emmys-writing-blog · 9 months
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emmys-writing-blog · 11 months
hero's new management
part 1
Villain would never admit it, but when they saw the Hero utter “I quit” on national television, they spat out their drink. 
The reality hit them like a ton of bricks. This was their fault. Right before Hero went up on the stage they had been on a phone call together and maybe the Villain was too flirty with the whole guestroom thing or maybe they had just found another way to subconsciously manipulate the poor hero. The Villain quickly spiraled to find a way on how to help the hero get their job back and save their public image. No way in Hell would they let Hero end their perfect career for them. Besides running away, Villain decided if they acted as if this life changing event wasn’t life changing then perhaps Hero would realise quitting and leaving behind their comfort and life’s work wouldn’t be worth it. 
Yes! Pushing Hero away is the best and healthiest solution to this! Thought the Villain. 
In the midst of all this, Henchman walked into their office unannounced. 
“What?!” seethed the Villain. 
“Um. It’s Hero. They’re here. Now.” 
“Um. Ok. Tell them I’m busy!” 
“They’re insistent…I think this is about the whole quitting thing…”
“Don’t! Don’t even mention it. Pretend you know nothing!” 
“Yes sir.”
“Bring them up…and get someone here quickly to clean up this mess.” 
While the sidekick cleaned the wine spill Villain was busy combing back their hair and refilling their glass and finally shooing the sidekick away. Hero should be here any second now. 
And in a few seconds they arrived. Villain- looking casually stunning drinking a glass of wine at their desk- leaned back and welcomed the hero. 
“Oh! Hero! I didn’t expect you. How’d the show go?” 
Hero, looking dejected at the assumption that Villain didn’t watch them on TV, was nervously pacing around the Villain’s office, twirling the end of their cape in their hands.
“Oh, um. It- it went well! Ya. I got a few claps, got a few…words in.” Villain immediately recognized that Hero was having second thoughts. The Villain spiraled even further. 
“Ah yes. I’m sure. I missed your big speech. Mind recreating it?” 
“Oh! Nah, you- you didn’t miss much. You probably have more important things to do anyway…” 
“Ah ya… you’re probably right.” The Villain cringed. “I’ll take an abridged version.” they suggested
The Hero flushed. “I…I um…funny story actually! I um…quit…my job…”
It killed Villain to see the Hero’s expectant demeanor. As if the Hero was expecting applause or even a hug. If it wasn’t for Villain’s guilty conscience they would have already swept Hero off their feet to finally pursue their happily ever after. But this wasn’t a fairy tale. And there were very real consequences to this. In the calmest manner Villain could muster, they stood up from their desk, took a sip of wine and began. 
“Care to explain, why?” And the Villain’s heart broke. Hero looked shattered at the question as they kneaded their cape in their knuckles. 
“Why? Um… Well it’s just… You were right. About Captain I mean. They’re not in it for the right reason. They…I deserve better. I think. I just- I think you were right about me too. I think I’m being held back and I think… I think!” Hero began to explain more enthusiastically- confidently. 
“I think that with your help we could do great things! I- I know you’re a villain. I know that's your business but we could work together! Like you said we could! I could be better! We could be better-” 
“I’ll stop you right there.” Villain sauntered to the front of their desk and leaned on it. For a split second he imagined taking the Hero and kissing them senselessly. Finally free from the constraints of the Captain and his stupid, ugly company. But the Villain knew better. They had gone too far with this play at romance or whatever this sick game was. It wasn’t fair to Hero. 
“What makes you think I want to work with a Hero to ‘be better’ or do you just want a new person to tell you what to do?” they gestured with quotations to hammer it in. Judging by Hero’s heart wrenching face, it worked. 
“Well. You said so…once.”
“You mean the night we went out drinking?” Villain raised an eyebrow. 
“I- yes. But-”
“Oh, baby.” The Villain was utterly sick by themselves. “You thought this was serious. Oh! And you went ahead and quit your job without thinking. Hmm. Leave it to heroes to not think things through.” They had never seen Hero so distraught. 
