empathapathwitches · 6 years
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A sigil I designed for strength using the method from @strangesigils !
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
It’s okay to not do anything for Samhain.
Whether it’s the seasonal depression coming back around, the witchy-closet you’re hiding in, or simply being overstretched in different aspects of your life, you don’t have to do anything. Simply thinking about the fact that it is Samhain is devotion enough.
It doesn’t make you any less of a witch
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
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Samhain Candles 
Incredients:  - Orange wax  - Black wax  - Cinnamon  - Cloves  - Allspice  - Star of anise  - Dried orange slices  - Sage  - Rosemary  - White willow bark  - Brown sugar 
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
Samhain Renewal Spell 🎃✨🔮
Samhain is often remembered for its association with the thinning veil, ancestor work, and the movement of the world into the darker half of the year. However, it’s also been known as the Witch’s New Year! For this Samhain, I wanted to craft a simple New Year’s type spell to banish what I don’t wish to carry with me anymore in this next year.
Needed ✨ Writing implement of choice ✨ Paper ✨ Candle ✨ Fire ✨ Fireproof/fire safe bowl or container (to hold the burning paper)
Write all the things you don’t want to carry into the next year (or things you wish to banish!) on a piece of paper.
Light the candle and say (or think, or sing, or whatever you like) as it burns:
“Samhain is here and cold is the earth, As we celebrate death, life, and rebirth. As the Wheel keeps turning on, Some things we keep, others- gone. To move forward in life, I look to the past, And what no longer serves me, out I cast.”
After you’ve meditated on these things and you feel ready to part with them, burn the paper. Meditate on the knowledge that you now have set the intention to move away from whatever you’ve banished and that you have the freedom to move forward with your life! The intention is set and in motion for you. Blow out the candle when you’re ready and have yourself a happy Samhain! ✨
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
In honor of the full moon tonight- here are some witchy things to do!
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Full Moon Witchy Activities:
Put out water, juice, or liquor to be charged (in sealed containers ideally). Moon charged juice and liquor is excellent for holiday cocktails!
Divination: Tarot, runes, scrying, shufflemancy, whatever you feel! It’s especially a good time to test out a new divination style you’ve been thinking about.
Bake full moon cookies! You can either focus on mixing and baking during the full moon (mix your dough near a window or outside) or bake before the sun goes down and leave the cookies to cool and charge near a window!
Collect autumn leaves and seedlings under the full moon. Use for Samhain wishes.
Set crystals or tools out to charge on a windowsill or porch.
Bring your spirit working tools outside (skulls, bones, memento moris, powders/oils, pendulums, spirit boards, cards, etc.) and work on your spirit communication during the height of the full moon.
Tend to your garden area during the full moon (depending on the season; weeding, planting, harvesting, fertilizing, etc.)
Craft a new tool like a wand, broom, witch’s ladder, scrying mirror, etc.
Reinforce/renew your wards and property protections.
Channel full moon energy for writing, drawing, sculpting, sewing, knitting, composing, etc.
Make a cup of tea or hot chocolate and step outside or near a window with it while it cools. Offer it to the moon for charging with prosperity and health. Drink it slowly.
Enjoy the moon. Treasure the moon. Thank the moon. Love the moon. The moon knows you are a fantastic witch regardless of what others (even youself) think. The moon loves you.
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
how to be a functional witch:
- remember magic and science can coexist , don’t blow off a doctor’s appointment for a healing spell.
- don’t act higher and mightier than non-witch freinds
- don’t like drink water that’s been sitting there a while (sun water, moon water, rainwater, etc) without boiling it first to rid diseases. don’t drink lake, pond, or sea water at all.
- respect others in their chosen paths. yes, even that one.
- please be kind to the environment. when leaving offerings, try not to leave things that will take a long time to degrade. don’t use plastic bags, jars, glitter, etc.. she’ll be hurt.
- factcheck. factcheck. factcheck! I’ve heard stories about lotions and tea made with highly acidic or heck even poisonous tea.
