enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
High protein bircher muesli
When doing a lot of training or exercise, it’s important eat enough protein to support muscle growth and repair. Getting enough protein is a great way to kick start the recovery process.   
Many people eat enough protein over the day, but tend to eat it mostly in the evening meals.
It’s a good idea to spread out your protein intake evenly throughout all of your meals – starting with Breakfast!
I love making bircher muesli for breakfast. It’s quick and easy to make and a perfect meal for busy athletes who need a nutritious grab-and-go solution to fuel them well.
High protein bircher muesli
Author: Gemma
Recipe type: Breakfast
1 apple, cored & grated (leave skin on)
½ cup milk
1 sachet Healthspan Elite unflavoured whey protein isolate (36g)
1 Tbsp sultanas
1 Tbsp chopped almonds
1 tsp cinnamon
½ cup (40g) rolled oats
Combine all ingredients together in a bowl and leave to soak overnight.
Serve cold, add extra fruit or yoghurt if desired.
Happy training!
Source: http://dietitianwithoutborders.com/high-protein-bircher-muesli/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
Kyrie Irving to Star in Commercial for Vegan Burgers - LIVEKINDLY
NBA point guard for the Boston Celtics, Kyrie Irving, will soon appear in a commercial for vegan brand Beyond Meat, the Los Angeles Times reports.
The food company is set to announce partnerships with NBA players that regularly enjoy the brand’s Beyond Burger after games, including Irving. The Celtics point guard has previously sported Beyond Meat merchandise on the court.
The California-based company makes burger patties, sausages, and chicken strips out of pea protein. Its Beyond Burger is said to look, cook, and taste like conventional beef and even “bleeds,” thanks to the use of beet juice.
The contact with Beyond Meat began when Irving mentioned his new vegan diet, which he adopted during the 2017 off season, in an interview. The food brand reached out and offered to send him samples.
“I was noticing that I wasn’t able to recover as fast after games and workouts,” he said. “I did a lot of research and learned that my diet could be a factor.”
The change improved his performance, according to the athlete himself. Speaking to NBA Countdown, Irving said he “had to get away” from animal products. “So my energy is up. My body feels amazing,” the 26-year-old said.
Irving later advertized the benefits of plant-based eating in a commercial for Nike. In the ad, the basketball player is shown dribbling a ball around a court and making an impressive shot. “How’d you do that?” someone asks. Irving responds, “Simple. Plant-based diet.”
Including plant-powered athletes in campaigns could prove largely beneficial in getting people to leave meat off their plates.
“They have the power to change the world,” Beyond Meat’s CEO Ethan Brown said to the LA Times. “I don’t know if they really feel that way yet, but it’s true. They have the opportunity to influence an entire generation of kids to eat healthier and help save the environment.”
NBA star JaVale McGee, of the Golden State Warriors, has credited a plant-based diet for his improved athletic performance. Promising NBA candidate Michael Porter Jr. ditched animal products to heal his back injury, whilst Portland Trail Blazers’ Damian Lillard dropped 10 pounds by going vegan.
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Kyrie Irving to Star in Commercial for Vegan Burgers
Vegan NBA point guard for the Celtics Kyrie Irving, who ditched meat for his health, will appear in a commercial for plant-based meat brand Beyond Meat.
Jemima Webber
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Source: https://www.livekindly.co/kyrie-irving-star-commercial-vegan-burgers/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
6 Business Ideas for Low-Cost Startups in the UK - The Good Men Project
For most people, driving down the entrepreneurial lane, and starting a business is a dream come true. A lot of factors prevent so many people from realizing this dream. It could be personal problems, cost of setting it up, or the fear of failure. What is the best business to start in 2019? Despite the economic upheavals, small businesses are still flourishing, and if you like to join the train, you’re welcome aboard. This article will discuss low-cost startup biz ideas anyone can start.
As a would-be-entrepreneurs, we assure you that you’ll find answers bothering you about setting up biz, whether offline or online. The search for a great business idea can be likened to students that need essay help and search everywhere effortlessly to find it. Until they realize they need to use essay help by Edubirdie before they can end their search. While you were in school, you approached essay writing uniquely and devoted more time to it. You can do the same for the business you intend starting. Below are some low-cost startup ideas to inspire you.
1. Plant-based food business
In 2019, everyone is going “green.” In other words, the focus has shifted from an animal-based diet to plant-based foods. People are more conscious about their health, so they became interested in what they eat, where it comes from, how it is processed, and the effects it has on their body system. Plant-based food is increasingly adopted by millions all over the world as its sole source of food. This is an excellent avenue to make some bucks. So why not evaluate it just like you do in an essay review?
2. Borrow my stuff business
If you are still considering the best business to start this year, you should take a look at this promising and unsaturated sector of business. There are a lot of people in the UK that have more than enough possessions, and if you are one of them, you can make some money from borrowing your stuff. This idea was derived from the fact that most people appreciate the idea of living a life with fewer material possessions.
For example, a car hire service known as Zipcar allows you to use a car packed in your neighborhood for as long as you need it. Borrowing is better than owning because it will enable you to enjoy life on less. You can lend out your available properties and even pets regularly on classified ad site and make some money.
3. Plastic recycling business
Eco-friendly business ideas are still fresh as they were years ago. You can set up a bakery business where you use only biodegradable packs and compostable cups. People now prefer to buy from companies that are conscious of their environment. It shows they care for their customers too. You can join the train to saving the planet just like many brands are doing. 
4. Digital detox
Most of us are addicted to our smartphones, and it’s not a good thing, especially for our health. If presented with the opportunity, many would love to monitor the amount of time they spend surfing the internet and playing games on their phone. This is a great business idea. Isn’t it?
Google and Apple have set the pace by rolling out dashboards that help us manage our screen time. The good news is that the door is open to all, and other companies are also assisting people in reducing their screen time effectively. A new startup, as well as those thinking of what business to start, can leverage this opportunity as it doesn’t cost much to help others manage their time. 