“Hero, honey. What did you think would happen? I would just let you live in the guestroom forever? What’ll you do now? You have no income, no family, no friends! If I were you, I’d go back and beg for my job back. Don’t worry though! You're still young and pretty, I’m sure they’ll be happy to take you back!” The Villain never wanted someone to kill them as much as they did now. They paced and moved their hands around like the well trained performer they were, but just under the surface, they could feel the self hatred growing into a ugly, evil thing. As much as they had hoped, they never thought Hero would actually do it. 
“I- I don’t understand…I thought-” 
“You thought what? You could tame the big, bad wolf?” The Hero’s cape dropped from their hands as they took a step back. 
“Hero, you’re forgetting who I am. Why would I ever give up what I have, for you.” Something Villain had always admired in their Hero was the absolute helplessness they had when trying to conceal emotions. Anger, sadness, or happiness could never be concealed under their gorgeous and round brown eyes. Rather, they seemed to be amplified. Every smile, wink and laugh they shared with the Villain was felt tenfold and Villain relished in it. This was no exception, the emotion sitting heavy on Hero right now was something so much worse than Villain ever thought themself capable of.
“We work well together- ya. In our fun little cat and mouse game, you chase me, I have fun! But that’s all, Hero. It’s all it ever was.” They attempted to lessen the blow, to perhaps make some sort of affection apparent between the Villain and Hero. And then something snapped. 
“Like a dog?” 
“Kind of an ugly way to look at it, Hero.” 
“Ya. I thought so too when you told me that’s how Captain saw me. I think your exact words were show dog.” 
“Hero, let's not get messy-”
“No- lets! I finally had the courage to do this and you’re acting so cocky! Why did you think me quitting was all for you?! Why has no one ever stopped to think I wasn’t happy? I’ll admit you were the inspiration but don’t give yourself too much credit! All you ever saw me as was something for you to have fun with? Something to marvel at? Well don’t worry I have experience. No one in my life has ever seen me as any more than that so if you think this’ll bring me down you’re wrong!” 
Villain was shocked. How did their plan possibly go this wrong?
“Hero. Stop being stupid. Go back to Captain. Apologize. And go back to how everything was. Trust me it’ll be much much better that way.” 
“No! I’m not ever going back!” Hero was beginning to lose their composure. They began stepping away from the Villain that was only getting closer. 
“Hero. I understand your point. But there are bigger dogs out there! Without help it's a dead mission. This won’t work. Whatever you’re thinking- it won’t work.” 
“Why not? I’m Hero. Captain wasn’t the one saving all those people! It was me! I can continue to do what I do on my own. Watch me.”  
“You’re just going to get yourself hurt-”
“Why do you care? Won’t have a plaything, huh?” 
“Hero, there are big guys out there. You need your sidekicks and other heroes.” Villain was getting desperate, their whole demeanor changed. From relaxed to reaching for something. Anything.  
“You’re going to get yourself killed.” The Villain tried to reason, the Hero fumed. 
“No friends, no family! Who cares!” They screamed at the Villain, tears welling up in their eyes. The Villain was all they had left. They were completely alone. 
“Hero! Listen! Quitting isn’t worth it!” Villain’s mask fell off, leaving a raw, desperate thing out. Far too late.
“I’m not going back! I can do this on my own!” Hero began to walk out of the office. Villain reached from their arm to stop them but were met with an aggressive push away. 
“Don’t touch me.” Hero seethed and with that Hero was quickly out of the fire and into the frying pan. The Villain ran to watch them fly off. 
