enhypen-masterlist Β· 3 years
π‚π”ππ‚π€πŠπ„ κ’±β†·πŸ§ SUNOO
β”†πŒπ„πŒππ„π‘ : sunooxreader
┆𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : fluff
┆𝐓𝐖𝐒 : maybe a bit sad/depressing?
β”†π–πŽπ‘πƒπ‚πŽπ”ππ“ : 1016
Dear Sunoo,
weeks passed by without having heard anything from Minsoo. As the good friend I am, I did not want want to push her or force her in any way. She would come to me if she needs anything, I thought.
Since then you and I started seeing each other everyday. How did that happen? After one week it felt like you would know me better than I do. Sunoo, I was so happy. I was lucky to have you to a point I didn’t want to be apart from you. And obviously you felt the same.
We spent the nights on the roof of the bakery, going up there after cleaning up and closing the shop, ranting and bickering about everything. I skipped my classes a few times in order to see you.
You told me everything about yourself. We’re the same age, but you dropped out of school early to fulfill your dream. Your father is the owner of the bakery, and you needed money. You started working for your father, and eventually you liked your job.
"What about your dream, then?" I asked you. You chuckled and looked away. "I’m happy here" was your answer. "...what did you want to do? Your dream?"
And then you said something I would’ve never imagined. "Singing."
I have never heard you singing before, but I definitely was missing out something. This night was the first time, and it made me fall for you even harder.
I begged you to sing more often, which you got shy of. But eventually you agreed, and you promised me to sing.
Sunoo, a month later you said you have a surprise for me, under the condition I had to wait a whole week. If I endured the suffering of not coming after my curiosity, you told me, you would make the promise even bigger. The week was cruel, because you advised me to stay away from the bakery for the whole time. "I need to prepare it." This made it even worse. How am I supposed to not see you the whole week?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. On Friday I was excited to the maximum. Just one more night, I thought. I was more than curious, you could tell.
Eventually I did it. The week was over, I just had to go to sleep once more and I was finally able to meet you again. I prepared myself; the facial masks you’ve gifted me, cream tubs over cream tubs, nail polish and nail files, and a hairband laid in front of me on the small table. If I was going to meet you tomorrow, I had to GLOW okay. The mask was already on my face, as my phone suddenly rang.
Where was this damn thing when I need it? I threw the blanket from my bed, held up my pillows and tossed my stuff animals through my room. The ringing stopped and I panicked even more. Please why am I like this? After a good two more minutes I found my phone under the empty packages of my facials on the ground. Picking it up the screen turned on and revealed three new notifications. Two texts from Sunoo, and one missed call.
I unlocked it and dialed your number. You didn’t take long to pick up. "Hi", you said. I could literally hear the smile plastered ok your face. "You ready?" I furrowed my brows. "What?" My gaze flew to the clock on the bedside table. 00:03 am. He definitely was on time. "Yeah."
You chuckled. "You did not expect that, huh?" I laughed too. "No, that was a suprise, indeed."
"You know what?"
"Look out of your window." I went up to the window and opened the blinds. You stood there, next to the cherry blossom with a big bouquet of flowers in your hands. My phone still on, your laugh filled both my ears.
Your smile was brighter than everything, your teeth shining white under the streetlights. "Oh? What’s with your face?" you asked. "Well you were the one who gifted them to me." "I thought you never wanted to use them." You were clearly teasing me, but I didn’t let that bother me. "So, are you coming in?" You shrugged your shoulders. "I was thinking about you coming outside."
"Give me a minute." I’ve never done this before, but I was ready to climb out of the window down on the tree. I brushed my hair quickly, removed the facial mask from my face and wiped the leftover serum off. Grabbing a sweater from the ground I made my way to the window. Without any hesitation I climbed outside, the tree being a good support. Luckily my room wasn’t high, so I got out without any complications.