5. Online consultancy and coaching business
This is an evergreen idea because more people now prefer doing business online than the conventional face to face style of the biz. You can leverage on video links, a website, and a chatbox to do just any kind of biz online. From a doctor’s appointment to pet borrowing or swapping, the sky is the limit for what business to start online. 
6. Pet grooming/care
2019 is a promising year for pets in the UK as pet owners live increasingly busier lives. Hence, they are increasingly conscious of the quality of care their pets get in their absence. They want the best for them and are ready to pay good money to anyone that will genuinely pamper their pets. There is space for entrepreneurs to fit into in this biz.
You can draw inspiration from these suggestions if you are finding it challenging to decide on the best startup biz idea in 2019. These business ideas are evergreen, and they require just a little capital to bring them to reality.
This content is sponsored by Sully Davis.
Photo: Shutterstock
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Source: https://goodmenproject.com/business-ethics-2/6-business-ideas-for-low-cost-startups/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
Do I need to hit a fat target? I'm skinny and don't want to lose fat
Being skinny, and NOT wanting to lose weight, do I need to try hit a daily fat target, or just protein?
In other words, the KetoGains Calculator suggests I need to be eating 2209 kcals on lifting days. Is this important? Or is it just important that I'm eating enough protein?
Comments on my last post suggest hitting a fat target is unnecessary, but this would suggest hitting my calorie target is unnecessary, and I need to be in a caloric surplus, not deficit. Or is this not correct?
2209 kcal
131 g protein (1g per lean lbs bodyweight)
20g carbs
179g fat, to get my calories to 2209. 12 tbsp fat. That seems a lot.
I weigh 142 lbs
8-10% bodyfat
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ketogains/comments/awtjcn/do_i_need_to_hit_a_fat_target_im_skinny_and_dont/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
Saudi-Arabien gesteht: „Khashoggi tragischerweise während seiner Ermordung gestorben“
Nach den Vorwürfen rund um das Verschwinden von Jamal Khashoggi macht Saudi-Arabien reinen Tisch: Demnach ist der Journalist tragischerweise während seiner Ermordung unerwartet zu Tode gekommen. Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman kündigte eine umfassende Untersuchung an, um zu klären, wie die staatlich angeordnete Ermordung des Journalisten so ein tragisches Ende nehmen konnte.
RIAD — „Wir wollten ihn einfach nur foltern, erschießen, zerstückeln und in Säure auflösen. Dabei hat Herr Khashoggi leider Verletzungen erlitten, die schlussendlich zum Tod führten“, so Mohammed bin Salman. „Wir werden alles tun, um dieses grausame, unmenschliche Verbrechen aufzuklären. Ich werde den Schuldigen persönlich zur Rechenschaft ziehen und foltern, erschießen, zerstückeln und in Säure auflösen.“
Aus aller Welt kommt harsche Kritik, auch aus Österreich. Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz ist entsetzt: „In einer Demokratie werden Journalisten nicht ermordet, sondern mit Inseraten gekauft oder öffentlich eingeschüchtert.“
Innenminister Kickl hingegen will nicht voreilig urteilen: „Man kann den arabischen Raum nicht mit Österreich vergleichen. Eine gefestigte Demokratie, wie wir es hierzulande haben, hält sicher die eine oder andere Zerstückelung eines Journalisten aus.“
Frankreich, Deutschland und Großbritannien wollen den Vorfall bei der Preisverhandlung für die nächsten Waffendeals „in aller Deutlichkeit“ zur Sprache bringen. Auch Österreich will zwar weiterhin humane Waffen an Saudi-Arabien verkaufen. Allerdings zeigt sich die WKO pikiert darüber, dass bei Khashoggis Ermordung keine hochwertigen österreichischen Splittergranaten eingesetzt wurden.
Source: https://dietagespresse.com/saudi-arabien-khashoggi-tragischerweise-waehrend-ermordung-gestorben/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
Low Carb Conferences – Low Carb Denver 2020
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New venue at the Sheraton Denver Downtown in the heart of the city
Travel to the mountains afterwards for skiing, snowboarding and networking
Event organized by Dr Jeff Gerber (Denver’s Diet Doctor) and Dr Rod Tayler (Low Carb Down Under)
When: Thursday, March 12th at 6:00pm (MST) through Sunday, March 15th at 5:00 PM (MST)
Where: Sheraton Denver Downtown, 1550 Court Place, Denver, Colorado 80202 USA
Full Event Registration: Early Bird $360 +3% service charge (Regular $520). Prices won’t be better! (includes live stream)
Online Live Stream: Available to purchase beginning January, 2020 (live and recorded)
Group Discount Hotel Rooms: $179/night +15.75% sales tax (no additional resort fees). Book Early as supply is limited!
General Public Invited: Also the scientific community, policymakers and healthcare professionals
Healthcare Professionals: Continuing Medical Education (CME) included with full event registration
Smart Name Badges: Opt-in using smart app to securely scan, share contact info, interact, submit questions for Q&A
Poster Presentations: Now Accepting Abstracts. See below
Vendors/Exhibitors: Please Submit a Request. See below
Main event page: Low Carb Denver 2020 Conference
Hashtags: #LCD20 #LowCarbDenver #LowCarbConferences
Register and Purchase TicketsSheraton Downtown Hotel Booking
Click on head shots to learn more about our confirmed presenters
Many more to be added!
We invite you to Low Carb Denver 2020. This is now our fifth year and growth continues! We are adding many new speakers along with some of the regulars, bringing you fresh and interesting topics, poster presentations, Q&A sessions and our famous Five Minutes of Fame session.
The conference is open to all including the general public, health, nutrition and fitness enthusiasts, the scientific community, policymakers and healthcare professionals. Our content continues to address the latest science, research, evidence, clinical and practical approaches. Another great opportunity to learn, meet distinguished guests, network, socialize and enjoy!
