enneagramrph · 2 years
The Relentlessly Positive Meme
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The meme of happy endings and lights in dark places! Send a symbol for a starter!
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🌼 - Our muses have survived a lot of hard things, but they’re finally safe. They make plans to meet up to do some soft self-care type activities, like going on a picnic.
🐕 - One muse helps the other muse with looking for a beloved escaped pet. Not only do they bring the pet home safely, they also realize how much they can depend on each other along the way.
⛰️ - Muse A really cares about doing the right thing, but they’re in danger of becoming jaded and bitter. Then they meet Muse B, whose life was changed by something they did (they had no idea!).
🏠 - One muse is visiting the other and ends up stuck there overnight because of a weather event such as heavy snow. They end up creating a sleepover atmosphere, or something more romantic.
🛸 - Our muses are... abducted by aliens?? That’s super rude tbh. They overpower the aliens and take over the ship, and now it’s a space adventure.
🐍 - One muse tells a lie that completely spirals out of control, but in kind of hilarious ways. The other muse may or may not be in on it. When the truth finally comes out, everyone is going to be laughing.
🗨️ - Muse A is someone who teases people to be friendly. Muse B is someone who’s kind to people to be friendly. They become close friends or romantic partners, but they’re such different people that they come up with some pretty wildly inaccurate versions of each other along the way.
⚽ - Our muses want to play with a soccer ball (or chess pieces, or a pool table, etc. etc.), but they don’t know the rules...so they invent a new game.
🥳 - Muse A has just experienced a crushing failure, perhaps in their career. They’re not taking it well at all, and Muse B doesn’t know how to help... so they throw Muse A a surprise party! Hooray failure! It’s how we learn!
🖋️ - Our muses have a long car ride/plane ride/etc., and they pass the time by coming up with a collaborative story (rp inception??). It starts out as something silly, like superheroes with ridiculous powers, but maybe something ‘real’ creeps in as the narrative evolves.
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enneagramrph · 2 years
"I will also add that your Enneagram makes a HUGE difference in how you write characters, which ones you are drawn to, and the themes within your own stories." would you mind elaborating a bit?
I don't know for sure authors that focus on each, but I'll throw out suggestions where I can.
Head types: fear / loyalty / strategy
5: dark, twisted, morbid, lack of safety, voyeuristic, intellectual themes, something is coming for you (Hitchcock or Stephen King)
6: family, loyalty, betrayal, uncertainty, bonding together to fight a common goal, external threats coming for you (Stranger Things)
7: fun-loving, freedom, need to avoid negativity, always come out of things smiling, optimism, life is good, live it to the fullest (Liz Gilbert, Rob Bell)
Heart types: relationships / emotions / self-image / others-image
2: love, romance, empathy, kindness, optimism, not focusing on too much darkness, sensual, relationships, connections
3: rags to riches, achievement, success, ambition, climbing the ladder, hollowness, trying to find what truly matters in life (Great Gatsby, The Greatest Showman)
4: alienation, misunderstood genius, unwanted, freak, weirdo, not like anybody else, withdrawn, me vs. the normies (Tim Burton)
Gut types: peace / right and wrong / action / against the world
1: good/evil, right/wrong, moral good, standing up for something, journey of self, self-improvement (To Kill a Mockingbird)
8: strength, overcoming, assertion of self, me against the world, conquerors, conflict, rawness of reality/sensuality
9: finding peace, the inner struggle, self-discovery, overcoming, finding one's place in the world (they may downplay conflict, have peaceful narratives, and if feelers, hate writing straight-up villains).
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enneagramrph · 2 years
The Defrosting the Refrigerator Meme: What Looks Good?
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This meme works a little differently! It’s a way to advertise to your mutuals what you’re interested in writing about, to start or help along plotting conversations. How it works:
Consider the situations listed. When you reblog the meme, add a symbol in the tags for each situation that you're especially in the mood to write. What is your creativity “hungry” for? Don’t worry about what you expect others to want to write, just put what you want and let people surprise you! Mutuals can then reblog the meme for themselves if they want, to communicate what situations they’re in the mood to write, and you can all go from there. You can also use this as a list of drabble prompts for you to select for yourself based on what you’re in the mood for.
