Gran Torino: Endeavor, are you okay? You haven’t been acting yourself.
Endeavor: Because I’ve started therapy. I’m surprised you thought I was okay, because it was very clear that I was not okay.
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Hey, I'm a bit bored, wanna share Etsune headcanons?
N'aww, anon !! Always !!! You know I love to talk about my favorite pair of partners in crime !
I wanted to get to it yesterday already, but there was a lot of work I still had to get through so in the end I couldn't make it, meep! But just wanted to let you know that I was still super happy to receive your request <3 💕❤️
I drew something for it once (it's older art tho) but I firmly believe that Etsuya carried a picture of Nene in his wallet for a long time, which eventually upgraded into a picture of her and their three sons in the future.
I like the idea of their texting styles being incredibly different from each other: Etsuya will send a short message like "how's your day going?" at noon and then, 10 hours later he gets an overly long message with perfect grammar and perfect spelling, formatted like a letter, back.
Etusya has fallen asleep with his head on her lap on multiple occasions already. (He was very embarrassed over it afterwards). More often he falls asleep on her shoulder though.
Nene is a fan of theatre and classical concerts & Etsuya often gifts her tickets to such events and even accompanies her to them a lot as well, even though he has little interest in them himself. (He likes seeing how happy they make her.)
They also enjoys taking walks together whenever they're free.
Etsuya likes playing with her hair. (It looks so smooth and silky, meep) He also kind off likes watching her brush her hair? Something about it is just such a serene, intimate sight to him that he just can't part his eyes from.
Sometimes they carry an almost identical judgmental or displeased expression. They're feared for that.
They aren't much of a PDA couple overall, but Etsuya does like to have his arm around Nene (or having it rest somewhere on her back) in public.
Nene often caresses his cheek, especially when she attempts to calm him down.
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My biggest pet peeve is when a story tells us something about a character that completely contradicts how they act. Bakugo is said to be a passionate young hero, yet he acts like a sadistic, unlikable weasel who displays no true heroic qualities, Kendo is apparently the mature big sister type for Class B but she spends a large chunk of her on-screen appearances beating on Monoma for a cheap gag, Aizawa is supposed to be a harsh but fair tough love teacher, but the way he treats his students and enables and coddles Bakugo feels more incompetent than anything else.
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the fact aizawa literally strangled monoma but never does shit abt bakugou who’s behavior is objectively worse rubs me the wrong way
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it’s been a while since i was invested in bnha but i remember when i first got into it and i wanted uraraka and iida to beat bakugou’s ass so badly lmao.
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I find it very concerning how bkdks say that Bakugo bullied Midoriya because he was put off by his selfless nature, as if that's a legitimate excuse for abusing somebody, and treating them like the scum of the earth for a decade.
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bakugou’s development is not telling people to kill themselves and that means we’re somehow supposed to love him now
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Things I would sue bakugou katsuki for:
Emotional trauma
Property damage
Illegal quirk usage
Quirkless discrimination
$u!c!de batting if izuku does end up committing
Feel free to add on
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Everytime I read "Bakugou bullied Izuku so the other bullies would ignore him and he did it softer than they would" in a fic I want to rip my eyes out because we all know Bakugou is the most privileged person in that class and therefore the ring leader
He was setting the target on his back, not lessening it you fuckers
It's at the same level as the "he wanted to protect him because he would d*e if he become a hero" and the "he regreted telling him to k himself immediately after the words left his mouth" tropes (wich are bullshit and making his abuse seem like caring btw)
The flexibility of one’s spine when it comes to defending a conventionally attractive abuser is fascinating and hilarious.
