enter-the-story · 22 hours
Comfort Fics to Soothe the Soul
_In no particular order
4 fics contain dark themes
5 fics contain smut (3 of 5 eventual)
12 fics are reader fics
5 fics are Sans x Sans
1. Skeleton Games
By poetax (279k words)
Characters: Muffet, Red, Edge, Reader
Tags: Feuding neighbors, vampire reader
Note: None
2. Doom and Gloom All Up in Your Room
by TrashCollector (95k)
Reader (room owner), Dust, Horror
Domestic harem
3. A Sea of Hope
By Aylish91 (26k)
Reader (runaway skeleton), Axe (Horror)
Piratetale, Y/N x Axe
Note: abuse recovery
4. Poor Little Meow Meow
By Mystique, TallDumbass (58k)
Reader (vet), Killer
Fluff and Angst, domestic, ship
Note: eventual occasional smut
5. A Lovely House of Bones
By Green_Heart88 (37k)
Reader (host), Sans, Paps, Blue, Stretch, Edge, Red
Domestic living + recovery
6. Six Skeletons, One Store Clerk
By mccloudydayz (249k)
Reader, Sans, Paps, Red, Edge, Stretch, Blue +
Harem, Domestic, multiverse shennanigans
7. Aggre(g/v)ation
By Llama_Goddess (180k)
Reader, Sans, Red, Skull, later Mobfell Sans
Domestic, lots o’ shippin’
Note: Mobfell’s house onwards is intense
8. On the Top of the Bone Pile
By Lyrjok (422k)
Reader (in band), Red, Edge, Blue, Stretch, Gaster Sans
Note: eventual smut
9. Dirty Laundry
By popatochisp (162k)
Swapfell Sans, Swapfell Papyrus, Reader
Domestic, romance
10. Stowaway Bitty
By Historically Dragon (301k)
Bittybones (Brassberry), Reader (broke and making do)
Slice of life
11. A Trio of Misfits
By Sabinarius (56k)
Bittybones (Baby Blue, Lil Bro), Reader
Slice of life, money troubles
12. Smoke in the Mirror
By Catsitta (76k)
Mobfell Ensemble, Red, Sans
Sans x Sans
13. The Killing Kind (Comic)
By @/thegrinningkitten
Geno-Error x Reaper, Sans x Sans
14. Papyrus Dates a Bird
By WhatteauYouDoing (70k)
Reader (bird), Papyrus, Sans
Slice of life, magi
15. That Danger that Lurks Underwater
By AKA_Indulgence (67k)
Sans (meroctopus), Red (mermaid), Edge (mermaid), Reader (human)
Toxic romance, Sans x Reader
Note: dark themes
16. Saving Three Ex-cell-ent Skeletons
By RecklesslyCaffeinated (90k)
Reader, Sans, Red, Horror
Nurse x prison inmates, harem
17. Who Done It?
By Catsitta (15k) complete
Mafia Sans, Mafia Red, Mafia Edge, Reader (barista)
Mafia!Kustard, mystery, Sans x Sans
18. Cave Bear
By Llama_Goddess (35k)
Reader, Horrorfell Sans, Horrorfell Papyrus
Fall into underground, daily grind
Note: dark themes
Related one shot
19. Just Buisness
Catsitta (37k)
Sans, Red
Single parent struggle, sugar daddy red
Sans x Sans (debatable)
Note: dark themes
20. Burn Me Down
By Gypsum Lilac (22k)
Edge, Reader
Fast food domestic, mental health
21. Storm
By Nilchance
Horror, Sticks (Farmtale Sans)
Hurt/comfort, Sans x Sans
Note: smut
22. The Soldier and the Carnal Skeletons
By Writers_War_Zone (113k)
Sans, Horror, Blue, Reader (ex soldier)
Animal instincts, harem, kink
Note: smut
23. Little Red
By Spectroscope (53k)
Human!SwapPaps, Human!SwapSans, OC bittybones
Bittybones, trauma recovery
24. Firsts and Seconds
by Skerb (103k)
Sticks (Farmtale Sans), Bitey/Buddy (Horrortale Sans)
Injury recovery, strangers to lovers, Sans x Sans
25. Starry Eyed
By nilchance (90k)
Sans, Red, Edge, Stretch, Gaster (AI)
Prison recovery, soulmates, pirates, outer space, Sans x Sans, Stretch x Edge, Red x Edge
Note: dark themes, occasional smut
26. AVA
By Inyahs (356k)
Anomaly OC, bittybones oc, UTMV ensemble
~ Wise crack hermit goes on adventure with grumpy insomniac bitty~
From @undertale-museum
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enter-the-story · 22 hours
If you have the spoons, how do you think the mafiatale/ mafiafell / underfell papyrus/ swap fell gold &purple sans’s would react to their S/O telling someone off for trying to flirt while they’re out at a restaurant?