It seemed Villain’s auto pilot kicked on because immediately they had their henchman research all major threats in the city, contact uncashed favors, and track down where Hero could have possibly gone. Villain had messed up big time and they had to fix this before Hero got themselves killed. 
pls read!
i wasn't trying to make this long but it kinda got away from me....i was ALSO hoping they'd get together in this one but idk what happened el o el,,, pt 3 me thinks hehe! also sorry abt the grammar, it's my first few times writing with non-specific gender and i'm still getting used to it, so, sorry if there are gender specific pronouns that I missed! it's also like 1 am so.... anyways thanks for the support!!! i recently got noticed by an acc ive loved for a long time and that's super exciting! hope u enjoyed love u byeeee :)
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
#omgg this is amazing
“Good morning, love,” Civilian beamed.
Villain slumped groggily on the stair rail, rubbing the leftover sleep from their eyes. “What’s got you so chipper?”
“I don’t know.” Civilian threw themselves around their neck. “Just woke up extra happy I guess.”
Villain trudged toward the table, but Civilian didn’t loosen their grip, stepping with them until they plopped into a kitchen chair.
“You going to give me any breathing space?” Villain said, even as they gathered Civilian into their lap. They were always a little resistant to affection first thing in the morning. Civilian was pretty sure they got shy. Almost like each day was a restart of their first, like they had to be sure Civilian was talking to them. It was sweet.
They shook their head into their collar. “Mm-mm.”
Villain gave them a gentle squeeze around the waist. “Just how happy are you?”
“Brimming. Overflowing. Oh! I made breakfast!”
They hopped out of Villain’s arms and swept a great plate of chocolate chips pancakes from the counter.
“You’re pancake happy?” Villain said a little surprise in their tone. “You usually only get pancake happy on your birthday or our anniversary.” They stiffened. “It’s not our anniversary is it?”
Civilian smiled, placing a reassuring hand on Villain’s shoulder. “No. It’s sort of weird I suppose. I just woke up early this morning and I was looking at you—“
“Shut up.” Civilian punched them in the shoulder. “I was looking at you, and I just started thinking how happy I am that I found you. You know from the moment we met…it was like I knew you. Like I’d always known you. I guess that’s how I figured it out.”
“Figured out what, my heart?”
“That we were meant to be together.”
Villain’s smile froze, thawed into a sort of grimace, then froze again wider. A sort of thin, strained thing, like a wash rag wrung out too many times.
Civilian backtracked. “That’s cheesy isn’t it?”
“No! No! It’s wonderful! I just feel guilty! You knew much sooner than I did. I let you chase after me for far too long. I don’t…I don’t always think I deserve you.”
Civilian grinned. “I didn’t mind. You’re just more cautious. I like that about you.”
They kissed Villain’s cheek and plopped down in the seat beside them, dividing pancakes between their plates. Villain’s eyes followed their movements as they slathered the stack with butter and cream and doused it all in syrup.
“How’s work? Any schemes planned for the day?”
Villain cut their stack in section and skewered three pancake pieces on their fork. “Not until evening, but I have to leave in a couple hours to organize it. It’s a museum heist, so I’ll be home a little late.”
Civilian nodded. “Are things smoother for you without Hero around?”
Villain choked on their breakfast. Civilian leaped for the pitcher, messily pouring a glass of water, and shoving it into Villain’s hand, then rubbing their lover’s back as they chugged it down.
“Hero?” Villain croaked once they had a hold of themselves. “Why are you thinking about them all of a sudden?”
Civilian didn’t stop rubbing their back. “I saw on the news they’re putting up a memorial statue in the park this afternoon. It’s been three years since they went missing, right? How well did you know them?”
“Fairly well.”
“Oooh?” Civilian rose their eyebrows.
“Not like that. I don’t know. We just fought. It wasn’t like we actually knew knew each other.”
Civilian nodded idly. That was about what they had expected. It was just their reactions around mentions of Hero were somewhat guarded. They supposed one didn’t have to be close to somebody to be struck by their loss. “What do you think happened?”
“They probably just settled down.”
“You think they’re ok?” It was the first they’d heard that theory, most everyone thought the vigilante was dead or kidnapped or undercover.