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Maybe I’m just a lesbian but when I look at Bakugou I don’t find him attractive lmao??? He’s just a fucking abuser and we all need to recognize that. He’s shit and y’all can call me a hypocrite all y’all fucking please cause I’ll admit Endeavor is one of my favorite characters. See the difference between us is that I don’t make excuses for a grown ass man. He abused his kids, drove his wife to a mental breakdown, and pretty much put a very dangerous villain down his path. Does that make me love him any less? No. Because I hold him accountable for his actions. See I have no problem with the Bakugou stans that can and will readily admit he’s a shitty person and isn’t perfect. I’m cool with y’all. I’ll admit the concept for his character is pretty neat. What I’m not ok with, is for those of you who GLORIFY this bastard and worship the ground he walks on. We need to recognize his behavior and treatment of Izuku for what it is. It’s not bullying, it’s abuse. I’m not asking you to stop liking him or hate him! That would be hypocritical of me. I’m simply asking for a PINCH of acceptance that he’s not perfect. Pls and thx.
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It's not like I hate bakugo or anything I just think he's a pathologically abusive pile of subhuman garbage
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Bakugou apologists take one goddamn thing they “INTERPRETED” from canon and stretch that shit for miles istg
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I couldn’t even make it past the first HALF of the first fucking sentence before questioning the sake of humanity.
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Chapter 319 spoilers (AKA Bakugou Chastising and concerns. It’s Long. You’ve Been Warned)
I first want to say this. This will probably be the only time I do a reaction like this. And to any mutuals that see this that are fans of Bakugou, I will not judge you or tell you to block me on that principle alone. I have come across wonderful people that do like him, and were not rude at all in their explaining of why they like him.
It’s just for me personally, given what’s happened in the past along with his past actions, nothing will convince me he is a good character, and this chapter in particular drove me insane that I had to vent out my frustrations.
Because how I’m seeing it, he plays a large chunk into causing the coming conflict.
(If you come at me with ‘OMG READ THE MANGA DUMBASS’ or ‘LOOK UP THIS THING CALLED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!’ Consider yourself blocked. Not interested.)
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Yes. You certainly know Midoriya best.
You, who thought that the quirkless nobody was looking down on you when you fell in a creak and was simply wishing to help you out.
You, who thought that the quirkless nobody actually HAD a quirk all along and was simply hiding it just to make you look stupid.
You, who is seen to “socialize” with two or three individuals “normally”, and none of them were Izuku. And even then, they’re the ones that are force to initiate contact.
You, who when you interact with Izuku, is only for your benefit of learning all about his quirk, or to belittle him, and never to try to know him as a person.
Yes, you CERTAINLY know Izuku best.
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1. Your catchphrase as a hero is “DIE!” and you howl and snap at the slightest thing that annoys you. You have NO room to judge on who’s insane.
2. You’re correct, Deku doesn’t have any self worth.
And who’s to blame for that, again? Do you even have the slightest clue?
3. I mean he trashed-talked Deku, he trashed-talked the other OFA users, HEY why not trash talk All Might too??? And while we’re at it, REDIRECT THE BLAME OF IZUKU’S LACK OF SELF-WORTH ONTO YOUR SUPPOSED IDOL!
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Jesus, he’s keeping that entire stupid name. You literally took Jeanist and Midnight’s advice and said “Fuck that”, didn’t you?
And thank you Horikoshi, for making sure that Yaoyorozu has no spine.
Jirou? Kaminari? Todoroki? You gonna tell this asshole to not shout at someone who’s been nothing but supportive to you? No? K.
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Truly, he’s had a plethora of Character Development. A far cry from how he was at the start of the series.
God you’re an asshole.
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This is unacceptable.
Midoriya’s first two friends blindly siding with his abuser.
This is hurtful to see.
Again, Bakugou, you have no goddamn room to mock Deku about being an All Might wannabe when your cringy ass name has “Might” in it. Sit down and shut the fuck up.
Also Iida, change his mind on what?!?!? No one asks him WHY he’s distanced himself or allowed him to explain! You all just showed up, with no indications that any of you are actually happy or relieved to see him alive, and essentially allowed Bakugou to turn it into an ultimatum!
This chapter’s name is called Friends. From the tone that I am seeing as of now, the title is false advertising.