- you come first. if you don’t have the energy to do ritual, don’t do it! don’t neglect necessary things in favour of witchin’. drink water, get sun, eat fruit, sleep, shower.
- try to practice little magic wherever you can. say soft incantations on the way to school, meditate on the bus, add herbs or to your tea to make spells or rituals in a cup, draw sigils on the backs of your hands.
- PLS…..don’t burn things while you sleep….candles, incense….don’t do it.
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
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Emotional Healing Tarot Spread
There is this super uncomfortable but necessary shift that I am experiencing as of late. I’ve been super emotional and releasing a lot of pain and worry that I’ve been internalizing for years. I feel so raw, open and completely vulnerable but in this process, I am learning a lot about myself and how I can evolve from these hurts. I have created a Tarot spread to help me deal with this emotional cleansing I am experiencing and I wanted to share it with all of you. It is my greatest hope that this Tarot spread can help you on your own journey of emotional cleansing and healing.
Position One: What emotion, memory or situation is the hardest to deal with in my life? This position provides you with a look into what is weighing heavy on your mind or emotional palette.
Position Two: How painful, uncomfortable or stressing is this emotion, memory or situation for me? This position provides you with the acknowledgment that what you are experiencing is real and that your feelings are valid.
Position Three: How can I release anything I have been suppressing in a healthy and helpful manner? This position provides you with how you can let go of the emotions you have been holding on to in a beneficial way.
Position Four: How can I purify and cleanse my current emotional state to make room for new and better emotions? After letting go, it is sometimes best to start anew. This position provides you with a way to cleanse your emotional slate clean.
Position Five: How can I give myself some compassion during this time? During times of heightened emotional distress, we often forget to be good to ourselves during this process. There are so many thoughts and feelings going on. This position helps to remind you how you can show some kindness to yourself throughout this process.
Position Six: What is the next step towards this healing journey of mine? This position provides you with some insight on how to proceed moving forward with your emotional healing. 
Post Notes: Please do not remove the captions. Spread: Emotional Healing by @tarotprose Copyright:  © Ivan Ambrose 2018 Spread Disclaimer: This is my own personal spread. I am not a medical professional, nor claim to be, nor do I suggest this spread to be used in replace of medical treatment. This is just what helps me and I wanted to share it with others. Safe Space Tags: Emotional Healing, Healing, Shadow Work Navigation: TOC | FAQ | Contact | Disclaimer 
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
♡  Aphrodite, she who blossoms with golden honey, who loves with all power,
may she bless you with her energy of love and delight, throughout all of your days and every lovely night.  ♡
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
Energy Work Masterpost
Basic Elements of Energy Work
Choosing Your Energies
Energetic Blockages
Energy Clearing and Infusing
Energy Feeds and Magic Fatigue and A Clarification
Energy for Beginners Part I and Energy for Beginners Part II: Gathering, Raising, Storing, and Casting
Energy Work and the Chakras
Energy Work Masterpost
An Energy Work Primer (You Don’t Have to “Feel” Anything)
Protect Your Energy
Sensation & Direction - A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Work
Tired After Energy Work?
Types of Energy: Air / Airy Correspondences | Earth / Earthy Correspondences | Fire / Fiery Correspondences | Water / Watery Correspondences | Practical Elemental Work
Different Kinds of Visualization
Having Trouble Visualizing?
