emtardis · 2 years
Facebook’s boring.
Twitter’s kinda stressful.
Is it safe to come back here?
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emtardis · 3 years
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We know we gotta head west, right? Well, let’s just… do that
LOVE AND MONSTERS (2020) — dir. Michael Matthews
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emtardis · 4 years
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We know we gotta head west, right? Well, let’s just… do that
LOVE AND MONSTERS (2020) — dir. Michael Matthews
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emtardis · 4 years
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### SAME
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emtardis · 4 years
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emtardis · 4 years
So the last time I was here, it looks like my country was deciding if it wanted to vote for trump and set the place on fire.
Now I’m back, while we once again decide if we want to vote for trump and keep everything on fire.
Also, did we get the nipples back on this platform or nah?
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emtardis · 4 years
And it appears my last activities on here were back in....2016. 
My god...
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emtardis · 4 years
Holy crap....I didn’t think I even still had an account.
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emtardis · 8 years
living in europe and hearing about the usa elections thru social medias is wild cause you get to know the candidates only via memes. so you got Cool Granpa, Unhip Lady, racist piece of corn and. a serial killer?
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emtardis · 9 years
And thank you for judging all those couples and assuming you know their marriage dynamic. How do you know some of those dads aren’t staying at home and the wife insisted on taking care of the kids that meal so dad could have a break? How do you know she is taking charge for some reason other than ‘because she’s the woman and she’s supposed to.’
Thank you for diminishing the things women like me do out of love for our spouses after they’ve had a difficult day and wanting to give them a treat. Thank you for not appreciating and valuing the fact that some of us take over in some instances because we love our spouse and the arrangement was made prior to arrival at the public location.
Thanks for judging us wives as well as the men we love.
I get so annoyed when I observe willfully incompetent fathers. Last night my mom and I went to a restaurant that had a lot of families, and honestly, almost all of the dads I noticed were totally useless in their behavior. They mostly sat around and ate while the moms fed the kids, took the kids to the salad bar, refilled the kids’ drinks, cleaned the kids up, took the kids to the bathroom, entertained the kids, calmed the kids when they got fussy, etc. 
So then it bothers me when people act like it’s “cute” or worthy of a sitcom trope when dads are clueless…because the subsequent assumption is that it’s not a big deal because his wife or some other woman will let him off the hook and take over (as she “should” because women are made to be caregivers and assumed to be naturally nurturing)! There’s nothing amusing about a grown man refusing to do simple things for his own children and essentially forcing his wife (and/or other women in his life) to pick up his slack.
I just feel sorry for all of the women out there who do so much work that is not appreciated or valued. Women in general work so hard.
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emtardis · 9 years
Don’t have cable. Anyone know where the GOP 2016 Presidential debate may be accessible for live-stream??? 
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emtardis · 9 years
I haven’t been around very much, and I never was ‘the blog to follow.’ My little boy, Tyberius, took up all my time. And now my little boy has passed away, ten days after he met his precious little sister Olivia.
Please at least see his smile and smile with him. And if you don’t want to donate, at least share the link so others can share his smile. My little boy was so, so special. 
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emtardis · 10 years
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That is the question
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emtardis · 10 years
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Corgi Avengers
Cosplayers: Captain America - Omelette (omelettethecorgi.tumblr.com) Thor - Bebop (bebopthecorgi.tumblr.com) Iron Man - Barley (sanderscorgis.tumblr.com) Hulk - Twinkie Black Widow - Lucy (facebook.com/coppermarie.hixasaro) Nick Fury - Omelette’s mom Photographer: Mylene Aslarona (@lenejenius)
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emtardis · 10 years
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emtardis · 10 years
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To the Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughter - Video
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emtardis · 10 years
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