I imagine the situation of someone walking up, trying to flirt and getting annoyed at being rejected, followed by the S/O saying “My parent’s kitten has more bite than you. We’re in public, shut up, sit down somewhere and contemplate your complete lack of manners.”
Underfell Papyrus - He ends your speech with a long menacing growl and a protective hand on your shoulder. If the guy didn't get the message after what you said, he sure has now. Once they're gone, Edge simply goes back to whatever you were talking about, happy to have dinner with you!
Swapfell Sans - He smiles at the rejected guy with pity. Yeah, he knows he's lucky to have you. Too bad he's not sharing. He puts the last screw on the intruder's coffin by telling them they can sit at the bar and dream of the life they will never have with you. Be jealous in silence please.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine doesn't care and calls security to eliminate that random man polluting his living space and yours. It's a table for two people, who invited that guy in the first place? Go in hell? Wine doesn't even look their way as they're dragged out of the room. He's not going to get bothered by such unimportant topics.
Mafiatale Sans - He chuckles as the guy is decomposing right in front of you. He was not too enthusiastic about going to the restaurant, it's not that much his thing, but after that, he's for sure in a good mood and cheers a little.
Mafiatale Papyrus - He grabs the intruder's arm and says nothing, simply staring right through their soul for a very long two awkward minutes. Eventually, they're very uncomfortable and leave on their own. Why waste time talking to them when you can simply make them realize their mistake silently?
Mafiafell Sans - He can't believe the audacity. The guy stole his seat and is flirting with you like he's not right behind them. That's fine though. Fang uses his magic to yeet the guy from his chair, then he makes them fly through the entire restaurant and violently crash into the wall. Well, after that, you're fired from the restaurant. Fang regrets nothing though, even if he pretends really hard he's sorry lol.
Mafiafell Papyrus - He lets his S/O's handle it, simply standing behind them, menacingly. The problem is that Torpedo is three heads taller than you and he really doesn't have a friendly face. So yeah, your annoying pretendant is kinda pissing themselves after a few minutes of Torpedo staring. Torpedo tells you he's proud of you afterwards.
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enter-the-story · 22 hours
His schedule may already be full but I’m sure he’ll find a way to squeeze you in
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enter-the-story · 3 days
What if their s/o just yelled "Come here, pretty boy!!" before grabbing the sides of their face and covering them with kisses
Mafiatale Sans: You've never seen Sans so blue! He's going to be stupidly flustered, both from the kisses and the nickname. He'll try his best to play it off, make a stupid pun, but you can very clearly see the effect you had on him. He's going to be blue for several minutes.
Mafiatale Papyrus: This is a dream come true!!! He's wanted to wake up to a shower of kisses, but this is better than he ever could have expected!!! Getting countless kisses from his loved one, and getting called pretty??? You can guarantee that he's going to repay the favor once you're done!
Mafiaswap Sans (Lucky): He's heard a lot of flattery in his life, but pretty boy is new! The only thing more unexpected than that is you immediately covering his entire face in kisses. He'll laugh and blush until you're done. You should be honored, it takes a lot to fluster him! Don't worry though, he'll make sure you're equally flustered later~
Mafiaswap Papyrus (Slim): Poor Slim is practically going to shut down. He has no idea what's going on, why are you kissing him so much? Because you love him?? What is this madness??? He's not going to recover for at least an hour, but the good news is that now you know a foolproof way to see his adorable blush!
Mafiafell Sans (Butch): Like Lucky, he's been called a lot of names, but never this one. He...kind of likes it! Or that could just be the countless kisses. Either way, he's going to melt, loving all the attention. As soon as you're done though, he's going to go crazy trying to make you feel just as good~
Mafiafell Papyrus (Noir): Pretty? Him??? Wrong, he is great and terrible and very handsome! Wait, he didn't say to stop! He's going to relish in every single kiss you give him, he never thought he would ever have a partner as wonderful and sweet as you!