Villain nodded. “They weren’t the type to let someone get the jump on them. Besides they were always miserable as a hero.”
Civilian cocked their head.
“They were just always exhausted and angry and breaking down. I don’t think they liked being a hero, even if they were good at it. Anyway…” Villain ate the last bite of pancake and stretched their arms over their head as they rose. “I better get dressed and get going. What are you doing today?”
“Just grocery shopping,” Civilian said. “I’m going to make orange chicken for dinner.”
“Stop spoiling me,” Villain said, kissing them first on the head.
“I guess I just can’t help it. …I love you.”
Villain hesitated, but eventually, they took Civilian’s face in their hands and pressed a long kiss to their lips. “I love you too.”
Civilian swung the grocery backs in rhythm with their steps. The music blasting from the speakers in the square had them swaying and skipping like a dance more than a walk. A crowd of people were gathered across the street, some dressed in blue masks and capes.
Right. The unveiling.
Civilian idly crossed the street toward the crowd. They couldn’t stay long—they had ice cream in their bag—but they couldn’t say they were uninterested in this memorial. Hero intrigued them. What sort of person was willing to sacrifice so much for other people? Even after they disappeared, they were still making an impact. There was something sort of amazing and sad about all that.
The music died down and the microphone squealed in the hands of a smartly dressed woman in a grey pencil skirt and puffy, white blouse standing on the steps in front of the covered statue.
A dull pain started behind Civilian’s eyes. Was getting up so early affecting them?
“Welcome, everyone. I appreciate you all coming out this afternoon for Hero’s statue unveiling. Hero was my friend. No, more than that. They were my mentor. And I was with them the night they disappeared. You've probably all read the story. We got a call for help at an old factory, and Hero ran ahead.”
“I was only a few feet behind when I saw a flash of light through the windows. When I got inside, Hero was gone. I never saw them again. Sometimes I still expect them to turn a corner or walk onto our old training grounds. To come back into my life.”
The pain spread up into Civilian’s forehead and temples, a throbbing sensation like someone knocking on a door to get in. Or maybe to get out.
Civilian clutched the side of their face. What was going on? A really bad migraine? They probably should just head home for some pain medication and lie down. And yet…they couldn’t seem to move. They picture the scene the woman had described clearly. Almost like each painful throb was focusing the picture clearer in their head. Had they been to the same factory? Maybe they’d see a picture in the news when Hero first went missing.
The woman stared out across the crowd.
"It left me wondering, what do we do when the person who does the saving needs saved?" She paused. "We step up. We become the heroes. Hero inspired me to be better; they wanted all of us to be better. And today we honor their belief that ‘everyone possesses a little bit of heroism; they just have to be brave enough to use it.’”
Another stab of pain, worse than the others. Almost like their skull was being ripped in two. A scream pushing up their throat, lying threateningly just behind their teeth.
Villain. They should call Villain. They dropped one grocery sack and fumbled for their phone.
“Hero was always secretive about their identity,” the woman continued in the background, “but for the first time, I would like to share with you all the face of a hero. I would like to give them the honor and credit they deserve. Ladies and gentleman…our Hero.”
The sheet dropped.
Civilian’s scream was lost in the ecstatic shouts and applause. They dropped to their knees, legs and heads and bags blocking everything the bright spots flashing across their vision did not. For moment all they could do was tuck their head into their chest against the concrete and wait, trembling fingers still a button click from calling Villain.
After what seemed like forever, the pain dulled and they were able to stumble upright.
Slowly, they blinked the blur from their eyes, taking in the horror of what they now already knew: the statue wore their face.
Villain flicked on the hall lights just after midnight.
Hero sat at the center of the room, kitchen chair dragged right into the entryway.
“Sweetheart?” Villain blinked a few times. “What are you doing sitting in the dark?” They seemed to quickly read the wrongness in their face. “Is this about missing dinner? I’m sorry, I should have called, but—”
“I’m Hero.”
