming to break the spell she was under and slowly the world around her came into view. There were multiple red and blue lights and blurred black blobs, standing and moving around.
Slowly, everything started to come into focus more and Elenora could see Art talking to an officer and watching her. Or was he watching Tim? It was hard to really see. He was not entirely crisp and, after giving a light laugh, she felt Tim’s breath on her neck. “You doing okay now?”
“Yeah, I just. I think I might have cried my contacts out of my eyes.” Elenora let out another laugh, and she felt Tim’s arms unwrap from around her.
“Think you're okay to sit by yourself for a moment?”
“Yeah, I’ll be okay.” Tim pulled himself away from her and the frigid chill of the air hit Elenora, making her shiver. She felt something fall on her shoulders before she saw it. Tim had dropped his green bomber jacket across her shoulders and had now crouched down to pull it around her front.
Elenora let her eyes settle on Tim, and a smile rose to her lips. “Thank you Tim. For everything.”
“Any time, Ma’am.” Said Tim and before he rose, he gave her a wink.
She watched as Tim and Art talked, and then Art set off towards her. Once he got to her, he took a seat next to her and Elenora watched as he rubbed the cell phone in his hand. “Tim says he watched you take our guy down yourself. Pretty impressive.”
“Yeah, daddy taught me well.” Elenora whispered, her eyes dropping from Art down to the concrete of the parking lot.
“Speaking of your daddy, you better give him a call. If he doesn’t know already, he will know as soon as this gets processed, and I don’t wanna be on the receiving end of that phone call.” Glancing back at Art, Elenora saw his phone was now extended toward her, so she took it with a shaky hand. “I’ll give you a few minutes, but then they are going to need a statement from you, okay?”
Looking down at the phone, she flipped it open and found her daddy’s name. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the call button and put the phone up to her ear with one hand while she lid her other into the sleeve of Tim’s jacket. Then she swapped the phone to the other side and did the same with her remaining arm.
“What’s up Art, I’m a little busy right now,” Came the voice of Elenora’s father through the speaker.
“Hey, daddy.” A sniffled left her nose as she tried to compose herself. It always hurt when she had to tell her father something. She always felt like she was disappointing him, even though she knew she really was not.
“Elenora? What’s wrong?”
“I got attacked.” Elenora whispered, and she felt Art’s hand land on her back and rub a comforting circle. “I’m okay. I’m pretty shaken, but I’m okay.”
“Sit down!” Gunfire echoed through the phone.
“Sorry, give me two seconds Elenora. Didn’t I tell you to stay where you are? This is an important phone call, but trust me I won’t forget about you and we will be right back at it. Now, you sure you’re okay? Is that what you’re saying or the paramedics?”
“I had a bit of a panic attack, but I’m fine. Not even a scrape. I put him down on his ass.”
“That’s my girl. I’m glad you are safe. Can you put Art on the phone for a moment, and then I need to get back to work, okay? If you need anything, you give me a call.”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you more, sunshine.”
Elenora handed the phone back to Art with a sigh. “He want’s to talk to you.” Once the phone was handed over, she stared back out into the fray of people and watched who she assumed was Tim point out in a few directions. He must have been giving a statement as to what he had witnessed.
“Yeah, one of my Marshal’s happened to be on scene. He saw the whole thing go down. Had a bad panic attack, but he helped bring her back down. Yeah, I’ll tell him. Bye Raylan.” Art hung up the phone and stood himself up, before offering a hand to Elenora. “Come on now, let’s go get this over and done with so I can get you home.”
Elenora gave a grunt as she stood up, her muscles seizing as though she had just come back from a long run. It took her a second to get her legs functioning and when she felt confident in her steps, the two made their way towards Tim and an officer. “I got that apartment, by the way.” Said Elenora, in a poor attempt to think of anything else but what was happening. “Found out this morning.”
“Congratulations. I’ll be sad to see you go. Leslie will be heartbroken. Think she enjoyed having you around, seeing as how all our own are gone.”
“I’ll still be around.”
“I know.” Replied Art. “But just won’t be the same.”
The two came to a stop at the pair, with Elenora in between both Art and Tim and it was then she noticed her bag draped over Tim’s shoulder. He must have pulled in from her vehicle at some point. “I think I got most of what I need from the Marshal here, but if you wouldn’t mind. Telling me what happened before Deputy Gutterson got here.”
“Yes officer. I had just come out of the library and put my bag in the car. I reached for my jacket and as I was coming back up, he grabbed me from behind.” Elenora noticed Tim’s hand raise out of the corner of her eye and then lower back down as if he thought better about whatever it was he was about to do. “He called me a ‘pretty little thing’. Ran his hand on my thigh and when I asked him to remove himself from me, he replied with why would he? After then I asked him again, and he seemed to get irate at the fact I wasn’t putting up a struggle. He reeked of whiskey.”
Elenora watched as the officer scribbled a few things down on a pad he had been holding before looking back up at her, silently telling her to continue. “I was able to slip from his grip and pin him to my SUV, that’s when...” She had been about to say Tim, but caught herself before his name tumbled from her lips. “When the Marshal showed up, he addressed the man, but I felt him push back against me, so I slammed him into the SUV, and I guess I knocked him out. After that, it’s a bit of a blur, till only a few moments ago.”
“That should be good for tonight, ma’am.”
The officer went to walk away just as Art’s phone rang and the older man held up a finger as for the officer to wait a second. Quickly flipping open his phone and putting it to his ear, Art’s lips turned up slightly, as whomever it was on the other line must have given him good news.
“Thanks, that will be it for now. See you in the morning, Rachel.” Hanging up the phone, Art looked to Tim. “Looks like our guy Kurt Mannan has a few outstanding warrants in Kansas. I’m gonna have the Marshal’s service take it from here, officer.”
“Sounds good to me, Marshal. I won’t argue skipping the paperwork.”
“Tim, would you mind taking Elenora home? I’m gonna follow Mr. Mannan to the hospital and have a few words with him before I take him into custody.”
“I got her Sir.” Said Tim with a nod. Placing a hand to the small of Elenora’s back, he walked her away from the police and towards his SUV. He held open the door for her and helped her in. Without a word he shut her in, got in the driver’s side, swung her bag into the backseat and took off. Much like he had the night before, when they were far enough away and Tim was sure there was no way they would cross paths with Art, he pulled over.
“You still doing okay there, Nell?”
“Yeah. Think I’m just tired.” Said Elenora as she pulled at her seat belt so she could turn slightly. She rested her left temple against the headrest as she looked at Tim. Elenora felt like she had been hit by a truck. Her head was beginning to throb and her muscles were tight. Tim, on the other hand, looked relaxed, but there were a million emotions showing in his eyes. “I like that.”
“What?” Tim asked as he reached over to tuck a chunk of her hair behind her ear.
