empathyambition · 5 years
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Submitted by yaminexus.
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empathyambition · 5 years
Episode 80, Part 1, Hope You Like Feminist Rants Because Oh Boy. Boys.
This is an episode with a very high exasperation quotient for Mai, and it starts early!
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She no longer has the patience to sustain her fantastically dangerous carpool, so they have to walk the rest of the way. (Also apparently Kaiba owns literally this whole street and there are no cars allowed on it, probably to safely facilitate Kaiba’s propensity to walk in the road and duel people in the road.)
Anyway, as they walk, Jou asks Mai why she helped him in Duelist Kingdom when there was nothing in it for her, and she says…
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But he’s NOT LISTENING because he’s an immature dipshit and okay look I really want to like Jounouchi but he does not comport himself well in this episode AT ALL. He “wins” by being less of an asshole than a rapey kidnapper. 
Anyway it’s a mural (?) advertising the new “Jean Claude Magnum” (I’m calling him JCM) ninja movie (apparently he’s known for ninja movies) (wonder why Kaiba’s allowed them to advertise here) (wonder why these Hollywood ninja movies are so popular in Japan, seems like they’re exactly the country to make their own, superior, ninja-related entertainment) that JCM himself DRIVES THROUGH
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IT WASN’T A POSTER, IT WAS A WALL (also everyone’s faces change to surprise except Otogi who still looks like -_- )
This guy is totally getting sued by KaibaCorporation.
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NO SHIT I mean turns out he explicitly did this to talk to Mai, if she hadn’t turned back to yell at Jounouchi, she would have just been KNOCKED DOWN by the car-wall combination also wow this car is really strong to have survived being driven through a wall??
maybe it was a fake wall?
… did KAIBA build the fake wall? or did JCM have someone – you know, I don’t care.
Anyway, since JCM is a Hollywood (Hariuddo) actor, he speaks “I swear I’m American” anime-character Japanese, that is, fluent Japanese with the occasional English word or phrase thrown in.
And because JCM’s first language is English, Jounouchi triES TO SPEAK IT
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(yes, thank you, subtitles, I, an English speaker who has chosen to use the English subtitles, actually picked up that this isn’t exactly flawless English)
So JCM is all “MAI-SAN!!” and she’s like “new phone who dis” and Jou is like “HOLY FUCKING SHITBALLS MAI DO YOU KNOW AN ACTUAL REAL LIFE PROPER CELEBRITY NOT LIKE A LAME DUEL-MONSTERS CELEBRITY LIKE KAIBA OR YUGI??” (this isn’t what he says but I was thinking it)
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ALSO those flowers literally materialised from nowhere, he was not carrying them when he blanked Jounouchi.
So JCM reminds Mai of how they met, when she was a professional card gamer on a cruise ship and he was an entitled manchild who hits on women who are paying attention to him because it’s literally their job to do so #donotdothis #yourwaitressisnotflirtingwithyou #yourbaristaisliterallypaidtosmileatyou #dontbeaJeanClaudeMagnum
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Why does he even HAVE that thing in his jacket? For JUST SUCH AN OCCASION? And it’s so tackytastically huge! He’d want to be pretty frigging loaded if that’s actually a diamond, that motherfucker must be at least 10 carats, I’d say it must cost at least a cool million USD.
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Ineffective mouth-reply though… Because he immediately goes “so if I beat you in a duel you promise to marry me, I’m taking that as a promise, okay not listening anymore!”. But that’s not her fault because only an ENTITLED MANCHILD would hear “sick joke” and think “omg she’s actually gonna marry me if I win a children’s card game”.
Back in the present, Mai’s like “I may have a vague recollection of this”, probably because, as an attractive professional gamer on the ship, she dealt with this kind of overprivileged douchecanoe on a daily basis.
He shoves his tacky-ass diamond in her face and she literally recoils.
