upbeatpianist · 4 months
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{ ♫ } ❝ okay, uh... let's not go that far, maybe? we can protect each other without violence, i hope! ❞
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"And I'll beat up anyone who wants to mess with you! I've been lifting weights!!!"
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upbeatpianist · 4 months
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{ ♫ } ❝ you're darn right i will! nothing'll get to you while i'm around, momo! ❞
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"Kaede will keep me safe. Absolutely positive."
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upbeatpianist · 5 months
holds out my muses. i might be slow but!!! i am here
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well, any particular muses u want to use then? bc i'm always down for some kaemakiisms, or perhaps one of ur p5 muses with kaede's p5 verse
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upbeatpianist · 5 months
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now that tumblr is no longer being mephobic
hi it's me ur favorite kathy back to give u the akamatsu kaede content u deserve
who wants some fuckin THREADS, babey
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upbeatpianist · 5 months
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
“Um-!” (“Heek!!!”) Oh if Kaede was giving him that look, then he knew he was in trouble.. so he knew that she will most definitely drag him away from that desk again! “N…No, you do not have to! I-I’m taking a break now, honest!!”
Then when she asks when was the last time he’s eaten, and when he’s actually rose up from the desk before…. “…………..” He’s sweating even more nervously because oh, that’s right, he thinks to himself: he didn’t actually eat anything, yet….only had a cup of coffee earlier. And no, he has not rose from that desk, once. Oh he really knows he’s in for it, now. “……… Well……I………er……” And like a guilty puppy, he lowers his head in shame. “….I did not eat yet, and this is my, um…first time…..getting up….” Then he mutters very quickly: “IamsosorryIswearIdidnotmeanforthistohappen-”
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          { ♫ } ❝ that’s it, mister, you’re coming with me! ❞
kaede wastes absolutely no time in grabbing shuichi’s hand and beginning to drag him out of the room and away from his desk. that paperwork would still be there when he got back, he could surely afford a little time to take a break!
❝ we’re gonna go get you something to eat before you collapse! honestly, saihara-kun, you need to be taking better care of yourself! what would’ve happened if you passed out right on top of your desk?! ❞
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
“Huh? International…. Workaholic Day? That’s a thing? Where you’re supposed to balance work and personal life, huh…. o-oh, well um! I totally….have been balancing both! a-ahaha….”
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He says as he conveniently steps in front of his desk, which had a pile of completed paperwork on it, smiling This boy has barely did the relaxing half yet. But the other didn’t need to know that…..
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          { ♫ } ❝ ...saihara-kun, do i have to drag you away from this desk again? you know i’m not above it. ❞
this boy... she knew that she could be a little hyperfocused on the piano, sure, but shuichi took his work to a whole new level! and that was something she simply couldn’t allow.
❝ when was the last time you ate? or stood up from this desk, not counting now? ❞
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
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Ari then leaned forward, her voice falling to a whisper as she held out her cupped hands—the Special Secret was hidden inside!
” d … do you www … wa … you wanna see my Speshy Secret, please? “
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          { ♫ } ❝ of course, i’d love to see your secret! ❞
kaede kneels down to ari’s level, and leans in close, holding her ear close to the girl. this was a very special secret, so she had to make sure nobody else heard or saw it, after all!
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
honestly having a multimuse has been great for me but it doesn't work for everyone but it is nice having all your muses in one spot so you don't have to bounce around so much but that's just my two cents!! 
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yeah that was my thought too, i make too many blogs and hop between them too much so having everything in one place would be nice
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
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thinking abt making a multi-muse...
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
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good to know i can still depend on mak to follow me on all their blogs
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
Kaede will suddenly hear soft knocks at her door, followed by: “Akamatsu-san, it’s me, Shuichi: are you there... ?” When she opens the door, he’ll greet her with a smile. “Good afternoon, and Happy Birthday! I hope you’ve been having a great day so far. Is it okay if I come in? I have some gifts for you... !”
And if she lets him, Shuichi will mutter a ‘thank you’ as he enters the room. In one hand, he was carrying a gift bag, and in the other: a cake container. “That, and I thought it would be nice if we could spend together... a private little birthday party celebration, you could say. I even brought cake, too! Hehe.. “ He giggles, as he places the things on whatever table was okay to use. She’ll be able to get a much better look at the cake, which is a fancily made pink velvet cake with buttercream frosting, turned purple with food coloring. It also had a design of a music bar that curls around the cake, with different types of music notes.