My face was stuck in a smiling-idiot-grimace. I went up to you and pulled you into a tight hug. "Happy birthday" you whispered, the plastic wrap around the flowers crumbling and making loud noises. To be honest, I kind of forgot my birthday. My excitement for your surprise was overweighing my birthday, completely shadowing every other thought. Tears were watering up, but I was able to hold them back.
You pulled back, only to put your forehead against mine. "I like you."
I didn’t even notice what was going on between us. But the moment you told me those words, suddenly everything made sense. The past few weeks fell into a light in another perspective. All our actions, our movements and especially my behavior finally made sense.
"I like you, too. I like you, Sunoo."
And I knew I was right. Sunoo, I wanted to thank you. My mouth opened for a paragraph, my thoughts already forming the words in my head.
Sunoo, you were my light in the darkest time. You’ve made me happy, and helped me to be myself in a better way. "Thank you." I said.
"I have something else for you." My brows furrowed in confusion. He stepped back, to reveal someone else standing under the shine of the streetlight.
"Hey" Minsoo said.
What do you think is the connection between Minsoo and Sunoo? :) Do you all want a sequel to explain it?
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enhypen-masterlist Β· 3 years
π‚π”ππ‚π€πŠπ„ κ’±β†·πŸ§ SUNOO
┆𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 : 2/3 (?)
β”†πŒπ„πŒππ„π‘ : sunooxreader
┆𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : fluff
┆𝐓𝐖𝐒 : maybe a bit sad/depressing?
β”†π–πŽπ‘πƒπ‚πŽπ”ππ“ : 651
Dear Sunoo,
you came back with our order. You placed the milk infront of me, lowered the cupcake on a plate next to it as well as the cheese cake slice for Minsoo. Thank you, I wanted to say but you already left. I threw a gaze to her. What was happening here?
"Minsoo, what’s with him?" She looked up, the fork in her mouth. Before she said something, her eyes crossed mine seemingly avoiding me. "Do you know him?"
Minsoo bit on her lower lip. "He asked for you."
Sorry what? "He asked for me?"
"Yeah, as soon as I ordered he asked me when you would arrive."
My mind kept spinning around the same thoughts. Why would he ask for me?
"And what’s wrong with you?" I directed my question at her. Minsoo sighed ince again, leaving me confused. She finished her cheese cake and opened her mouth to speak. Completely forgetting about my cupcake I waited impatiently for her answer. I was more than worried, it’s been a while since I have last seen my best friend like this.
When she started her voice was shaky and full of pain, almost too quiet to understand. "I have to leave." My fave dropped. For a good five minutes nothing was said. The dishwasher behind the counter beeped, signaling the process was finished. I started picking at my cupcake. It was a bright one, probably vanilla, with a pink icing on it. The topping on it was colorful and crumbly. I bet the filling was creamy. My mouth opened as I wanted to say something, but closed itself fast enough. Where is she going? Why does she leave? Did something happen?
"Where are you going?" was all I could say.
"Home." My eyes widened. Why would she go back to her parents? Why would she leave Korea and go to America? Minsoo’s lip was almost bleeding. "Please, Minsoo ..." She stayed quiet for a bit.
"I’m sorry, but I have to go. I ... can't really tell you. But I will come back soon."
There was nothing to answer. Minsoo has decided, and I have to accept that. Even though I was very confused, I felt deep down that I should accept her decision. Whatever it was, I would stay here for her. I will wait for Minsoo, no matter what.
"I’ll get going now." my best friend said and stood up. "I’ll wait for you" I told her and did the same. Minsoo pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you" she whispered, took her umbrella and left the bakery with the bell ringing. And now I was there, alone with you and the cupcake on the table. I let myself fall down and plopped onto the chair.
This is honestly such a mess right now. But why was she asking for you? As you know, she wouldn’t tell me until we met again.
Nervously tapping a finger on the milk I didn’t notice you sitting in front of me.
My eyes widened. "O-oh." You smiled and looked away. "Surprise" you just said. You brought a cupcake with you, the same as mine to be exact. "Shall we eat?"
I nodded, and started pulling out small pieces of the cupcake.
