Hello time. Taker. Never a giver.
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silence is acceptable when it's your choice but never allow others to take your words from you and also speak up when witness the same happening to others
No Chatgpt today.
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Me first as always
Grey skies seem friendly if you think uniquely about the world and welcome times of internal peace within Let's see what Chat does!
Gloomy skies take on a friendly demeanor when viewed through the lens of unique perspectives on the world, embracing moments that usher in internal serenity.
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My poem, though poem a loose word.
Another Angel Another Attack Another Adventure Another Answer Another Approval Another Aggravation Another Annihilation
So that was mine. Should I even attempt see what Chat can do? Sure why not!
In realms where angels roam with grace, Another chapter, a celestial embrace. An attack of trials, a tempest's dance, Yet within each storm, a hidden chance.
An adventure unfolds, mysterious and grand, In every step, destiny takes a stand. Another answer whispers from the breeze, A riddle of life, carried on cosmic seas.
Approval sought, a yearning heart's plea, In the tapestry of existence, woven and free. Yet, in the shadows, aggravation may loom, A test of resilience, in destiny's room.
Annihilation, a word so stark, Yet in its wake, a chance to embark. For from destruction, new beginnings rise, A phoenix soaring, claiming the skies.
So in this symphony of life's sweet song, Another stanza, where we all belong. With each moment, a chance to thrive, In the dance of existence, we shall survive.
Jesus fuck you Chat.
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You know the drill by now. First mine then Chat GPT "rewrites" / "Improves" it. This time I went with a stream of conscious dialogue only story.
"Happy birthday Frank." "I told you that I didn't care." "And that means I shouldn't either?" "Basically yeah." "Well too bad Frank. You are my brother and it's your birthday. Like it not I am going to care." "Well thank you I suppose." "You are welcome. Now where do you want to eat for dinner tonight?" "Christ Shelia you know I am not ready for that!" "Eating? You seem pretty good at it." "Very funny, if not a little insulting bu..." "You know I didn't mean it that way." "Shelia I appreciate you caring about me and trying to make this a special day for me, however I am not ready to leave." "Look Frank I know it's been hard." "No you don't. At least not truly." "Yes again I am sorry. But Helen would want you to celebrate. Have a good time. Would she not?" "I don't know she's not fucking here to ask!" "Calm down. As I said I love and care about you. Plus I worry. And it's your birthday. Please try to have a little happiness, ok?" "I got out of bed and dressed which is a start." "Yes, yes it is. Maybe for dinner I'll just make your favorite. Grilled salmon right?" "That's your favorite but nice try." "Can't blame a girl for trying huh?"
Now let's see what Chat did ...
Actually all it did was improve my horrible grammar. Not that exciting. So instead I will ask it to continue the story ...
Frank sighed, the weight of grief still heavy on his shoulders. Shelia, his persistent and caring sister, couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and sympathy. She understood that the pain of losing Helen, Frank's wife, was immense, but she couldn't stand to see her brother spiraling into isolation.
"Look, Frank, I know it's tough," Shelia said gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. "But you can't shut yourself off from the world forever. Helen wouldn't want that for you."
Frank glanced at his sister, a mix of gratitude and sadness in his eyes. "I just don't know how to move on, Shelia. Everything reminds me of her."
"I get it, I really do," Shelia replied, her voice filled with empathy. "But celebrating your birthday doesn't mean forgetting Helen. It's about honoring the memories you shared with her and acknowledging that life goes on, even if it feels impossible right now."
Frank nodded, a small spark of understanding flickering in his eyes. "Okay, maybe dinner is a good idea. But let's keep it low-key, all right?"
"Deal," Shelia said with a smile. "And hey, I promise not to make any more jokes about your eating habits."
They both chuckled, a brief moment of levity breaking through the somber atmosphere. As the day unfolded, Shelia did her best to create a simple, comforting celebration for Frank. She cooked his favorite meal, set the table with care, and even managed to coax a genuine smile from her brother during dinner.
As they sat together, reminiscing about the good times and sharing stories of Helen, Frank felt a glimmer of warmth in his heart. It was a small step, but it was a step forward. Shelia knew that healing would take time, but she was determined to be there for Frank every step of the way. The bond between them grew stronger as they navigated the bittersweet journey of remembering, celebrating, and slowly rebuilding their lives.
Not bad Chat, not bad.
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Mine ... Stop asking if God is real. Instead question you need is; are you real?
Chat GPT ... Cease inquiries on God's existence, instead, query your own essence. Are you real, a profound persistence?
At least mine was a damn haiku LOL
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First mine ….
Seven oceans lay waste at my feet As the water stings Still I remain still I have to remain still For I created this waste By remaining silent while the world burned Too busy Too unbothered Saying the next person can lay claim And take responsibility It’s too late and all have gone to rest As seven oceans lay waste at my feet
Now asking Chat to “improve” it
The world burned, while I remained inert, A spectator to chaos, a role I'd covertly assert. I declared, "Let others shoulder the blame," As if responsibility were a fleeting, transient flame.
Now, in the aftermath, as all lies at rest, Seven oceans weep, a testament to my suppressed zest. Regret cascades like waves upon the shore, A somber reminder of the silence I bore.
In the stillness, I find the courage to break free, To rise above the wreckage, take accountability. No longer idle, no more passive stance, I'll rebuild what's lost, rekindle life's dance.