“You callin’ me Nell. I’ve never heard that one before.” She closed her eyes as Tim’s fingers continued to run through her hair. “It’s nice.” It came out more than a whisper to herself than anything, but she was sure Tim heard it.
There was a pause, and Elenora enjoyed the silence until it was eventually broken. “Let’s get you home.”
Her eyes did not open. Elenora had heard Tim, but the feeling of his hand in her hair and the warmth of his hand had entranced her into a coma like state. There was just no will to do anything other than hum to tell him she had heard.
Chapter Three
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emma-m-black · 14 days
The Daughter - Chapter One
Tim Gutterson x OC (FanFiction) - MATURE 18+
Tim Gutterson comes to the unconventional aid of one Elenora Crowder, ward of Art Mullen and daughter of Raylan Givens.
This will be a multi chapter story and will get spicy as it goes. This is a rough draft and only slightly edited for grammar and spelling. Just needed to finally get it out because Tim Gutterson is one of my favorite characters, and there is not nearly enough fanfic for him.
Chapter One, Chapter Two
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Chapter One:
Elenora could feel the bottoms of her boots stick to the floor as she walked. The years of spilt drinks and shotty cleaning leaving a film across the surface that wanted anything that touched it to become a permanent fixture. Her palms sweated as she stepped towards the bar, and she wiped them against her jean clad thighs, hoping to quell her nerves and the moisture. She should not be this nervous. She already had the plan formed in her head as to what she was going to say. “Hey, remember me, I’m that random girl staying with your boss, but we never really talked cause I think you're cute, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself. So see, my friends are stupid and as part of a scavenger hunt, I need to get a hot guy’s phone number. So here I am! Saying you are hot, like do you on the bar counter right this second. Think about you fucking me in the elevator every time I’m at the courthouse.” “God, I can’t say that,” Elenora muttered to herself. Shoving her hands into the back pockets of her dark blue skinny jeans, she took a deep breath. Thankfully, she had thrown a flannel over her tank top so maybe he would not notice the sweat that was forming under her arms.
When she approached the bar, she leaned against the wood with an elbow and turned herself to look at the man she was about to pester. “Evening Marshal.” Elenora greeted before giving a side eye to her friends. The group of girls were sitting in their booth at the opposite end of the building, chin in hand and elbows on the table, staring at her with wide eyes and cat like smiles.
The man swiveled himself around on his chair, his hands still rested on the bar top wrapped around his beer bottle as if it was too much of an inconvenience to lift them. The motioned drew Elenora’s eyes back to him. Elenora watched as his eyes connected with hers before slowly running down the length of her body and back up again. He squinted and his finger pulled at the label on the beer bottle subconsciously.
Elenora raised an eyebrow as he stared at her. “You look familiar, and you know I’m a Marshal.” His face relaxed, and a smile tugged at his lips. “Wait. You’re that uni girl stayin’ with Art, aren’t you?” He swiveled around fully now, his feet resting on the step of the stool and his knees spread wide. His left hand was free and now resting on his thigh.
“Yup, except right now, I need you to pretend like you don’t know me, and I am just some stranger hitting on you at the bar.” Said Elenora pushing off from the bar top and took a small step closer to the man. “You aren’t supposed to know this, but I require your phone number for a stupid scavenger hunt, and I really want to win.”
“This has got to be the strangest pick up line I have ever heard.” His smile betrayed the tone in his voice, telling Elenora that he was actually enjoying this. “Tim, by the way.”
Tim’s smile got even larger. “Can’t say an eighty-year-old has ever asked for my number.”
Taking a larger step forward than she had before, Elenora put herself between Tim’s legs. A surge of confidence overtaking her brought on my the smile on Tim’s lip and the mischievous glint that was now in his eyes.
“Oh, I’m sure this eighty-year-old could give you all sorts of new experiences.” Elenora reached out and ran her hands up Tim’s shoulders before pulling lightly at the collar of his polo to straighten it before dropping her hands back down to her sides.
“Ma’am, don’t tempt me with a good time. So this scavenger hunt?” Asked Tim. “You just need my number, or do you require my assistance with anything else? Say that picture of you skinny dip’n in the founder’s fountain?”
Elenora’s eyes went large. How could he know? Out of instinct, she went to take a step back, but Tim quickly threw his arms out, looping his thumbs into the back pockets of her jeans and splaying his hands on her sides of her ass. “Woah girl.” Tim whispered. “If you’ve done it I didn’t see, you just aren’t the first to come up to me tonight trying to fill that card of yours.”
Relaxing, Elenora rested her palms on Tim’s forearms. “So I’m too late to the game, then is what you are telling me?”
“Hardly. I don’t give my number out to just anyone.” Said Tim as his eyes once again locked onto hers. “However, being in the charge of Art and all, I feel as though it is my duty to help you with your task.”
“That would be mighty fine of you.” Elenora responded. Her hands had worked their way up his arms till her wrists rested on his shoulders. With a turn of her head, Elenora looked back towards her friends who were all watching her with interest, waiting to see what happened next. “Pretty sure you just made me the talk of the night, Marshal.”
“Got your phone?” Tim asked as he slid his hands out from her jeans and brought them to rest on her hips.
Elenora reached up into the pocket of her flannel and pulled out her blackberry. She spun the device in her fingers and held it out to Tim, who then plucked it from her grasp. With both hands, he punched in his name and phone number before holding it back out to Elenora, but when she went to reach for it, he pulled it back with a flick of his wrist. “Now, I’m trusting you with this. With great power comes great responsibility.”
“Got it. No late night booty calls, rebound requests, or drunken confessions of love.”
“Exactly. Only recommendations for lunch, who won Sundays game and is there a cover band playin’ at Rusty’s?” Said Tim as he held the phone back out to her.
Taking it in her hand, Elenora looked at the device and then at Tim. “Thanks, Tim.”
“Don’t be afraid to ask about those cover bands.” Elenora smiled and took a step back from Tim before turning back towards her friends. “And Ma’am, I do apologize.”
The next thing Elenora felt was the slap of a hand on her ass, and she was pretty sure the shock caused her feet to leave the floor. She whipped her head around to look at Tim, who was just retracting his hand and had a smile on his face.
Elenora made her way back to her friends and sat down before handing her phone to one girl, who promptly started clicking away on her phone. Elenora picked up the glass of gin and soda she had left at the table before going to talk to Tim and eyed said man out of the corner of her eye. He had just reached for his beer when his detoured and reached inside his pants pocket and pulled out a cell phone, reading the message that came through he turned to look at the table and gave a wave, just as Elenora knew he had been instructed. Now came the embarrassing part.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” The girl with Elenora’s phone asked.
“Do it. I want that apartment.” Elenora downed her drink in one swallow and tipped her head down so that her fell over her face to hide the blush that she was sure was currently forming on her cheeks.
“Nora, he’s coming over!”