You chuckled. My head went up. "Is that how you eat a cupcake?" You smiled. "Instead of-", you peeled the foil and took a big bite, "just having a good bite?" I nodded.
I started to get fond of you, and we talked for quite a while. In the end, you had to close the shop five hours later. Every now and then, when a costumer walked in, you would stand up and take their orders. You would comeback with a plate full of cookies, a new milk or a cupcake refill. I did not know what was happening, but I found my comfort in talking to you.
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enhypen-masterlist Β· 3 years
π‚π”ππ‚π€πŠπ„ κ’±β†·πŸ§ SUNOO
┆𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 : 1/3 (?)
β”†πŒπ„πŒππ„π‘ : sunooxreader
┆𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : fluff
┆𝐓𝐖𝐒 : maybe a bit sad/depressing?
β”†π–πŽπ‘πƒπ‚πŽπ”ππ“ : 7O2 words
Dear Sunoo,
I was running late again. It’s not like i’m doing this on purpose though. Minsoo is probably waiting already, sitting in the bakery and drinking her hot chocolate. More, she was save from the rain that now rattled against my umbrella. The day was stormy and the wind didn’t seem to stop. My hair was everywhere but not in the place I stuck it into. Using the flatten iron earlier was obviously a mistake.
Still, I adore this weather. Sometimes, when I am lucky and the sun shines, I can even see a rainbow when going for a walk. In the moment I see the rainbow, the world stops spinning and everything seems endless for a moment. For these times, the umbrella was my best friend. It would protect me from the rain but also give me a clear sight to my surroundings. It was almost like my umbrella was a bubble I can hide under. No one ever could pop my bubble, or even reach me for the time being.
I was one street away from our favorite bakery when I spotted you. You stood infront the entrance, the apron around your waist and the hair slightly wet from the rain. It was your break, time to rest and gain energy for the last part of your shift. At first, you did not take notice of me. My gaze was stuck on you, I almost tripped over a stick on the street. The light from the window of the bakery shone onto your face, emphasizing your facial futures and giving your eyes a fair amount of sparkles.
I walked past you and finally entered the bakery. Shaking my umbrella to get a little less wet I swung the door open and the familiar bell rang. You did not look up, still not noticing me. My eyes wandered around the tiny room, looking for Minsoo's curly head. I thankfully spotted her sitting at the window site next to a heating, the umbrella leaning against the table. Minsoo was deep in thought stiring her hot chocolate with a little spoon.
"You ordered already?" I asked her and she hummed in response. Minsoo fixed her bangs and continued to look out of the window. "I didn’t get to order something else though. I was kinda late too." She took a nip from her choco, letting out a sigh and putting the cup back on the table. I chuckled. "What’s wrong?" My eyes were looking for hers, but it seemed like she was avoiding me. My smile faded away. Something seemed odd, but she did not want to tell me. Minsoo shook her head.
"You know ... this boy there." She obviously changed the topic, but I still followed her gaze to you. Minsoo was now facing me. "Do you know him?" I wanted to answer, yes, I do know you, but that would have been a lie. We have never met before. I opened my mouth to answer, but in this moment the bell rang, indicating someone entered the small bakery. I didn’t have to turn around to see it was you. You legs found their way straight to us, your only costumers for the time being.
"Do you want to order something?" You asked and your cheeks flashed a smile. I looked at Minsoo. "One piece of cheese cake, please" she said. I knew it was my turn to answer, but somehow I couldn’t. Minsoo sighed and said "She gets a strawberry milk and a cupcake." You bowed slightly at us and went back behind the counter to prepare our orders. What was that?
