entriesoncoco · 5 years
Couldn’t have gotten a sweeter set of girls 💓
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Coco bean, Dax & Cands
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entriesoncoco · 5 years
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Thursday, October 5th.
It’s 1145pm, right now...I can’t sleep.
Since the day you were born I have fallen asleep watching you sleep...and looking back on this picture, it’s hard to believe how big you’ve gotten since Day One.
Your mother would be proud.
Sorry for the lack of posting...but being fashionably poor, a father to A singular Coco Bean and catering to a hyperactive Uncle named Jesse...it’s a lot of work for a single man like me.
But you, My Coco Bean...have motivated me far more than anyone else.
Here’s to you, Colette Jude.
Happy two months of being a kick-ass baby girl.
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entriesoncoco · 5 years
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TW: bruises, death, DWI
Three weeks ago, the best and worst thing in my life ever happened to me.
Three weeks ago, the love of my life was killed— and the love of a NEW life was born.
Three weeks ago, my whole world changed forever.
Three weeks ago, you passed away.
Three weeks ago, you, Colette, were born.
All my life, i’ve dealt with heartache, death, abuse and pain...but none of this would ever prepare me for losing my best friend— my lover, and my soul mate.
Audrey Marie Palmer...you were more than what I ever could have asked for.
You taught me things I would’ve never learnt by myself, and stuck with me through the process of learning those things.
I could go on and on, but still, i’m emotional and have a word limit...
Monday, August 5th, 2019— my world changed forever.
Colette Jude Cauley-Palmer was born prematurely, and the girl I promised a lifetime to was killed on her way to the hospital by a drunken driver.
Colette was born without a heartbeat— and as they placed her on her mother’s chest, where skin to skin met for the first time, Audrey smiled her last smile and Colette let forth an ear-rupturing growl.
Yes, my child did not scream but GROWLED.
More pictures and updates to come when I’m not so fragile.
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entriesoncoco · 5 years
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First post kind of..?
Well, to begin...i’ve always wanted to be able to document the things I do and the places I see...and now? I have more than enough reason to want to do that— after all, I have a new companion to tag along...this blog is dedicated to my three week old daughter, Colette, and the lifetime of adventures that await us.
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