Warming salve for Sore Muscles and Joints
This was shared with me by a lovely lady on one of the Discord Servers I’m part of. 
You Will Need: 
You don’t NEED a crock pot for this, but it does make the steeping the oil bit easier
A double boiler (Or a metal bowl you can put over a pot filled with water) 
Some cheesecloth
A wide mouthed jar to keep your salve in
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon Arnica flowers 3 teaspoons ground cayenne pepper 2 Tablespoon St. John’s Wort flowers 2-3 slices of peeled ginger root4-5 ounces of oil (I usually use olive or sweet almond) 2 Tablespoons beeswax pellets 
Heat the oil over the double boiler while stirring in the herbs. Do NOT Allow the oil to boil. 
Stir frequently. Warm the oil for 10 or so minutes, then set aside to steep in the oil for 24 hours  (Or you can literally just throw everything in the crockpot on the warm setting overnight and get the same results lol) 
Once your herbs have steeped long enough, strain the herb carcasses out with the cheese cloth
Melt the beeswax in the double boiler and whisk it briskly together with the oil. 
Quickly pour into the jars and voila, a warming pain relief salve for sore muscles and joints.
Also know that the cayenne pepper can really irritate sensitive skin and it does kind of…. burn a bit when you first put it on.A welcome one usually cuz it feels so good. But still be aware lol. 
Oh and you can add vitamin E oil to this salve once it has cooled some to extend the shelf life a bit. 
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Blood Magick 101
One of the most common things I am asked besides how to begin in witchcraft is, “What is Blood Magick? Is it real?”
The short answer is…yes, but not in the way you think. Please keep in mind while you read this that a lot of closed religions use blood as an integral part of their practice and how it affects their practice is usually very different from how it affects the general open practices. This post does not apply to those closed packages as I do not practice them or possess any in-depth knowledge of how they work, but rather the general open practices with blood. If you are a member of one of those closed religions, however, please feel free to add onto this post with your experiences!
What is Blood Magick?
When we hear the phrase, “Blood Magick”, we might think of sacrifices, cutting our hands open with sacrificial blades, or, if you’re like me, you think of the big “no-no” practice that universally brands you as evil in the video game series, Dragon Age. This is all a result of popular media displaying this magick as such. In reality, blood magick is not as exciting as it is portrayed in media and can, in fact, be totally painless! General Blood Magick is when you use blood as a source of energy for your spell, ritual, charm, etc. It can reap benefits, but it very unstable and your results might not be what you expect. While the blood used is usually your own, it doesn’t need to be. I have known witches who have used game animal blood! Wherever you get your blood, it is important to receive it ethically!* 
How can I be safe when using Blood?
It is important for you to use certain protocols when dealing with blood, before any magick is in involved. Here are some general ones I’ve learned from a phlebotomist:
Never reuse needles
Never share needles
Do not attempt if you are anemic or you have any blood clotting disorder/ are on any blood-thinning medication such as Plavix
Always dispose of needles properly so that there is no chance for children, animals, garbage men, or even yourself can get poked. They actually make containers for you to dispose needles in. 
If you use a sharp object to acquire blood, ensure that the area you are using it on is clean and the needle is always sterile beforehand
Always know the source of the blood you are using, but also be sure to never get blood in any open wounds, cuts, or in your eyes. If this happens with blood you are not familiar with, immediately go to an emergency room to get preventative care. 
It’s actually preferable if you use sanitary disposable gloves when handling blood, but at the very least, thoroughly clean any skin that got blood on it immediately.
If, at any time, you can not control the bleeding, go to the emergency room. You might need stitches. 
Do not try to acquire blood from any vein or vessel nor should you use any sharp object near one.
DO NOT HANDLE A SHARP OBJECT WHILE INTOXICATED IN ANY WAY. Look, I drink and don’t judge others who do so or like to get high. I know a lot of witches incorporate drugs into their craft. However, never use a sharp object when intoxicated. Your control and judgement will be compromised and you could seriously injure yourself without knowing. If it is absolutely necessary, collect the blood beforehand. 
Why would I use Blood Magick?