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🍞 - My muse is in a safe and cozy place
🧇 - My muse is noticed and desired romantically
🍩 - My muse notices and desires another muse romantically
🍔 - My muse is really scared
🥪 - Another muse accepts something about my muse that my muse is insecure about
🎂 - My muse is, or becomes, famous
🥗 - My muse does something which causes a lot of people to dislike them; they may or may not regret it
🥜 - My muse is an outcast, through no fault of their own
🍕 - My muse is weak/sick/injured
🍷 - My muse is really powerful, maybe because they have a kind of superpower, maybe because they command an important social rank, maybe even both
🌮 - My muse gets to use a skill and be stunningly competent, and they achieve something important
🥔 - My muse is out of their depth, perhaps comically
🍲 - Something from my muse’s past becomes really relevant to the story
🍝 - My muse is dead tired and has to carry on anyway
🧂 - Another muse or an NPC is jealous of my muse
☕ - My muse is saved, helped, cared for, or supported
🍵 - My muse saves, helps, cares for, or supports another muse
🍚 - My muse and another muse comfort each other
🍧 - My muse attacks an NPC or another muse and doesn’t hold back
🍍 - My muse is trapped somewhere
🌯 - My muse wins an argument or is shown to be right about something
🍄 - Another muse reacts to my muse’s death
🥂 - My muse has a lot of money
🍛 - My muse gets to be honest about something they usually hide
🍫 - We write with the version of my muse from their main setting or canon setting
🥚 - We write with an AU/verse specific version of my muse
🍇 - There’s a bittersweet or wistful element to the story, sometimes characters get bargaining and struggle instead of victory
🍓 - There’s a relentlessly hopeful element to the story, characters stick together and make meaning out of even dark and terrible circumstances
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enneagramrph · 2 years
The Challenge Meme
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Send a symbol, and I’ll write a starter for a plot where my (receiver’s) muse ends up pushing your (sender’s) muse to rise to one of the challenges below! Add as many suggestions as you’d like. If we already have a thread, this can be a suggestion for further plot developments!
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1️⃣ - Self-forgiveness and self-acceptance
2️⃣ - Trusting others to take care of themselves
3️⃣ - Putting a mask aside and being more authentic
4️⃣ - Coming to terms with being ordinary in the best way
5️⃣ - Being a beginner, making mistakes, and not having the answers
6️⃣ - Becoming braver
7️⃣ - Facing deep and difficult emotions head on
8️⃣ - Sharing power with others
9️⃣ - Taking initiative and trusting inner strength
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🧭 - Moving past the person they were in a relationship they no longer have
🔎 - Discovering that something that they’ve believed about themself isn’t true
🏄 - Learning a new skill
😇 - Finding their way to redemption
😈 - Becoming... more evil
💐 - Being more generous
🔊 - Speaking up for themself
🤝 - Trusting others more
📖 - Finding material for a book or an article
🗝️ - Escaping!
🎨 - Being forced to apply an existing skill more creatively
💭 - Making a hard decision
👓 - Understanding a new perspective
💔 - Realizing that someone in their life is bad for them
🎠 - Dealing with the aftermath of a failure
⬜ - [Suggest your own!]
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enneagramrph · 2 years
RP Plots || The Fear of Corruption
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Send in a symbol for a plot based on the following!
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🌲 Muse A and Muse B have known each other for a long time. Muse A is realizing that they don’t like the person Muse B has become over the years, and they’ve been meaning to call off the friendship. Before they get the chance, the two find themselves stranded in an isolated location (a forest, an island, out at sea, etc.). Will they talk it out as they try to survive? Is Muse A in danger? Does Muse B kind of have a point?
🥕 A corrupt organization offered Muse A a large reward for compromising their values. Muse A refused. That should have been the end of it, but Muse A has just found out that someone important to them, Muse B, has accepted the deal that was offered to A. Why did Muse B do it? What happens now? Can they still be friends?