Mafiaswapfell Sans (Scar): He'll freeze for a moment. For a second, he thought you were attacking him. Which, you kind of are. Attacking him with love! As soon as he realizes what's happening, he's going to melt into your arms, but refuses to admit how much he loves your treatment. How did he ever manage to find someone as perfect as you?
Mafiaswapfell Papyrus (Hound): Pretty boy? He's your pretty boy?? Fuck yeah!!! He'll laugh a bit and happily accept the kisses, but I hope you're not wanting to go anywhere anytime soon. If you treat him so nicely, he's going to want to hold you for at least an hour. Get comfortable, angel!
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enter-the-story · 8 days
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holy shit it's the guys
there's a bunch of versions out there, wanted to make my own!
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enter-the-story · 8 months
Please tell me where I can find the pride and prejudice au? Please please please
HKFsdf, well, here's the original p&p au post. And here's some extra details to go with it.
Sans is a surprisingly humorous gentleman... when with his designated friends. If you aren't in his circle, and even worse if you're a human, he's famously cold and unpleasant.
It's a level of unkindness only the upper levels of society can get away with. Ironically, his choosiness with his inner circle just makes being his friend even more desirable
On their first meeting, he underhandedly insulted her family and her status. So she underhandedly insulted his shitty attitude
"so kind of the host, to allow attending families of such... interesting standing." "I also find, sir, they allow attendees with equally interesting manners."
instant love hearts
Her family is very keen for her to foster his favour, so when he starts inviting her and her companions to various private events, she's under far too much pressure to decline.
She engages him in little verbal spars to try and drive him away. They have the opposite effect. There's nothing he enjoys more than when she starts sending those witty barbs his way.
(She actually enjoys it too, not that she'd ever admit it)
She sometimes privately laments that he’s such a prideful asshole; if it weren’t for that, she’d consider him a perfect match. She likes his wit and style, his calm nature, they enjoy the same music and poetry, she definitely finds him handsome. She just can’t stand his snobbish attitude. Besides... he’d never bother with her, when he’s got so many other eligible ladies vying for him.
... She's completely oblivious to the fact that he's literally actively courting her
Initially, her family doesn't want her around Red, thanks to his famous womanising and gambling. Red quickly won her family (and most of the local area) over with a series of elaborate parties, though.
He's very fashionable, always at the forefront of the current trends. He adds his own flares though, he particularly has a fondness for gold chains.
Mc’s quite outspoken about her dislike of his gambling habit. He jokes she's just upset he's the only one who's ever beaten her at cards
Red is the skeleton Mc is the closest with. He's the only one she feels like she can genuinely talk candidly to- she doesn't yet trust Sans with her true thoughts and Skull can hardly get a word out when she's in the room. Red's the only one who acts normal around her.
... Which he does because he's trying to set her up with Skull. Awkward.
Red always conveniently invites both of them to his place around the same time, conveniently often draws parallels between their interests, and also conveniently seats them right next to each other at dinner. He often busies himself by finding out what events she’s attending, so he can show up with Skull in tow. 
He’s trying his best to shake off his own crush on her. She’s the first person Skull has ever actively tried to pursue, this is extremely important for his dear friend. But he’s starting to get worried- no matter what he does, his feelings for her just sink deeper.
He's the only one of the three skeletons who's a member of the nobility. They other two are in the gentry- Skull is a titled landowner, a very important guy.
His injury and difficulty with speech have made him an extremely rare sight outside of the comfort of his home. He's literally never seen in public without Red.
Skull is deathly afraid of talking to strangers. Because of his terrifying stature and injury, people mistake his silent panicking as disinterest or annoyance. Really, he’s just overwhelmed, and wants to go home.
He tries to talk to Mc. Keyword ‘tries’. To everyone's absolute shock, Skull does actually manage to get a few words out for her, but he quickly gets flustered and goes back to just staring.
Red’s one of few people that can translate Skull’s grunts, nods and glares into full sentences. Skull only uses whole words when he's in the comfort of his home, with people he trusts to let him take his time.
"skull, buddy, i know it's a busy party, but you gotta go say somethin' to her instead of just staring. she thinks she offended you." "......." “we can’t leave yet, it’d be rude. try talkin to her.” “..............” "... what do you mean you can't speak anymore ‘because she smiled’?”
