empire-rev · 2 years
#tumblrposts #memes
Make money online
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empire-rev · 2 years
The Story Of An Under-40 Entrepreneur Who Overturned The Tide Of Making Money Online HIT Over 30 Million (Over $10,000) In Pure Commission From The Comfort Of Her Home In Her First 11 Months.
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(If there is ONE proof you have been looking for to clear your doubts about making money online, here is the ONE true story that is all the proof you need)
Did you know that only a few have grown from rags to grace, from grass to grace, from humiliation to honor?
Did you know that over the years the lies that have been told about making money online being a scam is actually what has kept many people in the rags. I mean, no one can be worthily paid by the government or their boss.
You are always underpaid and treated under what you are worth.
And even in the streets nearby you, there are many who are still hoping that their turn would come one day, to get out of such mess of deep troubling financial crisis and make a difference in themselves.
Some others have cringed under unbelievable pain, the agony of suffering, trying to escape the devil called “poverty”, and yet only a FEW conquered.
Joy Chiamaka A., not up to 40 years as at the time of this revelation is one of the few.
Graduating from school, believing in a nation that promised hopes without plans, a nation that wished you good luck on the frontend and yet knew you would end up in the abyss on the backend.
That was where she grew up in.
Fastidious in her mind to overcome the “hell” that multitudes of her peers were going through, she took to the streets, to sell tickets to bus driver after graduating from school.
Now, this was a graduate, who was promised a good job, a good life, by the same damn government that now left her to the streets, with all the fees she paid to get the damn education in high hopes of a great future, WASTED.
What else was remaining but to hang up on life and hope for the worst.
She wasn’t one of those who made “little” money before meeting their golden angel or top-FBI secret or money making sheet, she was one of those that met her KARMA of poverty when she did nothing wrong to deserve it.
But there was a struggle, in the mind of this young girl, there was war, the fear of succumbing to poverty, the fear of leaving her family to waste away because of people who don’t care, she couldn’t afford to let her loved ones go just like that.
The streets became like her second home. Selling tickets under the hot sun.
And let me exactly tell you what this business looks like, because I too come from the same society where she was born.
Selling tickets are for people who probably have no choice over their financial lives, and to a great extent, even their own lives. You meet whoever is in charge of the bus drivers association in your street or county or whatever you call it that rules over where you live, and you’ll given a bunch of tickets to sell to the commercial bus drivers, after which, at the end of the month, you wouldn’t go home with the money you earned, you would still go and submit it to the office and get paid for the “penny a pound” of the hours you spent suffering under the scorching sun.
That was the kind of business that only men, could probably endure, but Joy Chiamaka was a WOMAN and she endured, she took the pain, it was the pain of survival, the pain to fight hard and get across the abyss of financial distress and poverty on the other end.
Had she given up that year, she would have joined the memory book of those whose wishes never came to the dawn of the next day, but she didn’t, she hoped and worked and believed.
It was in 2020, that she met someone who told her about a business online, where you could make money online by promoting people’s products from the comfort of your home to earn money, or by selling your own product or promoting your own business, not one that pays 1 million in 2 minutes or gives you 40BTC in 10 minutes, like the infamous MMM scams, NO!!
This business was one she was going to invest in to LEARN and be taught how to make the money herself, no one was going to make it for her, NO PROMISES WERE MADE TO GIVE UNIMAGINABLE RETURNS IN FEW HOURS. You were meant to learn, implement, eat the glass and stare in the abyss while seeing your hardwork breed results that would in turn amount money in your bank.
The normal you would have rejected it, but standing on the sun didn’t give any better option, so she started saving money and signed up to the course that she hoped to help her life and get her over the abyss.
In her words, she said that there were times she couldn’t even afford to buy a sanitary pad. In my words I call that poverty, no two ways.
She put her bet in this course and started learning.
Were there doubts? Yes
Did people discourage her and call the business model a scam? Yes
Did all those doubts and discouragements come to pass in Joy Chiamaka’s life? NO.
2020 was when she bought the course, and after implementing and building her list for that whole year, enduring the suffering, believing that this business model was going to work for her, it certainly did.