◁ βšͺ︎ β–·
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enhypen-masterlist Β· 3 years
may i request the typical enhypen as your boyfriend! thanks a lot already xoxox
of course omg! so happy to have a request already !! aaa here you go <3
enhypen as your boyfriend !
genre: fluff, soft
tw: none
heeseung :
idk why but i really see him as the one who needs to be taken care of if you know what i mean
so you take care of him
fluff ball no 1
he just sings for you whenever you ask him :o
i picture him as the type of boyfriend who randomly buys you gifts?? like small ones, maybe a key chain or a boba after dance practice~
you have to feed him, no complaining
hugs over kisses istg
would laugh at you if you trip but shoots you glances when you laugh at him tripping
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jay :
have you ever seen a guy like jay
i kind of think he would bring you flowers every now and then bahah
the type of boyfriend to pick you up from school, or waiting at your lockers during the breaks
tutoring ?? who knows i think boi is smart
late night talking about your problems and he’d actually find logic solutions
i also think he would enjoy playing games until midnight with you
movie nights is a must
he would ask you to wear some clothes from him just to see how cute you are cries
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jake :
power puppy istg
dates at arcades? idk i think he would love to see you loosing the claw machine and getting the plushie you wanted for you afterwards :’)
would be the one walking on the outer side of the sitewalk (i hope you know what i mean i-)
visiting one of those puppy cafΓ©s omg how cute
idk i think you two would make up some sort of ritual??
lovers accessoires like bracelets or rings
mmmmm sharing his clothes too?
the type of boyfriend to call you everytime you run a little late
can we talk how fluffy his hair looks i want to touch it
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sunghoon :
the more shy type of boyfriend ?? but also confident at the same time ???
maybe a couple shirt or hoodie, i think he would like that awwww
you’re his shoulder he can lean on after a tough day
creates playlists for you when he can’t sleepΒ 
where do i get a sunghoon
ice skating in winter will end up him being the princess on ice laughing at you falling down (but elegantly) and running away from you
idk why but maybe soft kisses over hugs? idk
would pretend to not know you when you trip in public
also one of those who would walk faster if you tell them to walk slower omg
calling over texting??
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sunoo :Β 
okay listen here
this dramatic ass would distract you from watching the movie on your movie night date thingy
like poke your cheeks or just laugh at your expressions
oooh horror movies, you two are the one literally giggling continuingly
β€œbabe let me do your make up you aint good at this”
mmm roasting the shit out of you sometimes??
tutoring boy part two
annoying you while making your homework uhuh
the type of boyfriend who would cuddle you in public if that makes sense (?) i want a sunoo
brightens up your mood day by day
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jungwon :
he’d get everything from you once he starts acting cute
and the other way round hahah
i imagine you twoΒ β€˜cuddling’ as a date
i also think he would prefer calling over texting
secretly films you when you sleep
the type of boyfriend to feed you instead of having him eatingΒ 
buys you your favorite chocolate, or more, has them all bunkered in his shelf just in case yk
just watching you when you do your homework, lets you in peace but confuses you with his staring
tutoring boi part 3 i think
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ni-ki :
okay now this boy
mf carries you all day, where ever he’s going, you’re with him 24/7, you have no chance, he wont let go of you
pinches and pukes your cheeks randomly
acts cute to get you do things for him help
mf be really flirting wiht you all day
makes it obvious but is proud of it
annoying you while doing your homework no2 and randomly shoutingΒ β€œY/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N” and when you answer he says stuff likeΒ β€œwhat” orΒ β€œnothing”
competitive asf so dont expect to win unless you’re good at it
likes to be the little spoon when cuddling, but when you guys are about to sleep he’s the big spoon
clingy but also not clingy?? idk BAHAHAH
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i hope you liked it! and thank you for the first request !!
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enhypen-masterlist Β· 3 years
oneshots + reactions
hi ! currently i am accepting requ
ests for enhypen oneshots, imag
ines, reactions, mtl etc!Β  just sub
mit your request here. . .
more after the break !
.° q˚ ot7 !
enhypen as your boyfriend! : fluff, soft
.° q˚ heeseung !
.° q˚ jay !
.° q˚ jake !
.° q˚ sunghoon !
.° q˚ sunoo !
π‚π”ππ‚π€πŠπ„ κ’±β†·πŸ§ SUNOOΒ  : fluff
.° q˚ jungwon !
.° q˚ ni-ki !
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