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So would I. That’s a TERRIBLE ring and stone; the table is out of proportion, the crown is MUCH too tall, the facets of the crown and pavilion are uneven, and the setting is all kinds of inappropriate, that thing’ll fall off that ring within an hour. Plus, diamonds are overrated (their popularity as an engagement ring was entirely engineered by DeBeers in a decades-long ahead-of-its-time advertising campaign), but he seems like the kind of #basic guy to not even consider a sparkly moissanite or a subtle white sapphire, let alone a coloured stone. #mydayjobisgeology
Mai swiftly turns him down, but Jounouchi is WAY OFF MESSAGE
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I’m living for Mai’s facial expressions in this episode tbh
So JCM is all, “well I’ll DUEL you for your hand in marriage” 
and I’m all, “that is so far away from being okay, this is even worse than that fuckwit who wanted to duel Anzu for a date, you and him can tie yourselves together and throw yourselves in the fucking sea” 
and Honda’s all…
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Jounouchi [thinking]: … Did he say “our” spots? Mai [thinking]: He did NOT just say “our” spots. Yugi [thinking]: He just said “our” spots…
Oh, right, and then, Mai’s like, “let him borrow your duel disk Jou”, and JCM is all “I ALREADY HAVE ONE” and everyone is legit like ‘O’ and Yugi’s like “only the BEST DUELISTS are allowed one of those!!” and I’m like “that is NOT TRUE” but they can’t hear me because they’re inside the computer, so they all freak out and he’s like “I AM one of the BEST DUELISTS”… 
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Oh, is it because the writers wanted THIS to happen?
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Mai accepts the challenge to duel, and usually I would complain about that, because, as so often happens, there’s no reason why she has to and they were in a goddamn hurry before this wanker drove his car through the damn wall, but her reasoning is actually gold.
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Fuck yes, you go girl!!
Sadly, this does mean we have to suffer through a duel with this asshole.
Happily, much of the duel is just Mai sniping cutting remarks at him.
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oooooooh burn
Then, in a move I did NOT see coming, Shizuka comes over all sapphic.
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Shizuka [thinking]: Or girlfriend… Jounouchi [thinking]: Am I learning something about my kid sister here? Honda [thinking]: [error 404 not found]
Jounouchi answers that Mai is only into Dueling, not boys (?!?) and anyway…
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RUDE. RUUUUUUDE. I assume this is supposed to come off as good-natured teasing? But it’s really fucking rude, especially LITERALLY behind her back while she’s trying to concentrate in a duel. 
But on the plus side for feminism, Mai has this SUPER COOL Amazoness card who’s actually really buff, which is rare because usually women don’t get shown with a visibly muscular frame, so hell yes to this! 
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(although, like, “Amazon” means a female warrior, “Amazoness” is needlessly extra-gendering an already gendered term, it would be like saying daughteress #FIGHTMEPEGASUS)
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empathyambition · 5 years
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Monday th 25th of February 2018 
my chemistry notes ft. a cinnamon roll my mom baked
btw, i’m back! had an amazing week skiing with friends (and watching the office in the evening haha)
have a lovely week ✨
song of the day: berlin by ry x
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empathyambition · 5 years
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a messy post ft new york times annotations & ‘the mismeasure of man’
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empathyambition · 5 years
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it’s half year exam season!! we had a snow day and i was off sick, so i kinda lost track of the days and didn’t realise i had a massive history exam until the day before :) but it’s fine, i put in some hardcore revision time and i think it went okay. i have my biology half year tomorrow, and then chemistry and physics a couple days after so not much free time until that’s all over
be my mistake - the 1975
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empathyambition · 5 years
These notes are so neat. <3
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21.2.19 // studygram: alimastudies // sticker shop
hope u’re having a productive week bc i know im not :/
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empathyambition · 5 years
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this is the perfect grade of good luck
reblog in 5 seconds and all of your grades will inch ever closer to perfect
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empathyambition · 5 years
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Update, I upgraded my workspace 🤷🏼‍♀️
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empathyambition · 5 years
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empathyambition · 5 years
Synonyms For Very
This is a masterlist of words that you may use alongside the word very, very being one of the most common words that are used when writing. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me in our writing seem more sophisticated and unique. 