Elenora’s head shot up, and she turned to see Tim walking towards her. A stern look on his face and his hand resting on his firearm that was holstered at his side. His badge was clearly visible from where it was hooked into his jeans on his right hip.
“Shit, he’s a cop!” one girl said in a hushed tone just as Tim approached the table.
“Oh, you’re screwed, girl.” Came the voice of another girl from across the table.
His phone was still in his other hand and he presented it to Elenora once he was at the table’s edge. “Ma’am, is this you?”
Looking at the phone screen, Elenora saw a picture of herself, naked as the day she was born, standing in Lexington’s founders fountain. “Umm, yes.”
“Do you know that indecent exposure is illegal, especially on State owned property, and carries a criminal sentence?”
“No, but that would make sense.” Elenora’s cheeks felt like they were on fire, and she could feel herself breaking out in a sweat.
“Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to come with me,” Said Tim as he pocketed his phone and waved Elenora out of the booth, his hand resting on his pistol the entire time.
“Officer, please, you can’t do this. It was just a stupid thing for her to get this apartment. I mean, it’s a really nice apartment, but she can’t go to jail!”
“Ladies, let me introduce myself. I am Deputy United States Marshall Tim Gutterson, and I am going to take you friend here into custody. Now come Ma’am if you will come with me, we are going to have a little talk about our good State’s laws and if I feel as though you will not be a repeat offender perhaps there will not be any paperwork to file.”
“Yes, Marshall.” Said Elenora as she slid from the booth and grabbed her small leather purse from its resting place on her seat.
Tim placed a hand on her shoulder and pushed her to turn around. “Hands behind your back, please.”
Elenora felt the cool metal rub and lock against her wrists. ‘where had he been hiding handcuffs‘ she wondered?
“Ladies, enjoy the rest of your evening.” With that, Elenora felt Tim touch her, gently pushing at her lower back as he directed her towards the door. Once they were almost there, she felt Tim press himself against her side and his head come into view next to hers. “There now you can cross off being arrested, too.”
“You fucker!” Elenora ground out in a hushed tone. “How did you know?”
“Now Ma’am. You are speaking to a Deputy U.S. Marshal, so let’s watch the language, and I already told you, you weren’t the first girl to come up to me tonight.” Tim said this with a humor to his voice and Elenora could only roll her eyes as the two stepped out onto the sidewalk and into the night air.
Once Elenora knew she would not be seen by her friends, she stepped out of Tim’s grasp and turn on him. “I didn’t pay my tab, Tim. I’m never gonna be allowed back in there now.”
“Don’t worry, I took care of it before I came over. Now come on, SUVs just over there.” Said Tim as he removed his hand from where it rested on his firearm and pointed towards an SUV parked about a half block away.
“Wait, you are actually arresting me?” Elenora’s eyes went wide and while she was sure her cheeks were still flushed, she imagined the rest of her was following.
“Hell no, I don’t wanna do that paperwork. It’s a school night; but if your friends walk out right now, this is gonna look mighty suspicious.”
“Good point. Lead the way, Marshal.” Tim moved and placed his hand on her shoulder and the two walked the short distance to his SUV. Opening the door, Tim helped Elenora into the SUV and once he was tucked in behind the wheel himself, he pulled out the keys to the cuffs.
He held them up and Elenora turned herself around to give him access, but when she did not feel Tim unlocking them, she craned her neck slightly to look at him. “Are you gonna uncuff me, Marshal, or is this something I need to worry about? Being in a vehicle with a stranger?”
When Tim did not answer, Elenora bounced her way around in the seat to look straight on at him. Her mind playing through every horrible scenario her daddy had ever told her. Till finally a smile rose from his lips. “I just need to know. You really doing all this for an apartment? Havin’ a criminal record worth that?”
As he talked, Elenora had pulled a bobby pin from her back pocket and had already had it wedged in the teeth of her left cuff. “You haven’t seen the apartment. Studio, with these giant picture windows and a rooftop patio...” Elenora let out a grunt as she squeezed the cuff on her left hand closed even more than it already was, until she felt the release of the mechanism which she had jammed. “There were twenty of us that applied to her to take over her lease, so she came up with this stupid game.” With her left hand now free of the cuff, she brought her hands around to her front and she watched as Tim’s eyes narrowed at the now empty cuff dangling from her right wrist.
“How’d you do that?” Tim asked, pointing at the cuff with the key he still held in his hand.
“A girl’s gotta’ have some secrets.”
Tim gave a nod of his head and reached forward to unlock the remaining cuff. “Understandable. I mean, I have seen you naked already, and we haven’t even been on a proper date.”
A laugh escaped Elenora’s lips. “You tellin’ me, Marshal, that this is your idea of an improper date, then?”
“I don’t normally get the phone numbers of my perps before arrestin’ them, although maybe that’s how your daddy does it. I’m guessin’ he was also a Marshal, and that’s why you’re stayin’ with Art?”
“Still is. Daddy doesn’t make many friends. Felt it was safest for me to head out this way. Uncle Art was nice enough to offer me a room and protection. His ex-wife lives out here too. We get along well enough, but not enough for me to be spendin’ any time in that home.”
“That meaning she aint your momma?”
“No, that woman died when I was eight, and the state contradicted the bullshit I’d been told of my father. And guess what? He was, in fact, alive and well. Didn’t even know I existed.”
Tim’s face scrunched up and his shoulders gave a shrug. “Ouch, well, at least he wasn’t an ass.”
“See, that’s how I know you’ve never met him. I love him, but he’s the biggest ass I know.”
Elenora noticed Tim’s eyes narrow, and he leaned slightly to the side as he watched something from behind her. “Time to go, unless getting caught in this ruse won’t lose you this amazing apartment?”
“Nope, let’s go Marshal,” Said Elenora as she quickly situated herself in the seat and threw on her seat belt.
Tim quickly backed up the SUV and pulled out of the stall, heading down the road with no destination in sight. “Technically, it’s Deputy, but you know I’m not actually arresting you. There is no need for the formality.”
“Maybe I like it. Maybe it’s the gin talkin’, but callin’ you, Marshal, means I’m less likely to be thinking any impure thoughts about you and this improper date.”
Tim’s wrist rested on the top of the steering wheel and his other laid on his thigh, his thumb drumming against his leg. Elenora figured it was a nervous tick or an unconscious way to keep his hands busy. Lots of Marshals had military backgrounds and the way he called her ma’am made her believe he might be one of them.
He remained silent for several seconds until the hand on his leg jumped up and gripped the wheel. Turning it with a sharp pull, Tim brought the vehicle into the parking lot of a dimly lit park and brought it to a stop in one of the parking stalls. He pushed up on the shifter, putting the SUV into park before turning to look at her with a starved look. Like she was water in the desert and he had been stranded for weeks.
