Being a hard of hearing nurse has become increasingly challenging recently with the extra PPE required to keep us safe.
I've got to admit that although I was looking forward to coming back to work after a few months of sick leave it has been a bit of a nightmare.
As someone who wears both hearing aids and glasses, masks with ear loops often tangle and compete for space behind my ears.
I also can't lipread through masks. This, combined with the muffled and muted sounds coming from behind masks and visors make me feel like I'm constantly asking people to repeat themselves.
I have a lot of listening fatigue building throughout the day. This compounds on the fatigue from my chronic conditions, meaning that even on a phased return to work I'm finding shifts both physically and mentally draining. By the time I get home I'm just about ready to crawl into bed.
I'm hoping the challenges will get easier day by day and we work towards a future where we don't have to wear masks 24/7 for safety.
#HardOfHearing #HearingAids #HearingLoss
#HearingAidPride #ListeningFatigue #Nurse #PACUNurse #NHSNurse #ProudOfTheNHS
#POTS #EarlyOnsetOsteoArthritis #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue
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Exhausted doesn't even begin to cover how I feel.
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I was off work for five months from January to May, after my short period of phased return to work I started to do my usual 10 hour shifts 4x a week and quickly realised my body just wasn't coping.
My Dr recommended a slower return so I've started on half days for a few more weeks.
It's hard to explain that even though I finish at 3 in the afternoon by the time I get home I'm still just about ready to crawl into bed.
I've been considering going part time for a while and my recent heart troubles and POTS diagnosis pushed me to try to reduce my hours. But unfortunately my request has been declined for now because of staffing issues during Covid.
I love my job so much, each day I go in I feel the passion for what I do and I'm proud of it and our team, especially during these strange times. So for now I guess I just have to hope that the new routines and self care I'm trying my best to stick to will help my body get strong enough to keep going 💪
#PACUNurse #Nurse #ChronicIllness #ChronicIllnessBlog #ChronicFatigue #ChronicPain #InvisibleIllness #Fibromyalgia #Arthritis #EarlyOnsetOsteoArthritis #HearingLoss #ListeningFatigue #POTS #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #SickAndTiredOfBeingSickAndTired #Spoonie #SpoonieLife
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