enyabird · 5 years
Time Turner - Prompt 19
What has your character been doing prior to the time skip? Who and/or what have they been involved with?
Prior to the time skip, Enya was one of the missing 7. After her rescue she spent some time in St. Mungo’s being treated for what wounds she had as a result of the incident. She does what she can to assist the ministry in revealing the identities of those responsible while spending some much needed time with her family. Since the time skip, she has taken her time seeing patients again, making sure to take care of her mental health involving the situation. Once she feels comfortable enough, she throws herself back into her work. And though she didn’t vote for him and doesn’t agree with any of his anti-no maj/anti-muggle policies, she wholeheartedly is working to assist Percy and the ministry with getting to the bottom of the various attacks that have been plaguing the wizarding world over the last year.
What plots are you looking to involve your character in following the time skip?
After her rescue, Enya is looking to bond with those that were also taken, maybe help them manage and cope with their own trauma. To that end, she is also attempting to expand her aurology practice and increase her knowledge of psychology to better help her patients.
What kind of connections are you hoping to build or improve on following the time skip?
Since her kidnapping, Enya has developed an even deeper understanding and sympathy for Dominique Weasley, hoping to use her own experience to help Dom come to terms with her own trauma. She also wants to check in on Charlotte after their time in the underground cave.
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enyabird · 5 years
BEATRICE: What is the achievement you’re most proud of?
“Graduating from Ilvermorny and becoming an Aurologist!”
CIRCE: Would you rather be loved or feared?
“Definitely loved, you can get more done when no one is cowering in fear.”
EDGAR: Do you want to make your family proud?
“Absolutely. I don’t know anyone with a good relationship with their family that doesn’t.”
EDMUND: Do you ever wish you’d been born someone else? If so, who?
“Nope! Pretty content with being me.”
HAMLET: Do you prefer to think things through thoroughly or act on impulse?
“I tend to think things through more often than not, makes my job a bit easier.”
HECATE: Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
“Extrovert probably.”
JULIET: What is your favorite luxury?
“The internet.”
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enyabird · 5 years
CLAUDIUS: What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?
“Snuck out with an upperclassmen during my 4th year. I think her name was Kailani Jacobs?”
OBERON: Does reputation matter to you?
“As far as my professional reputation? Yes. Otherwise, not so much.”
ORSINO: If you could have any material thing in theworld, what would it be?
“A cellphone or computer that works in Diagon Alley or the ministry building.”
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enyabird · 5 years
Dominique had finally accepted that maybe she needed help. Everyone had been telling her for a while now she should ‘talk to someone’ usually when she was talking to them too much. She guessed they didn’t want to deal with it. They wanted to pay someone to hear her complaints. It probably wasn’t a bad idea. Dom had never been to an aurologist before and wasn’t sure what to expect, because the way her mother had described it she just had to tell this woman everything that had happened and somehow she’d be fixed? It was worth a shot she supposed and it would be nice to just unload all her worries onto someone else. 
She sat anxiously waiting in Enya’s front room, waiting to be seen, one leg crossed over the other, bouncing up and down in an attempt to rid her of her nervous energy. Her mind kept flitting between how good it would feel to tell someone every thought and feeling she had and have them validate her, and how awful it would be to detail her kidnapping. She hadn’t really gone into the details with anyone. She’d been doing her best to ignore it. 
When the door to Enya’s home office opened Dominique jerked out of her thoughts looking over and giving a nervous smile to the other girl. Dom had been expecting someone older and more stern, like a teacher, and it was a nice surprise to see someone who could be her own age. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so daunting, she could pretend she was talking to a friend. 
“I’m Dominique,” she introduced herself standing awkwardly. “I believe my mother wrote to you. I have an appointment at 1 o’clock?”
Enya had received the letter from Fleur not long after Dominique had returned to her family after being kidnapped. Based on what she had understood, Dominique refused to talk about what had happened to her beyond saying she was fine and that she didn’t need to talk about it. Naturally that would be a concern for any parent, but give the circumstances and current status of society, Enya knew Fleur was only more concerned. 
She looked up from her paperwork as the alarm on her phone went off signaling that she had about ten minutes before her first appointment with Dominique, before setting her things aside and standing. She never knew what to expect when she got a new patient, would they be willing to work with her or fight her the entire time? Would Dominique be willing to start talking about what had happened and the other concerns she had? Enya shrugged a bit as she walked to the door of her office, opening it and smiling reassuringly at her.
“Enya, it’s a pleasure to meet you Dominique. Though, I think I saw you around at that party the other night, Vivienne Shacklebolt’s Valentines Day party?”
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enyabird · 5 years
11: How important is family to your muse?
Extremely! She moved to the UK specifically to help her parents keep an eye on her siblings and to stay close to them.
