Logging out of my mobile account.
I’ll never be able to get back in.
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Oh yeah no, the fact that no one has actually replied to me all day is NOT feeding into my neurotic, deep seeded fear that everyone hates me and I’m an annoying fuckhead who should just hunker down and not talk to anyone ever again.
Heh heh. It’s fine.
NOOOOO the logical side of my brain is not trying to tamp that down with “its Election Day and everyone is anxious, and everyone is taking care of themselves and it has NOTHING to do with you!”
She hasn’t said that on repeat at all!
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This blog has always a place that I drop my rage.
Especially when I’ve been going back to save my archive...it’s just rage.
Well-here is another installment from the Rage Monster.
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This is my new blog that I can access everywhere!! Please follow me over there if you care!
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*sigh* hello.
So, this is my new blog.
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I’m pretty peeved I needed to make it and upset about the content and memories that were lost in my other blog which I am locked out of. Apparently I had two-factor login on and when I got a new phone, it didn’t update on my Authenticator app and I could not log into tumblr, since I did not have the code.
Since tumblr is likely run by a bunch of 13-year-old unpaid interns (according to @lilacsolanum​ and I think they’re right) they can’t get me back in, despite me being able to prove that I own the linked accounts. 
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I have created this blog so that I can continue to escape the horrors of the world on tumblr instead of Twitter, which is too real at times. I don’t follow real things on here so I just frolic in ignorant bliss. 
I don’t have any art or anything to contribute, only sass, complaints, and some mediocre writing skills. This place has served as my online journal since 2009 and I plan on continuing that. 
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I am fed up with the media nowadays
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So, I am faced with either losing everything on this blog and moving or continuing to bother Tumblr @staff about please helping me just export things or break their security protocols (which they won’t.)
I have memories on there. It will be deleted when this goes inactive. Memories from years that I had a tough time and tumblr was the only place that I could go. Memories from good tumblr times.
The crux of the problem is that the tumblr app doesn’t access security settings- only the desktop does. If the app did, I could reset my 2nd-step login. But it doesn’t.
Goodbye. I’ll try to update anyone still trolling on here who care.
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So I am locked out of my Tumblr on everything but my phone.
I’ve tried support but they didn’t apparently understand what I wanted and now are ignoring me.
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So! The only thing I can think of doing is trying to download my archive and/or change this username and then start again.
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