As at 7/21/2022, Chiamaka has niched over #30 million i.e over $15,000 just by using this business model and implementing it just with her smartphone.
It took her less than a year to learn this secret, and she waited and learnt and implemented, few of her success results are purely visible to destroy the lie told about making money online as you can see below:
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This course taught her everything she needed to know, talk about:
1. Affiliate Marketing
2. Email Marketing
3. Twitter Marketing
4. Advert creation
5. Traffic generation
6. Copywriting and tons of others
This one magnet course was handed over to her by Toyin Omotoso, one of the few who also escaped the abyss after living on meager income, and I mean below $15 every month, to making over $100,000 every year in his business and now owns a company.
I would love to stop here.
But that would mean telling you about the secret that took a fighting young entrepreneur from zero dollars to over $10,000 in pure profit, without showing you were to get it.
You wouldn’t get this secret at the insane discount price that you are seeing now, in the next few months to come, because over 5000 people have purchased this secret course in the past 11 months, people like Chiamaka, who want an out from poverty, and they are getting results.
This course is a 10 in 1 bullet proof course, that will show you how to purely create your own path towards monthly 7-figure success.
Businesses use this model all over the world.
This course is entrapping many and showing them to make money without stress.
It is the course that the poor have waited for years, the course that the rich have used to get richer.
You don’t have to hope on the government or relation to help you.
All you need is to sign up now to the course, while it’s still left in stock and before it’s price goes high.
You’ll learn everything you need to make money online, grow your business and become $1 richer than you are today:
These are the things you gain in the course:
You will get the 72IG WhatsApp Income Generator — This will teach you how to use your Whatsapp and Expertnaire (the affiliate platform where you can sell and promote products as you wish).
Upgraded Version of The Implementation Program Where you will learn how to use email marketing and PPC traffic to take set your marketing skills on fire and start making money online like crazy,
You will get 1-year free Expertnaire account where you can select products as much as you wish and promote and make money as you wish.
You will get the twitter money blueprint that will set your organic traffic from Twitter to flow into your Direct Message Box and beg you to sell to them,
You will get 50% commission from every course you sell online on the Expertnaire platform (Now, which other place would you get this kind of offer. That is what is making Chiamka her thousands of dollars).
You will receive 3-hour weekly support online every Wednesday, where you get to listen to top secrets used by millionaires like Joy Chiamaka and implement those secrets to get results.
You will get unlimited support in the Expertnaire group on Facebook and Instagram, where you will get to ask Chiamaka or anyone else questions and get answers.
And many more.
Plus, before I forget.
Tons of free e-books and video guides on everything you will be taught in the class
2. Tons of templates that you will use for your business.
Now, this ton of value is the reason, why this course will likely finish soonest, but it’s going to have some left for you to take up on, and set yourself on fire to make money.
You may not have had the luxury of standing under the hot sun and gaining nothing.
Did I just say “LUXURY OF STANDING IN THE SUN?” There is no luxury in suffering.
Whatever you do, this course is for you.
Whether you are a kid, teenager, youth, single mum, parents, whatever you do, unless you still suck your mother’s breast.
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empire-rev · 3 years
Soul Manifestation 2.5 Review: Must Read before you Manifest
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Soul Manifestation according to Juneauempire.com is a program designed to show you your life’s true purpose and find your unique soul path. However, that’s not the only thing you find inside this program.
Soul Manifestation will help you find your soulmate and having a loving relationship with them.
I remembered back in high school how I suffered literally because I was living the life that I never wanted to, it became a bad life for me that I consciously thought of committing SUICIDE!!!. Could you imagine that?
Could you go to a school you never wanted to? Study a course you never wanted to? Bought the clothes you never wanted to? Married the boo that you never wanted to? Many of these and more did I pass through, and actually I became frustrated just as you might be (I guess) now. I lived a frustrated life until I understood that before I could live my dream life, I needed to understand my life, the true purpose for which I live and what I must do to manifest. That’s what “Soul Manifestation” actually helped me to do. Thanks to this special people who helped me out
How Does it work?
One of the best ways to learn things is by listening to other people’s stories.