Very accurate - exact Very afraid - fearful Very angry - furious - livid Very annoying - exasperating
Very bad- atrocious Very beautiful- exquisite Very big- immense Very boring- dull Very bright- luminous Very busy- swamped
Very calm- serene Very careful- cautious Very cheap- stingy Very clean- spotless Very clear- obvious Very clever- intelligent Very cold- freezing Very colourful/colorful- vibrant Very competitive- cutthroat Very complete- comprehensive Very confused- perplexed Very conventional- conservative Very creative- innovative Very crowded- bustling Very cute- adorable
Very dangerous- perilous Very dear- cherished Very deep- profound Very depressed- despondent Very detailed- meticulous Very different- disparate Very difficult- arduous Very dirty- filthy Very dry- arid Very dull- tedious
Very eager - keen Very easy - effortless Very empty - desolate Very excited - thrilled Very exciting - exhilarating Very expensive - costly
Very fancy- lavish Very fast- swift Very fat- obese Very friendly- amiable Very frightened- alarmed Very frightening- terrifying Very funny- hilarious
Very glad- overjoyed Very good- excellent Very great- terrific
Very happy- ecstatic Very hard- difficult Very hard-to-find- rare Very heavy- leaden Very high- soaring Very hot- sweltering Very huge- colossal Very hungry- ravenous Very hurt- battered
Very important - crucial Very intelligent - brilliant Very interesting - captivating
Very judgemental - prejudice
Very large- huge Very lazy- indolent Very little- tiny Very lively- vivacious Very long- extensive Very long-term- enduring Very loose- slack Very loud- thunderous Very loved- adored
Very mean- cruel / ruthless Very messy- slovenly
Very neat- immaculate Very necessary- essential Very nervous- apprehensive Very nice- kind Very noisy- deafening
Very often- frequently Very old- ancient Very old-fashioned- archaic Very open- transparent
Very painful- excruciating Very pale- ashen Very perfect- flawless Very poor- destitute Very powerful- compelling Very pretty- beautiful
Very quick- rapid Very quiet- hushed
Very rainy- pouring Very rich- wealthy
Very sad- sorrowful Very scary- chilling Very serious- grave Very sharp- keen Very shiny- gleaming Very short- brief Very shy- timid Very simple- basic Very skinny- skeletal Very slow- sluggish Very small- petite Very smart- intelligent Very smelly- pungent Very smooth- sleek Very soft- downy Very sorry- apologetic Very special- exceptional Very strong- forceful Very stupid- idiotic Very sure- certain Very sweet- thoughtful
Very talented- gifted Very tall- towering Very tasty- delicious Very thirsty- parched Very tight- constricting Very tiny-minuscule Very tired- exhausted
Very ugly- hideous Very unhappy- miserable Very unusual- incongruous Very upset- distraught
Very warm- hot Very weak- frail Very well-to-do- wealthy Very wet- soaked Very wide- expansive Very willing- eager Very windy- blustery Very wise- sage Very worried- distressed
A/N: If you know of any more words I can add please message me.
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empathyambition · 5 years
Awesome tips that act as guidelines towards life beyond academia.