For healthcare professionals, application for CME credit will be filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. If you are a non-physician healthcare professional we understand that many organizations accept AAFP prescribed credit/AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™. Please check with your organization regarding educational credit. Our content continues to address the latest science, research, evidence and clinical approaches. In previous years 18 to 20 hours of CME credit have been approved with an average of 30 scientific sessions.
AAFP Prescribed credit is accepted by the American Medical Association as equivalent to AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™ toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award.
CME Learning Objectives
Confirmed presenters to date
Many more to be added!
Poster Presentations:
We are Now Accepting Poster Presentation Abstracts. Abstracts may be submitted here. Thanks for your interest in presenting a poster. We are looking for topics related to health, diet and lifestyle. We would prefer presentations that are evidence based and comply with CME requirements. If accepted, your presentation may be included in the application for healthcare professional CME credits based on the content. Typical poster size is 36H”x48W”. We will be in contact after receiving your abstract.
The meeting kicks off on Thursday evening March 12, 2020 from 6-9pm with registration and welcome reception located in the Plaza Exhibitor/Pre-Function area of the event center. Presentations on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
We are holding our event at the Sheraton Denver Downtown which houses one of the larger conference spaces in the city. As our event continues to grow finding dates and space large enough to accommodate the group becomes challenging. Last year’s event was held at the Gaylord Rockies adjacent to the airport. It was a wonderful resort, but many attendees requested a downtown venue. The Sheraton is undergoing a huge interior renovation and update which should be ready in time for our event. The hotel along with the downtown location will accommodate our group nicely. Coffee, tea and water will be provided during the conference plus vendor food samples along with the many food options around the downtown area. Locals and out-of-town guests will definitely enjoy the experience.
The Whole Foods at Union Station plus many dining options can be found nearby in the updated Union Station and Waterfront sections of town. There are many other downtown dining choices within walking distance from the hotel or via the the 16th Street Free Mall Ride shuttle.
Accommodation options at Sheraton Downtown Denver
Single/Double occupancy including king or double queen. Book Early as Supply is Limited! Group discounted rates $179/night +15.75% sales tax (no additional resort fees). Triple/Quad occupancy, $20.00 additional charge per person/night. Free Wi-Fi in hotel room, common spaces including the event center for internet access during the conference! Good cellular service throughout the hotel. Daily parking rates $30/day for self-parking. If you need to contact the hotel refer to the group discount code “LCALCAR”.
Travel Between the Airport and Sheraton Downtown Denver
30 minute ride via Uber or Lyft, cost ~$30. Another option is the RTD’s A Line, 35 minute ride, cost $10.50 between the DIA airport and Denver Union Station. From Union station grab the 16th Street Free Mall Ride shuttle that stops right in front of the Sheraton at Tremont and 16th Street ~10 minutes.
Register and Purchase TicketsSheraton Downtown Hotel Booking
Situated in the heart of the city, Sheraton Denver Downtown gives travelers easy access to the best of the Denver. Ideally located on the popular 16th Street Mall, a mile-long pedestrian promenade brimming with shopping, dining, nightlife and entertainment, our hotel places the city at your fingertips. Nearby attractions beckon; catch a game at Coors Field, experience an exhibit at The Denver Art Museum or enjoy a family trip to the Denver Zoo. Arrive with ease – the light rail is close by – then settle into our upscale guest rooms and suites, each with our signature Sheraton Sleep Experience Bed, high-speed Wi-Fi and sweeping views of the city and mountains. Enjoy an abundance of hotel amenities including a heated outdoor rooftop pool, 5,000 square foot Sheraton Fitness Center, on-site business center and multiple dining options, including Hacienda Colorado and Yard House.
Vendors and Exhibitors
Please Submit a Request to be a Vendor/Exhibitor here.
Thanks for submitting your request to be a Vendor/Exhibitor. We are expecting over 1000 registrations and have a spacious conference room with a huge Vendor/Exhibitor area outside the main conference room to accommodate everyone. This will provide ample opportunity to showcase your products and services.
Thursday night reception will also be held in the same Vendor/Exhibitor space, providing another great opportunity to meet with the audience. We will be using smart badge scanning technology with an app that includes Lead Capture allowing to easily generate lists of people interested in your products and services.
We will provide more detail after receiving your request.
Join us in the mountains after the conference
For those of you interested in traveling to the mountains for snow sports, the after-party and continuing discussions, we are heading up to Vail on Monday March 16 and staying there till Saturday. The drive is ~2 ½ hours. Car rentals and mountain shuttles are available. A group shuttle might be in order. Let us know if you want to join us.
Multiple Day Lift Ticket Discounts (Purchase Early as prices increase and sale ends early season)
Coordinate your plans and chat with others on our FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LowCarbConferences/
Register and Purchase TicketsSheraton Downtown Hotel Booking
Check back here for all the latest conference details or here: http://lowcarbconferences.com
Join our Low Carb Conferences FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LowCarbConferences/
All the Low Carb Denver 2020 conference related posts can be found here: https://denversdietdoctor.com/category/low-carb-Denver-2020/
Please subscribe to Denver’s Diet Doctor: https://denversdietdoctor.com/subscribe/
For all inquiries please contact us
Look forward to seeing you!
Dr Jeff Gerber and Dr Rod Tayler co-organizers Low Carb Conferences
Source: https://denversdietdoctor.com/low-carb-conferences-low-carb-denver-2020/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
How fasting may prevent obesity-related insulin resistance
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
How I Dealt With Losing My Job With No Warning After Just 1 Month
A month into a new position I found myself unexpectedly unemployed. It was a Thursday morning, and I was called into my new boss’s office. I was expecting to speak about my current performance, and out of nowhere, I was told to pack my things and leave the building. The only explanation I was given was “you aren’t fulfilling the needs of the role.” There was no warning, no meetings or writeup beforehand regarding my performance in the position.