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enyabird · 5 years
6: Which sibling is your muse closest to? If they have no siblings, which family member?
Her brother Michael. He was practically attached at the hip to her and their father while their sister has been their mom’s shadow for as long as they can remember.
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enyabird · 5 years
☎️ - Danny
NAME: Danny from School
RINGTONE: Fresh Prince of Bel Air Theme
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: “Yo dude, we should go to McDonalds”
LAST TEXT SENT: “Dude, it’s 3am on a wednesday, how are you functioning?”
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enyabird · 5 years
Danny leaned back into the couch, feeling himself sinking into the cushions. He had one beer in hand—some IPA he didn’t remember the name of—and watched the party through exhausted eyes. His face was propped on his elbow on the arm of the couch, and he basked in the pride of the ongoing games of beer pong in the other room.
Maybe the trick shots would be more impressive if he wasn’t in a room full of magic people. But he didn’t really consider that for too long; everyone was cheering and having a great time—hell, he was the one getting everyone hype, upon the realization that this game was way more dope without having to use a wand.
QB had gotten lost at the bar—well, would that actually be lost? Danny just stayed in one spot, determined to find him later. For a second, Danny’s head dropped—just a little second… but unfortunately, so did his beer.
“OH SHIT MY BAD—” His volume was back all of a sudden, trying to overcompensate for how tired he actually was. His foot kicked the pieces of the bottle under the couch, then he greeted the first person he made eye contact with. “You… didn’t see anything. What’s up?”
Enya stretched as she looked around the room, grinning a bit. This party had been a lot more fun than she had thought it would be. The invitation and decor had given her fancy dinner party vibes, but the activities were closer to what she had done at sleepovers as a kid and then some parties once she had gotten out of Ilvermorny. Speaking of school, she blinked a bit when she saw Danny sitting off on his own instead of participating, making her way across the room to strike up some sort of conversation.
“Hey Danny what’s-” She jumped a bit when he suddenly dropped his beer and started shouting. “-up.....” She blinked a bit as she watched him kick the bottle under the couch, keeping quiet for a moment before shaking her head a bit and looking at him. “See what, hmm? As for what’s up, I was actually coming over to ask you that. The night catching up with you?”
Trick Shots: The Brewtang Clan
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enyabird · 5 years
10, 13, 19
10: Most problematic thing your muse has ever done?
As far as she knows? Her parents weren’t totally happy about her going to travel when she got out of school. They wanted a chance to have her home for a long period of time before she went out into the world on her own.
13: What is your muse’s saddest memory from their childhood?
Her saddest memory is actually when she realized that she was the only one in her family that had magic. She was so excited to practice magic and spells with her siblings, but they just....never showed signs that they were magical.
19: Is your muse more self loving or self loathing?
Definitely more self loving.
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enyabird · 5 years
rose - describe your crush. cherry-blossom - do you believe in love at first sight? daisy - what’s your best childhood memory? daffodil - which colour suits you best? peony - do you put more value in honour or truth? iris - favourite 90s song? sunflower - sun or moon? narcissus - your best physical feature? freesia - are you still friends with the person you considered your best friend two years ago? orchid - favourite fruit? violet - have you had your first kiss? gypsophila - do you prefer many distant friends, or a few close friends? gerbera - neon or pastel? carnation - does true love exist? alstroemeria - dream vacation? anemone - were you ever interested in greek mythology? cymbidium - sexuality? rhododendron - what’s your biggest fear? tulip - lucky number? gladiolus - who do you look up to most? snapdragon - favourite mythical creature? hydrangea - proudest moment? heather - what’s your favourite musical? delphinium - what’s your star sign - does it suit you? ginger - least favourite food?
Enya || Aloma
💐 25 flower asks
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enyabird · 5 years
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enyabird · 5 years
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Enya Merlo, Aurologist
👮 for a moodboard about my muse’s occupation
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enyabird · 5 years
1, 2, 3, Drink - Open
Pandora Mae Scamander wanted to be lots of things: loved, respected, not treated like a steaming pile of dog shit, but she definitely never, ever wanted to be that girl. You know, the one crying a the party over a boy or girl, looking like a hot mess. Unfortunately for her, that evening she was neither loved, respected, or treated nicely. In fact, the only thing she was at that moment was a crying mess. 
She sat outside of the party on the stairs, hoping the fresh air would help her feel better about her stupid, fake, two-faced, so-called best friend betraying her and hurting her feelings like she always did. Okay, maybe Dominique was always a bad friend, but that didn’t change a thing. Sunny was still heartbroken over a stupid boy and hated herself for it. She had thought that, maybe, she should go home and cry in the tub with a glass of wine and drown herself in cookie dough ice-cream, but she wanted to get shit-faced drunk. She could be an easy party girl like Dom, that’s what guys like him wanted, right? 