50 Things that Top Students Do
Listen to everything they’re taught, not just hearing
Take notes
Listen to opinions they don’t like
Be open to having their minds changed
Don’t listen to music with words when studying
Keep a regimen of self-discipline even in the face of a lack of motivation
Take breaks
Sleep regularly and more than expected
Work very hard during the day
Plan in advance
Get small tasks done when there isn’t time to do bigger ones
Take failures as a learning curve
Think positively
Do their best work at the start of the year so they get more slack later
Talk to those who teach them
Do a little every day instead of all at once
Ask for help
Help others
Drink water
Work hard but work smart
Know what study setup is their most productive
Hold themselves accountable
Figure out which work is a priority
Don’t waste time re-reading as a form of studying
Find out things they don’t understand
Test themselves frequently
Work backwards through things to understand why something works
Learn more than they need
Have more interests and hobbies than just academics
Find out the most important concepts in a course
Learn the most important 20% of the course to get 80% of the grade
Don’t complain
Tailor their courses to focus on what interests them the most
Play hard after working hard
Read in advance
Know how to say no but don’t say no unless they have to
Take every opportunity they can
Eat well
Defend their personal beliefs
Don’t use other people’s successes/failures as an excuse for anything they do
Don’t let studying become the main part of their life
Understand that everything is temporary
Set goals, short- and long-term
Put their phones away/on silent when studying
Don’t expect any results immediately
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empathyambition · 5 years
Resources For Crime, Mystery, And Thriller Writers
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General Resources
The 5 C’s of Writing A Great Thriller Novel
Thriller vs. Mystery
Writing A Thrilling Action Scene
Paul Finch: How To Write A Thriller
International Thriller Writers
Mystery Writers Forum
Old Fashioned Detective/Police Slang
Sisters in Crime
The Police Officer’s Internet Directory
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
Criminal Law Section of the Law Journal Extra
The Anatomy of a Murder
Crime & Clues
Crime Scene Forensics
General Forensics
Burglary Investigations
Dissociative Disorders
A Study In Physical Injuries
Government Resources
FBI’s Guide and Q&A For Authors
FBI website
CIA’s website
Drug Enforcement Administration
US Food & Drug Administration
United States Sentencing Commission
Federal Bureau of Prisons
U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
The National Security Agency
United States Secret Service
National Rifle Association (NRA)
Serial Killers & Murder
Serial Killer Wikipedia page
Death and Dementia
Homicide Detective Checklist
Violent Crime Scene Analysis
Gang Activity & Hate Crimes
CSS Organized Crime Menu
The Austin Police Department’s Gang Suppression Unit
LA Gangs
Street Soldiers
Justice Department Computer Crime Initiative
National Security Institute’s Security Resource Net
Sex Crimes & Abuse
The Facts about Rape page
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
Criminals - The Sexual Sadist
Writing Domestic Abuse
Domestic Violence & Abuse
Terrorism Research Center
Counter-Terrorism Page
The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism
NSI: Counter Terrorism
Equipment, Weapons, and Poison
Disaster Center
The Police Marksman
Firearms Tutorial
How To Play The Stalker
How to portray a character high on cocaine.
Writing a character who is high on amphetamines.
How to play a mentally ill/insane character.
How to play a victim of rape.
Writing a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Writing a character with schizophrenia.
Writing a character with Nymphomania.
How to write a character with HPD.
Tips on writing a drug addict.
Playing a character under the influence of marijuana.
Playing a character with an eating disorder.
How to portray a character with bipolar disorder.
How to play a serial killer.
How to write a character with an OCD.
How to write characters with PTSD.
Playing the manipulative character.
Portraying a character with borderline personality disorder.
Playing a character with Orthorexia Nervosa.
Playing the bullies.
Portraying the drug dealer.
Playing a rebellious character.
How to portray a sociopath.
Playing a character under the influence of drugs.
Playing a character who struggles with Bulimia.
Portraying sexually/emotionally abused characters.
Portraying characters who have secrets.
Portraying a recovering alcoholic.
Portraying a sex addict.
How to play someone creepy.
Playing a character who is faking a disorder.
Playing a prisoner.
How to play a sexual assault victim.
Writing a compulsive gambler.
Portraying a character with amnesia.
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empathyambition · 5 years
Staying Fit
I guess I should try to stay fit more and exercise everyday. This is a reminder to myself. I have to take care of my body and strengthen it because no one else will do it for me.
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empathyambition · 5 years
When you were applying to schools, what were you more leaning towards: affordable state schools or “elite” private schools?
i applied to both and weighed my options after getting acceptances back!
16 notes · View notes
empathyambition · 5 years
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I finished detailed notes for this reading. I still have 6 chapters left. The book is quite enjoyable.
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empathyambition · 5 years
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01/12/19 // recent bio notes 🌱
(click for better quality!)
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empathyambition · 5 years
So neat and aesthetic!
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4//17//2017 ^ ^ Happy late Easter ☺️! Here are some apwh notes I finished during the break. ^ ^
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