energybind · 11 months
@belovha do yall think im gonna flop though, be fr
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energybind · 11 months
tegan don't be coy drop the link
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energybind · 11 months
now what if i told yall i made another blog but this time its a marvel character .
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energybind · 11 months
as a scooby gang, they'd managed to wind up in some predicaments before. nothing that nobody wasn't able to weasel their way out of. [thanks to an injection from when they were babies and from a form of charm only young, money and power hungry, adults could have.] this had to take the cake, though. a night out at a bar gone wrong and so quickly: andre using his powers, a woman pierced through the neck, blood spilling out on the sticky floor, and a guardian saving the day. they'd manage to squeeze their way out of this one. for now.
❝ it's actually vought-a-burger— his favorite cheeseburger, ❞ yara clarifies before the realization dawns: this is not the time nor the place. the scene is set: andre perched on the edge of luke's bed, quiet as a mouse, hands covering his face as if they're erase the memory from tonight. luke and cate, kneeled down in front of him, attention once having been on him but now directed onto her. fuck. sighing, she sets the greasy paper bag on the end table to her right, before motioning for cate to follow her into the hall. once alone, she exhales the breath she'd been holding in.
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❝ this is fucking overkill. seriously, cate? hiding andre? he didn't actually kill anyone— he made a mistake at the bar and we fixed it! well, marie fixed it, but that's besides the point. ❞
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energybind · 11 months
tbh in verses where yara doesn't become a "superhero" of sorts, i could see her becoming a physicist
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energybind · 11 months
she appreciates when they spar outdoors rather than inside the enclosed training hall. the fresh air is a nice contrast to the ripe scent of body odor typially permeating the air. [one huff and suddenly, you're gasping for dear life.] on the contrary, she doesn't appreciate the energy blast recently sent in her direction, causing her to fly halfway across the football field. a deep breath is inhaled as yara pushes herself up from the grass, right hand moving to rub the aggravated spot on her back.
❝ oh, please— you could be trapped on this football field until i said so if i wasn't going easy. ❞ yara can take a joke. she can take a joke, right? that nagging feeling burning into the back of her skull, reminding her about they're ranked two and she's not even ranked? yara ignores it; instead, she makes her way over to the bench housing her gym bag and water bottle. once the water's hit her throat and she's wiped the sweat beads from her forehead, she redirects her focus once again.
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❝ besides, extraordinary doesn't get you weekends off. or holidays. maybe i want those days off. ❞ maybe if she says it enough, she'll actually start to believe it.
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energybind · 11 months
i know i have memes posted and will be doing the ones sent, but let’s consider this a plotting call.
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energybind · 11 months
amazon  prime’s  the  boys  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  seasons  1  &  2.  contains  non-contextual  mild  s2  spoilers.  some  have  been  slightly  altered  to  better  fit  out  of  context.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“i’m supposed to be this hero, but i don’t know what the hell i’m doing.”
“just remember who your friends and who your enemies are.”
“you can’t do this. you don’t have the fight, you never have.”
"my superpower is reading people. watching them when they think they’re alone. i see people for who they really are.”
“why have average when you can have extraordinary?”
“if i’m gonna make a difference, i just feel more comfortable doing it on a smaller scale.”
"i know a little about a lot of things.” 
“never let them see you like this.”
"just ‘cause you fall on your ass doesn’t mean you have to stay there.”
"since when did "hopeful” and “naive” become the same thing?”
“you need to unclench your asshole.”
“i can do whatever the fuck i want.”
"pardon my french: fuck those fuckers.” 
"you tell anyone what you saw or heard here today, and i’ll cut your hands off and shove them so far up your ass, your fingers’ll give us a little wave out your throat, yeah?”
“when they’re apart, they’re absolute fucking rubbish. but, you put them together, they’re the goddamn fucking spice girls.”
“sometimes you get further with people by treating them like people.”
“i really did want to make a difference. i really did care. i was just like you.”
“i started giving pieces of myself away and i guess i gave away everything.”
“you see, i know your secret.”
“you’re not a bad person. just a scared one.”
“what have you got to lose that you ain’t already lost?”
“i figured if you wait around long enough, two plus two equals nasty.”
“here’s the truth. anyone who tells you they know the answers is lying.”
“you know, i managed to go my whole life without seeing someone die horribly, and now i’m up to about a half dozen, so i think i’m good.”
“we’ll cross that bridge when we burn it.”
“in a partnership, there is give and there is take.”
“i should’ve done a lot more stuff. because there is nothing up there. there’s nobody in the sky watching over us. not anybody. it’s all just lies.”
“i don’t know if they really want you to be a hero. i think they just want you to look like one.”
“he is too much of an asshole to die.”