And then in the gift bag, were hairclips shaped like teddy bears, along with a brown notebook. If she opens it, it will comprise of many different music sheets, most notably of songs Shuichi had noted to himself overtime that are especially favorites of hers. Some even included different versions of said songs she might be curious to play, along with newer songs that she might not have played before, either. “I hope you love your cake and gifts... ! As for this, I made this music notebook, myself. I thought you’d love to have so many of your favorite songs in one place, along with some I included, that I thought you might like to try playing sometime. And if you do.... I’d love to be there and listen! Because like with every song you play, I know I will be moved... but for now, I promise to help make today nothing but wonderful and fun, for my most precious friend.” He smiles warmly at her. He hopes he was already able to make today very special for her. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAEDE... 🍰🧸🎼)
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{ ♫ } ❝ aw, thanks, saihara-kun! honestly, i'm still surprised anyone even remembers my birthday. i don't really make a big deal of it, after all! ❞
of course, kaede doesn't hesitate to let her friend in, and she's admittedly caught off-guard by all the stuff he's carrying. a gift is one thing, but bringing a whole cake too? she was starting to feel spoiled, and the day had just started!
❝ wow, you really went all out, huh? i'll have to remember this when your birthday comes around next! ❞
she playfully pokes her elbow into his side, letting him set down the cake and the gift bag before continuing on.
she doesn't want to eat the cake just yet, mostly because it's so beautiful she wants to take a moment to simply let it be before she cuts into it. so, she decides to open up the gift bag first.
the hairclips were a very sweet gift, of course, but as shuichi likely expected, kaede immediately begins to hyperfixate on the notebook as soon as she realizes there's sheet music inside.
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❝ wow... look at all the songs in here! you really went to all the trouble of putting all this sheet music into a notebook just for me? i'll never run out of things to play now! ❞
not that that was ever a concern for her before, considering how often she played her favorite songs already.
she continues to flip through the book for a few more minutes, before suddenly getting up and giving shuichi a big hug. she was so grateful to have a friend like him, who knew her so well and always got her only the best presents.
after she broke off the hug, she knew exactly what she had to do.
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❝ all right then, mister. you wanna hear me play these songs? then you're gonna get to hear them, right here, right now! this private birthday party just turned into a private piano recital! ❞
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
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happy birthday to my beloved akamatsu kaede, i love her with all my heart and soul and i hope you all do too
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
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I will find the truth. To get out of here, with everyone - 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞. I’m going to survive. I can’t die here. In order to keep my promise to 𝐡𝐞𝐫. I will fight for my life in this trial of 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 and 𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 !
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SHUICHI SAIHARA of DANGANRONPA V3. DEDUCED by LEON est 2020. (promo credit!)
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
babey muse.......
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thank u to @earthssprout​ for taggin me in this <3
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
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“ … bu … but I don’t wanna say bye - bye to thi … thhh— to this year, please … nnn … no, thank you.”
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          { ♫ } ❝ it’s okay, ari. this year has had a lot of fun with us already, hasn’t it? i think it’ll be fine without us. besides, don’t you think the new year is gonna need some friends too? you don’t want it to be lonely, right? so instead of being sad, greet the new year with a smile, so it knows you want to be its friend! ❞
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upbeatpianist · 1 year
The moment Shuichi saw Kaede further up ahead, a smile instantly widened on his face: just the person he wanted to see! “Ah, Akamatsu-san... !!” Instantly he jogs up to her, and playfully gives her shoulders a pat from behind to grab her attention. “Boo, ahahaha: hi, Akamatsu-san, Merry Christmas! I’m glad to see you, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. That, and I wanted to give you a couple of gifts!”
That’s when he’ll present the pink gift bag that he was holding around his arm. The first thing inside, is a soft pink cardigan with a design of two big, white hearts on it. "I saw this very cute cardigan and thought you might like it! Plus with how cold it's been, I wanted you to also have some extra warmth as well...  "
And then the other item in the bag, would be a big, fluffy quarter note and treble clef bag charms. “Some charms for your bookbag! I just had to get this for you, of course, hehe. I hope you love these, too... !” (HEWWO AGAIN, TEE HEE... MERRY CHRISTMASU~!!! 🎼🤍🎶)
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          { ♫ } ❝ ‘boo’? come on, saihara-kun, halloween was 2 months ago! you can’t try to scare me like that anymore! ❞
a playful laugh leaves her lips afterwards, turning to face shuichi. seeing how excited he looks makes the smile on her face grow even wider.
she gently takes the gifts in hand as they are handed to her, and responds by giving a wrapped gift of her own to the boy.
❝ well, if you’re giving me a gift, then you get one of your own in exchange. it’s only fair, right? ❞
inside sat a dark blue sweater patterned with stars that reminded her of shuichi the second she saw it, a small reading light meant to be attached to the top of books to make reading at night easier, and a small magnifying glass pin that kaede figured shuichi could put on his hat or his uniform.
only after she had handed the gift to shuichi did she open up the bag she had received, and she was absolutely pleased to see what was inside.
so pleased, in fact, that the second she pulled out the fluffy charms, she immediately moved to attach them to her backpack, twisting around a bit afterwards to see them swing around.
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❝ saihara-kun, these gifts are so cute! i’m definitely gonna keep these charms on my bag forever! and the cardigan... exactly my style! ❞
she giggles, before giving shuichi a soft hug.
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❝ thank you so much for the presents!. i appreciate it more than you know! and i definitely hope you like your gifts too! merry christmas, saihara-kun. ❞
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