So, on a Thursday afternoon, I found myself jobless. My head was spinning with everything this meant. “My bills, my new car lease, moving in July, student loans, savings…..what do I do?”
I quickly realized that finding a job that fits you is a lot like dating. You have kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince (or princess) charming. So back to the pond I am going. Trust me: I am no stranger to the stressors of being without an income. I have had a few periods in my work history of unemployment. During those times, I was able to develop 9 tips that have helped me make the most of my time of unemployment.
1. Have an emergency account
It wasn’t until last year when I discovered TFD that I knew about the importance of having an emergency fund. Sure, I had savings, kinda. But nothing dedicated to the “what ifs” in life. My partner and I now have an emergency fund that we have dedicated to building over the last year. We started by transferring $1,000 from our checking account into a new savings account, and from there, we set up an automatic transfer of $100 a month ($50 from each paycheck) into our emergency account. Then we don’t touch it, no matter what. A little short for vacation money? Too bad — no funds are coming out of the emergency fund.
Having the emergency fund is like having a safety net under the tight rope you’re walking. You hope you won’t need it, but when you do, you are so happy it’s there. Many people suggest having at least three months of expenses in your emergency account, but for my own life, I keep five months of expenses saved. Unemployment is unpredictable, and last time I was unemployed, it lasted five months. The more you have saved, the greater peace of mind you will have.
2. Get to know your state’s unemployment benefits
Now, this one was a big pill for my ego to swallow. I was very reluctant to apply for unemployment. I thought, “People like me don’t do that” — but guess what? We do. Unemployment benefits are there to help you during this transitional time. It’s not forever, and it doesn’t mean you failed. Applying for unemployment benefits is your right as a tax-paying citizen. It just means you are taking care of yourself during this awkward time.
3. Look at your budget, or make a budget
Your income has changed, and therefore your money output has to change. Look at your budget — maybe you can’t go out to eat three times a week anymore. Look at what you spend on consistently, and make adjustments. This doesn’t mean depriving yourself; it just means adjusting your spending to your needs.
4. Create a 9-5 schedule
Just because you’re not going to work 9-5 doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be working. Keeping yourself on an “office hours” schedule will help you feel productive. I never realized how deeply my self-esteem was tied to having a job. I used to be the gal at work who would joke about wishing to go home as soon as possible, but now that I am unemployed, all I want is to go to work. By keeping a 9-5 schedule and filling it with tasks that keep me productive and learning, I am able to keep my self-esteem high and myself from spiraling into negativity.
5. Avoid the binge-watching trap
Binge-watching feels good after a full workweek, but it often makes you feel lazy and unaccomplished if it’s what you do every day. Avoid turning on the TV until after your 9-5 schedule. Make binge-watching your favorite TV show a reward for a hard day’s work — not a hobby.
6. Set time for meditations, job searches, and learning
During that 9-5 schedule, these are my three important tasks to do every day:
Meditate: being unemployed can really wreak havoc on your self-esteem. You could easily fall down the negativity rabbit hole. Meditation can put a stop to that; take a moment to be present. It helps — I promise!
Apply for jobs: Schedule 2-3 hours a day to hit the pavement (or internet) to apply for jobs, post your resume, make calls, network. Of course, job searching is a large part of unemployment, but don’t let it consume you all day every day (that’s a one-way ticket to negativity land). Block out time for it in your daily schedule.
Learning something new: Remember all the times you said, “If I had more time, I would learn X”? Guess what? You’ve got the time now. Use it.
7. YouTube is your friend
Don’t know how to meditate? There is a YouTube channel for that. Want to learn a new skill? There is a YouTube channel for practically anything you want to learn. Take time to search the internet to find resources to help you develop/learn new skills.
8. Stay social
It is so important to stay connected to your friends and family during your time of unemployment. As mentioned before, unemployment can be a time of negativity, and low self-esteem can sneak up on you. Work is a place where most of us get our social interactions during the week. That is why unemployment can feel so isolating. Talk to your friends and family, and make plans. Be honest with them about your finical situation, and offer low-cost or free alternatives to what you usually do together. Go to the park, go on a hike, have a movie night, game night, find meetups in your community. Your friends and family want you around, and I am positive that if you are honest about your needs, they will adjust their plans.
9. Stay active/go outside
The fresh air and new scenery will do you good. Staying physically active has endless benefits, physically, mentally and emotionally. Put it in your 9-5 schedule.
Ultimately, unemployment doesn’t last forever. Take this time to focus on yourself. Take the time to learn, grow, kiss a few frogs, and find the job that best fits you.
Deena is newly unemployed, trying to figure out this thing called life.
Image via Unsplash
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Source: https://thefinancialdiet.com/how-i-dealt-with-losing-my-job-with-no-warning-after-just-1-month/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
Well... because I went to bed so early last night, I'm pretty sure there is no chance I will get this cot quilt finished in time for tomorrow's market. This is just a rough lay out for now:
ABOVE:  There is so much stitching to do!  Every single alien and spaceship has to be stitched and have it's details added.
ABOVE: The arrows point to the one's I've copied. I know it's not a 'traditional' baby quilt, but I'm sure it will appeal to someone!  Might take a while to sell... but oh well... it will look lovely on the stall! *smiles* We are doing the grocery shopping this morning.  Kill me now. But it has to be done sadly. After that, I will be sewing of course!  And catching a swim too hopefully. ONWARD... 4.25 pm:  lol.. another day where I've been too busy to get on the computer and do an update! So... first up.  We went into Hamilton and I got a few things from Spotlight (cotton thread and elastic), then we went to The Base for some more bulldog clips for market. On to Pak 'n' Save for the groceries. Home.  Unpacked all the groceries, picked up Griffin and then we went out to the lake for lunch at the Podium Cafe. ONLY.... because there was an 'Event' out at the lake we couldn't park and eat at the Cafe without paying the 'Event Entrance Fee' of $15 a head! AND LIKE HELL were we paying $60 just to park in the carpark for our lunch!!!! So we turned around and came back into Cambridge and had a lovely lunch at The Coffee Club instead. Took a little walk along the top edge of the little lake in town while waiting for our food:
 ABOVE:  As I  have mentioned before, as out little lake has very little water flowing through it, it's a bit stagnant.  Kinda ikky.