How to Visualize
Magical Visualization - Some Basics
Mistakes I Made with Visualization
Simple Visualization Exercises
Using Your Intent (an ask)
Charging / Enchanting:
Charging 101: The Quick Basics
Charging an Object
Charging and Dedicating Stones and Crystals
Charging Objects
Enchanting Things with Touch
Witch’s Guide to Charging
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Charging
Witch’s Guide to Programming
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Programming
Energy Manipulation / Exercises:
Animist Reset Ritual
Banishing the Energies of Others
Beginner Energy Manipulation Resource List
Channeling Energy to Work Magic
Competitive Magic
Dispelling the Notion of “Bad” Energy and Learning a New Way to Recycle
Energy Manipulation: Aura Shaping
Energy Manipulation: God Energies
Energy Manipulation: People and their Elements Part I and Part II
Energy Manipulation: Polarization Habits (Don’t Make You a Bad Person), and How to Break Them
Energy Manipulation Element Series: Air | Air/Fire | Earth | Earth/Fire | Earth/Water | Fire | Water | Element Posts F.A.Q.s
Energy Practice
Energy Work: Expansion vs. Contraction
Energy Work - Distance Charging
Energy Work - Elemental Nails
Energy Work - Energetic Check
Energy Work - Energy Ball
Energy Work - Energy Cannonball
Energy Work - Texting Predictions
Energy Work - Tree in a Jar
Energy Work and Making Contact
The Fluffy Pillar and the Spheres
Harnessing Sex Energy
How to Energetically Cleanse an Item
How to Send Energy to Other People
Let’s Talk Basics: Directing Energy
Method of Remote Viewing
Personal Energy Cleanse
Reflecting Negativity
Scream Jars
Sensing Energy Exercise 
Shielding / Warding:
Altering Shields
Badass Things to Inspire Shields
Checking and Repairing Shields
Energy Warding
Energy Work: Shielding
Forming a Basic Shield - Creation and Sealing
Fun with Auras (aka, Shielding)
How to Undo Shields
Magically Making Friends - Reforging Your Protections
Personal Shielding
Removing and Deactivating Shields
Shielding/Transmuting and the Solar Plexus Chakra
Shielding & Aura Manipulation
Shielding and its Purpose
Shielding for General Protection
Shielding for Specific Protection
Shielding vs Aura Manipulation
Stacking Shields
Stealth Shielding
Transmuting Energy: An Alternative to Shielding
Two-Sided Shielding
Using External Power to Shield
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Shielding
Airy Grounding Guide
Beach Surf Grounding
Gale Grounding
Grounding (Energy Work Series Part 1)
Grounding and the Root Chakra
Grounding or ‘Earthing’
Grounding Techniques
Grounding Theory and Application
Grounding via Aura
Grounding with Pasta
How Do I “Ground”?
Notes on Being Grounded
Release Grounding
Sea Witchcraft: “Sinking”
Witch’s Guide to Grounding
Witch’s Guide to Grounding - Sturdy as Stone
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Grounding
Centering and Grounding
Energy Manipulation 101: Grounding and Centering, or That Thing Everyone/Book Says to Do But Never Really Explains Why…
Grounding and Centering
Witch’s Guide to Centering
Witch’s Guide to Centering - Crystal Gem Fusion Dance
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Centering
A Bit on Entities and Thoughtforms
Creating a Physical Vessel for Your Thoughtform to Live In
Creating a Thoughtform
Creating Positive Thought Forms
Destroying Your Thoughtform
An Exercise to Help with Creating Mental Spaces for Thoughtforms
An Exercise to Help with Creating Thoughtforms
Have Your Thoughtform Go to Work
Keeping Track of Your Thought-Forms
Letting Your Thoughtform Die, Dealing with Thoughtform Injuries
Projecting Your Thoughtform
A Short Guide to Thouhtforms
Technowitchcraft - Thoughtforms
Thoughs on Thoughtforms
Watching Your Thoughtform Grow
What is a Thoughtform?
What is a Thought Form?
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
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The Wiccan’s Glossary
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
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Mabon (Autumn Equinox) Treats and Craft Ideas  Celebrate this Mabon with those closest to you in welcoming the Fall Season!!!
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
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Feel free to add! Hopefully this is all right.
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
Astrology, the Basics
“Wait, so i’m not just an Aries?!”
No, you’re not. In fact none of us are just one anything. So let’s dial it back to day we were born. The stars and planets in the sky aligned to convey a story completely unique to you, and thus your natal chart was born!
   Our Sun sign
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“Playboi, what’s a Sun Sign?”