Villain froze. Reddened. Paled. Ever the chameleon.
“Ah, so you did know.” They weren’t sure if that was better or worse. If Villain had fallen in love with them as a civilian maybe Hero could have excused them and saved some of the aching, quivering shards of their broken heart. But knowing that the deception had been intentional, well, now Hero had the freedom to explode.
“How did you…?” Villain swallowed. “Do you remember everything?”
“Not everything, but I remember you. And I remember me. And enough events between us to know this never should have happened.”
Villain took a step forward, and immediately, Hero stood to take a step back. Another step forward. Another step back. Forward. Back. Forward. Back. Until Hero was up against the wall and Villain only an arms length apart.
“We can talk about this,” Villain said, outstretching their hand.
Hero only stared.
“In what world is this getting solved with a talk? Our entire relationship, the entire three years we’ve been together, are a lie.”
“But you’re happy! You said it yourself! You’re brimming with happiness! Overflowing with happiness! With me!”
Hero slammed their fist into the wall behind them.“Happy? You took advantage of me! Manipulated me!”
At that, Villain looked affronted. “I didn’t manipulate anyone! You approached me that night! I tried to send you away; I tried multiple times to avoid you; you didn’t want to. And when I did give in, I never pretended to be anyone other than I am. I even told you what I do, and you were all too accepting, like you’d dealt with it every day.”
“Because I had!”
“Then what was I supposed to do?” Villain cried, throwing their hands in the air.
“You could have told me!”
“That would have defeated the point!”
Hero went rigid. Villain covered their mouth. Their eyes plead for mercy Hero was not capable of giving.
“You did this?”
Villain’s lip trembled. “It was meant to be temporary. A few hours. I didn’t know it was going to last three years! I tried to make it right at first! I tried to trigger memories or to come up with some sort of reversal machine, but I couldn’t figure it out, and meanwhile, you kept coming and coming and you just seemed happier this way! And things got so good, I got scared of ruining it!”
Hero stared them down, waiting for the ramble to sputter out. Their reply was slow and cold.
“You gave me amnesia and then made me love you!”
“I didn’t make you love me.” They took Hero’s chin. “It just happened.”
And that was what hurt the most. Hero couldn’t deny it. No matter the false circumstances or how their returned memories rebelled, the feelings had been real. But veracity did not make any of it alright.”
“Then I guess this is where it ends.” Hero smiled weakly. “Goodbye, Villain.”
They felt past feeling as they edged around their lover ex-lover nemesis’s shocked form, picking up their bag, packed and ready for the last six hours, at the door.
“Hero!” Villain lurched forward, seizing them by the wrist and yanking them around. Their other hand tangled in their hair as the pulled into a desperate kiss, gruff and noxious and pleading.
Hero stomped hard on their foot, ripping away as Villain yowled and fell back. The criminal barely allowed the pain a second thought, scrambling after Hero’s determined stride.
“Hero! Hero, I love you! I love you, I love you, I love—”
“You do not!” Hero shouted. Regrettably some emotion edged in on their fury; a few tears slid down their cheek. “You loved a version of me. A dead one. A made up one. Maybe I made them up. But they are not me.”
They stormed out without another word, leaving Villain crumpled and weeping on the floor.
Master Taglist
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindonessy @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
what artists dont tell you is that every compliment is actually 100 compliments because they'll go back to re-read it 100 times and it'll make them feel fuzzy all over again every single time
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
Prompt #3487
"That's the problem," the hero whispered. "I figured it out, I figured it all out. The government, the hero agency, the supervillains--it's all connected. All controlled."
They stared, eyes bloodshot and empty. "You always said I was too smart for my own good. You were right. They're going to kill me for knowing this. Me, and everyone I've ever associated with." They inhaled a shuddering breath. "And that means you too."
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
When a new hero arrives in the city, things seem to change for the better.
Hero is good at what they do and even better at gaining the publics praise and adoration.