Literally, how is it that we aren’t allowed to see anyone from 1-A happy to see Midoriya? Why isn’t anyone voicing a push to simply allow him to explain himself? Why is everyone on board for attacking a bruised and exhausted person, who they all called their friend? Why is no one acting like a goddamn hero and stepping in to help someone who clearly needs help?!?
Todoroki?!? Tokoyami?!? Asui?!?! Ashido?!? Shoji?!? Kirishima?!? Iida?!?
Jesus, maybe 320 will prove me wrong but this looks like it’s meant to simply serve as Deku vs Bakugou 3 featuring all 1-A students. And that’s so stupid that NOW is the time to do it.
Whoever wins or loses, Midoriya will be betrayed by the ones he’s struggling so hard to protect. If he wins, there’s nineteen people that will be wounded and in need of medical care while out in the rain. If loses, then he’s reliving his entire childhood again, only this time, with his ‘friends’.
With fucking Bakugou leading the charge again.
I’m sorry but this chapter highlights why Bakugou continues to remain a stagnant character despite what so many people claim. And he once again shows he has no regard for anyone other than himself, especially Midoriya.
You know how he could have shown he was concerned for Midoriya? By not getting involved directly. Deku joined the others in saving Bakugou, but he prompted Kirishima to be the one to reach out and save him, the one person who Bakugou had an iota of respect for.
Bakugou could have prompted something similar. Either not be with the group at all, or join but only to be there on the off chance things go sideways. And he would allow only Iida, Todoroki and Uraraka to be the ones to talk to him, to reach out for him, to help him. Because he is self-aware that he is not good with emotions and that Deku needs help.
But fuck that! Get the whole gang to go after one person to attack, apprehend and drag him back with them against his will.
Sound familiar?
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How no one else realizes this is a mystery.
Again, maybe 320 will prove otherwise, but all I can say is…I am not happy with how this turning out. And given how anything with Bakugou as the main focus usually twists in whatever way possible to make sure HE looks good, I will only continue to hate him even more.
If you are at this point, thank you for putting up with this. I am just… tired of this character. He continues to warp and ruin so many aspects of the story and he doesn’t bring anything important or interesting to the table. He destroys his own character development by himself. And he continues to prove why he has NO real business in being a hero or a main character.
To this day, he remains a spiteful, narcissistic, condescending bully that gets joy in harming others, especially Midoriya.
Fuck this character, Hori should’ve killed him when he had the chance.
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Todoroki is probably the worst person for Bakugo to fight(aside from Deku). His flames would cause the nitroglycerin to explode while still on his body, harming him. Ice? Well, it is a lot harder to sweat when you’re freezing, making Bakugo’s explosions weaker. In no way should Bakugo have won against Todoroki in the Sport’s Festival. Shouto’s a perfect counter, but they love making Blasty OP with all the plot armor. He doesn’t even have to work hard to win, he just does even when he really shouldn’t.
Like his fight at ground beta. Deku should’ve absolutely kicked Bakugo’s ass. I honestly think he just let him win to help him sort out his emotions. That would be incredibly in character for Midoriya to do for someone.
But seriously, Bakugo should not win every single fight he’s in. He’s not perfect, despite what he likes to think, and he needs to lose. Seriously, he is in no way more powerful than Todoroki or Midoriya.
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Can Bakugo's bullying PLEASE come to light in the next chapter? I don't ask for much other than Midoriya finally snapping at him.
And I don't want some half-assed apology from Bakugo either. I want him to take ACTUAL responsibility for everything he did, other than a meek little "I bullied him", which is hella unspecific and doesn't give the full story.
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Once again asking people posting Percy negative opinions in the percy tag to not post them.
Everytime I hear someone say "Percy left his family"
Like fine even if I accept that you know Percy was bad, horrible whatsover, what about his dad, siblings not attempting to reach out?
Sigh and every time someone brings up the fact that Percy shud have taken Harry's side since he "knows" him, I remind you of Seamus.
Idk man I'm tired.
yes thats it. Thats the post.
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Precious little darlings 💙
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