ABOVE:  Happy snaps.  Stew was back at the cafe waiting on our food.    FELICITY:  I forgot to show you what Potato Gems were!
ABOVE:  Ya bake them in the oven and they come out crispy and YUM. Well I spent the rest of the afternoon sorting out things for tomorrow's market. Stew cooked sausages and veges for dinner. I pinned up parts of that new cot quilt. And now I'm ready to stop for the day.
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Source: https://diet-coke-rocks.blogspot.com/2019/02/no-chance-of-finishing-this.html
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
The health effects of eating maggots
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
A-ten-hut: You really, really should skip the military diet, say these dietitians - Well+Good
So far, 2019 has been the year of #TBT eating plans. (Eating Mediterranean-style and going high-fiber are both on-trend once again.) But as for the military diet, which has recently resurfaced online…the two nutrition experts I spoke with say it just doesn’t deserve a “Backstreet’s back, alright!” moment.
According to the plan’s official website, the requirements include following a certain menu (which can be adapted for vegans or vegetarians) three days out of the week. For example, one day of meals includes crackers and cheese for breakfast with one small apple; a hard-boiled egg and toast for lunch; and tuna, banana, and vanilla ice cream for dinner. During these days, your total calorie intake will be between 762 and 1,066 calories within each 24-hour period, reports CNN. Then, you get four days “off” the plan where you can eat 1,500 calories per day. It promises to help people lose up to 10 pounds in a week. (It should be noted that despite invoking the military in its name, the military diet doesn’t seem to have any real connection to any branches of the military.)
If alarm bells are already sounding in your head, there’s a reason. Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com and author of Read It Before You Eat It – Taking You from Label to Table and Brittany Michels, RD, registered dietician for The Vitamin Shoppe, say there are three major red flags with this plan. Below, they break them down.
Red flag number one: The diet involves cutting calories too quickly.
Say you’re eating 2,000 calories a day at the moment. If you start the military diet tomorrow and cut that number nearly in half, Michels says your body will notice the difference, like, immediately. “The calories on this plan are very low, even in the 4 days off of the cycle (at 1500 calories) and may not be sustainable for those with a very active lifestyle who are exercising frequently,” she tells me.
On top of that, the expert points out that the diet severely limits how much protein you can eat. So it might feel particularly difficult to crush your strength-cardio combo at the gym after a day of eating, well, almost nothing at all.
Red flag number two: The diet doesn’t work psychologically, either
Taub-Dix adds that any time you’re swinging between restricting, restricting, restricting (i.e., eating your tuna, cheese, and crackers) then switching over to following a less rigid structure (i.e., stay below 1,500 calories), there’s a psychological toll, too. “It’s the same kind of concept as ‘cheat days’ or ‘good and bad,’ or ‘on and off,’ she says. Ultimately, the framing eating “healthy” as something you do some days and not others can lead to a lot of shame. And Taub-Dix says that since you’re operating from a place of scarcity rather than a place of nutrient-abundance, it can be challenging (not to mention boring) to stick with in the long run.
Red flag number three: You’re not eating the rainbow. In fact, you’re barely eating any fruits and veggies
You know the old phrase “eat the rainbow?” Well, if we crafted a rainbow out of the food groups included in the military diet plan, we’d end up with a sad arch of brown and white mush. (Ick, sorry for that visual. But you get it, right?) Here’s what the dietitians say is missing from the list:
1. Vegetables: “This is very low in healthy vegetables, giving you vitamins A, E and C,” says Michels. Indeed, in the three days of dictated meals, you only eat one cup of green beans and two cups of broccoli. Seriously, that’s it.
2. Protein: “For a small female there is enough protein, but not for the average person,” Michels explains. “Especially for those working out or people in the military. They need protein to maintain and build muscle mass and this amount is very low.” On top of that, the animal-sourced protein in the diet comes from things hot dogs, cheese, and ice cream, which don’t exactly earn a good-for-you gold star.
3. Fiber: The lack of veggies also leads to a lack of fiber, according to Taub-Dix, which is something your digestive tract will not be thanking you for.
4. Healthy fats: No. Avocado.“Outside of tuna and eggs there are no healthy fats, which are higher in calories but healthy or the body,” Michels says. She goes onto explain that our bodies use ingredients like for the absorption of Vitamins A, D, and E. And they’ve also been found to to lower the risk of heart disease.
Finally, Michels stresses that those with food intolerances, those who are trying to build muscle mass, or those who have inflammation issues should definitely steer clear of this diet. But really, the lesson here is that both nutritionists agree that the plan just isn’t suited for civilians or those serving in the military. Roger that!
If you’re looking for a more sustainable approach to filling your plate with goodness, try the planetary health eating plan or the 20-veggie challenge.
Source: https://www.wellandgood.com/good-food/does-the-military-diet-work/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
3 Sobering Money Lessons From Traveling To Southeast Asia With Friends (& Doing None Of The Planning)
When one of my friends suggested earlier in the year that we take a trip to Southeast Asia together, I blindly agreed. I loved traveling, and had wanted to visit Vietnam, but was too caught up with my own day-to-day business to take any action. My friend essentially planned and booked the whole trip, and I handed over the money and didn’t really spare our adventure a second thought…until I found myself on the plane.