The agency is ecstatic to have them on their team and seems to schedule photo ops and press conferences with the new Hero as often as possible.
Hero seems perfect in every way.
That is until Villain finds out something about the new Hero. Something which causes Villain to want to tear down everything new Hero has put together as well as protect new Hero from the very praise they thrive off of.
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
Prompt #248
“A hero like me, a villain like you, conveniently near my favorite boba place? Whatcha say we wrap it up early, and I treat you?”
Villain dragged their hand down their face. “Hero, I’ve freaking told you! I’m a villain. Vill-ain. I commit crime. I hurt people. You thwart me. You cannot date me!”
“Because you don’t like me?”
“We are enemies!”
“And you don’t like me?”
“That should be the least of your concerns! You’re supposed to be putting me in prison!”
“But we could fit in a milk tea first.”
“You still aren’t saying you don’t like me.”
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ fluffy romance dialogue prompts
@celestialwrites for more!
♡ “well you are cute, ah! i mean- you’re not cute, but you are? i’m just going to shut up now.”
♡ “um, uh-” “shut up and kiss me you big idiot.”
♡ “i hate you.” “you love me, don’t even try to hide it.”
♡ “you’re so cheesy.” “you love it though.”
♡ “i suck at telling people my feelings and all that sappy crap, but i like you, okay?”
♡ “(name) is half of me, i can’t imagine a day without them.”
♡ “stop flirting with me.” “sorry darling, i can’t, watching you get flustered is the highlight of my day.”
♡ “the second that grin spreads across their face, i fall in love with them all over again.”
♡ “you stole my heart the second you offered me that burnt pancake.”
♡ “in the words of taylor swift: you belong with me.”
♡ “(name) wrote me a letter for every single day we were apart.”
♡ “you’re my favourite.” “favourite what?” “everything.”
♡ “if you want to burn down a house or commit any crimes, darling, i’m right there with you.”
♡ “remember you love me?” “oh my god, what did you do?” “it’s a dog! i named it sparkles.”
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
Hero: You could be a hero too, you know.
Villain: With my extensive criminal record? I'd be executed. Lesser criminals than I have been put on death row.
Hero: I... well... that's fair.
Villain: You did not think this through at all, did you?
Hero: I kinda forgot you've committed mass murder.
Villain: You were literally there to witness it!
Please reblog if you like this!
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
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a comic about different types of storytellers
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
Hero awoke to something warm dripping down their throat.
“Ack-!” Hero choked, spraying all over poor Villain who had attempted to spoon some medicine into their mouth during their slumber.
There were in a large, white canopy bed, with pillows that felt like clouds and bedding that was softer than down. Cream colored silk curtains were draped around the bed, partially blocking their view of the spacious room.
But even their luxurious surroundings didn’t help much with their injury. A deep gash, stretching from their rib cage to their hip, throbbed painfully as they moved.
Villain deadpanned, wiping the wasted medicine off their face with a handkerchief.
“Really, Hero. It’s almost like you were aiming for my mouth…”
Hero reddened, their cheeks turning into a scarlet shade as they sat up.
“Where am I…?”
“My lair, of course.” Villain replied blithely, their voice not nearly as condescending as it should’ve been.
Hero blinked, eyes rounding adorably. They hadn’t expected Villain’s lair to be so… elegant.
But- but that wasn’t important right now…!
“I’m… I’m leaving.”
Just as Hero turned to jump out of bed, Villain’s arm yanked them back, pulling them into their lap.
“Already?” Villain pouted mockingly, ignoring Hero’s indignant protests, hoarse and raspy as they tightened their grip around their waist. “You know, overworking yourself while injured is dangerous… why do you think I brought you here?”
“I don’t- need your help!” Hero’s voice cracked, their voice shooting up an octave higher as if proving Villain’s point.
“I doubt that.”
Villain raised an eyebrow, still holding the medicine with their free hand. They raised the bottle to Hero’s lips with an expectant gaze.