Blood magick is used when you need to infuse your very essence or a small part of your life energy into a spell, if using your blood, or the essence of a particular animal or their life energy. It is one of the most powerful ways you can charge give energy to a spell. If you are not very experienced in this, you should only use it in very desperate circumstances when all other options have been exhausted. I have seen witches use deer blood in a spell calling upon Artemis, the Greek God of the Hunt (among other things) and I have a friend who used blood magick when trying to save her house from foreclosure when she was told there was almost no chance she could save it, even with the proper budgeting and payments. 
Wait, you said I should only use it regularly if I was very experienced in it… what are the Magickal dangers of it?
Think of using Blood Magick as if using rocket fuel in a normal car. If you are an engineer, you might be able to build a car that can use rocket fuel reliably, but, if not, you most likely would build a non-functional or unreliable car, or worse, a car that just explodes. 
When you use blood, I mentioned that you are putting your very essence and energy into the spell. This very much ups the chance that you will be directly affected by the outcome of the spell, even if it was done for or on someone else. This goes double with any curses or hexes. It is also possible that you might get too much of the result you wanted or your result way too soon. If you are using animal blood, it is possible that it’s correspondence won’t agree with the purpose of the spell or the animal’s essence is just plain unwilling to cooperate. 
If you use unethically-sourced blood, you also open yourself up to the negative energies of the source including unsavory paranormal activity. It might take several rounds of cleansing to get rid of that energy. 
How much blood would I need for most spells?
Usually the tiniest drop of blood is necessary, if even needed. It would be equivalent of a finger prick when checking blood sugar levels. 
How would I use the blood?
It depends on the spell and the caster! I’ve seen it dripped on paper where the incantation is written out and I’ve also seen it mixed in a bowl of herbs (not for consumption). Generally, if you ask me, I will tell you that you most likely don’t need it for the spell you are doing. 
Please be safe, everyone!! 
*Ethically sourced is a very broad phrase, but I am referring to blood that is retrieved either from yourself, a willing participant who know what you are using it for and has given consent, animals that have respectfully and lawfully been hunted and consumed, or animals that have been respectfully and lawfully hunted and honored. You should never poach animals or steal blood from any scientific/medical institution, deceased persons, or receive the blood from a living human who is misguided or unknowing of your intentions with the blood.
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Tarot in Spells
this is a list of magical associations for every tarot card, they can be added into spells to amplify your intentions and strengthen your manifestations
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Wands are connected with the Fire element and is centered around movement, direction, energy, passion
Swords deal with thinking, communication, perception, and issues dealing with truth, connected to the air element
Cups are connected with water, and the full spectrum of emotions. every emotion imaginable is covered in the cup’s suit.
Pentacles are connected with Earth and are symbolic of manifestation, rewards,  material wealth and material abundance.
The Fool creates new beginnings and can be paired with other cards. ex: the fool + the lovers for new romance, the fool + pentacles for new opportunities, etc.
The Magician increases your power and capability on all levels, willpower, emotional security, balance within yourself, etc.
The High Priestess increases your psychic abilities, mediumship abilities, and intuition
The Empress will help you with creativity and creative endeavors
The Emperor establishes order, structure, and command
The Hierophant can be used in a lot of ways, my favorites are 1. Pairing it with the fool to attract a new mentor, 2. Using it to summon a spirit guide or ascended master
The Lovers help invoke and attract love, partnership, mutual relationships, and passion
The Chariot is amazing for success, and triumph. I always use this in success spells for exams, tests, and projects. The Chariot will help the best possible outcome for a situation to arise
Strength will help you master your emotions
The Hermit is good for rituals and meditations based going within and gaining a better understanding of your own self, and life purpose.
