empyrean-w · 5 years
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Did a full body render of another celestial. This one being Clarus, the celestial embodying light :) Now I gotta figure out his counterpa- oops that’s a teaser lmao
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empyrean-w · 5 years
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Figured Gaia needed a proper reference sheet now that her design is set in. More will come over time!
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empyrean-w · 5 years
I just got the colours wrong when I was drawing fanart, but I appreciate it being called ‘assistance’ haha
Gaia - The Design Journey (3/3)
After what seemed like a century of rethinking and ideating, it finally happened. The missing part of the design was filled, and I finally found a look that truly expressed everything I wanted perfectly. The green-blue colour to the dress and the slight blue tint to the white skin completed the design I was looking for. Through the assistance of friends, and especially my co-creator Jezodite who I greatly appreciate the help from, Gaia was finally solidified with a look!
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empyrean-w · 5 years
Gaia - The Design Journey (3/3)
After what seemed like a century of rethinking and ideating, it finally happened. The missing part of the design was filled, and I finally found a look that truly expressed everything I wanted perfectly. The green-blue colour to the dress and the slight blue tint to the white skin completed the design I was looking for. Through the assistance of friends, and especially my co-creator Jezodite who I greatly appreciate the help from, Gaia was finally solidified with a look!
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empyrean-w · 5 years
Gaia - The Design Journey (2/3)
This was the design that served as a ‘halfway mark’ for where I wanted to take Gaia. It was at this point that I was happy with her features. Everything that made her up was exactly how I wanted it, thanks to help from outside influences, research and my own input. However, there was one thing that was holding this design back; the colour scheme. The colours worked for what I wanted to show, but every time I looked at them, it felt like something was missing. It didn’t feel complete just yet. So I didn’t leave it at that, I didn’t stop until I found something that worked perfectly...
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empyrean-w · 5 years
Gaia - The Design Journey (1/3)
Gaia was the first character I created for Empyrean, and she serves as the main character alongside another character to be revealed later on. This was her original design, focused heavily on her cosmic background. For a long time I was very happy with this look for her, especially since it also made her come off as friendly and not intimidating as I intended. But after speaking with my co-creator and doing some thinking myself, I realised that for what she represented (which was all life in the universe), this design didn’t show all of what I wanted it to. And so, I decided she needed to be redone...
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empyrean-w · 5 years
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Hey, we’re not dead!
This is Jezodite posting and I was just sorta practicing when I made this, thought it looked like a cute promotional poster signed by Gaia herself, so I decided to post it, haha!
If it looks a little low effort, it’s because I didn’t really intend on showing this to anyone lol
still waiting on the character design update from my co-author, you’ll get to see why Gaia looks the way she does~
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empyrean-w · 5 years
Introduction to the Authors
Author #1: Jezodite
Howdy, you probably saw me in the opening post of the blog, but here’s my formal introduction for the comic.
I’m currently studying design and visual art in high school, while doing my own illustrative and writing practices in my own free time.
I’ve always enjoyed creative endeavors and have never been an academic. I am what you might call ‘a disappointment to my parents.’
I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember, but I still have a bit of a way to go. I’ve also recently taken up writing, I always did it but nowadays I do it a little more seriously. You can check out my Wattpad to see my own stories and my Instagram for my art. Although I will warn you, I’m not active.
My favourite genres are fantasy and sci-fi, I’ve never really enjoyed stories that are set in reality, I can go outside and live that same stuff. My interest has always been drawn to bending the rules of nature and exploring the loopholes of human knowledge. Also antlers on people are pretty sick.
Author #2: Hero Noodle
Heyo, I’m the other dude working on the comic, so lemme just tell you a little bit to introduce myself and start off.
I take some creative and art focused studies in school, such as studying business or design in future years and opening myself to studies outside of school.
While I view myself as someone who can get by just fine academically, I personally find myself enjoying creative endeavours and more ‘self-focused’ and passionate projects, much like Jezodite.
I haven’t been drawing for too long, only picked up the pencil around a year ago. But ever since, I’ve been extremely passionate about illustration and want to broaden my expertise at it as I go (but I’ve got a long way to go). I also find enjoyment in the creation and application of stories and characters, again like Jezodite. While I’m not as passionate about it as she is, I still find myself always thinking of new ideas I can bring to life. Some of which resulted in the birth of this comic!
While my seemingly favoured genres are fantasy, sci-fi, action and dystopian-type stories, my range of genres I can write on can span out largely. Adventure, slice-of-life, anything really. Since I’m still fairly new to both writing and drawing, I’m open to many aspects of the creative arts I’m involved in.
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empyrean-w · 5 years
Welcome to Empyrean and the World of the Celestials!
Heya! My name’s Jezodite (or itsakyria, depending on where you’ve met me) and I am a co-author of the comic, Empyrean.
Thank you for stopping by!
A quick rundown of the blog:
this is a behind the scenes blog.
we accept asks from anybody, directed towards us or our fictional characters.
this is also a place to share our achievements with our first big project, both of us authors our young and still trying to get our names out in the world.
If you’re interested in the comic, you can read it on the link to the Webtoons page (author’s note: the comic is not currently published, we’re aiming to finish up a few chapters and post them periodically, the date it is being published will be announced)! If you’re also interested in the progress on it and how it’s being made, you can stop by here, we’re always very welcoming.
If you have any criticism and feedback, we’d love to hear it! We’re both doing our very best to improve our illustrative and writing skills.
Hope you enjoy Empyrean and the making of it!
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