🕯️ Muse A wants to be a moral person in theory, but they’re certain that it just isn’t practical because of the circumstances they’re in. They compromise their values all the time in the name of survival. They don’t like it, but they’ve given up. But then Muse B enters their life, someone who hasn’t given up on morality. Can the two of them change their circumstances together? Or is Muse B fated to end up like Muse A?
🍂 Muse A has recently gone against their morals in a huge way, and they were hugely rewarded for it. Now they have a new opportunity to profit immensely, and all they have to do is hurt and betray Muse B. Was that first evil choice a one time thing, or is this who they are now? Is Muse B purely an innocent target in all of this, or are they more than they seem?
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enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram Number Informal Masterlists for RP Muses
by Enneagram RPH
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Reblog to tell others what your muse’s enneagram number is. Check the notes to find characters to interact with!
[xxx] Enneagram 1
[xxx] Enneagram 2
[xxx] Enneagram 3
[xxx] Enneagram 4
[xxx] Enneagram 5
[xxx] Enneagram 6
[xxx] Enneagram 7
[xxx] Enneagram 8
[xxx] Enneagram 9
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enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram RPH Informal Masterlist
 ◾  🔹  ◾   Enneagram 9   ◾  🔹  ◾   
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Attuned to peace, comfort, and the little things in life. Can struggle to identify their own wants and needs. Naturally good at seeing all sides to a conflict. A highly skilled mediator capable of repairing complex communication breakdowns, without sacrificing their own right to have an identity, at their best. A willingly blank slate drifting from one undesirable situation to another without ever claiming their own power, at their worst.
🔁 Reblog to identify your roleplay muse as an enneagram 9, so others can find your blog in the notes of this post
#️⃣ For the tags: your enneagram 9 muse’s name, their fandom (if any), a brief intro to them as a character, and a welcome message to potential rp partners
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enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram RPH Informal Masterlist
◾  🔹  ◾   Enneagram 8   ◾  🔹  ◾  
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Bold and assertive. Highly attuned to power dynamics, and very preoccupied with not being controlled. An intimidating presence, which can even shine through when they’re not doing anything.
A fierce and committed protector of the vulnerable who knows what it is to be kicked around and won’t tolerate it for others, at their best. A disagreeable bully who always needs to get their way, at their worst.
🔁 Reblog to identify your roleplay muse as an enneagram 8, so others can find your blog in the notes of this post
#️⃣ For the tags: your enneagram 8 muse’s name, their fandom (if any), a brief intro to them as a character, and a welcome message to potential rp partners
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enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram RPH Informal Masterlist
◾  🔹  ◾   Enneagram 7   ◾  🔹  ◾  
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Spirited and fun-loving. Uncomfortable with discomfort. Joy as a way of life. A master at creating satisfying events and environments, a ringmaster-grade social butterfly, at their best. Completely cut off from the hard things in life and desperate to fill the hole with empty pleasures, at their worst.
🔁 Reblog to identify your roleplay muse as an enneagram 7, so others can find your blog in the notes of this post
#️⃣ For the tags: your enneagram 7 muse’s name, their fandom (if any), a brief intro to them as a character, and a welcome message to potential rp partners
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enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram RPH Informal Masterlist
◾  🔹  ◾   Enneagram 6   ◾  🔹  ◾  
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Community-oriented and loyal. Practical and risk-aware. Who are your friends... your real friends? A reliable pillar of their community or a visionary revolutionary, at their best. Suspicious, anxious, and stuck in unhealthy patterns around either conformity or rebellion, at their worst.
🔁 Reblog to identify your roleplay muse as an enneagram 6, so others can find your blog in the notes of this post
#️⃣ For the tags: your enneagram 6 muse’s name, their fandom (if any), a brief intro to them as a character, and a welcome message to potential rp partners
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0 notes
enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram RPH Informal Masterlist
◾  🔹  ◾   Enneagram 5   ◾  🔹  ◾   
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Collecting knowledge as a way of life and a means of self-protection. Uncomfortable with being ‘caught’ in a beginner’s role. Reserved. A visionary and thought leader capable of reshaping their community’s knowledge landscape, at their best. Isolated in a trap of their own making that was supposed to protect them, at their worst.