The Wheel of Fortune can be used for luck, change, and getting a desired situation moving
Justice is great for truth, legal matters, and justice 
The Hanged Man buys you time for a situation you aren’t ready to face, delays events
The Death card works well for ending situations, closing doors, gaining closure, and new beginnings
Temperance will restore balance and serenity to any situation
The Tower is best used for hexing and cursing, brings misfortune, unhappiness and chaos
The Star card is good for when you are casting spells focused on gaining something, The Star card is centered around healing, openness, and hope
The Moon helps develops intuitive abilities and can be used to send bad dreams
The Sun is used in spells for summoning happiness, success, and health
Judgement will help clear confusion and help you with understanding your life mission similar to the Hermit in that aspect
The World invokes wholeness and completion
Page of Wands: works with communication, messages, action, and passion
Page of Cups: boosts creativity, taps into your spiritual nature to bring out new creativity
Page of Swords: amplifies ingenuity and creativity, helps deliver messages from one person to another, can be used to attract someone’s attention to yourself
Page of Pentacles: good for grounding and centering spell work
Knight of Wands: speeds up any workings involving passion, love, and creativity
Knight of Cups: speeds up workings dealing with emotions, psychic development, inner strength
Knight of Swords: speeds up workings involving communication, balance, and thinking
Knight of Pentacles: speeds up workings dealing with manifesting abundance, material wealth, prosperity, and creativity
King of Wands: associated with leadership, command, can help you gain authority
King of Cups: associated with personal feelings, can help you resolve personal conflicts and inner turmoil
King of Swords: aids in strengthening your communication and speaking skills
King of Pentacles: invokes luxury, great card for business success
Queen of Wands: establishes a sense of self security and sufficiency
Queen of Cups: develops your psychic abilities, also helps with understanding/controlling your emotions
Queen of Swords: helps you develop stronger focus
Queen of Pentacles: abundance, creativity, fertility
Aces: used for new beginnings based on the energy represented in that suit
Two of Wands: positive progress in any situation whether it be romance, health, career, etc.
Three of Wands: business prosperity
Four of Wands: strengthens any type of relationship
Five of Wands: used in hexes and curses to invoke conflict, and arguments
Six of Wands: manifests recognition, success,
Seven of Wands: use this card when you’re in a tough situation, it will help you succeed and come out of it stronger
Eight of Wands: directs energy and intentions towards a specific goal or purpose, helps to speed up workings 
Nine of Wands: use this card when you come face to face with a difficult task, this card will keep you brave and strong
Ten of Wands: can either be used to achieve something great, or it can be used in a hex or curse to manifest burdens
Two of Cups: union, strengthens romantic relationships
Three of Cups: strengthens a friendship
Four of Cups: dissatisfaction with surroundings
Five of Cups: causes despair and sadness
Six of Cups: lifts your mood when you’re feeling down
Seven of Cups: illusions and deceptions
Eight of Cups: used to help you move on from the past
Nine of Cups: make a wish and use this card’s power to grant your wish, invokes happiness 
Ten of Cups: brings happiness to relationships of all kinds, friends, family, romantic, etc.
Two of Swords: used in curses and hexes to cause someone to have a limiting mindset
Three of Swords: heartbreak and emotional strife
Four of Swords: used in healing spells, sleeping aid
Five of Swords: manifests conflict, and failed success
Six of Swords: this card will aid you when you face a difficult change, helps you to move on and move forward
Seven of Swords: causes betrayal
Eight of Swords: powerful energy that causes isolation
Nine of Swords: sends nightmares and anxieties 
Ten of Swords: defeat and betrayal
Two of Pentacles: brings balance
Three of Pentacles: strengthens business connections
Four of Pentacles: manifests financial stability
Five of Pentacles: financial problem
Six of Pentacles: prosperity
Seven of Pentacles: material abundance
Eight of Pentacles: if you’ve worked hard this card ensures you that your efforts will be rewarded
Nine of Pentacles: success, luxury, accomplishment
Ten of Pentacles: success, wealth
Negative aspects of the cards can be used for hexing and cursing
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The most irritating thing about a shared Tumblr page is watching as others cause problems and you being dragged into it because it's a shared page. Nevermind trying to clear your name, someone else will end up dragging it through the dirt with they stupidity.
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its easy! its fun! its what all the cool kids are doing!
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This would be something I would suffer in a campaign
Another one for the undead army
(Playing a one shot where all the players are clerics)
Chris (war cleric): I roll insight to see if I know what kind of specter this is and how strong it is…… nat 20.
Dm: The specter comes flying out of the well at you, roll initiative.
Dm: it’s a poltergeist and it’s a cr level 2.
Giggles ensue
Melech (rediculously old death cleric): it like to persuade it to join my undead army….. 17?
Dm: (sighs) the poltergeist looks at you quizzically when you ask. Then sees your 2 skeleton companions and pet bulette and decides why not.
….. a little bit later……
Dm: a banshee flys out of the ground in the center of the room and wails at you… Chris and Emil your both unconscious. Melach what do you want to do?