Hero hesitated, but once their eyes locked with Villain’s, they relented and drank.
The medicine was a violet shade, with a herbal scent and a bitter taste and slight notes of honey. Hero tried not to cringe as they sipped.
Once Hero was finished, Villain moved the silk curtains aside and set the cup on a birch wood nightstand, still keeping one arm wrapped around Hero’s waist.
As the medicine settled, the throbbing on Hero’s side dulled, much to their relief. Hero’s eyelids became heavy as well, a sense of drowsiness falling over their senses like a blanket.
Hero tried straining against Villain again, glaring up at them with all the menace of a wounded puppy.
“You never mentioned the side effects.”
“I didn’t?” Villain hummed lightly, pulling Hero closer and resting their chin on their head. “Too late now, I suppose.”
Villain’s warmth felt so… familiar. But Hero knew better. The same hands that had been pressed against their throat were now combing tenderly through their hair, untangling knots. The lips that were drawling out taunts only a day ago were now uttering sweet nothings, their warm breath ghosting against the shell of their ear. Their gaze, previously so sharp and dangerously calculating, were affectionate and gentle like a lover’s.
“Screw you,” Hero mumbled, making a last attempt of defiance.
“Screw me.” Villain agreed, their tone gently teasing as they pinched Hero’s cheek.
Hero let out a small noise of indignation, their head falling against Villain’s chest. Drowsiness soon overtook them as they drifted off to sleep in Villain’s arms, their erratic breaths turning into soft, steady snores.
Villain’s gaze softened, their fingers moving to brush a stray lock of hair out of Hero’s face to press a soft kiss on their temple.
The other villain that had managed to injure their Hero like this had been… sorted out, and Hero was now sleeping peacefully in their arms.
What more could Villain ask for?
RAHHH MY FIRST HERO X VILLAIN SNIPPET!! Prompts will be very much appreciated for hero x villain stuff as long as it’s not too freaky!!
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
hero gets framed for villain's crimes by supervillain
Hero grips onto villain with such force that she feels as though she might topple over as they move across the dance floor. "You aren't the most natural dancer, are you Hero?" she laughs while he stares at his feet. "Not exactly..."
The gala was in full swing now and, according to the figure on the florescent board at the front of the room, they had almost raised £10 million for the children's charity. Hero had made a special appearance this evening with his mystery date, due to hand over a check in just over an hour.
"Let's take a break from dancing clumsy" she dragged him off the dancefloor and they collapsed into their seats, champagne glasses held to their lips at an instant.
"I'm still worried that-" Hero started "No one is going to figure out I'm villain." she interrupted "How would they?"
With that, the sound of sirens filled their ears, floating in through the open french doors. Hero turns to villain with a panic in his eyes as she takes his warm hands in hers.
Police Chief and an army of uniformed officers barge through the crowds of colourful dresses and tuxedoes, making a beeline for the pair. Oh shit. Oh shit.
However, it isn't villain's wrists they force into the power-suppressing cuffs, it's hero's.
"Hero, you are under-arrest for the first degree murder of thirteen individuals, including Lacey St. James you have the right to remain silent and anything you say can and will be used in a Court of Law." Police Chief cites.
"Wha-what?!" Hero stutters, giving villain a final look of desperation before they are dragged out in front of hundreds of staring eyes. Villain sets down her glass and turns to the officer approaching her.
"What is your connection to Hero?" he asks. "We're dat- he's my fiancée." villain replies in an almost whisper. "Okay then, would mind coming down with me to the station so we can run through the legal proceedings?"
"Of course."
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
okk, I've been at a major blank for the castle infiltration chapters I had been writing. Normally I just write whenever I get the inspiration to, though it's been almost 2 months now and I still have absolutely nothing for that story. I do not think I'll continue that story; if I do, it probably won't be anytime this year. I do have a new hyperfixation and story idea though so that will probably become my whole blog. I'll start posting about that soon!