Skull is genuinely completely head over heels for Mc. It's difficult for an outsider to tell his different stares apart, but to anyone who knows him, it's embarrassingly obvious that every look he gives her is a flustered, utterly adoring one.
He had a little portrait requested of her. He keeps it in a locket... she has no idea.
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enter-the-story · 1 year
Too Spooked to Sleep
Just like the title, sometimes I can’t sleep bc my brain is busy being mean and making me think about stuff that scares me fhjdfk and so… camping with ht!sans and while (reader) is having the same issue, he comes to the rescue :>
Your eyes are wide open, staring at the top of the tent. You can’t sleep. Of course it’s to be expected, you’re sleeping outdoors, you just had a day full of adventures and shenanigans with your friends, you’re in the tent with Sans and of course you’d like to talk with him longer but… Sans is asleep. When you look over, his chest rising and lowering softly… he must’ve been asleep for a while.
You look at your phone. 2AM.
At this rate I’m going to stay up until sunrise.
You were tired. You should be asleep by now. It’s not like you’re feeling sleepless. It’s just-
You flinch, biting your lips.
Lo and behold, there’s noises out in the wilderness. You know you’re safe, this is a pretty popular camping spot. There are rangers… uh… out there somewhere. People have come here for years, and there’s been no incidents reported. You’re not the only ones camping here, you’ve got Sans and your friends, and there are other people on a site not far from here. Families, too. For camping sites, this is one of the safest.
… And yet…
Everytime you’re about to fall asleep, you hear a crack. Or a hoot of an owl. Or some… other weird noise that kind of sounds like a creaking metal gate. That was the worst noise. Sometimes it’d sound real close to the tent.
The brain was a wonderful, creative beast. And right now, it was real creative when it came to scaring you. First it was the usual, thoughts of bears or confused deers came to mind… and then the weird stuff, like some sort of creature that wasn’t human or monster shambling through the trees… maybe a killer? Looking for someone who’s still awake and if you look at them they’ll kill you?
Every shadow playing over the tent caught your attention. The image of a man-shaped shadow on it comes to mind, with weird eyes and a thousand-yard stare, right into your soul… walking and then.. stopping… making that crunching noises…
A screech, somewhere in the forest. You almost screeched, tugging on your sleeping bag and remembering it’s not a blanket. You sit up, eyes darting around for the culprit. The horror creature. Whatever.
It’s not real!
You take a breath, then take another peek at your phone. 2:30, this time. You do your best to hold back a groan.
Fuck, you’re so tired. Your muscles are aching, your eyelids are drooping, you’ve got a sleepy headache, you’re sweating- urgh, you’re just so uncomfortable.
You sigh with defeat, going back to lay down and-
“what’re you doing.”
You’re not proud of it. Looking behind and seeing a single red eye staring a few inches from your face made you yelp the most embarrassing yelp you think you’ve ever heard and your heart practically was fighting to escape you.
“Shit, sorry,” you exhale, running your hands through your hair, wondering if you woke up the whole site with your yelp.
Sans stares at you with wide eyesockets, startled.
“s… sorry for scaring you…”
His apologetic tone eases you right up and you look at him. “No no, you didn’t scare me, I scared myself.”
His red eye was quite frightening while your mind was racing with all pictures reminiscing horror game stuff, but you had to make sure that Sans knew you weren’t scared of him.
“why.. are you still up?” Sans tries again, and you sigh, pursing your lips.
“It’s… stupid,” you try to hide under the covers, “I’m just… spooked. I’m too scared to sleep right now. I keep imagining some kinda.. axe murderer walking around the site.”
Sans… actually scoffs, a chuckle bubbling up that you can’t help but find attractive, his sockets crinkling.
“s… sorry, i’m not laughing at you. just… remembering stuff,” he says knowingly, ruefully looking off somewhere, remembering memories he hasn’t told you about. “it’s not stupid. you told me… it’s… ok to be scared, right?”
That makes you smile. You remember the nights where he’s curled up in bed and shaking while you comfort him.
“Yeah… you’re right.”
“i… i know how it feels. being stuck outside… not knowing what the sounds outside mean. there was… a monster, lurking in snowdin forest… underground. lost... its mind. when you heard something there, it was a sign for you to leave.”
You nodded solemnly. Of course… Sans literally lived in a serious survival situation for so long. He’d understand.