Melech: I want to persuade her to join my undead army…..
Dm: (Long suffering sigh) ok but this dc will be much highe—
Melech: NAT 20
Dm: ……. she flies over to you and begins to pet the baby bulette…
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While I haven't made my own batch, I have tried some of someone else's. It works wonders if you have the sniffles or just not feeling right.
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Fire Cider Spell for Winter Protection
Last year I set an intention to grow as many of my own ingredients as possible for a big batch of fire cider to keep me warm and healthy this winter. I had no idea how glad I’d be that I did! With COVID ramping up (ugh) in the US, I’m glad to have an enchanted health boosting tonic to keep my immune system ready for anything. This batch came out powerful and delicious and brimming with magickal intent. A teaspoon of this each morning warms me up and makes me feel safe, strong, and ready to take on anything. Allow me to share my recipe with you <3
Fire Cider Spell
Quart jar
Apple cider vinegar (about 20 oz)
Several Cayennes (however many you like) chopped
1 small-medium red onion, minced
3 large garlic cloves, grated.
2” knob of ginger, grated
2 tablespoons horseradish, grated (if you can find it. If not, no big deal!)
2 tablespoons fresh turmeric (if you can’t find any, you can add a couple shakes of turmeric powder, or just skip it!)
1 cinnamon stick (cassia for heat or ceylon for flavor)
2 star anise
1 tablespoon of rosemary needles
1 tablespoon of thyme leaves
Local honey, to taste
Firstly, enchant your botanical ingredients (separately) for protection and health. Create a short healing and protection mantra and think it to yourself while imagining a white light surrounding the herb you are enchanting. Usually 30 seconds is right for me, but do what is right for you. After they’ve all been sufficiently enchanted, add them to the quart jar.
Cover the botanical ingredients with apple cider vinegar, leaving a bit of head room so you will be able to adequately shake it up in the coming days. Screw the lid on tight and shake. Write the date on the jar.
Set the jar in a dark-ish place along with a clear quartz crystal for 6 weeks. Shake every day while thinking or reciting your healing and protection manta.
After 6 weeks, strain out the solids. Add honey to taste (mostly to counter the spiciness,) and then store it in the fridge for the best longevity, although it is also shelf stable. Take a teaspoon up to a half a shot of it each morning as you are getting ready for the day :)
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How to collect seeds!
So I’m writing this as someone who is still learning, and had no knowledge of this until very recently, but you know what, this is cool, life-sustaining, money-saving knowledge and I love every bit of it. Proceed for the information I gathered gardening for 2 years.
Seed collecting:
Peppers: Open up a ripe pepper, pick out the seeds, let them dry up on a sheet of newspaper for a few days. If the seeds get black, the pepper wasn’t ripe enough, and they wont be viable.
Potatoes: Keep a part of your small-ish potatoes from your harvest, let them rest in cold, dry space (basement), they’ll start making roots by the next planting time!
Beans: Beans are the seeds. Just take the beans when the pods dry up on the plant.
Green beans: You need to let the pods grow into their full size, harden, and dry up before you take the seeds. They’ll grow the same way dry beans do.
Peas: Wait until the pea pods dry up completely, then take the dry peas out, and they’ll work as seeds.
Strawberries: The seeds are outside on the strawberry! You can pick them out and plant them. Usually strawberries are propagated by just taking one plant and letting it spread, or planting the roots, but no harm in trying out from seed as well, even if it takes longer to give fruit.
Cantaloupe: Open up when it’s ripe, and take the seeds out, dry them for a few days.
Pumpkin (and other winter squash like butternut and Hokkaido): Be sure it’s a completely ripe one! The seeds are right there when you open it up, you just need to let them dry before storing.
Tomatoes: You need a ripe tomato, and you can carve out the seeds with a small spoon. Notice they have that slimey gel around them, this is to keep them intact thru the process of digestion! You can put them in a glass of water, and leave them on your counter for a few days like that, thru that time the gel will melt, and then you can wash them off and put them on a newspaper sheet to dry. You know you’ve done well if the seeds have the tiny fuzzy hair on them! They’re usually brown when dried. You can use this method for other gel-filled stuff, like kiwi, or some melons.