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
What it looks like: I've abandoned my fic
What's actually happening: It consumes my thoughts every single day. The urge to write gets stronger but my putty brain just. won't. let. it. happen.
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
Whumptember day 2
“Let me do this for you.” Sacrifice | Guilt | Caretaker turned whumpee
Whumpee was finally safe.
They weren't uninjured, of course. Their body looked small in their hospital bed, and what little of their skin that wasn't bandaged was either a sickly pale hue or dark with bruising. They were hurt and frail, but they were healing. They were finally safe.
It had only cost Caretaker everything.
Whumper had given them 72 hours. Three days to handle their affairs, three days to say goodbye, three days of freedom before they had to fulfill their end of the deal. Today was their last day before becoming Whumpee’s replacement.
Caretaker had decided to spend that final day with Whumpee. They couldn’t think of anything they wanted more.
Caretaker reached for Whumpee’s limp hands. Whumpee didn’t react. Caretaker wanted to see their eyes one more time, but knew it was for the best that Whumpee wasn’t awake. They would ask Caretaker to stay.
“I’m sorry,” Caretaker whispered into the silent room, thumb rubbing against Whumpee’s knuckles. “I know you wouldn’t want this.” It’d been the only way to save Whumpee. The only reason they were safe now was because Caretaker had agreed to take their place, and Caretaker knew that trying to avoid their end of the bargain would only jeopardize that. They wouldn’t take that risk.
They lifted Whumpee's hand to their lips, pressing a feather-soft kiss into their fingers. "Let me do this for you."
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
yessss, i feel like as a new writer, it’s so easy to get caught up on your first page. Believing that every single line needs to be perfect or nobody will want to read what you’ve written.
This can discourage a lot of new writers, making writing seem more like a chore rather than something to enjoy.
hookay, I have been away from Tumblr for a hot second but I have returned!! And I have something to say!! I think opening lines should go fuck themselves!! Why must an opening line be good? Gripping?? Hook the reader??? Is it not enough for me to write the most boring-ass line in the universe and have my reader just trust that it gets better from there???? There!! I have said it!!
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emmys-writing-blog · 1 year
Inspiration dare: pick a flower, any flower, and find a way to incorporate it into a story.
Have a nice weekend :)
The villain never really liked flowers.
The thought of displaying them in their home never really resonated them, no matter how many times the hero would tell them it helps clear the air, and it might help them think a little better.
The villain could think fine on their own. They didn’t need flowers to do that.
The hero brought them over one time. A pot of Chrysanthemums, all neat and tidy and effecting their plain home with a splash of vibrant colour.
“Aren’t they just so pretty?” the hero would say, smile warm and their eyes sparkling. The villain would always hum, frown, and then huff.
“For flowers, I suppose,” they would shrug. The hero would laugh, apparently finding their words funny. Every single time.
“I love them,” they would giggle. “They’re my favourite. But no one’s ever really given me flowers as a gift.”
The villain would then hum again, bitterly. “That so?”
It wasn’t that they didn’t care.
But they wished, every day, that they would have showed that. That even if they didn’t care for flowers, they would have taken a second out of their day to buy some for hero. To see their eyes light up, to see what they would look like when they were gifted their favourite little plants.
There were a lot of flowers lay upon hero’s grave.
No one ever gifted them to the hero, but the city knew that they loved them. It was cruel, disgusting sight, that bland, overbearing gravestone covered with hundreds upon hundreds of flowers.
Flowers that the hero would never see. Flowers that the hero would never even know they recieved.
The villain realised, on that day, staring at their grave, that the hero was their flower. They had been that splash of colour in their home. In their life. The villain resented flowers so much because they didn’t compare to the beauty of the one in front of them.
They never layed flowers on their grave.
Instead, they created a garden of Chrysanthemums to fill the void of their beloved hero. It was never quite enough. But the villain knew the hero would have loved it, adored it, even, and that was okay with them.
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