“Ma’am, I’m not one to touch someone without their consent unless I’m working, so I need you to tell me you are okay with me kissing you right now. If not, I’ll drive you to wherever you wanna go and we can go abo...” Tim did not get to finish the thought. Elenora had unbuckled herself so fast she wasn’t even sure she had done it till she was already sitting astride Tim, her face an inch from his.
“I’m gonna keep callin’ you Marshal, if you keep callin’ me, ma’am.”
“Understood.” Replied Tim, who then brought his hands up to hover just above her hips.
A giggle left Elenora, and she put her hands to Tim’s chest. “While I, and the women of the world, appreciate your views on consent, I’m sitting on your lap, Tim. You have my permission to touch me.”
With that, his hands clasped down on her hips, and his lips were on hers. His hands pulled at her tucked in tank top till he could get his hands on the skin of her back, where he let them rest as he continued to kiss her. Elenora was seeing stars. The kiss was intense. It felt as though she was the only thing he had ever wanted to kiss. Her body shivered as his thumbs rubbed at the skin on her side, just ghosting towards her stomach. Her hands, on the other hand, had moved up his chest, one now rested on the side of his neck while the other sprawled into his hair.
Elenora could taste the whiskey on his lips, and she felt Tim pull on her, sliding her further into his lap, and to where she could feel him hardening underneath her.
They pulled apart from each other slightly when finally they were so out of breath they could not continue. Elenora dipped her head and bring her lips to his neck where she peppered kisses up towards his ear, and in response she felt a hand slide up her back, coming to rest once his fingers had poised themselves at the clasp of her bra. When her teeth reached his earlobe and she bit down, Tim let out a long groan. “Not to sound too desperate here, but it’s been a while,” Tim began in a whisper. “So if you are gonna keep kissing me there, this might be over real fa... shit.”
“What?” Asked Elenora as she pulled back and looked down at Tim.
“Never thought I wish to be a teenager again, storing condoms in my glove-box.”
“I have an IUD, so we are safe, as long as you are clean...”
“Have to be having sex to get anything...”
“Well then, Marshal, looks like we’re all set.” Elenora rocked her hips into Tim’s and then brought her lips back down to his.
A knock sounded on the glass, and both Elenora and Tim jumped apart in unison. Both turned to see a man dressed in a black police jacket and the butt of a flashlight resting on the window. Extracting his hands, Tim rolled down the window and flinched as the officer spun his flashlight to shine into the SUV. “Okay love birds, this isn’t... Deputy Gutterson, is that you?”
Elenora squinted at the light till finally she had to turn her eyes away and cast them down at Tim’s chest. “Oh hey, Thompson. Yeah, we were just...”
“Not in the park, man.” Said the officer with a laugh.
“We were just leaving.” Replied Tim.
Elenora noticed the light from the flashlight disappear with a click. “You to have a good night and be safe now.”
A few moments later, Elenora felt fingers under her jaw and, after a slight pressure, bring her head back up to face the man in front of her. “Well, if that was a mood breaker, I don’t know what is.” Tim let a laugh out and Elenora followed. The giggles left her lips until Tim’s lips captured hers once more, his hands pushing into her hair as he increased the intensity. She let the kiss go for a few seconds before pulling away.
“Well Marshal, is this the point in the night you drive me home or do we go back to your place? Because I would really rather not be arrested for a second time tonight.”
“I didn’t really arrest you.” Whispered Tim as he pulled a hand from her hair and used his thumb to rub lightly at her the spot on her chin right below her ear.
Smirking, Elenora squirmed in Tim’s lap, and the man beneath her let out a groan. “You did put me in handcuffs.” Elenora pecked at Tim’s lips. Tim let out another groan. However, this one caused Elenora to pull away and narrow her eyes at him. “What?”
“See, I know I should take you home, the home of which my boss lives at, but all I can think about right now is how good you looked in that photo naked.”
“Well then, the next choice seems like it’s up to you.”
Chapter Two
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emma-m-black · 11 months
Such a dick move!
So Universal Pictures may have just intentionally over-pruned all of the city owned trees in front of their LA corporate office in an effort to fuck with the WGA/SAG-AFTRA picketers during what is predicted to be the hottest week of the year so far:
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And the LA City Controller is looking into it:
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Once again it looks like it's time for:
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emma-m-black · 11 months
This. I've been writing up a storm since the Writer Strike started, but I won't post anything until the people who create these worlds I love so much get paid fairly for their hard work.
Just gonna throw out the idea that if you write original fiction and post it on AO3, you might want to hide it behind registered users only while the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes are on. The studios are going to start looking for ANYTHING they can develop; original stuff they can access and tweak and not have to pay for? Even better.
It's also worth noting that if someone engages in strike-breaking practices while a strike is on and they are NOT a guildmember, my understanding is that you will be banned from future membership. So some studio slimeball wants to develop your thing and have you write the script right now? Sounds awesome! But you will never be able to join the WGA.
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emma-m-black · 1 year
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emma-m-black · 1 year
June 14th, 2023: International Global Solidarity Strike
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What amazing solidarity this will be:
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*Seoul, I'm sure.
EDIT: Also New Zealand is joining in
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The media is a moving version of this:
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emma-m-black · 1 year
Chicago fans:
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emma-m-black · 1 year
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emma-m-black · 1 year
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Multi-hyphenate QUINTA BRUNSON speaks to wgawest on the 3rd week of the 2023 WGA Strike.
[ID] We're able to bring a lot of joy to this strike...but [it'd] be ignorant not to, you know, acknowledge that people are out of work.
We have to remember what we're working toward. You know, we're working toward this being over.
We're working toward better pay, better living arrangements. People need to live. People need sustenance. You know, they need to be able to pay their rent, to pay for food.
If we keep staying strong, then, you know, we're actually going to be able to make this end sooner and get the things that we're fighting for.
It's just important to remember that we're fighting for something and we're not gonna leave here with nothing! [/ID]
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emma-m-black · 1 year
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I love how specific this is. Also, Tawny Newsome ❤️
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emma-m-black · 1 year
Lillian Crusher, a What if Multi Chapter Story. Chapter: Four
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Read Chapter: Three Here
Another week had passed, and the Titan was almost ready to head into space for its exercises before appearing at the Frontier Day celebration, alongside the rest of the fleet. Commander Crusher was doing her morning workout in the ship’s gym, sparing with a hologram using rattan sticks against her foe.
The A.I. hologram learning from her form and fighting style to increase the intensity of the fight. When her opponent’s stick slapped against her arm hard, she screamed angrily at the hologram. “Computer end training program.”
Lillian wiped her bare arm across her forehead, being careful to not hit herself with the weapon in her hand. The sweat on her body was already cooling and she could feel the goosebumps beginning to form on the vast amount of exposed skin. Her long hair was pulled back in a high ponytail.
“I thought you were supposed to be good at this.” Came the voice of Captain Shaw, right on cue. His routine was as about down to the minute as hers. They were both creatures of routine.