Zucchini, cucumber, summer squash: You’ll need to let one of the fruits to grow big in order for the seeds to be completely ripe, it’s best to leave it until the plant is dying off. Then you’ll be able to get viable seeds out of it! Even if you can no longer eat that fruit.
Broccoli, Cabbage, similar brassica type greens: So for these you need to leave them in the ground (one plant is enough) and let them go to flower (they will grow into flowers when it’s hot outside!). The flowers will then turn into these miniature pods, like tiny green beans, and you need to let them do their thing, until the pods are all dried up. If you get too many pods, you can eat them when they’re still young! Once the pods are dried up, the little seeds will wait for you inside, like tiny black peas.
Lettuce: If you let it grow for a longer time, or while it’s hot out, it will grow up and produce flowers! Then the flowers will dry up and create the white fuzzy seed clusters, they remind me of dandelions. You can pick out the seeds and separate them from the fuzzy bits, or just mush it all into the seed packet, it will work regardless of weather you cleaned them perfectly or not.
Most flowers: If you let them grow until they dry up, the center of the flower is where you can find seeds, often they will easily fall out if you just shake the flower a little. Sometimes you can even get seeds from flowers you put inside in bouquets, try to take apart the flower head after it’s dry and some of it should be seeds.
Basil: If you let it flower, the flowers will produce little seed packets! You need to wait until they’re completely dry and black to pick them, they smell so nice!
Celery, Parsley: If you let them grow for a long time, they’ll produce nice, circular flowers, and then they’ll have the little clusters of yellow balls, these are the seeds. You need to wait until they’re completely dry and black, and pick them up in dry weather.
Carrots: It takes 2 years for a carrot to go to seed, and I’m not completely certain if this is true but maybe you need to let more than one go to seed so it would work? I didn’t do that, but I did let one carrot go, and it grew into this huge thing with many heads of white flowers. It takes a while for it to dry up so be patient. They go from black, to ash-colored, and then it’s safe to pick them. My seeds came in these spikey little outfits, but it felt okay to dissemble them with my fingers. They’re still untested so I might be wrong about this, I will update this after I try germinating them.
Onions: If you leave onions in the ground for long enough, they end up growing a bunch of tiny little bulbs, and you can plant each of these bulbs to get more normal-sized onions. Can’t be stored for long, you will need to plant it the same year as they’ll start to grow.
Garlic: Just save a few cloves, ideally bigger ones, and plant them.
End note: For some of the stuff that takes a long time to get, like carrots, you don’t need to keep doing it for every yeaar because the seeds will last for a few years, and you will generally get enough of them to plant for several season. Some of the seeds you get might also get cross-pollinated if the plant was next to a similar-type plant, for instance peppers will cross-pollinate easily, some melons and squash will as well, tomatoes too. You can go about this two ways – you can pick a flower bud on the plant, and protect it from the bees by wrapping a net around it, so the bees cannot cross-pollinate it. When the flower forms, you pollinate it yourself, using another flower you’ve protected. Then when the fruit forms, you’ll be sure it’s not cross-pollinated with anything else, and you get clean seeds from it. The other way is – just enjoy some hybrid plants! They will not necessarily be bad, I got some monster tomatoes from a cross-pollinated plant, it’s risky but sometimes turns out nice!
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At least once a year, preferably during the summer months when the plants can be moved outside, give the greenhouse a thorough cleaning. You can sterilize all the benches, ground, interior plastic, any pots, etc. with a solution of household bleach mixed 1 to 10. Remove any unused pots, containers, trash, etc, so no little guests will have a home over the winter. An aphid can live under a leaf in a greenhouse to survive until Spring comes and hatch a major population at that time. Spider mites are also great at hiding, especially in sand floors. Sterilize all your tools, scissors, knives, potting bins and anything else you use on your plants or to dig in the dirt.
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5 Quick Garden Tips!
Hi everybody! I’ve been seeing so much lately on gardening and plants and figured I’d throw in my 2 cents!
Here are some quick, partially witchy ways to improve your garden!
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Moss Agate is your Best Friend
Moss agate is said to be the gardener’s stone- and for good reason as well! In my experience, if a plant isn’t looking so good and youre trying to fix that, put moss agate next to the base of the plant or plant in the soil next to the plant!
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Water in the Morning or the Late Afternoon
I’ve found that these generally are the best time to water, since during the middle of the day the water evaporates more or the water gets warmer.