“fuck this world for confusing nice with good. be a bitch if you want. be whatever. just drop the mask once in a while. feels good. you can finally breathe.”
“[name], how is it possible that you’re dumber than you look?”
“[name], you’ve done a murder. comparatively speaking, this will be a piece of cake.”
“we didn’t bring him here for a fucking happy meal.”
“i’ve got my phone linked to the ‘find your shithead friends’ app.”
“i just had to pop down to the shop. i was running a bit low on ‘mind your own fucking business’.”
“you know something? on my first day, I, uh … well, i felt like a fraud. but the good news is, everybody feels that way.”
“you ever touch me again, i will burn your eyes out. understand me?”
“wou know how you have this… image of yourself? like, i thought i was strong. you know? like, made of steel. a fighter.”
“uf you’re the fucking reason i can’t finish that vermont country dollhouse, i will fucking end you.”
“you are dispensable, which means you answer to me.”
“you’ve been walking around for months like you want to kick my ass. so do it already.”
“i can be that person that nobody thinks is awesome, but it turns out, they’re kind of fucking awesome.”
“i’m sorry but we’re not anything.”
“my nana’s your biggest fan.”
“not even [name] would have dared to try and pull this kind of shit.”
“shouldn’t we all just be competent at our jobs?”
“we can do whatever we want and no one can stop us. that is a good feeling. a really good feeling.”
“you need to get the fuck out of my house.”
“you were right. i’m not gonna get bored and move on. i’m not going anywhere.”
“life isn’t actually a pr strategy. you can say what you think.”
“pippi longstocking would bite a d, that’s for damn sure.”
“you write all women as either unknowable hitchcock bitches or michael bay fuck dolls. i mean, i get that a lifetime of jerking off to transformers didn’t exactly make you popular with the ladies, but a little effort would be nice.”
“i don’t think we have to damage control your fuck up.”
“look at you. my girl.”
“nobody likes almond joy. – jeffrey dahmer. that’s it. he’s the only one.”
“jesus christ! those are like the three worst candy bars in the history of candy. that’s it, you’re sick in the brain.”
“i’m wanted and you’re kind of super famous.”
“he’s an actor who didn’t lie to my face everyday.”
“don’t lie to me, not again.”
“she was already dead when i blew her up.
“my son is the furthest fucking thing on this planet to a normal little boy.”
“this is a moment. girls get it done.”
“there is just no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.”
“mom says being lonely makes you know yourself better.”
“i just want you to think about me when you are getting your skin peeled off your face, bitch.”
“you don’t fuck with the money. you never fuck with the money.”
“you’re my second wind.”
“it doesn’t matter who made us, or how we got here, the point is we are here. together. family. you guys, you are my real family.”
“oh, is it so hard to believe that i want you two to be happy? and in love? honestly [name], i am really, really happy for you.”
“the hate that you carry and the warpath that you’re on, it started so long before me.”
“we can’t afford to feel good or to feel safe or to let our guard down.”
“we’re all alone. that’s the truth.”
“i don’t need anyone but myself.”
“you’re so special, that most special man on the planet. everybody loves you. everybody. their love is your strength.”
“where’s the closest atm?”
“you let your canary die, how you gonna know when you’ve gone too far?”
“you know what i thought? i thought who fucking cares?”
“fuckin’ diabolical.”
“i’m a motherfucker with a heart.”
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energybind · 11 months
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Lizeth Selene as Andi Agosti Rebelde S01E06 | Sálvame
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energybind · 11 months
independent original character based within the realm of superhero universes. directed by tegan. blog is a wip— brief information can be found beneath the cut.
yara nkechi: written between ages 18 - 25, she/they prns. born in kentucky, relocated to new york city when she was eleven years old when her father got a promotion.
her powers are in the general area of energy control. her abilities are: energy projection (channeling energy into other beings/objects to re-energize + power them), emp waves, energy binding (creating restraints/barriers to restrict others), and flight. anything with energy, she's basically able to do, outside of energy-based combat. (energy blasts/discs aren't on yara's resume.)
it's dependent on the verse but in most scenarios, yara's powers manifested when she was thirteen. they flew out of their bedroom ceiling by accident one morning. it ensued an awkward conversation both at breakfast and with the insurance company.
her zodiac is a gemini. do with that information as you'd like.
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sub-verses complied so far:
gen v/the boys: yara either attends (or attended) godolkin for crimefighting. depending on the thread/universe, she's either a lowly college student attempting to crawl her way up the rankings or is a lowly superhero in the nyc area, holding up bank robbers until the real supes can get there.
marvel: very plot-dependent, but yara is considered a mutant and attended xavier's school for gifted youngsters. isn't a part of the x-men but isn't necessarily not part of their crew either. (mainly as a starting point for us plotting.)
dc: to be written b/c i'm lazy.
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