Turning around, Lillian swung her weapons together and draped them over the back of her neck. She held them with the palms of her hands and examined her Captain. His slightly thinning hair was glistening, and he had sweat marks on his tank top. He must have just finished his morning run. He was panting as he moved up closer to where she stood.
“At least I don’t look like I might pass out.”
“Ha, ha.” Captain Shaw mocked as he reached forward to take one of her rattans. “Let’s see what you got, Commander.”
“As you wish Captain.” Lillian took a step back and without waiting for further direction, she moved to strike.
With a swing, she aimed for his left side, and he swiftly moved to block. He pushed with force against her stick, and her arm swung outward. She flicked her wrist and spun her weapon across the backside of her hard, and re-gripped it before swinging it low at the Captain’s legs. His response was to drop his rattan stick down through one open palm and used the toe of his shoe against the hardwood to stop her blow from connecting with his skin.
It went like this for what felt like minutes but was only seconds. Each trading from offence to defence before finally, Lillian had her Captain on his back with her weapon pressed against his neck. Lillian’s heart was beating wildly as she tried to bring her breathing in check. However, her reprieve was short-lived and the next thing she felt was the air leaving her lungs as her back smacked the hard mat that was once been under only her feet.
As her bearings came back to her, she felt her arm being pinned down, and the cool feeling of polished wood against her neck. Captain Shaw was now on top of her. A smirk on his face. “Do you yield?”
Lillian let out a loud groan and swung her legs up, pinning the Captain’s hips between her knees and using every ounce of strength she had to swing both herself and him over.
When both their senses came back to them, Lillian was straddling Captain Shaw, her face only inches from his. Her weapon stuck into a soft spot in his armpit which, judging by his face, was causing him great discomfort.
“Is that a tricorder in your pocket or are you just happy to see me, Sir?” Asked Lillian with a smirk. The tension she had been feeling from the hallway walk-by, and late-night drinks and dinners since their last private encounter, finally boiled over.
Captain Shaw didn’t respond. He stared at her instead as he wheezed. His eyes flickered from hers to her lips and back again. Patting the mat with the palm of his hand, he signalled his surrender. However, Lillian did not get up. She did, however, drop her weapon and loosen her grip on him.
Lillian pulled her face back from his as she sat herself up. She examined him from where she sat on his hips. His face was slightly tinted pink from exertion and his neatly trimmed salt and pepper beard now matched his hair for moisture. She stared down at his lips until the feeling of the Captain’s hands startled her, moving up her thighs and to the waistband of her shorts. The pads of his thumbs rested against the exposed skin of her midsection.
“It has been a very long week, Commander, and for once we are finally alone.”
Her hands went to his chest, and she ran her hands up it until she reached his shoulders, where she then placed her elbows on the mat on either side of his head. Lillian lowered her head and brought her lips to his. The kiss was passionate like he was the only water in her desert.
His hands fanned out across her skin and his thumbs dug into her as he held her. He let out a groan as Lillian ground her hips into his.
A chirp broke through the moans and kisses and Lillian recognised it as the Captain’s communication badge. The Captain pulled away and scrunched his face. “Fuck me.” When it chirped again, Lillian used her hand to tap on his badge.
“Captain Shaw?” Came the voice of Commander Seven.
Lillian had to suppress a laugh as the man below her rolled his eyes before focusing back on her with a hungry look.
“Captain Shaw. Sir?”
“Not now Commander Hansen.” Captain Shaw ground out, and Lillian felt his hands squeeze her harder, emphasising his disdain for the interruption.
“Sir. We have a docking request for a surprise inspection later today.”
“Okay...” The Captain dragged his word out.
“The inspectors are Captain William Riker, and Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, Sir.”
Captain Shaw slammed the back of his head into the mat. “Fuck. Have dinner arranged for Commander Hanson. I’ll see you then.” Releasing one hand from Lillian’s side, he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “What kind of bullshit is going on now?”
Lillian rolled off of Captain Shaw and stood herself up. He responded with a sad sigh and opened his eyes to look at her. Holding out her hand in a silent offer to help him up only resulted in him batting it away.
“No. I’m going to need a minute alone, Commander.”
Letting out a laugh, Lillian nodded. “Understood Captain.”
Leaving the gym, Lillian made her way to her room without pause. Arriving back at her room, Lillian immediately pulled out her secure data pad from its hiding place behind a panel in her sonic shower. It was flashing as she spun it around, showing she had a message. Unlocking the device with her secure fingerprint the message “TRUST NO ONE” flashed before her eyes.
She kept to her room till her shift would have to begin, hoping another message would come through, but nothing came.
Soon Lillian found herself outside the Captain’s private mess. She had arrived early in hopes of speaking with Captain Shaw, and when the door slid open, she knew she was in luck. “Captain, I need to speak with you in private.”
“Commander now is not the time.” Said the Captain as he sat himself down in front of his meal.
“I received a message.”
“Computer secure door, authorization Shaw, twelve, eleven, bravo, delta.”
“Door secured.”
Captain Shaw sat back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are you about to pull out that shiny black badge on me?”
Lillian tucked her hands behind her back as she stood to attention. “No Sir, but the message I received said trust no one.” She hoped that his calculating gaze had not caught the slight tremble in her hand. “It can’t be a coincidence that you are having a surprise inspection by two Starfleet legends the same day I finally have contact.”
“No, I’m sure it isn’t. Now sit, we’ve got a dinner to get through.”
“Computer unlock the door, authorization Crusher, seven, twenty, charley, omega.”
“Door unlocked.”
“Computer, music.” Captain Shaw ordered as he poured two glasses of wine.
Chapter Five Incoming....
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emma-m-black · 1 year
Lillian Crusher, a What if Multi Chapter Story. Chapter: Three
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Read Chapter Two Here
Two days passed into a week and still, no reason why Lillian was on the Titan came. She settled into a routine quickly, and when she was not on the bridge being babysat by the Captain, she was in the gym, or the mess or the lounge.
She was getting to know the crew and the ins and outs of the ship. She had even found a comrade in Seven. When given the opportunity, they would eat together and dish on the attitude of their Captain.
This morning went like any other, and Lillian found herself in the gym standing at the punching bag. Lillian tied her hair back and wrapped her hands. The bag would swing more and more with each hit until she would halt it. It was one of these times that Lillian wiped her brow and take a breath.
“No, I think I’m done, but if you would like to have a go, sir?” Said Lillian motioning for him to take her spot.
He nodded in response and picked up the tape from a nearby bench as he approached her. Captain Shaw taped his hands when Lillian stepped forward and gently pulled the roll from his hands. “Here.”
Slowly and lightly, Lillian took his hand and placed his hand out flat in front of her. Saying nothing, she wrapped his right and once done did the same with his left. When completed, she tossed the roll of tape towards the edge of the mat they were standing on.
“Thanks.” Captain Shaw whispered as he flexed his hands.