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Talk to your Plants!
Plants not only make good company, they also enjoy hearing you talk to them! Encourage them to grow, compliment their leaves or stalks or flowers! Comment on how well they’re doing or ask if they’re okay when you tend to them!
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Prune Prune Prune!
The majority of plants I grow, and most I read about, all say that pruning or cutting the plants back will promote new and better growth. Be mindful of wear and what you prune though. For example, an easy way to prune basil is just pull the leaves off. Their leaves are great for herbs in cooking or craft!
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Save & Root Cuttings!
Another thing that many plants seem to share in common is the ability to root from cuttings. With basil or mint, you simply cut the plant right below the node (where the leaves grow). Make sure the cutting is around 3 inches long before you make the cut, then place the cutting in a cup of water and set it somewhere that gets sunlight. Usually within 2 to 3 weeks youll have enough roots to plant it in some soil.
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I hope these tips help you with your gardens!!! 💚🌿🌱☘💚
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Sadly the bee population has decreased, let’s help the bees!! 🐝🐝🐝
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They make the best of jams and jellies, crabapple butter is one thing I'm am still experimenting with.
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Plant of the Day
Friday 11 December 2020
Such a great tree for wildlife, this Malus × atrosanguinea 'Gorgeous' (crab apple) was covered in fruit and the blackbirds were keen to eat them. This small, deciduous tree has a dense, rounded habit and in spring will be covered in self fertile white flowers that open from pink buds.
Jill Raggett
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Plant of the Day
Monday 14 December 2020
In the protection of the cool glasshouse in the the Global Growth Vegetable Garden, at the Royal Horticultural Society Garden Hyde Hall, Essex, UK, a number of Brasica rapa var. chinensis (pak choi, Chinese white cabbage) cultivars are being grown to provide some winter crops. Pak choi is hardier than many other leafy crops, so will tolerate late sowings for crops in autumn and winter.
Jill Raggett
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gliophorus psittacinus
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Dark Magick
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Many come from the speculation that dark magick is malicious and only have ill-intentions. However, that is far from the truth.
Dark magick does not only harm, but there are healing abilities as well as light magick. In light magic, harm can be done as well as healing.
Those who work through darkness and shadow are Witches who were called to the umbra. Many deities such as Nyx, Anubis, Dionysus, Hecate, Kali, and many others channel the umbra, the dark aspect of reality.
While darkness and shadow symbolize evil due to modern stigma, the gods of the umbra have been worshipped long before light hass been brought to the earth.
Darkness is the absense of light, which also symbolizes rebirth and intuitive abilities to those who worship the darker aspects of magick. This magick can be confused as an chaotic form, due to not using too many tools to aid in their spell casting, but not many are aware that darkness is an element that is still beijg researched by scientists, dark matter.
We channel the in the night and darkness to aid our abilities. We heal and curse to our will, having our vibrations carry through the shadows. We also self cast for protection from curses, psychic attacks, and absorbing negativity.
Darkness is a powerful magick due to silencing others magick as well as those who send out negative attempts to ourselves and our loved ones.
Those who practice this form of magic may not be aware of its defensive properties, but is a powerful aid in defensive along side with offensive magicks.
Dream magick and astral projection come from the umbra, which is a shadow gateway into the beyond.
Those who are interested in practicing dark magic, research aspects of deities from the umbra and allow to learn what is taught to you. Many deities from a darker aspect tend to want their followers to learn from their lessons, which also is linked to the planet Saturn, the planet of wisdom and karma, also a planet of the umbra.
Let’s talk about dark magick, where we will learn from each other and also take away the representation of evil intent. Be aware that there are many forms of magic that can be used for either good or evil, but it is truly upon the user on how these elements are being projected.
- The Black Witch
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☽Yule bottle for protection and prosperity☾
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·      mistletoe – creativity, protection
·      cloves – wealth, protection
·      nutmeg – wealth, luck
·      star anise – purification, protection
·      cinnamon stick – cleansing, protection
·      fern – protection
·      ivy –luck, rebirth, protection
·      cedar – wealth, confidence
·      pine needles – prosperity, strength
·      dried orange slice – luck, love, good health
·      citrine point – happiness, carries the power of the sun
Keep on a windowsill or gift it to a friend!☾
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