This leads me to the first of my three main takeaways from my trip to Southeast Asia:
1. The unintentional purchase of experiences has the potential to be just as unfulfilling as the unintentional purchase of things.
As someone who tries her best to practice minimalism and intentional spending, I am not one to suddenly drop a large sum of money on impulse purchases. Yet travel is something that I really value and can personally justify splurging for. However, one thing I learned from this trip is that there is a difference between intentionally choosing — and therefore intentionally spending on — travel, and just agreeing to go somewhere, anywhere, and throwing money at the experience.
I had always said to myself that it is better to buy experiences rather than things. However, agreeing to any and all experiences is really just impulse-spending in another form: you get the high of buying something new, but you haven’t made the purchase intentionally.
For me, this meant that I missed out on the (scientifically proven!) joy of planning and preparing for a trip, and while I still enjoyed the trip and spending time with my friend, I felt somewhat as if I was a kid being dragged along by their mum — I hadn’t put anything into the planning, so I didn’t get much choice in the activities we did. How to rectify this in the future? I came to the realization that, for me, a more fulfilling travel experience would be one in which I am volunteering, or otherwise actively participating in the communities I visit, rather than just being a tourist and sightseeing. (In fact, I currently have my eye on an environmental volunteer program for my next adventure!)
2. Traveling in confronting circumstances or in discomfort can breed unhealthy coping behaviors.
Southeast Asia was certainly a culture shock for someone who had only spent time in Westernized countries until this trip. There is a certain mental discomfort associated with being immersed in a culture that challenges your worldview. Moreover, your level of privilege can often be abstract until you are confronted with the tangible reality of people living in poverty.
I noticed that this discomfort leads travelers to turn to their tried-and-true comfort mechanisms. A few people in my group — especially those who had never traveled overseas before — started seeking out the familiar. Pizza, cocktails, keeping up to date with what everyone at home was doing through social media — a lot of things became comfort mechanisms.
Yet the way we comfort ourselves often involves undesirable behaviors. Unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as excessive alcohol consumption or uncontrollable binge eating (in my case, Oreos which I don’t even like!), can become intensified in these circumstances. And for me, these behaviors began to affect the quality of my trip. (I learned the hard way that just because you’re on vacation and “treating yourself” doesn’t mean that the guilt associated with self-sabotaging behavior suddenly disappears).
This situation put into perspective some of the unhealthy coping mechanisms I’d developed, forcing me to confront my binge-eating, and it has led to me actively seeking help and working on this behavior. However, I do wish that I had been more emotionally prepared to deal with confronting situations and had developed some better coping mechanisms (such as meditation or journaling) prior to dealing them.
3. Single-use plastic waste is no joke.
I like to think I am an environmentally conscious consumer. I use reusable shopping bags and water bottles, tote around my metal straws, always buy things second hand, and at the very least, I recycle. I was satisfied that I was doing my bit for the turtles and the oceans.
Boy, was I in for a shock. The amount of plastic waste in Southeast Asia is frankly mind-boggling. As tap water is undrinkable, people have no alternative but to buy plastic water bottles en masse. By the end of our trip, I was horrified by the number of plastic water bottles I had personally consumed. Most convenience items are wrapped in plastic — and sometimes snacks are even individually wrapped within a larger packet — and if there was a recycling system, we never found it. In the places we visited, the plastic waste was so bad that it was literally piling up in the streets, filling the gutters and floating along the rivers and streams. Even when we went kayaking at the World Heritage site of Ha Long Bay, I was pulling plastic bottles out of the water as they floated past me.
After returning home, I was amazed at how many single-use plastic items I owned, when I thought I was living sustainably. Feeling the residual disgust and overwhelm from weeks of traversing plastic-clogged streets and rivers, I resolved then and there to do more to actively reduce my plastic waste this year.
Lessons Learned
When people wax lyrical about travel “changing you,” they aren’t necessarily talking about taking glamorous photos in front of the Eiffel Tower. I’ve learned that it’s often the gritty, uncomfortable experiences that are the biggest eye-openers. Equally important is truly taking time to reflect on these experiences, rather than pushing them to the back of your mind and only presenting your most envy-inducing Instagram photos to the world instead.
I encourage you to embrace the uncomfortable and the confronting, not only when traveling but also in your daily life. I have realized this is crucial, in order to learn some hard lessons about yourself, and in finding opportunities for personal growth.
Jules is currently navigating her way through her final year of university. You can find Jules on her blog, The Second Hand Millennial, where she shares her thoughts about personal finance, health and fitness, travel, minimalism, sustainability, and more!
Image via Unsplash
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Source: https://thefinancialdiet.com/3-sobering-money-lessons-from-traveling-to-southeast-asia-with-friends-doing-none-of-the-planning/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
My muscles on keto
For the majority of my life, I was skinny, even underweight. I was 5'7" and 125 pounds, on average. My highest weight was 137 pounds. I carried most of my weight in my love handles and lower stomach. Working out was not on my to-do list, especially since I was depressed. After a break up at age 25, I started working out. I worked out every single day back then! Sadly, my diet was high carb and not very nutritious, but it never crossed my mind to change it. I had some results, like a little mound of bicep that I was proud of. I was able to do 30 push-ups in a row! Even though I look extremely skinny in my before photos, I was 125 pounds. During that time, I was dating guys who would point to my stomach fat and tell me I need to watch it :(. I should mention that I started keto because I have PCOS and digestion issues. Since starting keto, my digestion issues went away and I don't think about food all day, like when on a high-carb diet. I started working out again in October after another break up. I started keto the summer of 2018, but wasn't very strict. I am not flexing in any photo other than the arm ones.