The sound of footsteps made Suns freeze in her tracks. Okay, okay, get your shit together. A sigh escaped from her lips, pushing stray hairs out of her face, helping her stop her crying and stand strong. “I thought I told you not to follow me, you –” her head snapped towards the person, expecting it to be Dominique. “Shit. Sorry, mate. Thought you were someone else… obviously.”
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Parties had never been Enya’s thing. Sure, she may be a semi-natural at beer pong, and party games like spin the bottle always sounded like a good time, but she had never really gone to parties, let alone fancy ones that she somehow had been added to the guest list of. You’re helping the ministry after what happened in Hogsmeade,” One of her new coworkers had said. “Of course you’d get an invitation to that Shacklebolt party.” So she’d taken her mother and sister shopping in London, gotten a new dress with shoes and accessories to match, and done her best to prepare herself for the event. What she hadn’t expected was spin the bottle and Danny trying to convince several people to start up a game of beer pong later.
She shook her head and grabbed another drink, making her way outside for a little bit of air and a break from the other guests. Another unexpected event however was waiting just on the stairs however, Enya spotting the pretty girl she’d spent time with during the earlier game looking more than a little distressed. “Hey...you alrig-?” She approached, jumping a little when she whirled around like a woman on a mission. “No you’re fine.....Sunny..right? Are you okay?”
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enyabird · 5 years
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❖ I've got a forbidden love I'm not giving it up Not giving it up I've got a new modern love I'm not giving it up Not giving it up ❖
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enyabird · 5 years
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enyabird · 5 years
Marius hadn’t planned to attend the rally, but the curiosity had overcome whatever sort of disagreement he had with this candidate. She was muggleborn and she was some war hero—but he wasn’t so sure having her in power would have kept Beatrice safe.
The interest in the Potter boy was something Marius couldn’t see. Whatever allure he had as a speaker on a stage had been lost on Marius because of their… situation. Even then, there wasn’t much the Potter boy had done other than be that—just a Potter.
He wasn’t sure how to feel when the body landed on the stage. Shock was the first thing, but that was different from surprise. Marius had taken too long to ponder what had just happened—did he feel sorry for Potter now? Or even envious because Potter had that final moment with the boy onstage? The surge of the crowd had pushed him over, and the most he could do was reach forward to try to help himself up.
He was surprised to be so close to the front—having been pushed forward with every passing speaker at this event—but it was only now that he realized that he had been so close he could actually make out the details of the body where he had been standing, from the hair color to the colors on his clothes. Details about Beatrice that Marius had long lost since she had gone. But except instead of pulling himself off of the ground, he pulled at the ankle of the person in front of him.
Enya jumped when she felt a hand on her ankle, looking down and doing her best to pull the man who had grabbed her off the ground. “Oh my god, are you alright?” Even though she had a feeling that stopping to help would probably mean losing her trail, she wasn’t heartless. “Did you get stepped on at all? Still able to move your extremities?” They needed to get out of the crowd so she could give him a proper once over for injuries that her basic understanding of first aid could attempt to mend, though actually getting there was going to be a challenge.
“Alright sir...let’s try to get you out of the crowd and hopefully reduce both of our chances of being trampled.” She glanced around, perking up slightly when she saw an opening in the crowd closer toward the stage. “There we are...” Enya kept her grip on his arm firm as she lead him in the opposite direction she had been heading, though at the moment her priorities had changed from following a trail to making sure neither of them were going to end up on their asses and underfoot of a potential second wave of panicked people. “I’m Enya by the way. Figure now’s as good a time as any to introduce myself.”
Running Out of Time || Enya + Marius
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enyabird · 5 years
Running Out of Time || Open Starter
Enya had assumed the chill in the air was just a simple fact of the time of year at first. Early January, no matter where you were in the northern hemisphere always had a bite to it, eventually though she realized it wasn’t the snow underfoot or the heavy, grey clouds overhead that were sending chills down her spine. She followed the feeling, the faintest shimmer of dark, sickly energy like a hound after a rabbit, toward the crowd and the stage.
“Excuse me, pardon me...let me just squeeze past you real quick. Sorry...” She had to get just a little further, just to the other side of the crowd. It was there, whatever was the source of the malicious energy hovering over everything like a shroud, and she planned to find it.
And then everything happened all at once.
The loud thud from the stage had her head snapping to her left toward it and Albus Potter, little droplets of red visible on his cheek. It took her a moment to see the body through the spaces between people, to see the pain and anguish from the man lying on his back, to see the sudden realization and fear and heartbreak from the Potter behind the podium. It took everything she had to keep her place once the crowd scattered, fighting to push through toward the front. She had to be quick, or she knew things would end up a lot worse.
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