englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Project 3 Update.
Hello all,
Many of you uploaded your Project 3 under the wrong heading in My Reviewers. Please ensure that your Project 3 is uploaded under the heading “Project 3 Intermediate Draft.”
The heading “Final Draft” will be reserved for your revisions on each of the projects.
I have sent back all Project 3 papers that were uploaded correctly. Please remember that revisions are due no later than this Friday, December 9.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Quick note.
All Project 1 Revisions have been returned, and your final grades for Project 1 are reflected on Blackboard.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Due dates for the last two weeks of class are available here.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Two for the price of one. Weeks 13 and 14 assignments can be found here.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Project 3 Peer Review.
As I said last week, we will attempt Peer Review again using the My Reviewers web site (link). I will post peer review teams by mid-week this week, and your final Peer Review will be due by Wednesday of next week (11/23).
If My Reviewers does not function properly, we will revert to the old-fashioned way, and I will post a new announcement next weekend. 
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Project 1 Revision.
When revising your Project 1 paper, you should do the following:
Include a brief revision statement in blue at the top of your paper that explains the thought process behind your revisions. 
Highlight all revisions you make in yellow so it is easy for me to compare your revision to your original.
Submit your revised paper to myreviewers.usf.edu under the heading "Project 1 Final Draft."
Due Sunday (11/20)
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Project 2 upload.
Many of you uploaded your Project 2 under the wrong heading in My Reviewers. Please ensure that your Project 2 is uploaded under the heading "Project 2 Intermediate Draft."
The heading "Final Draft" will be reserved for your revisions on each of the projects.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Week 12 assignments have been posted.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
What argument does this music video (‘Modern World’ by Wolf Parade) attempt to make, and how does the director employ rhetoric to persuade his or her audience? (Tag your blog response “englshblog wolf”)
Due Friday
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Project 3 Draft.
Please submit your Project 3 Draft to MyReviewers under "Project 3 Early Draft." (We are going to give peer review the old college try again).
If your presentation contains multimedia and cannot be converted to PDF, please submit a document that provides a link where your peer reviewer can access your project. Alternatively, you can also submit a "script" of the written text you plan to use, if you think that is more effective. 
Whatever you choose, your draft should provide me and your peer reviewer with the meat of your project, independent of its ultimate format. 
Due Sunday
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Some students have been struggling to properly incorporate the work of other authors into their work. This resource, from Central European University, is an excellent guide. Note that many of the examples do not adhere to MLA Style, but that is of no consequence here. Reference The OWL for formatting, but read this document to understand how to effectively infuse other types of writing into your own. 
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
We learn from each other.
If I had to encapsulate the predominating opinion of the class, it would be in the last line of istanely's post.
My advice: hang on to the question, and ask it again 20 years from now.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
We freely give away this resource every time we click accept, download a new app, or check in somewhere and while we think we are using these machines to enhance our lives they are merely clever ploys to get us to volunteer every detail of our lives.
Well said. 
I Feel Used...
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Project 3 assignment instructions are here.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Project 3 Research Plan and Abstract.
Submit your research plan and abstract for Project 3 as a single blog post tagged “englshblog abstract”. Due Friday.
Due Sunday.
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Watch Michael Wesch’s famous YouTube clip ‘The Machine Is Us/ing Us.’ In a short blog response (tagged “englshblog wesch”) consider whether you feel like you use or get used by “the machine.”
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englshblog-blog-blog · 13 years
Weekly Assignments...
Just a note that I will be posting this week's assignments tomorrow night, instead of tonight (Sunday) like usual. 
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