Lillian just nodded her head and moved herself to the opposite side of the bag from her Captain. She watched as he began lightly punching the bag, and she gave a slight laugh. “You can hit harder than that. You won’t break me.”
Captain Shaw began hitting at full strength, and Lillian watched his form. “Bend your knees a little more.” He did as she said and took a few more punches at the bag. “Good. Now, aim a little higher on your knuckles.” She watched him throw a few more. “Put your knuckles to the bag.” She waited till he laid a fist to the fabric, then reached for his hand. She took it and tipped his knuckles down just slightly, showing that he should impact with his first two knuckles, not all four.
He took a few more punches before looking at her. “You’re deadly out there, aren’t you?”
“I’ve got some talents.”
“I’m sure you do.” Said Captain Shaw with a laugh, as he scanned over her with a raised eyebrow.
Lillian smirked at her Captain. “There he is.”
“There who is Commander?” Asked Captain Shaw.
“With all due respect Sir, you walk around here like you have a stick up your arse.”
The Captain stepped back and pointed an accusing finger at Lillias. “It’s the chair. I swear it zaps fun away.” He had held a stern look on his face while he said this, but it broke into a smile by the end.
Lillian matched his smile. “I understand. You have everyone’s lives in your hands.” She stepped out from the other side of the bag. “Responsibilities toward the lives of your Crew. You had an excellent five-year mission, but now you are in dry dock, your crew is safe and you should relax, and live a little.”
“And just what would you propose I do to live a little?” The Captain stepped forward towards Lillian and came to rest in front of her. The height difference caused Lillian to tip her head back to look up at him.
Reaching up, Lillian placed a hand on Captain Shaw’s chest, and he immediately reached up and placed his own on top of it.
“I’m your Commanding officer, there are rules…”
“So long as we both consent, what we do when off duty is our own business.”
“The ship, the crew, will always come first.”
“Of course.”
“Computer secure door, authorization Shaw, twelve, eleven, bravo, delta.”
His lips were on hers before the computer could confirm his command. His touch set Lillian's nerves on fire. It had been a long time since she had been intimate with someone since she had been kissed.
Running her hands up his chest, she moved to wrap them at the back of his neck. She deepened the kiss and a soft moan left her lips.
“Captain Shaw.” Came a distant voice.
Lillian made to pull back, but the Captain only brought his hands down towards her backside and lifted her up. She squeaked in surprise and quickly wrapped her legs around his hips. The Captain’s legs moved underneath her, and she soon felt the chill of the ship’s walls against her back. With her legs around him and the wall for support, she felt his hands slip around her thighs.
Pulling his lips away, he trailed kisses across her chin and down her throat. Lillian let out another moan and slid a hand up the Captain’s head and into his hair, tugging lightly on the locks.
“Captain Shaw, come in.”
Captain Shaw pulled his lips away from her skin with a groan. His eyes connected with Lillian’s before he placed his forehead on hers. “What is it, Commander?”
“There is an issue with the warp core upgrade and engineering is requesting your immediate presence.”
“I’m on my way.” Said Captain Shaw gruffly. A beep sounded indicating the comm’s channel had closed. “Duty calls.”
“The ship and its crew come first.” Whispered Lillian.
Chapter Four
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emma-m-black · 1 year
Hi Husband - Deacon x Reader - OneShot
I wrote a little OneShot idea that, I may be pulling from to turn into a chapter adventure. So I figured I would post this for now.
Deacon x Reader
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“We have an incoming splinter!”
“Everyone is here.” Cole spoke as everyone shot up from their seats.
The group rushed through the facility just in time to see a figure appear in the chair as the light of the machine faded.
You looked around the room and found something was wrong. Your mother, your father and your husband were all standing with guns raised and pointed at you. “Dad?” You questioned as you slid yourself off the chair.
“Lets just stay right there.” Said Deacon as he waved his rifle at you.
“Teddy?” You questioned as you looked at your husband. “What’s going on?”
“Teddy?” Came the overlapping voices of Cole and Cassie.
“The name is Deacon honey.” You watched as Deacon craned his neck to the side to examine you. “Where did you get that ring from?”
Looking down at your hand, you examined the ring on your left hand. “You. You gave it to me on our wedding day...” You looked at his hand and noticed the identical ring on his finger. “Shit.”
Cole and Cassie exchanged looks between the two of them before looking back up at you.
“You don’t know who I am, do you? What year is it?’
“Twenty forty-five.”
“Shit, we haven’t met yet. There was a solar flare. You were worried about it messing with my splinter, Jones.”
“How can we know you are who you say you are?” Asked Doctor Jones.
“Teddy... Deacon, you have a birthmark that you told me you thought looked like a French Bulldog on your...”
Deacon loudly cleared his throat and lowered his gun. “Yup, that’s enough for me, don’t know who she is, but can we maybe ask her a different set of questions.? He blurted.
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emma-m-black · 1 year
Lillian Crusher, A What if Multi Chapter Story - Chapter: Two
I'm so glad that everyone enjoyed the first part of this. I may be on like Chapter Nine right now, so be ready for more.
Read Previous - Chapter One
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Music blared as she ran through the halls of the ship. The earbuds she had replicated worked perfectly. While she normally kept a tight watch on her surroundings, she figured if there was a time to let her guard down, it would be now. So she indulged. She allowed herself to tune out the world around her.
She listened to Beving: Hanging D, but the Cello Octet Amsterdam. It was an orchestral old earth composition. Lillian let the tempo take her as she run, pushing her legs harder to hit her mark. Her hair whipped against her back with the momentum of her stride.
Lillian’s feet smacked against the floor as she pushed herself harder until she reached her finishing mark. Her chest heaved to catch her breath, and she placed her hands on her knees as she bent over. As she caught her breath, she noticed a shadow next to her.
Looking up, she found Captain Shaw, dressed like her in sweatpants and a standard issue tee. He was sweating much like her, however he was bouncing on his toes’ arms swinging and a smirk on his face. She pulled her earbuds out and stood up straight.
“I thought you would be more superhuman.” Said Captain Shaw with a smirk.
“I’ve just ran four laps and almost threw up breakfast.” Said Lillian as she swung her hand out towards a wall console and tapped it. The screen turned on, and the flashing words ‘new ship record’ were on the screen. “Come talk to me when you beat that.”
“Impressive.” Captain Shaw said as he turned himself around and jogged backwards as he watched Lillian. He moved slowly and motioned for her to follow.
Lillian tipped her head back and let out a groan. “Why do you want me to talk to you when I’m all gross and sweaty?” She asked as she moved to catch up with the Captain. “At least you look all, man hot sweaty. I look like a Denebian slime.” She moved into step beside him as he turned the right way around and continued jogging down the corridor.
“Excuse me, Commander?” Asked the Captain. Turning her head slightly to look at him, Lillian saw his narrowed gaze, obviously regarding her lack of formality to her Captain, or perhaps maybe it was the fact she called him hot.