Left is when I was 25 and working out for 6 months on a high-carb diet. Right is only a couple months working out on keto at age 30. https://i.imgur.com/zZDRt88.jpg
Left is my stomach from the summer of last year. https://i.imgur.com/AcLddMA.jpg
25 vs 30 [I was not working out in the left photo] https://i.imgur.com/Oy5741T.jpg
Stomach https://i.imgur.com/tMt8b6F.jpg
Since starting keto, my body has transformed. I have obliques now! I have abs forming. This is shocking to me. I am doing the same exercises as when I was 25, yet my muscle growth is much higher. If anything, I did more reps at age 25 than now. I lost my love handles (sadly) and my lower stomach this time.
Now: 15 pound weight curls, 35 x 4 = 140 curls each arm
15 pound weight overhead dumbbell, 15 x 5
Push-ups, 15 x 4
Pull-ups, 5 in a row
Squats, no weights, 30 x 4
Here are my photos from today. (Obliques!)
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ketogains/comments/au34l5/my_muscles_on_keto/
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
Tyson Foods, Feeding America share results of project - Meat & Poultry
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – On Sept. 26, Tyson Foods and Feeding America announced the results of the Tyson Foods Protein Innovation Fund.
The two-year project provided $1 million to 10 Feeding America food banks located across nine states. The goal was to fund a protein sourcing project that could be replicated across other locations. The investment led to more than 1.1 million lbs. of protein sourced and distributed in the first two years of the project or 4.5 million servings.
“For the 40 million people facing hunger in the US, it’s not only important for Feeding America to help provide enough food to meet basic needs, but also to provide more nutritious food,” said Matt Knott, president of Feeding America. “We are grateful for Tyson Foods’ continued partnership with Feeding America and their dedication to increasing access to protein-rich meals that many food insecure families need to have a well-balanced diet.”
Some of the projects included awarding $175,000 to the Arkansas Food Bank in Little Rock. The food bank served as the leading example for the program and created a centralized, cold repackaging center. In this system meat and poultry donations, as well as frozen produce are repacked into smaller portions and distributed to Feeding America food banks around Arkansas.
The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma received $50,000 to fund an on-site repack room and secure FFA donations to create protein snack sticks and distribute protein foods in backpacks to food insecure children. Almost 250,000 lbs. of protein were sourced for this project.
Finally, in Florida, Feeding Tampa Bay was awarded $50,000 to hire a full-time staff member to identify and pursue sources of wasted food in the local supply chain. As a result, more than 430,000 lbs. of protein was rescued and redirected back into the community.
“We knew our food banks had innovative ideas about how to help our hungry neighbors access more protein,” said Matt Pakula, senior manager, corporate social responsibility Tyson Foods. “The protein innovation fund grants made it possible for them to experiment and make their food banks more agile to better meet the needs of those struggling with food insecurity.”
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Source: https://www.meatpoultry.com/articles/20222-tyson-foods-feeding-america-share-results-of-project
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
Planned intermittent fasting may help reverse type 2 diabetes, suggest doctors
Planned intermittent fasting may help to reverse type 2 diabetes, suggest doctors writing in the journal BMJ Case Reports after three patients in their care, who did this, were able to cut out the need for insulin treatment altogether.
Around one in 10 people in the US and Canada have type 2 diabetes, which is associated with other serious illness and early death. It is thought to cost the US economy alone US$245 billion a year.
Lifestyle changes are key to managing the disease, but by themselves can't always control blood glucose levels, and while bariatric surgery (a gastric band) is effective, it is not without risk, say the authors. Drugs can manage the symptoms, and help to stave off complications, but can't stop the disease in its tracks, they add.
Three men, aged between 40 and 67, tried out planned intermittent fasting to see if it might ease their symptoms. They were taking various drugs to control their disease as well as daily units of insulin. In addition to type 2 diabetes, they all had high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Two of the men fasted on alternate days for a full 24 hours, while the third fasted for three days a week. On fast days they were allowed to drink very low calorie drinks, such as tea/coffee, water or broth, and to eat one very low calorie meal in the evening.
Before embarking on their fasting regime, they all attended a 6-hour long nutritional training seminar, which included information on how diabetes develops and its impact on the body; insulin resistance; healthy eating; and how to manage diabetes through diet, including therapeutic fasting.
They stuck to this pattern for around 10 months after which fasting blood glucose, average blood glucose (HbA1c), weight, and waist circumference were re-measured.
All three men were able to stop injecting themselves with insulin within a month of starting their fasting schedule. In one case this took only five days.
Two of the men were able to stop taking all their other diabetic drugs, while the third discontinued three out of the four drugs he was taking. They all lost weight (by 10-18%) as well as reducing their fasting and average blood glucose readings, which may help lower the risk of future complications, say the authors.
Feedback was positive, with all three men managing to stick to their dietary schedule without too much difficulty.
This is an observational study, and refers to just three cases-all in men. As such, it isn't possible to draw firm conclusions about the wider success or otherwise of this approach for treating type 2 diabetes.
"The use of a therapeutic fasting regimen for treatment of [type 2 diabetes] is virtually unheard of," write the authors. "This present case series showed that 24-hour fasting regimens can significantly reverse or eliminate the need for diabetic medication," they conclude.
Story Source:
Materials provided by BMJ. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/10/181009210738.htm
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
The 1 thing I did twice a week to break through my weight-loss plateau
© POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar This Is the 1 Thing I Did Twice a Week to Break Through My Weight-Loss Plateau
Intermittent fasting (IF) isn't for everyone, but it's like my soulmate. We live together in perfect harmony, and I feel my best when I'm doing IF, specifically 16:8, where I eat from noon until 7 or 8 p.m. I know this works the best for me because I've experimented with a few different methods such as skipping dinner instead of breakfast (terrible for family dinners!) and shortening my eating window to four hours (really tough for grueling CrossFit workouts!). I also tried stopping IF for two weeks, and I felt horribly bloated and tired the entire time, my sugar cravings increased, and I ended up gaining weight. I was so excited to get back to IF.
© POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar "Five hundred calories is not a lot, and during those first 10 days, I felt extremely hangry when I fasted."