Sans’ grin takes on something more playful. “if… there were any… crazy axe murderers walking around though? i’m here. if they try anything… they won’t be expecting a skeleton monster out of everything. i can axe-murder them right back.”
You… accidentally spit in his face, your lips pursed from being all serious and suddenly spewing when a giggle surprises you. You offer him a quick apology (he doesn’t seem to care, really), and tell him “oh my god, ok… I guess you’re my… axe-murderer in shining armor?”
His eyelight glows a softer red, almost pink, watching you giggle silly in your sleeping bag. 
“Ah… thanks Sans. that… really made me feel better.”
“of course.”
You stare each other for a little while, just enjoying each other’s company, when Sans offers something you couldn’t ignore.
“... do you want to cuddle?”
“Oh, yes please,”
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enter-the-story · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you could do a skeleboys x reader whose gut reaction when the get spooked is to sort of pull their boy back to them not caus they don't trust him their just used to being a protector.
(I request undertale and underfell plus dealers choice :D)
Thanks love your stuff by the way
Waaaa how cute! Ugh I love dealers choice it just means I can write my pookies (today that means the swapfell bros). Yk I always feel bad bc I feel like I write too little. I am used to writing research papers where I just get to the point so creative writing is so painful.
| Ut/Uf/Sf Skelebros x protective reader || super vaguely romantic for a few || fluffy |
Cw/Tw: None
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He’s blushing
I imagine this would be the kind of situation where you two were near some people that got in a physical altercation and you pulled him back. That kind of unconscious instinct both surprises and Greatly flatters him.
He’ll go all wide-socketed and just look at you like you’ve grown extra eyes.
Once the y’all are away from whatever situation spooked you, he’ll start making little jokes non-stop. It’s terrible.
“what was that?” “Wdym what was that?” “were you trying to protect me??” “Tf are you talking about??” “you need a new nickname. i didn’t realize you’re such a guard dog.” “Sans what are you talking about”
Sans tries to keep the energy equal in a relationship. Not one-to-one type of stuff where if you do one chore one day he’ll do it the next, as much as if you put in a lot of work he’ll try to treat you or do something that shows that he knows you did it and appreciates it. So now that he knows you’ll jump to his defense at the drop of a hat, he makes it his mission to Not let you do that. He is flattered of course but he just doesn’t want you to get hurt.
In smaller situations where you just got spooked by something he’ll try to calm you down with jokes and puns.
He’s so flattered he’s just a mess.
Papyrus is the type of person that will jump to anyone’s defense immediately, so you reciprocating the energy means everything to him.
He doesn’t spook very easy, so you’ll probably be the jumpier person. No matter what gets you, big or small, you just randomly pulling him behind you has him blushing hard enough to glow.
Emotional bioluminescence never works in a skeleton’s favor.
I fear that you don’t realize what you brought onto yourself though.
If you weren’t already, Papyrus is staying up planning you an incredibly detailed workout plan to make sure you are capable in combat.
The finalized workout regimen is planned exactly to your physical limitations. Almost to a concerning degree… did he do a secret medical exam or something??
No for the record, but he wouldn’t say no matter what the answer.
Red is pretty jumpy himself so his hackles are already raised as he is trying to drag you behind him, but You dragged him back first??? You want to protect Him???
He’s swooning
He still wins this nonexistent battle for the right to protect the other, so he manages to get you close to him. Sorry not sorry but Red’s protective instincts are hard to match, let alone beat.
If the situation was severe enough that you two would need to leave, once y’all do he’s all over you. Laughing and joking about how you’re trying to play guard dog.
He does try to check in a make sure you know you can depend on him yada yada. Please reassure him that you know and whatnot.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you or feels insecure of course—hell one of his many types is strong and forthcoming—he is just also used to being the protector and wants to make sure you don’t burden yourself.
Utterly flabbergasted.
That’s all.
Confused even
Situationally you have two options: either you startled at something he also recognizes as a “threat” or you jump at something that just happened to scare you. Both of these options end with him looking at you like you are some combination of a deity and an oddly shaped cat. Confusion, wonder, adoration, a touch of horror—you get the picture.
More specifically, for the smaller option he will just straight up ask you wtf, but for the “big threat” option he gloats. Loudly.
He is about to get very loud.
Imagine something along the lines of “NYAHAHA YES FEAR ME AND MY HUMAN HAHAHA”
Edge is a skeleton that loves his theatrics what can I say.