Lillian raised an eyebrow. “What don’t like being called hot? Sorry...” She whispered now as she moved a little closer to the Captain. “I’ve been under for the last seven months. Forgive me for my lack of proper Starfleet etiquette and the fact that I have gotten none in equally long.”
Captain Shaw tripped slightly, quickly righting himself and keeping his stare straight ahead. It was hard to tell if the redness of his cheeks was from the running or her comment.
“You okay, Captain?” Asked Lillian with a smirk.
“Yup.” Captain Shaw answered quickly, his voice coming out with a slight squeak. He cleared his throat and kept his head forward. “I like my Senior Command to have dinner in the Captain’s private mess at least once a week. Tonight at twenty-one hundred.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Any updates? I need to know about?”
Lillian wondered if he meant as his Senior Intelligence Office or regarding her being there, but she was ready for both. She had spent the first hour of her morning going through the ship’s security debrief since being in for retrofits. “One of your new crewmen was spotted at an anti-Starfleet rally about six months ago. Look over my threat assessment report I sent you. I have reviewed your next five-year mission assignments, and as for the other thing last I checked, there were no updates, Sir.”
“Good. I’ll read it once I’m in the chair.”
Lillian noticed they were nearing the Command Staff’s private quarters. “If that is all, Sir, I will see you off here.”
“Dismissed, Commander.”
Slowing her steps, Lillian came to a halt outside the doors to her quarters, and watched as the Captain went by his own door, appearing to be going for another lap.
Entering her room, Lillian looked around at the sparseness of it. She didn’t have friends on the Titan and she wasn’t acting as some undercover dignitary, so there was really no need to decorate. But instinct told her it was suspicious to have nothing. Even if no one would ever see it. She had a bit still before she needed to be on the bridge. So a shower was her first course of action and then some décor.
She had dressed in a pressed red uniform, three pips on her collar and a standard issue comm badge pinned to her chest. She pinned back her long hair into a knot at the base of her neck and fluffed her bangs for some volume. Like her, her room now also held some feeling of Starfleet. There were a few décor items scattered around her room. Some pillows on her couch and a planter with pink orchids sat on her coffee table. She had replicated a few nick-knacks and had gotten quite a few old earth novels made to line the empty bookshelves. It had a feeling of something she would have if she truly belonged, but nothing in the room would compromise her prior training or knowledge.
Deciding now was as good a time as any to begin her way to the bridge, she left the room. Exiting out into the hall, she made the short way around the curve to see her Captain at the turbo lift, waiting for its arrival. “Captain.” Lillian greeted as she came to stand next to him, looking up at him with a smile.
“Commander.” He looked down at her and his eyes scanned her over. The doors to the turbo lift opened, and the two stepped inside, and once again he looked her over. “The uniform looks good on you.”
“Thank you. It will take some getting used to again.” Lillian replied as she rolled her shoulders against the stiff fabric. When she noticed he was still watching her, she gave him a quick scan. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Sir.”
The Captain’s hands tugged on the bottom of his uniform in discomfort. “Yes, well...” The turbo lift doors opening to the bridge saved the day and quickly the Captain exited the lift and Lillian gave a slight chuckle as she too followed.
Entering the bridge, Lillian found it just as mesmerizing as she had when she stepped foot on it yesterday. She could never truly appreciate the beauty of it. Lillian never got to be a normal cadet. When she entered the academy and Starfleet Intelligence recruited her. They offered Lillian a role in Section Thirty-One a year in. While training, she uncovered anti-Starfleet plots within the Academy itself, and after graduating, she received further specialized training and put her skills to use. Lillian never knew why they had been so keen to recruit her and honestly, she did not care. She liked what she did; she enjoyed making up a life for herself and a new name.
Lillian learned that the ghost division liked people with no connections, no real alliances to anyone, and she was the perfect example of that, having left her home, her family and never looking back. After years of espionage and faking herself, it was something to now just be here, on a ship staring out the bridge and just enjoying the stars. Perhaps this is what life would have been like for her if things had been different.
“Commander?” The Captain’s voice broke through her thought.
Lillian gave her head a shake and smiled at the bridge crew, who were all watching her with interest. “Sorry, I was just enjoying the view. Hello, everyone.”
“Crew, this is Commander Lillian Crusher. She will join us as our new Senior Intelligence Officer.”
A mummer of ‘welcomes’ came from around the room, and Lillian looked at them all with a smile and a nod of her head.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Commander Crusher.” Came the greetings of the ships Number One.
“Thank you, Commander Hansen.” Said Lillian, but then she noticed the woman flinch at her words. “Would you prefer I call you Commander Seven, ma’am? I read through the main bridge crew’s files before coming aboard. They listed you under both names.”
A small smile appeared on her face. “Seven would be nice, thank you.”
“Of course.” Said Lillian with a nod.
“Commander Hansen, how has the work been coming along?” Captain Shaw asked, changing the subject.
Seven stood to attention. “Moving along as scheduled.”
Captain Shaw clapped his hands together. “Excellent.” Moving to his chair, the Captain sat down and retrieved his data pad. He punched away at it for a few seconds before looking up at the two Commanders. “Commander Hansen, I believe you are off duty now. Commander Crusher, sit, you’re making me nervous.”
“Yes, Sir.” Replied Seven and Lillian in tandem.
Chapter: Three
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emma-m-black · 1 year
Lillian Crusher, a What if Multi Chapter Story.
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I had an idea for a story spin on this season's Picard. Where Lillian Crusher is the Daughter of Beverly and Jean-Luc and it was that fact that Beverly became pregnant with her that Jack was formed by our bad guys as a twin to use for their future plans. Kind of my take on the comment from Vadic about when she says something along the lines of "you think he was yours?"
Let me know what you guys think. I have a few chapters done up now and like all my work I post on the interwebs, it is really unedited. So excuse grammar and spelling that you come across, I usually just stream of conscious these for the most part.
All Works Mater List Post
Lillian sat on a cargo crate, datapad in hand. She was skimming through the personnel records of the bridge crew of the U.S.S. Titan. Currently, she was reading the classified psychological report of the ship’s Captain. Another victim of the battle of Wolf Three Five Nine. Twisting a strand of her red hair around her finger, she hit the section which read about Starfleet’s reluctance to give him the promotion to Captain.
“Ensign, are we boring you?” A voice boomed over Lillian’s thoughts.
Looking up, Lillian found the other Starfleet officers in the hangar all leaning over one another to look at her. She was sure she was a sight to everyone in the room. Everyone was in their assigned colours, pressed and starched, while she wore dark black form-fitting pants and a plain black shirt under her dark brown leather jacket.
Tapping on her pad, she closed the file and slipped off the crate. She tucked the pad under her arm as the Captain of the Titan himself walked her way. “I asked you a question, Ensign.”