Left: April 2018, Right: May 2018
While living happily in my 16:8 life, I wasn't able to lose the weight I had gained from that IF break. Since mixing things up is recommended by experts to break through a weight-loss plateau, I decided to try a method of IF that my father had success with years ago known as the 5:2 plan, or the Fast Diet. Instead of fasting daily, like I was doing, you only fast two days out of the week and eat normally the other five. The catch is on those two fasting days, you can only consume 500 calories (600 for guys).
What I Did
For three weeks, I ditched 16:8 completely and did 5:2. Each week, I chose to fast on Wednesdays and Sundays, because I don't work on those days and thought it'd be easier if I could distract myself (and stay away from my kitchen). I chose to fast all day and then eat my 500 calories in the evening. I ate a small snack while cooking dinner around 4 p.m. (about 100 calories) and then had the rest of my calories at dinner around 5:30 or 6 p.m. On the other days of the week, I ate from 10 a.m. to around 8 or 9 p.m.
How I Felt
Mentally, the inconsistency was really hard for me that first week. I'm a schedule kind of girl, and not following the same eating plan every day was weird and messed with my energy levels. I didn't experience the same level of laser focus and high energy on those fasting days as I'm used to with 16:8, and I felt especially sluggish on my nonfasting days because I found not having the structure of an eight-hour eating window made me want to eat all day.
"Five hundred calories is not a lot, and during those first 10 days, I felt extremely hangry when I fasted."
Low energy increased my sugar cravings, and eating sugar made me feel bloated and my face broke out. Five hundred calories is not a lot, and during those first 10 days, I felt extremely hangry when I fasted, and the following morning, my ravenous appetite made me overeat. But by the third week, my body was used to the days I didn't eat until 4 p.m. I didn't feel hungry and I actually enjoyed the feeling of lightness and the time and mental space I gained from not thinking about food. Since I stopped eating around 6 or 6:30, and I hadn't eaten a ton, I definitely went to bed hungry, and on some nights, hunger pangs woke me up in the middle of the night.
The Hardest Part
I was on vacation that second week, and that helped as far as keeping my mind off food on those fasting days, but it was also a little tricky because my family was constantly eating and offering me food. That was the hardest part! I wasn't hungry, but it felt a little awkward having to make up excuses about why I wasn't eating lunch. Most of them know I don't eat breakfast, but I didn't want to explain this whole experiment, so I just said I felt bloated from eating a lot the day before.
Was I Able to Work Out?
For all three weeks, my workouts surprisingly felt fine. Since I'm used to working out in the early morning and not eating until noon, nothing had really changed there since I had energy from eating dinner the night before. If I ate dinner too late on those nonfasting days, I felt more bloated and tired, but other than that, workouts felt great. On those fasting days, I even felt inspired to walk more since getting outside was another good distraction and made me feel more energized. I also had enough stamina to attend a crazy-intense two-hour handstand workshop (where I learned the below pose, called Fallen Angel).
© POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar "Five hundred calories is not a lot, and during those first 10 days, I felt extremely hangry when I fasted."
Did I Lose Weight?
To really see if this was an effective method of breaking through my weight-loss plateau, I weighed myself every morning for the first and third weeks. After that first week, I had actually gained (due to overeating), but once I got that under control, I found that by the end of the third week, I lost about two pounds. The before-and-after photos basically look the same. I can tell I was more bloated in the "after" photo, but I can also tell that my face and belly look a tad slimmer. Overall, I just feel less puffy and more comfortable in my skin.
Final Thoughts
I'm not a fan of 5:2, but it did get the job done. I hated the inconsistency in my schedule and in my energy levels. I felt less in control of my sugar cravings. I also have the tendency to want to keep eating once I start, even if I'm not hungry, and 5:2 definitely didn't help with that! Once I got used to not eating until 4 p.m. on those fasting days, I really didn't feel that hungry, and I enjoyed that "high" feeling so many IF-ers talk about. I also appreciated that changing up my eating routine helped me lose the extra weight I had gained during my IF break.
Will I keep going? Hell no! The 5:2 plan isn't something I can sustain, and that's what I love most about 16:8. I will say that not thinking about food, having to prepare food, or clean up dishes freed up time to do other things - I felt really productive on those days! But only eating 500 calories limited what I could do, and that part was frustrating. I think what I'll experiment with next is doing daily IF, but consuming all of my daily calories in a shorter eating window, from 1 until 7 p.m. I have some fitness goals like increasing my running pace, pressing into handstand, holding handstand longer, and being able to do more push-ups and pull-ups, and I feel like getting a little leaner will help. I'll keep you posted!
Video An unexpected reason why you might be struggling to lose weight (Buzz60) 
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Source: http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/weightloss/this-is-the-1-thing-i-did-twice-a-week-to-break-through-my-weight-loss-plateau/ar-BBOc8br?srcref=rss
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
Chick-fil-A rolling out new frosted drink for spring - WRDW-TV
Sunday, March 17, 2019
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) -- Chick-fil-A fanatics get ready, the chain is rolling out a new beverage just in time for spring.
It's called the "Frosted Key Lime" and it's made up of Chick-fil-A's "IceDream" ice cream, lemonade (or diet lemonade), plus "natural, sugar-free lime flavoring made from key limes, kaffir limes, and Persian limes", according to the popular chain's website. They say the drink gets its green color from ingredients like spirulina and turmeric.
The restaurant tested the new drink at locations in Austin, TX in the fall and are featuring the drink just for spring, selling it from March 18 - May 25.
They say a size small has fewer calories than a milkshake if made with diet lemonade. So if you're looking for a cool drink to enjoy in the spring weather, the "Frosted Key Lime" might be it!
Source: https://www.wrdw.com/content/news/Chick-fil-A-rolling-out-new-milkshake-for-spring-507272811.html
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