You will also be put through a training regimen btw. It’s about the same as Papyrus’ just with more sparring. You did this to yourself.
I’m so sorry but Indi picks fights.
He does
He’s shameless
Maybe you can try to physically pull him away from needling randos? Then again you jumping to his defense might just make him more confident and Worse.
You won’t get a workout regimen out of this guy though! Little victories.
for literally any other time where something just makes you jump and you grab him instinctually, he’ll play into it. You should tell him as soon as you can if that’s something you don’t want.
But he will dramatically jump into a fighting stance the second you start to tug him towards you.
He is always ready to defend his human’s honor.
He let’s you drag him back with very little resistance.
In all honesty he finds you jumping to his safety quite amusing, especially if it was from something small that just happened to make you jump and grab him with you.
If there’s ever a situation where you aren’t in immediate danger but near some (like some strangers getting into an altercation) Cash will absolutely allow you to do whatever you want.
He’s never gonna let either of y’all get into real danger, so as long as that doesn’t happen you are free to your instincts to try and protect him.
Hell, you might not even need to grab him with how much he loves to touch or hang off you. No sense of personal space truly.
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enter-the-story · 1 year
Can we please have some headcanons for pirate boys reacting to y/n falling asleep on them? Btw, I absolutely adore your art, keep up the good work!💗💗💗
Y/N Falling Asleep on the Bois:
Aw yeahhhh, now this is the life.
Sans probably woke up to see you napping right up on him. When that happens, he'll just give you a sleepy smile and rest his hand on your back.
He likes cradling you or having you basically on him. Like a weighted blanket! He'll draw shaped on your back or pat you while you sleep.
Very rarely you'll have a chance to relax with the energetic Papyrus. He's always jumping around, and he hardly sits still! But once in a while, he'll settle down.
He'll lean right into you the moment he feels your weight on him. And let out a quiet squeal when he notices that you're snoozing.
As nice as couple nap time is, he's got things to do! He'll slink away as carefully as possible and leave you to sleep.
Blue isn't the most comfortable thing to sleep against... or on for that matter. He's always jumping around and bouncing off walls! How can you even get him to sit still?
Well, he'll want to take care of his cannon at some point! When he goes to polish his cannon, take a lil nap against his shoulder.
He'll catch you softly snoring and stay still until you wake up! It's hard for a man of his energy to do, but anything for his wonderful datemate!
Absolutely squealing.
He's frgid, man is never gonna move again. He was just wiping his banjo with you leaned up against him. And then, BAM. You were fast asleep.
He'll wrap an arm around your shoulders ever so carefully and pull you in. Although his exterior is calm and collected, he is SCREAMIN on the inside.
With how loud Red's workplace is, you'd have to be extra tired to sleep near him, let alone against him!
But the moment you do, he'll stop tinkering away and slowly slide you into his arms and carry you off to some place quieter.
One he has you rested up and tucked in maybeeeee he'll join you... who's kiddin. He's hopping right in and cuddling up next to you, listening to your steady heartbeat.
Stiff as a muthafuckin board.
He is the quietest skeleton alive. He has never raised his voice above a decibel. In fact, he doesn't speak, not with the risk of you waking up from your little nap.
He'll pat your head and softly untangle any knots in your hair, all while gently scolding you about staying up for him. Of course, he's flattered.
If his brother teases him, he gets tossed off the ship. (Quietly) And anyone else who tries to wake you up gets a wordless glare.
He's flattered that you would wait for him until he was done with his work, but really, you didn't have to...
He'll sigh and drap his coat against your back. Maybe a lil smooch if he can tell you were not waking up right away.
No, that wasn't him. What are you talking about? The cruel and terrifying Razz would never drape his favorite coat over you when you were asleep. DON'T THANK HIM EITHER CAUSE HE DIDN'T DO IT!
He's probably napping far before you start, so hey! More the merrier.
He'll relax against you and soak in your warmth as you cuddle up to his bony body. But sometimes, if he's feeling a little mischievous, he'll poke your cheeks or tickle under your nose to annoy you.
At some point, you'll wake up to him grinning like an idiot. Of course, he drew on your face...
Oh... you're sleeping next to him.
He was so absorbed in looking at the stars that he didn't even register your body snuggling up to his side.