Well, the Sun Sign is the sign everyone typically knows about themselves. It’s the sign you were born under that immediately correlates with your birthday. Meaning, “I was born in April so I’m a Taurus!” Your sun sign is the sign the Sun was in on the day of your birth. So what does the sun represent in astrology? Our vitality and ego, “who we are.” The thing about the Sun is we’re constantly growing into ourselves and our egos, constantly learning ourselves and strengths, so we’re constantly growing into our Suns. Many people write off astrology due to their inability to relate to their Sun signs when so much more goes into a person. Your Sun sign is less “who i am” and more so “who i’m becoming.” And sometimes we never fully become the poster child of our Sun signs because we grow at different rates and resonate with different things, not to mention the housing of the Sun plays a heavy role in how our “egos” will play out. Also aspects made to our Sun by other planets are most important as they shape our Sun’s characteristics, but that’s another post!
Our Moon Sign
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“…okay, so I understand Sun Signs now, but what’s a moon sign?”
The moon sign in astrology is of immense importance. This is where we feel most comfortable and secure and our primal emotional reactions. As I mentioned previously, the sun is “who we’re becoming’’ while the moon can be defined as “who we always are.” Unlike the Sun who illuminates everything, the moon is a softer, dimmer light. It lights up the dark sky at night and it does the same for our personal dark sky emotionally. Simply put, the moon is our emotions. Emotions can be simply irrational and erratic, so we suppress them because throwing a hissy fit in public is not that endearing. My point being that our moons can sometimes be overlooked by others as well as our selves because the attributes of our moons are highly subconscious at times.The moon is how we were nourished, and in turn how we nourish others. It’s an extremely sentimental and personal part of our being.It’s what makes us feel safe as well as habitual patterns we carry. A balanced moon is very important as an unbalanced one can take a toll on us physically. When the needs our moon requires aren’t met, we can start to display it’s negative attributes and fall into a bit of a depression, eat less, and never leave your bed. Or perhaps become more aggressive and angry depending on your moon sign. It’s also equally important to understand that others around us have different moon placements then us natally. Everyone requires different things to feel emotionally secure, sometimes we’re harder on others because their love languages differ from our own.
   Our Mercury Sign
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“What does Mercury have to do with anything?”
Well, everything. Mercury rules over the mind, how we think, how fast we think, how we learn, our speech, and even our style of writing. He’s the fastest moving planet in the solar system so it’s fitting that he rules the nervous system. The poor guy gets glossed over a lot until he turns retrograde and everyone starts running around like chickens missing their heads because that’s when we notice most how strong Mercury’s influence is on our lives. Mercury is not an emotional planet but more so an intellectual one. It’s how we asses things and use logic before we act, if we use logic before we act.
Our Venus Sign
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You’ve guessed it, Venus rules over romance but a lot more as well. She’s our social graces, if we have any social graces at all. How we charm others as well as what we personally find pleasurable. Venus rules over our attitude towards money and material things. How much we spend and how often we treat ourselves. What we like to eat, what tastes good, what feels good. Venus is also our attractiveness, and what we’re attracted to. She gives us a clue to our love language on a more superficial level, what it takes to woo us. How we like to be seduced and pursued. Venus is diplomatic, she shows us how we make peace with others. Venus also rules over artistry and how appreciate the arts and even the possibility of having artistic gifts as well. Venus also highlights our sexual nature in terms of what we find pleasurable, what feels right, and what we find acceptable.
Our Mars Sign
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“Mars is our…anger?”
He can be, yes. After all he is the God of War. Mars in astrology represents energy. Our physical energy and vitality, and especially our sexual energy. He’s all about action, what it physically takes us to do…well, anything. He’s our day to day strength and drive. He exemplifies how aggressive and assertive we are. Our ambitions, durability, temperament, action, and drive. Do we exercise? How sexual are we? Our sexual style? Our competitiveness? All can be answered by our mars sign. Mars showcases how quick we are to anger, what makes us tick/explode. He’s also the last of the personal planets.