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Usually, when you can really feel someone’s emotions, the memory will stick.
 One of the truest statements is, “People don’t usually remember exactly what happened, but they sure do remember how it made them feel.”
 This just goes to show that feelings and emotions are the staying-powers for our brains. Storytelling is a great way to learn from other people’s experiences without actually having to experience them for yourself.
 If you’ve done any kind of research on spirituality, you’ll find a pattern. Most deeply spiritual people have some kind of “dark” past that they had to go through in order to reach the spiritual maturity that they are now at.
This phase in people’s lives is called many different things: facing the shadow, a dark night of the soul, mirror work, shadow work, and the list goes on and on…
 What we’re getting at is that spirituality isn’t all “love and light” like everyone likes to think that it is, there is real work to be done in order to manifest your true soul’s purpose.
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What Is The Dark Night of The Soul?
You know those experiences that we’re not always so proud to share?
Maybe these recollections are things that have happened that you’ve tried not to ever think about again, suppressing them from your conscious experience.
Or, maybe they’ve affected you so much that the reaction you have to certain situations in your current life stems from a subconscious learned behavior from your past.
Whatever the case is, the dark night of the soul or the shadow work that everyone unknowingly tries to avoid will bring it to light.
You see, this process is integral to being able to manifest your true soul’s purpose.
Without facing these buried experiences that we would rather not talk about, how can you truly know yourself?
A big factor about manifestation that most people miss is that you have to take radical responsibility for where you currently are in your life in order to manifest the life that your soul truly desires to live out in this realm.
Without extreme accountability, you’ll never know what needs to be addressed in order to live in your full potential.
This is not an easy task. In fact, our brains are wired with fight or flight reactions, meaning that if your brain registers that there is any kind of danger ahead, you’ll either be triggered to fight against it or to run away.
We’re here to reassure you that the growing pains that you’re probably experiencing on this spiritual path is not only completely necessary, but also universally and spiritually intentional.
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How To Get Through The Dark Night of The Soul and Shine Your Light
We just talked about the body’s natural reaction to shadow work: fight or flight.
So, the first step to conquering this critical part of your soul path is to approach it in a conscious way. This means that you need to be fully aware and accepting of what you’re about to dive into.
As we said before, this is no easy task. And to make it even more inviting, you don’t just have one of these “phoenix moments,” you’ll continue to experience them in order to get closer and closer to your higher self.
Mapping the Soul
Truth, Individuality, Freedom, Self -Love, Clarity, Empowerment
Do you feel that there is something significant you're meant to do?
Do you long to have more impact?
Your determination to find your purpose isn't a single, fuzzy "soul purpose testimomy"; it is aaccurateand detailed journey you will encounter towards living a deeply fulfilling, powerful and passionate life.
Through practical exercises and inspiring examples, you will uncover the deepest truth with certainty of who you are and what you are here to become.
Let this soul journey unravel and accompany you fearlessly to a life of fulfillment, success and towards a spirtual adventure.
Boundless Soul Guidance...
Long for even deeper meaning in your life
1.     Seek a clearer sense of life direction, especially if you are in transition
2.     Feel anxious about expanding your sense of self,
3.     Clinging to a safe limited self image and seek expansion
4.     Resolve problems and move you forward
5.     Move forward and have outgrown your old reality and are prepared for change
6.     Expand into a more fulfilling Purpose-Filled life that brings you more joy and fulfillment
7.     Claim your divine soul purpose and the power it gives you
8.     Discover each aspect of your unique 'DNA'
9.     Pursue and articulate exactly what you are here to do and with who
Curious about your life challenges and its transformation
Bring a sense of urgency to your Divine Soul Purpose
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Positive Aspects of Soul Manifestation
According to thekatynews.com, the following are the positive aspects of soul manifestation
·         Soul Manifestation is the best system to watch you closer to full fill your destiny by finding the Soul Path.
·         Here you can get the helpful guidance to light up your way and immensely change the life you are living in..
·         It works based on the exact moment that you have incarnated into this world.
·         It offers the Personalized Soul Path Report to know which one is trying to holding you back in your life, and also it uncovers the hidden truth about your blindspots of yourself.
