He chuckles a bit and goes where she leads. He has been to this carnival before but never really enjoyed it due to the sheer amount of people. "Where to?"
Afrori had finally given into going to the fair, though he had a sinking suspicion that something was going to happen. What, he didn’t know. At the entrance he pays for their tickets and takes her hand. “I don’t want you getting lost or running off to who knows...
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Afrori had finally given into going to the fair, though he had a sinking suspicion that something was going to happen. What, he didn't know. At the entrance he pays for their tickets and takes her hand. "I don't want you getting lost or running off to who knows where."
=>Streki tugs on Afroris hand dragging him out of the mountain hive. She had been pestering him every night and even day when ever she saw him basically to go to the fair that was being held. Finally winning, well she think she had just worn him out to the point where he agreed.
Come on! THE fair...
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So I bought a pack of google eyes.
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So I've lost all confidence in myself because of all the great people on my dash who's expectations I could never meet. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.
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Reblog if it is okay if I make fanart of your OCs
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Reblog if you've ever felt like a boring rp partner.
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↖ 100% dragon age trash
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trying to push a pull door and not succeeding like
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Reblogging this won't make you more likely to get a good mystery gift, but it also won't hurt your chances
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are dogs even real
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You know what the Green Heron is basically the best heron because it is like 90% neck so when it is all folded down it looks like a giant head with wings and legs
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but then suddenly ZOOP
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fucking green herrons
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reblog this if you actually like following me.
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This man has too much power in his words
Narrating People’s Lives: In the Suburbs! by Thomas Sanders
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reblog this if you actually like following me.
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reblog if you're not expecting anything on Valentines day
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He Yawns and closes his eyes, falling back asleep he pulls her back down into his tight embrace before falling into a deep sleep.
  "Trust me you needed it. There are so many things caught within." He yawns and stretches out, removing his arms from behind her.
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