enterpain · 4 years
anyways.....who wants a starter ?  or to plot ?  i’m in a mood
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enterpain · 4 years
psa if you’ve got nothing better to do than send anons about how people write and establish their own canon so they can enjoy what they’re doing then you need to get off the internet for a bit
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enterpain · 4 years
Captured Sentence Starters
May contain some uncomfortable scenarios.
“Thrash all you want, you can ever escape this cage.” 
“I’ve finally caught you.” 
“Aw, is it too tight? Good.” 
“You will never leave this place alive.” 
“You are a marvelous creature, trapped in such a small little cell.” 
“Let me go!” 
“You think you’ve won, huh?!” 
“Quit struggling, you will only make it worse.” 
“You seem rather calm for being in your position.” 
“You can’t keep me in here forever!” 
“W-what are you going to do to me?” 
“I’ve been looking for something new to experiment on…” 
“What a fine specimen! Yes, you will do just fine.” 
“I won’t become some lab rat!” 
“As soon as I get my hands on you, you will regret trapping me in here.” 
“What…what is this place?” 
“Where am I?” 
“If you keep struggling, you may lose a limb.” 
“Please! You got to help me!” 
“I’ve done nothing wrong!” 
“If you answer a just a couple of questions, I may let you go.” 
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for something like you?” 
“You’ve hit the end of the road, ___.” 
“Do you really think bindings and bars will keep you safe?” 
“I will kill you!” 
“You are not quite reacting like I’d assumed…” 
!?+ add your own!
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enterpain · 4 years
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enterpain · 4 years
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enterpain · 4 years
after the rebellion and the overthrowing of snow, had the plan for a final hunger games continued as planned, mike would have most likely been reaped. he was a capitol face, and the son of a gamemaker, and still fits into the age range at this point. it only makes sense for him to be reaped, whether fairly or rigged due to his history, even if he helped in the rebellion like he did. 
what’s worse is his dad would most likely be forced to create and orchestrate the games, creating things with the intent of killing his own son.
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enterpain · 4 years
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60 Days of Magnus Bane → 15/60
↳ “Playing hard to get. I love a challenge”
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enterpain · 4 years
being a victor is rough, but at the least you've always had a friend to lean on. the things snow makes you do has slowly started to tear you apart, but having someone to talk to has always made it slightly easier. so you really shouldve known better. you should've known that saying no to snow, for any reason, was out of the question. but you had been scared, he'd brought up your sister, brought up putting her into the same line of business as you, and you'd protested too much. snow had said you'd regret it, but you'd assumed that he meant that he'd do something to you. its not until you go to see mike that you realize the truth. mikes gone, the building looks ransacked, but in the center of the room, pristine and untouched, sat a single white rose. next to it a note, written in a crimson that you can only hope is ink, the message short and simple. "reconsider." you know exactly what that means, and thats when it hits you. snow always said he'd kill someone you loved if you said no to him, but you didnt realize how far that extended. now, though, you do know. now you know that saying no to snow got your best (and only) friend killed, and there was no one to blame except yourself.  ||  @marvhael .
all i can say is....don’t fuck with snow. but also ??  he might not be dead ??  so open-ended wow
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enterpain · 4 years
My muse is dead. Tell me how yours is dealing with it.
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enterpain · 4 years
venus ____ .
“if we head up to one’s suite, they won’t follow us. they can’t,” she whispers. the paparazzi isn’t allowed in the tribute tower, despite their best efforts, and, sure, they might grab some shots of the two of them entering the building, but they can do that here, too, so really, what does she have to lose?
“come on, let’s go - ” she murmurs, stopping as she realizes she doesn’t know what his name is still. “i’m sorry, what did you say your name was again?” she finishes, slipping his hand into her own and leading him from the crowded room.
UP TO ONE’S SUITE ??  that surely wouldn’t catch anyone’s attention. not. but he doesn’t object, giving a little nod, his fingers lace with hers and he allows himself to be dragged away towards the lifts, keeping his head tucked down as best he could.
           ‘‘ me ?  i’m, uh, i’m michael. mike for short. though the capitol mostly knows                 me as lien....but that’s just a stage name....you ? ’’
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enterpain · 4 years
marvel ____ .
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         ‘‘ YOU’RE NOT WRONG.  i mean, i’ll admit one also does as much taking as              they can manage, but yeah….the capitol is definitely something else. never seen                anything like it. ’’
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         ‘‘ MOST HAVEN’T....it’s a lot to take in, usually. hope it hasn’t been too              overwhelming ?  or at least, i hope no one’s been overbearing. they can get              like that. ’’
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enterpain · 4 years
marvel ____ .
JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE ? no, that’d never be an option. you’re the capitol’s little miracle, they’d never let you go to waste like that. you were kept alive not so that you could live, but so they could have a defense. hardly fair, but not exactly surprising.
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         ‘‘ they’re gonna….they want me to confront katniss. i don’t….i don’t know              if i’m ready for that. but uh- that’s the plan. be the face of their side of the               rebellion. ’’
YOU SHIFT, MOVING OVER TO HIS BEDSIDE  and placing yourself in the lone chair resting alongside him. it was something you had to do, to sit down, because the reality of marvel’s situation-your friend’s situation-is setting in.