Our Jupiter Sign
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Jupiter is the first non personal planet as it stays in the same for an entire year. Everyone born within that year will have the same Jupiter sign. That doesn’t negate Jupiter’s importance in anyway, so don’t skim over him. It just means we have take a closer look at him in our natal chart by examining his house placement and aspects made towards him by other planets. Jupiter rules over good fortune, philosophy, travel, and higher level learning (different from mercury.) He is expansive and optimistic. He’s a grand catalyst to spiritual growth. He’s where we overindulge, our generosity, and wisdom.
Our Saturn Sign
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“So what does Saturn do?”
Saturn is like our astrological father. He sets the rules and regulations, the routine. And like when we disobey our paternal father there’s consequences the same applies for Saturn. Saturn is not out to punish anyone, he just returns anything we put out into the universe. “What goes around comes around.” Sound familiar? Saturn rules over Karma. Saturn in our chart shows us where he grounds us, where we must be held responsible, where we must work hard. Our careers, the practicality of how we achieve success.
Our Uranus Sign
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“and Uranus?”
Uranus is a much slower moving planet. His energy is very erratic, spontaneous, and rebellious. He’s extremely progressive and an advocate for originality. Uranus has to be looked at by house placement to determine its effects on us individually, as people from the same generation will share the same Uranus sign. Uranus in our charts will show us where we are unpredictable and rebellious. How and where we go against the grain. Our humanitarian side. How interested in activism we are, where we are liberated ourselves.
Our Neptune Sign
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“that Sea God?”
Indeed. Neptune is the God of the Sea. In astrology Neptune rules over spirituality, all things hazy, confusion, love and romance on a deeper, ethereal level. He is illusions and our dreams. Intuition and psychic abilities. Neptune has dominion over deeper creativity and artistic abilities. He also shows us where we might try to escape reality and what we may try to use to escape reality with. He is addiction, substance abuse, and deception. Our fantasies. 
Our Pluto Sign
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“isn’t Pluto like not even a planet anymore?”
Yes, technically Pluto is a planetoid, but we still refer to Pluto as a planet in astrology so he will be respected as such! Despite his small size and the grand amount of distance he is from us his effects are undeniable.Pluto in our charts shows us where we are transformed and regenerated. Where we must die to be born again. His energy is very subconscious, we don’t always see it, but we feel it.  He is obsession, and our hunger for power, where we struggle for power. He is how we react to sex on a deeper, subconscious level. Where and what we become drawn and attached to. His energy is very primal. He also highlights where we’re manipulative or jealous if we’re displaying the negative attributes of Pluto. 
Our Ascendant Sign
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“our…what sign?”
Our Ascendant sign is crowned the ruler of our chart, and is of equal importance as our Sun and Moon signs. It’s specific to our birth time and location. The Ascendant is like the mask we put on to face the world. It’s our initial reaction to external forces. The lens we see life through on a day to day basis. Our ascendant is our physical bodies, how we look and how we act in public. It’s how people initially receive you, our first impressions, our mannerisms. Our outer personality. If people were to describe you they’d likely describe this sign.
So, as you can see a lot goes into a persons personality even more than what’s been mentioned above, humans are complex beings who can’t be described as just one sign, or one anything. We are more than our sun signs, we are more than signs period.
- playboi
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
So You Wanna Astral Project!
I’ve been astral projecting for a long time now, and I do it at least 4 times a week, probably more. I think I have a problem. Anyway. Here are a few tips on what to do, what not to do, etc for all ya’ll trying to get into astral travel. A few of the things have links for places to find more information, ideas, and stuff.
1. You’re Captain America- get yoself a shield. I use 2 shields when I project, both protective spirals. Basically, when you’re projecting your body is left unprotected by your spirit so you need something else to protect you. Use any shield you like. I use one that protects my body from anything harmful (visualised as rose petals swirling around me- it just seemed right) and another that repels anything harmful away from me (visualised as bright lights, almost painful to look at). Sometimes, when I get bad vibes, I’ll use more and more until I feel safe. LAYER LAYER LAYER. A shield can only do one thing at a time, so if you want multiple protective actions then use more than one. You’ll know when you’ve got enough, as when you try to project you’ll feel safer.