·         Here you can see how the Vibrant Health Soul Code and Material Abundance Soul Code support to empower your life.
·         It is risk-free to use in routine and start living a beautiful life.
Negative Aspects:
·         You must need a proper internet connection to access this system, to get the daily soul reading. Otherwise; you will miss the chance.
·         If you left any steps or information, sure you will miss the best out of your life.
Simply remind yourself that as long as you’re incarnated here in this realm, there is always work to do.
So, why wouldn’t you want to learn the easiest way to integrate shadow work into your life?
If your initial response to facing your subconscious shadow self is to fight back and cause chaos, it’s imperative that you don’t let fear overcome you.
TAKE ACTION NOW>>> Your Personalized Soul Path Report is waiting for you!
Again, this is not easy, but it is necessary. When we react out of fear, we’re more likely to lash out and destroy relationships around us that actually are supportive of our soul’s path.
To avoid doing this, recognize when you’re getting worked up and try to find the trigger in the situation.
Why were you triggered?
Are you acting out of emotion?
Is the chaos that’s being created really align with your highest self?
These are the types of questions that can calm you down and give you a different perspective.
If your initial response is flight when you face your subconscious shadow self, you have to also work on not acting out of fear.
This is no easier than the flight response above, but also just as necessary. When we run from something out of fear, we’re more likely to self-sabotage the very things in our lives that we’ve been working so hard to manifest.
To avoid doing this, take a moment to think about the big picture.
Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Remember, isn’t this exactly what you’re asking for?
Do you feel worthy of the life that you’re manifesting?
These are some of the thoughts that can ground you again when you find yourself running from challenges.
Your Soul Knows What’s Best For You, Don’t Fight Against It!
Sometimes, as we are stepping into our true purpose, certain situations will be manifested before us to help us hurdle into the next level of our lives.
There are people who will naturally try to go around the hurdle, sit in the same place, or even try to bulldoze through it, but neither of these approaches is the best way to face challenges.
As with anything, your strength gets better over time as you face more and more hurdles through life, you’ll become more and more comfortable jumping over them correctly.
Knowing a few things about yourself, like your natural talents and areas of opportunity can make your “training” that much easier.
Whether you’re ready to manifest the life that your soul is yearning for or you find yourself facing shadow work, learning about your soul path will reveal so much about you, including how you handle these situations.
>>> Click here to read your Personalized Soul Path Report right now.
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Finally, think about how you yourself exist in this realm. You have two sides, too.
There are both logical and emotional aspects of your nature. You have left and right sides of your brain. And every person has both masculine and feminine energies.
 Did you know that you even have a sun sign and a moon sign astrologically?
 Getting to know both sides of yourself from a logical and emotional perspective can help you to understand how to manifest the life that you truly want to live.
 Once you face these truths, the world is at your fingertips!
Tap Into Logic Using Ancient Scientific Tools Like Astrology
 Believe it or not, astrology is based much more on science that’s backed by facts rather than mysticism.
 This is so much so that a variety of ancient societies have used it’s logical reasoning to actually calculate calendars, dictate huge decisions when it came to war strategy, and even planned their crops around astrological dates.
 Astrology makes us of a a system that combines mathematics and astronomy to create an intimate language that only a few ones can understand on a very deep level.
 Not only do astrologers draw up charts (similar to mathematical graphs), they also study certain aspects and transits that integrate degrees (these can look like geometric angles that you may have studied in math class).
To become a well-versed astrologer, you must commit to both the use of science and math, but also tap into your intuition!
Integrating Emotional Intelligence To Unlock Your Soul Path
You can start now
When people speak of intuition, there’s this misconception that only those that are feminine or female have access to this superpower.
That’s simply not true.
You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you recognize and honor your complex, dual nature. The question is, are you ready to tap into both your logic and emotions? The time is now! >>> Your Personalized Soul Path Report is waiting for you!
Everyone can connect with their intuition and should!
You’ll be amazed at how your soul is already more equipped than you would have ever guessed.
The question is, are you ready to do the work to manifest the life that you truly desire?
What do you have to lose?
>>> Your Personalized Soul Path Report is waiting for you!
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