He'll take the teacup out of your hands and pull the blanket around the both of you a little tighter. You being here bring him such comfort that it feels almost unreal. He thanks the stars before he himself falls to a light slumber.
There are two wolves inside of Cinnamon. One wants to squeeze your body against him while he giddily swings you around. The other wants to kiss your head softly while patting your back.
He ends up just smiling really hard and leaning into you as well.
Also, will snipe Cash with peanuts if he even tries to get close enough to troll you.
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enter-the-story · 1 year
This had no right to pull on my heart strings.
@mothiepixie's art has dragged me kicking & screaming back into my Death God Sans obsession
so here's a concept I've been rolling around in my head for an updated scaryboy...
He was cloaked, head to toe, in black. Sweeping robes, black as the night, that seemed to draw in any light around them. Though delicate chains of silver decorated his shoulders and waistline, he had nowhere near the degree of finery one would expect from such an ancient and powerful being.
... He looked over his shoulder at your approach. His face was veiled. The veil itself was beautiful, as black as his cloak, the edges embroidered with fine thread that caught the light like stars. No one had ever survived glimpsing beneath that veil. Legends told of curious Gods peering when they should not- being driven mad instantly upon seeing the face of Death.
Immortals simply were not made to comprehend their existence coming to an end.
“... what a pleasant surprise.” He mused. “hello, little goddess.”
“S-Sans.” You couldn’t look at him long. “I-I... want to talk...”
... A sigh escaped him. He turned to you, fully, a great figure of black ash and silence. When he spoke, he sounded... regretful.
“of course you do.”
“I-it’s... it’s my friend. A nymph. She’s...”
He spoke gently. “i know what you're going to ask, so please do not ask me. i don’t want to have to refuse you.”
You didn't know why Sans had a soft spot for you. Other Gods and Goddesses had attempted to befriend him, attempted to gain his favour. They were always rebuffed- sometimes aggressively. You were the only one whose friendliness he ever reciprocated.
“She’s going to die." You almost choked on your words. "There... there must be something you can do, I...”
“i can’t.” His words carried the finality of someone who had been asked this question more times than he could count. “if i make one exception, the world will know. and then i’ll have to make a hundred more.”
The hope was draining from you. This is what you had feared most. “I-I won’t tell anyone. I... Please.”
“there are rules i have never bent.” He said, softly. “i cannot start now.”
You looked away. Though you knew you had no right to, considering he was only doing what he'd been made to do, you still felt hurt. “... I suppose you’ve had this conversation many times.”
A pause.
“... yes.”
“After a while it must get amusing.”
The veil shifted, slightly.
“i know you did not mean that.”
... You immediately felt regret biting at the back of your tongue. Of course he wouldn't be amused, what a horrible thing for you to say. He didn't choose this existence- and he certainly didn't choose to have his heart hardened by centuries of desperate people clawing at the bottom of his robes.
“... I’m sorry." You said, small. "I shouldn’t have come.”
In an instant, Sans was far closer to you, close enough that you could reach out and trace your hands across his robes. Great black wings, each taller than you, circled you; the veil fluttered for a moment, you thought you saw something glint beneath them that definitely wasn’t the light glancing off the fine silver embroidery. 
“... there is a way.”
You stopped, heart jumping in a mixture of hope, and apprehension at his proximity. His aura was overpowering. “There is?”
“making exceptions for the way my soul turns would not be acceptable." His head tilted. "however... making exceptions for kin...”
You wished you could see his face. Anything to clue you as to you what was going on. “... Kin?”
“your friend would be my kin, if you were my wife.”
Your jumping heart stopped in your chest.
“... Your... wife.”
“it would be in name only. i cannot give you children. and... i would understand if you sought intimacy elsewhere.”
You felt yourself tearing up. You didn’t understand. “But... what’s the point, then? Why would you want me as a wife, if you know I won’t give you affection or children?” 
“do we have a deal?”
What other choice did you have? He could probably see it written all over your face.
“close your eyes.” He said, softly.
... You did. 
You heard nothing. But you felt something draw close, you felt that overwhelming aura intensity, a power that drifted across your skin like spiderwebs... it smelled like obsidian, in your mind’s eye it was the deepest shade of midnight. 
A hand on the small of your back. 
“do not open them.” His voice was so near. So near you felt it in your chest and throat.
... So near, that when you heard the sound of thin fabric being lifted, you could almost count the threads.