2. Failure is ok. Honestly, I couldn’t project last night. It was hard and my brain just couldn’t get the focus and I couldn’t visualise anything. It just didn’t work, and that’s ok. Sometimes it’ll be too much for you, don’t force anything or beat yourself up over it. Stop what you’re doing, stretch your muscles and try again later. I usually wait at least until the next night (I always project at night) when I’ve found something a little too difficult. It gives me time to rest and to do some grounding. 
3. You’re going into Narnia. What does that mean??- imagine a door! I spent a long time trying and trying to project into the astral realm until I realised that I simply had to open a door!! When I project, I visualise a white void full of different doors to different places on the astral realm, I walk around and find my own door or draw it to me. I turn the handle, walk through and BOOM astral realm. This can take a while and it’s hard at first, when I first tried this method I found the door, put my hand on the handle and got thrown out back into my body again. Take your time, practice and you’ll get there. 
4. FFS DON’T GET LOST. When you first manage to get through the door, don’t go too far. Take your time exploring what’s around you, and anyway, it’s more fun to find every little thing that’s in the astral than just barrelling through at 100000mph and missing it. I found one of my spirit companions, A, while slowly going through this tiny patch of forest that exists in my plane. If you do go a little far, which I have done before, I looked at my wrist and found a red string wrapped around it. I followed the string back to the door. Simple.
5. Block out everything. I use white noise of a thunder storm for this, but anything will do. ‘8 Hours of’ is a good youtube channel with lots of different options for white noise. Don’t astral project for the 8 hours, but the sounds are awesome and there’s no ads that’ll interupt you. 
6. Find a mirror. Not because you’re the bloody evil queen in Snow White, but because you’ll want to know what you’re astral form looks like. Go searching, use your mind’s “eye” and listen for it, you’ll know where it is. Stand in front of it and look. Don’t be afraid of what you see, your astral form might be quite different from your physical one. As someone who’s agender, my astral form is completely androgynous, but also has giant horns and 6 ENORMOUS black wings that can wrap around me and form some sort of cloak-dress-robe-thing. Yuup, it was a surprise. Just accept that this is your form, and as it’s based on your spirit, you’ll probably like it no matter what.
7. Have any deities?? You might meet them here. I worship the gaelic goddess Brighid, as well as Persephone and Hades and I’ve met them when astral projecting a few times. You can spend time with them in the astral, get to know them and even give them offerings. There is a huge area of my astral plane that is completely dead- like Pride Rock under Scar dead- and I’m currently trying to regrow it. I’ve so far grown a huge oak tree in the centre and made a pasture for Brighid as she likes to keep cattle. Hades, for some reason, wants a massive waterfall and Persephone just wants flowers- which I’ll be doing for them soon. I’ve also seen Mac Lir and Poseidon walking together off on the horizon of the ocean. I just let them do their thing. 
8. Don’t upset Brendon Urie- CLOSE THE GODDAMN DOOR! You enter the astral through a door, close it behind you so that nothing gets out. When you leave, close the door extra carefully, don’t look back at it as you walk away. Close it and then leave. 
9. Be careful when you’re out. When you re-enter your body it may feel weird, you might get pins-and-needles or your limbs may feel heavy or numb. Just sit or lay there for a while, give yourself time to ground and get comfortable in your body again, don’t sit up or start walking about the moment you leave the astral. Let your shields come down ONLY when you’re certain you’ve completely re-entered your body. Stretch a little and then get up. Go about your day, have a nap, go to bed, whatever you want to do. 
Feel free to add your own!!!!
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
Emoji spell for getting a well-paid job that you enjoy, very soon
Likes charge, reblogs cast
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
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ɪ ᴀᴍ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴏᴛɪᴠᴀᴛᴇᴅ
this is a more clear version of my sigil design with which i’ve created a wallpaper for my desktop now. i want to see this symbol as often as possible because i already feel like only creating it helped me. feel free to use ♡
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empathapathwitches · 6 years
Witch Tip #7
If you happen to not have a green candle or a white candle for a luck spell then use an orange candle! Orange is also a great color for attracting luck.
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