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         ‘‘ you’ll never be ready....it’s nothing against you, but katniss....she has an entire              district behind her, maybe more. you’ll just....have the capitol. if that. ’’
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enterpain · 4 years
venus ____ .
venus shivers at the implications behind what the boy’s saying. “really?” she asks quietly, with a lip quiver that looks almost scripted. “that’s…” she imagines something like that happening to her, to another one of one’s victors, and she shivers. if her mentor vanished, never to be seen again? venus doesn’t know what she’d do. 
“that’s horrifying,” she finishes lamely, before leaning in and whispering. “do you want to get out of the paparazzi’s spotlight for a minute?”
ARMS CROSS AGAINST HIS CHEST,  hugging his body as he dwells on those thoughts. he can’t bear to think what might happen if he was taken like that, what he’d do to get out. maybe that’s why he tried not to think about it. couldn’t help it in large groups like this, though. seeing her lean in, words whispered, michael gave a small nod, glancing around to make sure they weren’t being watched.
            ‘‘ that sounds amazing. where you have in mind ? ’’
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enterpain · 4 years
marvel ____ .
IF ONLY IT WAS AS SIMPLE as michael keeping the annoying ones out, but unfortunately you doubted he could keep snow at bay. you doubted anyone could be stopped from getting to their little test subject if they really wanted to. you’re a piece of capitol property, that’s what you’ve come to realize.
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          ‘‘ good luck with that. i don’t think any of them are gonna let me go any time                 soon. as long as twelve is doing her whole revolution thing, snow wants me                  front and center. ’’
REVOLUTION THING ? FRONT AND CENTER ?  to you, this sounds like a recipe for disaster. as much as you, yourself, would love for a revolution to spark (a desire you’d never speak aloud until the day you die) and wipe out the current government, you’re more concerned for the boy you considered a close friend.
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          ‘‘ so you don’t....you don’t just get to live your life ??  he wants....he wants to               use you as a pawn in his game....basically repaying the capitol and snow for               saving your life. this won’t end well. ’’
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enterpain · 4 years
❛ i know you’re not supposed to smile back ❜  ||  @soulofsea​ .
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          ‘‘ ......WE’RE NOT ?  thought we had to always smile when a camera’s               shoved in our face....it’s what i was told. ’’
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enterpain · 4 years
michael’s hair is always changing, just like the majority of capitolites. the tips of his hair are always being bleached and dyed, and at some point, he just stops putting color in it, leaving it a bleached blond color for a prolonged period of time to give his hair time to recover. and grow out so he can hack it off and start anew. 
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enterpain · 4 years
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starters  /  prompts taken from hieu minh nguyen’s work ,  not here .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary .
  ❛  it seems important to mention all the things that went wrong  ❜
  ❛  don’t ask if i’m a ghost  ❜
  ❛  i fled and did not return  ❜
  ❛  i cannot love you  ,  if i love you  ,  i will die  ❜
  ❛  for years i chose death  ❜
  ❛  i belong to my mother’s fear  ❜
  ❛  what do you do with tenderness when all you expect is fury ?  ❜
  ❛  he looks like he will keep you safe  ❜
  ❛  any love i find will be treason  ❜
  ❛  why did you bring me here ?  ❜
  ❛  i count the hornets that escape their mouths  ❜
  ❛  i only ask for your laughter  ❜
  ❛  look at me in the old way in this new light  ❜
  ❛  sometimes i wake up and my body does not follow  ❜
  ❛  it wasn’t the same without you  ❜
  ❛  i’m still trying to figure out what it means to stay  ❜
  ❛  it’s all very predictable  ❜
  ❛  how can i love something that isn’t ruined ?  ❜
  ❛  like all agony  ,  there are pleasant moments  ❜
  ❛  i want to be better at lying  ❜
  ❛  i’m afraid if i say it out loud i will cast a curse  ❜
  ❛  some men don’t know they’re hungry until they eat  ❜
  ❛  some spells take years to cast  ❜
  ❛  there are rules you have to follow if you want to survive  ❜
  ❛  i know you’re not supposed to smile back  ❜
  ❛  madness  ,  too  ,  can be cumulative  ❜
  ❛  trying to forget is not the same as leaving  ❜
  ❛  i really should get a sense of humor  ❜
  ❛  i understand no one  ❜
  ❛  i cannot stop him from disappearing  ❜
  ❛  her body was a dress i hung for motivation  ❜
  ❛  you were once and perhaps continue to be the myth you tell to scare yourself  ❜
  ❛  there are countless ways to justify company  ❜
  ❛  you are predictable in your longing  ❜
  ❛  i don’t want to explain a thing  ❜
  ❛  i knew if i just asked him to leave he would have  ❜
  ❛  there are countless ways to open a carcass  ❜
  ❛  all i’ve ever wanted to be was useful  ❜
  ❛  there’s still time to be saved  ❜
  ❛  shut up  ;  i know the story  ,  or at least the lesson  ❜
  ❛  you wont find it  ;  you won’t find whatever you’re looking for  ❜
  ❛  i could get away with being clumsy with knives  ❜
  ❛  i want to study the mechanics of leaving  ❜
  ❛  any adjective can be true if you cry hard enough  ❜
  ❛  i see little futures in the distance but none belong  ❜
  ❛  i am beginning to forget what i expect from the world i always knew  ❜
  ❛  you can’t think of regret as a town you move too when grief snores too loud  ❜
  ❛  in death we belong to everyone  ❜
  ❛  i want to return to my old body  ❜
  ❛  i think the life i want is the life i have  ,  but how can i be sure ?  ❜
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