For the oceans may lay waste at my feet, But I'll sow seeds of change, a promise to meet. Silence shattered, a resolve to restore, A commitment to action, forevermore.
Meh...it twisted it into something positive and hopeful. Mine was the opposite.
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First an unedited stream of consciousness.
He sat drumming the table, he hated to admit, even to himself, but God he was nervous. God? That was someone or perhaps something he hadn’t thought of since…since… he struggles to remember. Right after grandpa Martin was killed by that drunk driver on his way to his anniversary dinner and celebration. After that calling on God for anything was more an insult than a comfort. His thoughts return to the present, the drumming, and the nervousness and he wonders should I be in there? Despite her wishes he remain out in the kitchen, actually he was sure any room would be fine just not their bedroom. The kitchen was fine. He even ate half an oreo before he realized it was about to make him vomit. What is taking so long? Just as he’s about to get up, she walks into the room. He often is an expert at reading her, today? Nothing. Before he can ask what she learned, she nods her head, and a small smile starts to form. Without thinking he says softly, “what about Marvin if it’s a boy?”
Next I asked Chat GPT to improve it.
He anxiously drummed the table, wrestling with nerves and memories of a time when invoking God felt like an insult. Reflecting on past tragedies, he hesitated about entering the room against her wishes, finding solace in the kitchen. An unintentional snack and growing impatience lingered until she finally appeared, her expression revealing nothing. As he suggested the name "Marvin" for a boy, anticipation hung in the air.
Honestly? I thought mine was better. Chat left too much out. Agree or disagree?
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Love, Peace, and Goodbyes
Title: Love, Peace, And Goodbyes Fandom: Dancing With The Stars Ship: Daniel Durant x Britt Stewart For: Moody Blues Challenge (#111 Observe the truth we cannot hide - Eternity Road) Disclaimer: This a real life fic inspired by real people if that makes you uncomfortable you have every right not to read. I will not be upset.  Note: Do not post or link this anywhere without my permission. Also my first piece in well over a year for any fandom, so be gentle with me.
“Are you sleeping with him?” Britt’s eyes went wide as she repeated Reid’s question in her head at least half a dozen times.
“No, of course not!” Finally she blurts out the answer, reaching over to rub his upper arm, he pats her hand tenderly.
“Don’t worry I know you’re not, but you want to.” With that her world shatters. She had tried so hard to bury and conceal these feelings, convince herself it was merely an innocent crush and even those in relationships can find others attractive; just as long as they don’t act on it. Acting on something is one thing Britt vowed to never do, but it is at that moment she realizes she would do anything to be able to.
“Yes.” Whispers Britt, dropping her head. Her heart breaking for Reid. Their relationship wasn’t perfect and she was aware of the comments and questionable looks it received from both those in their real lives and people on social media platforms, the truth is she did care deeply for him and would never wish to hurt him. 
“It’s okay Britt. You seem happy even when failing to hide your feelings for him, I can’t imagine how joyful you’ll be when you’re no longer pretending. More than anything I want you to be happy. And I am not providing that for you.” She begins to tear up.
“This isn’t what I wanted to happen, Reid.”
“I know, but it’s our reality. I think we both know, even before you meet Daniel, that this was no longer working; much as we both have tried to pretend it was.’  Reid stands up and walks in front of Britt, reaches down to take her hands, and squeezes them. ‘It’s time we say goodbye.” She finds herself now crying fully.
“I do love you.”
“And I you, it’s time for us to move and fulfill our separate destinies. Now if you don’t invite me to your wedding I’m going to be pissed.” Britt gasps as Reid laughs, squeezes her hands one last time before retreating to the bedroom. He emerges a few minutes later with two seemingly filled rolling suitcases. Britt ponders how long they have been packed and ready to be revealed.
“I love you.” Britt calls out to him; for what she knows will be the last time those three words are spoken by her to him; as opens the front door and walks out.
Britt sits on the couch, staring at the TV unaware of what is even being shown, her emotions racing through her like an out of control roller coaster. Then suddenly everything halts and finds herself at peace. Hard as it was, this was what had to be.
“I need to tell you something, Daniel.” Britt speaks and signs carefully. He endigates okay with a nod whilst pushing his platter of sushi a bit to allow her to know she has his full attention. 
“Everything ok?” Britt nods.
“A couple nights ago Reid and I broke up.” She signs and only whispers the words. Daniel stares at her for such an amount of time she begins to fear perhaps she messed up the sign and actually said something completely gibberish.
“I’m sorry.” He at last signs back.
“Thank you.’ Britt pauses, takes a deep breath to gather the courage for the next part. Much as she imagined in the last few days how this conversation could possibly go, the reality of it actually happening is quite different. ‘He realized I was in love with someone else…you.” Daniel’s eyes go wide and immediately his smile is so large she knows it has to be hurting him just a little.
“I assume he was right?” Daniel signs with a wink. Britt nods and begins to smile 
“Yes. I love you Daniel. I know it has not been long but…”
“I know. I know. And I love you Britt.” She notices he is starting to tear up.
“I think we should finish the show first before we explore this. Ok?” Britt signs to him.
“Ok. I now have something to look forward to besides the mirror ball. You’re going to be a better prize by the way.”
“Crazy how everything has happened huh, Daniel?”
“It’s fate Britt. It’s fate. Just two weeks to go.”
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