Standing to attention, Lillian looked the Captain over as he came to rest in front of her. His hair was slightly thinning, salt and pepper in his trimmed beard. He had a stern look on his face as he, too, examined her. “It’s Commander, Sir.”
“What are you, twelve?”
“Really? Do you have a name to go along with that title?” He asked, before tucking his hands behind his back.
“Commander Lillian Crusher, Sir.”
Captain Shaw looked at one of his security officers and pivoted his head in such a way as to call him over. “Lieutenant, are we expecting a Commander Crusher to be joining us today?”
“No Sir.”
Lillian smiled as she looked from the Captain over to the Lieutenant. “Perhaps you should check again.”
The Lieutenant lifted his pad and, after a few quick button presses, looked at his Captain with wide eyes. “Captain, I read this posting roster an hour ago.”
“And your point being?” Asked the Captain with a roll of his eyes.
“The transfer must have just come through. It says she is your new Senior Intelligence Officer.”
“Give me that.” Captain Shaw reached out a hand and took the pad. He began to tap away at the device as he tried to find answers to his questions.
Watching him, Lillian held in the laugh that threatened to leave her lips. The look that had quickly overtaken his face told her that he was trying to access her personal file, only to discover he did not have authorization. She watched as he handed the device back over.
“You will find your room assignments and station postings in your data pads. Dismissed.”
Everyone in the room turned to leave, including Lillian. However, she was paused by the Captain stepping in her path. “Nope, not you. You are coming with me.”
“With all due respect, Captain. I would like to take a shower.”
“And I would like to have you off my ship, but today we don’t get what we want, do we?”
Lillian smiled. “No Sir, we do not.”
“With me Commander.” Captain Shaw led the way to the turbo lift and Lillian followed silently. No words were said as they moved throughout the ship. When they arrived at the bridge, Lillian paused her steps and just looked out at the bridge. It was truly a magnificent sight. Her attention was drawn away when Captain Shaw cleared his throat.
Swiftly Lillian followed him into the Captain’s ready room.
Once the two were alone, the Captain finally spoke again. “Can we skip the bullshit cover story?” He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.
“Aww, but it was really good. I spent the entire trip thinking it up.” Replied Lillian.
“How do I know that you are who you say you are?” He asked as he lowered his hand and looked at Lillian.
Pulling her datapad from her arm, she typed in her clearance code and handed the device to the Captain. “You should find what you were looking for in there.” Now her redacted picture and general information would show.
She watched as the Captain stepped back and sat partially on the large desk as he looked over her file. “How do I know you didn’t fabricate this?” He placed the datapad down on the desk next to him and looked across at her.
“Secure room, authorization Crusher, seven, twenty, charley, omega.”
“Authorization accepted, room secured.” Come the electronic voice of the ship’s computer.
Captain Shaw shot up, his right hand tapped on the tabletop and quickly he pulled a phaser on her. Lillian placed her hands up in surrender. He reached with his left and tapped the device, but it only let out a scratch of static before losing the connection.
“If I wanted to take you out, Captain, I would have done so in the lift. Now, I’m going to reach into my jacket and pull something out, okay?” She could see the twinge of fear that came out on the Captain’s face. “I’m trusting you, and I need you to trust me, too.”
He tipped his head, indicating for her to continue. Leaving her left hand up, she reached across her chest with her right and slid it into the inside of her jacket. She soon felt the coolness of metal against her skin. Pinching it between her fingers, she pulled it from its confines. She held it out and then lightly tossed it high in the air towards him. Reaching out, he caught the object in his free palm. Bringing it towards himself, he opened his hand to reveal a Starfleet badge. Much like his own, however, this one was completely black. “You’re the fucking boogeyman?”
“I prefer bogey woman.” Replied Lillian, who had moved to raise her right hand once again while he inspected the device.
“Why show me this? Surely it’s not standard to be announcing you work for a division that officially doesn’t exist. Or are you here for me?”
“Honestly and off the record, Sir, I don’t know why I’m here.” Lillian gave her right hand a slight shake. “Can I put my hands down? I promise I’m not armed.”
“Something tells me you don’t need a phaser to kill me. So in the spirit of trust.” Captain Shaw lowered his weapon and placed it on the table.
Lillian lowered her arms and gave them a shake as she placed them at her side. “That’s better. I haven’t slept or eaten in over seventy-four hours any longer and I might have just passed out on you, Captain.”
“A non-federation mercenary team pulled me in the middle of my assignment, handed that datapad.” Lillian began. She pointed towards the pad sitting next to the Captain. “They gave me no explanation. I moved from destination after destination came through. First a refugee shuttle, then a cargo station and then a nearby Starfleet transport hanger. While on route, I was given notification of promotion and station placement on your ship. They put me here for a reason, but gave me no further instructions.
“So I’m just supposed to let you wander the halls of my ship, until what? You take out one of my crew. What if I’m your mission and you just gave me time to run?”
Lillian rolled her shoulders. Her muscles and joints were stiff and throbbing. “My gut is telling me something is wrong. If you look more closely at that crew roster, you might notice that while looking official it is missing the Starfleet archives code. Meaning…”
“The list hasn’t actually been recorded in the Starfleet database. So it’s a fake?”
“No, I think it’s real. I would just bet they are delaying the paperwork.”
Captain Shaw ran a hand over his face. “So someone is using my ship as a safe house?”
“I believe so. Which is why I am telling you. I won’t have your crewmen put themselves in harm’s way for me. Especially when I have no clue why.” Said Lillian.
“And you’re sure you didn’t just make the wrong enemy along the way? Had your identity compromised?”
“No, I don’t believe so.”
“Why my ship?” Asked Captain Shaw.
Lillian stuck the pads of her thumbs to her eyebrows in thought. “If I knew, I would tell you.” She closed her eyes for a second and felt herself sway. Without her vision to help her balance, the fatigue in her body quickly took over.
“Woah.” Captain Shaw spoke.
Opening her eyes, Lillian found the Captain on his feet, and a step closer to her. His arms were outstretched as if he was preparing to catch her. “I’m fine.” She meant to brush him off, instead however, she felt her knees buckle as she began to fall to the floor.
Hands wrapped around her arms, keeping her semi upright. “Go to your quarters, eat something, shower and get in uniform before rumors spread and your cover is blown.”
“Yes, Sir.” Replied Lillian.
“Are you okay to walk?”
“Yes, thank you.” Lillian raised her hand up and gripped the Captain’s biceps as she pulled herself upright. “Might be a little suspicious to be walking me across the bridge.”
Captain Shaw nodded and slowly released his hold on Lillian. He then proceeded to walk back over to the desk. He retrieved her datapad and badge. Tapping away at the screen for a few seconds, he then handed her items over. “Room assignment and schedule. I’m trusting you with my crew, but I will be keeping you on a leash.”
“Understandable Sir.”
Chapter Two - Read Here
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