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Crime and Ornament
Adolf Loos - Crime and Ornament
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The Architectural Detail × Edward R.Ford
× Edward R.Ford - The Architectural Detail
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This book asks the question ‘what is detail’, ‘what precisely is an architectural detail’. The concept is around ornament and architectural detail. The chapters explore definitions of detail to include What Is a Detail?. There Are No Details. The Detail as Motif. The Detail as a Representation of Construction. The Detail as Joint. The Autonomous. What Is Detailing?. 
I found this interesting to read as a starting point as it covered architectural detail and ornamentation detail. Both to me are important to architecture, but I am particularly interested in the ornamentation. The book covers the history, variety, uses, and interpretations of architectural details.
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This session the class investigated what spatio-temporal variables are and how to use them to explore precedents. Meeting with Jen we briefly discussed what these were. independently i studied over Diller Scofidio + Renfro ‘Synchronizing the City’ noting down important key ideas and site, light, time, transition, scale, material, water, people, social, and navigation as variables. i was asked what are some of the variables i could explore/manipulate, materials, style and detail would be my starting point. 
Also I need to start researching precedents and literature. Jen gave me a starting point with some books around New Zealand Architecture and Detail. 
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spatiotemporal variables
× What are some of variable I could explore / manipulate
materials style detail
× Jen Meeting
Jen gave me a list of books to start my research with. 
× Christine McCarthy - New Zealand Architecture
× Justine Clark & Paul Walker -Looking for the Local
× Browyn Labrum - 1950s/1960s
× Peter Shaw - A History of New Zealand Architecture
× Adolf Loos - Crime and Ornament
× Edward R.Ford - The Architectural Detail
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Diller Scofidio & Renfro’s ‘Synchronising the City’
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working with a precedent. identifying spatio-temporal variables are and how they can be used as a tool to analyse precedents.
× key notes day into night urban/natural rhythms moments    moment of change, moment of darkness, moment of coming together atmosphere illumination creating pathway day time ideas into night time dreams
× spatiotemporal variables site light time transition scale material water (tide) people social navigation rhythm
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the second session of week 1 has defined my focus concern around residential new zealand architecture. it also helped me define the areas of design i am interested in and where my research project is heading at this point. i wasn’t initially sure on my cluster, as i felt my main focus didnt fit into any but they were all related to my project. working and talking with my cluster i realised people are related to any type of research, the human body and form can be considered in many different ways. the pressure to define my broad into idea of characteristic housing and craft was confusing to some people as they weren’t sure on my main area of concern, this was good as it allowed the group to explore where i could take my project and where i want to start. i came away with three key words history building and materials.
i want to start by researching into history, around this idea of residential housing, looking at the building form shape style and the materials. I’m also interested in the craft of these styles and the craft of how these materials are made.
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× I have a love for craft and making things. These images are from pieces I have made for my room. I really want to combine my love for craft into my research project. 
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× class identified concerns variables strategies
social structures historic aesthetics preservation/history construction methods       efficiency sustainability new zealand housing craft for architectural drawings heritage buildings evolution on new zealand housing
× concern cluster - people
× identifying key words with Emily Bryony Vanessa social people perseveration
history building materials
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focus concern new zealand residential architecture
new zealand characteristic housing
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previous work
× I was asked to gather my previous work to find a sequence between it all, towards a set of concerns. looking at what i am interested in, ideas, way of working, concerns, issues i follow, and trends. extracting into a further exploration for fourth year research project.
× I discovered looking at previous briefs I often started with looking at state housing, in New Zealand. There are many other character style housing in New Zealand, this is going to be my starting point for my research.
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× I was asked the question what might Spatial Design Research mean to me?
× Spatial Design Research covers a broad way of working, on a certain focus. Involving writing, reading, analysing and physical experimentation. Extracting the research into a form of making, talking, performance, event, experience and drawing into a developed concern. Finding a defined concern that can be explored through these different research terms, as a way to a potential solution.
×To me fourth year is about discovering what i am interested in as a designer, where my concerns lie, and where i am heading in the future. This project is about exploring and expanding my research knowledge situating it within the spatial design focus.
I am nervous about where this year might take me, as i have no clue where i am heading, but Jen said if your not worried then you should be. this is a great place to start.
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× Explore research methods, process and practices for Spatial Design and there application through a research project. Working between the practice of making and critical writing as a method of research.
× to give body to × to make body × to make manifest concepts or ideas
× To manifest a strong embodied framework for action, that will inform and launch semester 2 project. This project will define:
× WHAT a critically informed and well-defined research question/problem/opportunity WHY a clearly articulated motivation/driver and core values of your research agenda
× as well as one or more of… HOW a tested and refined method/technique/process for research/design/construction WHO an in-depth critical and contextual understanding of a particular community/user group WHEN or WHERE an in depth critical and contextual understanding of a particular site/situation.
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