book addicts are the addicts who are most willing to admit that they have a problem, because we all know we don’t have that shit under control 
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Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away ten vintage paperback classics by James Joyce, George Eliot, John Steinbeck, William Golding, Ray Bradbury, and others. Won’t these look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) reblog this post and 2) be following macrolit. (Yes, we will check. :P) We will randomly choose a winner on February 15, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!
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Top 10 Favorite Stephen King Books
Ok, so over the past 8 years or so, I have read 32 Stephen King books (yes I keep track :D).  And so I thought I would share my top 10 favorite Stephen King books.  Granted, this list is subject to change as I read more of his books.  Anyways, here we go!
10.  Joyland
-This book is set in a theme park.  A fairly easy read.  Not too long.  It has a huge twist (I think) in the end as to who the bad guy is, which I found intriguing.
9.  The Tommyknockers
-Spaceships.  Aliens.  Humans who gain extraordinary powers/become extremely intelligent from said space ship.  Pretty long book, a little hard to get hooked on, but once I got going, I couldn’t stop.  Good read.
8.  The Talisman
-A young boy travels throughout 2 different worlds (on his own), in search of an object to help his sick mother.  Befriends some interesting characters, conquers many obstacles, both odd and fascinating.  I don’t want to give anything away, but a very good read.
7.  Firestarter
-A young couple sign up to be a part of an experiment in exchange for some money.  They receive extraordinary powers.  They have a child who also ends up with very intense extraordinary powers.  The government hears of child with extraordinary powers and pursues her believing she is dangerous.  Story thus continues as such.  Very good read.
6.  The Mist
-People are living their regular, ordinary lives, when an eerie, overly thick mist starts to appear.  When the mist gets too close, bad things happen.  Mutant animals appear and attack.  People must learn how to survive against this strange new unknown.  Again, don’t want to give too much away.  Very creepy, but a great read.
5.  Christine
-Boy needs car.  Finds a fixer upper.  Spends what seems like an insane amount of time fixing car up.  Boy meets girl.  Boy takes girl out on date in fixed up car.  Car comes alive.  Car becomes jealous.  Car goes on killing spree.  Boy has conflicting feelings about car.  Pretty creepy.  I really enjoyed reading this book.
4.  Carrie
-A socially awkward girl with amazing telepathic powers.  Unpopular.  Raised by crazy, very religious and strict mother.  Gets asked to dance by the most popular guy in school.  Gets crowned queen of dance.  Gets made fun of nevertheless.  Gets revenge on those who have wronged her using her telepathic powers.  Definitely got my heart racing.
3.  It
-A crazy, psychopathic clown goes on a crazy killing spree.  A band of young kids unite to try and stop the clown.  Do they succeed?  I thought this was very, very creepy.  A bit of a long read, but definitely worth it.  If you are afraid of clowns already, probably not the right read for you.  But if you aren’t, it’s very worth your while.
2.  The Shining
-A young man gets an opportunity to work at a hotel during the winter season doing maintenance.  The hotel is closed for the winter, so it’s just him, his wife, and their young son.  This gives the man a chance to work on his next story (he is an author).  Man becomes crazy.  Son has a second identity of sorts that tells him bad things.  Father tries to kill his own family.  Will the mother and son escape?  Very chilling and thrilling story.
Honorable Mentions
-Salem’s Lot.  The Dead Zone.  Mr. Mercedes.  The Running Man.  Pet Sematary.  Misery.  The Dark Tower Series.  I honestly could go on an on here.  But these are just a few suggestions to explore.
1.  The Long Walk
-A group of 100 young boys are chosen at random to compete in a race.  In this race, all they have to do is walk.  Just walk.  Walk until there is only one boy left.  They have to walk at a steady pace.  If they fall behind the set pace, they are killed.  If they get over 3 warnings of either stopping/going off course/not following the races rules in some way, they get killed.  The boys walk for days.  They walk in their sleep.  They are given daily food rations and water refills as needed.  They walk for hundreds of miles.  Friendships are made, encouragements are given, but is that enough?  What will it take to win?  This was a really easy read for me.  I finished it in less than 5 days.  One of the very few Stephen King books that actually chilled me to the bone.  Very, very well done.
So, these are my current top 10 favorite Stephen King books.  Like I said, this list is subject to change as I continue to read more of his books.  Also, please remember, this is just one single person’s opinion of favorite Stephen King books.  Everyone has their own opinions, and I truly understand and realize that.  I just wanted to share my own opinion.  Thank you for listening and I hope this has intrigued you, at least somewhat.  If you haven’t read any of these titles, every one is a good one.  If anyone has any suggestions of a title that I didn’t mention, I would LOVE to hear them!!  Thank you!  
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Стивън Кинг Очите на Дракона // Stephen King The Eyes of the Dragon
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Carrie by Guy Stauber / Facebook / Twitter / Tumblr / Instagram  
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What is the Stephen King month?
Well, it’s basically a month of reading Stephen King books! I’ve been meaning to do something like this for some time now and finally decided to just go with it. And what month would be better suited for this than October, the month of Halloween?
Are there any rules?
Nope. Not a single one. Everyone can join this, no matter wether they’re a die-hard King fan or have never read a word written by him before. This is also different from your usual readalong/readathon in the way that I want this to be an absolutely pressure-free event - there will be no fixed list of books to read within a fixed amount of time, everyone is free to read whichever and as many books as they want. If you’re planning on reading just a short story or something you’re just as welcome to join as if you’re planning on rereading your entire King collection. You absolutely don’t have to make this a month of reading nothing but Stephen King books if you don’t want to, this is supposed to just be a fun, relaxed event for everyone to enjoy the way they want to. I will probably post a list of my favourite King books before the reading event starts, so if you’re a newbie to King books and have no idea where to even start, don’t be afraid! I’ll recommend you a few and maybe some other people will do this as well so you can take part in this.
But I really enjoy reading books together with other people!
If a lot of you want to this, we can of course try to vote on a book for all of us to read together or something. You can also post a list of books you’d be interested in reading together with someone else and then pair up with anyone who wants to read the same book(s). I will also post my tbr shortly before October starts so you’re more than welcome to read some books with me, if you want to! 
What should I do to join?
Read something written by Stephen King in October and tag your reading updates, photos, reviews, etc. with #stephenkingmonth so everyone taking part can see them. That’s it! I’ll follow all of your updates on Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter. Please also remember to tag any spoilers when posting reading updates as other people taking part in this might not have read the book you’re talking about yet. If you’ve got any other questions, just ask me!
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Carrie, 1976.
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King Posters by Nick Tassone
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Fiction is the truth inside the lie.
Stephen King (via thatlitsite)
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