Breath against your cheeks. Instinctively, your hands came up, catching in his silken robes. Your frozen heart started pounding all over again.
... Pressure, on your lips. Gentle, warm, much warmer than you expected. The barest, softest touch... but it lingered long enough for you to sense that it was the touch of someone who was restraining themselves.
You didn't expect the kiss of Death to feel so loving.
As fast he had come, the warmth retreated from your lips, the hand retreated from your back. His cloak slipped out of your grip.
You opened your eyes. Sans was a few feet away from you.
... You didn’t need to be able to see his face to know he was smiling.
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enter-the-story · 1 year
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I feel like this kind of chaotic support would be on brand for Nox and it brings me joy~ Nox belongs to @bonelyheartsclub, and is voiced by @improvidence318. I advocate for checking their blogs out~
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enter-the-story · 1 year
HEY @llamagoddessofficial I got some inspo from reading Tilikium, specifically imagining a positive interaction between Skull and a human outside of the ✨Siren Whisperer✨ hehe… I just love soft giant monster and smol child interactions ToT
Also no I’m not projecting kid me here by writing that they were a big marine biology fan, no way
he’s still there.
Skull doesn’t think the visitors of this aquarium ever realize that they’re being watched, when they come to Skull’s tank. There was a little boy sitting in front of his tank, on the little platform just in front of the glass. He’s been sitting there for a very long time, maybe since around midday- and it was closing time soon. Most of the time, Skull would see kids running into his room, see the empty tank, look around for a while, before immediately giving up and going somewhere else. He thought the boy would do the same when he first came by. He stayed longer than Skull thought he would, but he did eventually leave. … Only to come back with some snacks in one hand, back to sitting in front of the glass, staring inside. Another time he left, he came back with a curious piece of paper, with something Skull couldn’t quite make out. At all his visits, he brought a book with him. It looked like it was too big for him, maybe half his size- but he always had it with him.
The rest of the guests have left. Not like they’d spend their last few minutes in the aquarium looking at an empty tank. The kid was persistent- even now he was still there, looking back from the tank to the book, and back again. Soon he’d have to go home, Skull knew, but it was… nice. It felt like he had company, even if the child didn’t know he was there.
He took one long look around the tank, those little round eyes scanning… then he climbed down the little platform, taking his book and piece of paper with him, heading towards the exit. He looked dejected, hanging his head low (as low as it could, almost comically so for that little body), dragging his feet.
… He stops when he notices a rather large shadow had fallen over him. Slowly, he turns around.
Keep reading
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enter-the-story · 1 year
affectionate things that makes me fall in love:
(tag me when yall writeee, feel free to use <3 @urfriendlywriter )
hugs. warm hugs.
when they accidentally fall asleep in your arms
just looking at each other fondly :(
holding hands !!
giving head or shoulder massages
when they're so patient, and understanding with you
cuddling and eventually falling asleep
when they're always giggling at your behavior
when it's hard for them to contain a smile, so they grin so wide it lights up your world >>>
the kindest "i hate you" followed by a contagious laugh
shifting glances all around the room when they get caught staring at you
the hand behind their nape, when they're embarrassed
they have never raised their voice around you, always talks softly
"I'm eternally yours, sweetheart" ^~^
when they lie on your lap
feeding you their cooking and hoping you'll like it
cheek kisses (can i pls evaporate)
adorable big eyes that widens a little when they listen to your rant keenly
the corners of their lips turning up before showing the most beautiful smile
the way their hair looks in the morning :')
when they play with your hair
gets shy or easily amused around you
says random "i love you"s throughout the day
the way their eyes crinkle when they smile
back hugsssssss
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enter-the-story · 1 year
*Axe shows Reader each of the ladles he has assigned for the crew*
Reader “Lol which one’s mine?”
Axe “You don’t have one…”
Reader *sad cause they think this means he doesn’t consider her a part of the crew*
Axe *shocked she would want one, since he would never want to hurt her*
I imagine if Y/N shows that they are visibly saddened, he would improvise.
Y/N's kitchen utensil is a tiny wooden teaspoon that he lightly bonks your forehead with. Although he never really uses it...
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enter-the-story · 1 year
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It’s a little joke 👀🎆🎄
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enter-the-story · 1 year
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whore /aff Mal is @popatochisssp ‘s swapfell sans uwu
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enter-the-story · 1 year
From this post by @play-now-my-lord
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