endless-turnabouts · 1 year
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Smiles to protect: His
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endless-turnabouts · 1 year
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………hello stranger, I hope you don’t mind but my brain grabbed this and BOLTED into the stratosphere with it so if you're okay with it here have some brain rot for Turnabout Memories and some extras because originally I was going to cover the trilogy fully but it kept getting longer so here we go-
still mentally debating When exactly Phoenix gets sent back, but I've got it narrowed down to either 1) some time in the middle of T&T or 2) after his disbarment
bottom line is this Phoenix is Stressed As Fuck A Much More Jaded Than Feenie Is
he's freaking the fuck out over Everything about Dahlia/Iris and trying to decide the best course of action because he Really doesn't want an innocent person dying again but also doesn't want to die himself or risk putting himself in a position where he doesn't cross paths with Mia because there's so many things he can fix now
with Doug, maybe he ends up pulling him off to the side far away and safe from Dahlia so they can actually talk, maybe dragging him back to his dorm, and while Doug is at first a little on edge and skeptical Phoenix just pulls out this whole ass binder of everything he's been able to find over the past few days. I'm talking records on the Fawles Case, the Kidnapping Case before that, Diego's poisoning, the necklace, everything that Phoenix could feasibly have access to at this point in time
how much sleep has he gotten? not important, right now they need to get Dahlia and he finally has the last pieces of evidence needed to Get Her Ass
see: Doug's testimony and his Now Poisoned Cold Medicine
(and ofc, as he's laying all this out Doug is slowly loosing his mind because Okay I Knew She Was Probably Doing Something Sketchy But What The Fuck What The Fuck What The FUCK HOW ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS SHE JUST TRIED TO MURDER YOU AND ACCORDING TO THIS SHE'S POSSIBLY A SERIAL KILLER DUDE-)
so off to court they go with a still somewhat shellshocked Doug dragging behind him, and who ends up being the prosecutor? Miles Mother Fucking Edgeworth
Phoenix is starting to think the universe might not like him
Edgeworth ofc has no idea what to do since....... of all the ways he thought he would meet Wright in person, this was definitely not it. He also gets some HARD whiplash at just how...... Different Phoenix is, despite how much the other guy is trying to play it off. There's a weight behind his eyes that wasn't there before and Edgeworth Isn't Fully Sure How To Feel About It
definitely almost looses it when he learns Why Exactly Phoenix got involved in this case and just how close he was to apparently almost dying
when Phoenix gets called up to the witness stand and the cross examination makes the mistake of asking how he came to this conclusion and he whips the binder out again and explains Everything. He accidentally takes Edgeworth's job because he gets really into walking everyone though everything
ends up getting asked if he's a prosecutor or detective but hits them with the "no I'm studying to be a defence attorney :D"
Dahlia also flips her shit and starts absolutely tearing into him out of sheer desperation but much to everyone's mild concern Phoenix is Completely Unaffected (at least externally) by what she's saying
Mia was in the gallery watching the whole trial and when it's over she practically pounces on Phoenix to try and get him to be her mentee, if very surprised when he starts crying a bit but is happy when he very excitedly agrees
a Concept: phoenix waking up in the past as his 21-year-old self
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endless-turnabouts · 1 year
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Exhaustion be like
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endless-turnabouts · 1 year
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I Just Think They're Neat
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endless-turnabouts · 1 year
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I think they’re neat :>
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endless-turnabouts · 1 year
I mean in fairness I feel like most people would be a better lawyer than one or both of them after like a week of schooling if we're talking real-world qualifications
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endless-turnabouts · 1 year
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He’s Just A Guy
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