🔁 Reblog to identify your roleplay muse as an enneagram 5, so others can find your blog in the notes of this post
#️⃣ For the tags: your enneagram 5 muse’s name, their fandom (if any), a brief intro to them as a character, and a welcome message to potential rp partners
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enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram RPH Informal Masterlist
◾  🔹  ◾   Enneagram 4   ◾  🔹  ◾   
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Blessed (or is it cursed?) with attunement to greater and more satisfying possibilities than reality has been known to offer. Perpetually on a quest to develop and uncover their own uniqueness. Comfortable sitting with tragedy and heavy emotions. A creative powerhouse and a reliable guide through waters of challenge and change, at their best. Stuck feeling left behind and unfulfilled, with little hope of finding satisfying meaning, at their worst.
🔁 Reblog to identify your roleplay muse as an enneagram 4, so others can find your blog in the notes of this post
#️⃣ For the tags: your enneagram 4 muse’s name, their fandom (if any), a brief intro to them as a character, and a welcome message to potential rp partners
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enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram RPH Informal Masterlist
◾  🔹  ◾   Enneagram 3   ◾  🔹  ◾   
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Oriented around achievement and validation. Can struggle to show authenticity to others, even to themselves. An energetic, go-getter type. A driven leader within their community who can aim for greatness while separating accolades from identity, at their best. An insecure boaster who puts more effort into the image of things than the reality, at their worst.
🔁 Reblog to identify your roleplay muse as an enneagram 3, so others can find your blog in the notes of this post
#️⃣ For the tags: your enneagram 3 muse’s name, their fandom (if any), a brief intro to them as a character, and a welcome message to potential rp partners
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0 notes
enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram RPH Informal Masterlist
 ◾  🔹  ◾   Enneagram 2   ◾  🔹  ◾   
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Hospitality and care for others as a way of life. Risks minimizing their own needs, and seemingly straightforward gifts may come with stealth expectations. Derives genuine joy and fulfillment from making others happy and helping people get what they need. A loving friend who goes the extra mile and masterfully supplies the human element to a cold, cold world, at their best. Manipulative, attaching a string to every favor, at their worst.
🔁 Reblog to identify your roleplay muse as an enneagram 2, so others can find your blog in the notes of this post
#️⃣ For the tags: your enneagram 2 muse’s name, their fandom (if any), a brief intro to them as a character, and a welcome message to potential rp partners
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0 notes
enneagramrph · 2 years
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Enneagram RPH Informal Masterlist
  ◾  🔹  ◾   Enneagram 1   ◾  🔹  ◾  
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Moral advocates who keep the enneagram honest. Perfectionism can get in the way of leaning into a sense of fun. Deeply uncomfortable with feeling that they are ‘bad.’
Dedicated reformers who are willing to do the hard work of questioning and restructuring systems that hurt everybody, at their best. Overly critical, resentful, lecturing, and pedantic, at their worst.
🔁 Reblog to identify your roleplay muse as an enneagram 1, so others can find your blog in the notes of this post
#️⃣ For the tags: your enneagram 1 muse’s name, their fandom (if any), a brief intro to them as a character, and a welcome message to potential rp partners
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enneagramrph · 2 years
Welcome to Enneagram RPH!
I like the enneagram a lot as a personality metric and writing/characterization tool, so I decided to make this blog as an enneagram-focused roleplay resource. Suggestions are welcome, and thanks for stopping by!
- Jackie
Blog content
The first thing I made for this blog was a series of informal masterlist posts for muses of each enneagram number: [xxx]
I’m not here to run a super serious scholarly enneagram blog, but I also hope to use the enneagram as more than a gimmick! Some content and rp memes will be completely generic, and most of the ones that do relate to the enneagram will be approachable and useful whether you’ve heard of the enneagram or not. I generally hope to put out content that encourages deep authenticity, deep character study, and good communication.
What is the enneagram?
This video (not mine) is a really good introduction:
Wikipedia article: [xxx]
Type descriptions from The Enneagram Institute: [xxx]
Free online enneagram test*: [xxx]    *Tests aren’t the best way to find your number, it takes research and introspection
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