entropicfeline · 3 months
they better not cast four very conventionally attractive actors in the beatles biopics… i want john and ringo to have proper noses! i want george to have vampire teeth and a unibrow! i want paul to be beautiful but in his own twinky asymmetrically doe-eyed way!
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entropicfeline · 3 months
hear me out. Aroace mettaton...
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entropicfeline · 3 months
hey, everyone!
welcome to my account! i’ve been on tumblr for a while (~4.5 years as of february 2024), but i wanted a fresh start, so i’ve moved accounts! i mainly create digital art using procreate, and for the most part, my focus is my ocs and whatever fandoms/characters i’m currently obsessed with (be aware that if i’m REALLY invested in a character, they will inevitably become significantly canon-divergent in my portrayal).
some basic info about me:
- my pronouns are she/they (no real preference for one over the other, just do not use exclusively she/her)
- i’m 21 years old
- i’m currently studying chemical engineering with a minor in biomedical engineering (so art is very much just a hobby for the sake of de-stressing for me, not planning on making a career out of it)
- i’m from the united states, specifically the southwest
- i’m sapphic (most likely a lesbian but still in the process of questioning), grey-aromantic, and asexual
- i’m an intp 5w4 if that means anything to anyone here :P
my current interests/fandoms (will be updated periodically):
- undertale
- deltarune
- the beatles
- abba
- electric light orchestra
- 60s-80s aesthetics in general
- chemistry
- medicine
- astronomy/astrophysics
- milo murphy’s law
- phineas and ferb
- alice oseman’s novels
my comfort characters:
- mettaton (undertale)
- alphys (undertale)
- undyne (undertale)
- ralsei (deltarune)
- noelle holiday (deltarune)
- vinnie dakota (milo murphy’s law)
- bathazar cavendish (milo murphy’s law)
basic dni:
- under 13 (get off tumblr and go outside and be a kid while you still can, i beg of you)
- don’t support the lgbt+ community (including terfs and other fancy ways of saying transphobes, you are stinky !!)
- ridicule others for poc/lgbt+/neurodivergent headcanons of characters
- heavily involved in lgbt+ discourse
- proship/supportive of proshippers (if you’re not familiar with that term, it basically refers to people that ship problematic ships, i.e., ships involving incest, pedophilia, and otherwise fucked-up dynamics)
- fascists/n4zists
- trump supporters
- one of those people that thinks “black-washing” exists/is on the same level as whitewashing
- thinks r4pe jokes are okay to make
- s3lf h4rm and thinspo accounts
- believe israel’s actions in palestine are justified
- on that note, one of those people that conflates israel’s actions in palestine with judaism as a whole
other socials
i’m really only active on instagram, but the two main accounts i use on there are entropicfeline (main) & bismuthisotopes (sketch/backup) ✌️
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