eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
Should I make a futuristic AU that is essentially McCoy from Star Trek? I really want to...but I think i might leave it for now.
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
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Name: Eldon Edmundson
Age: 28
Profession: Famous rodeo rider and owner of stables
Family: He lost his parents in a car accident when he was ten, and he and his sister were raised by their uncle.
Relationship status: Single
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
"Food. And cook if we're unlucky," Eomer answered the question briefly and looked at his elder cousin quite dubiously, still not quite sure if all of this was such a good idea. Cook could be quite scary in his opinion, and was often very stern, not to mention that she did not seem afraid to punish them if they did any wrongdoing.
He understood his sister's question, his gaze meeting hers briefly before he too turned his eyes towards his older cousin, wondering just how he might respond, and depending on how he did might either solidify or break his sister's trust in him.
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
"Like we all do. Even I, who have spent a good deal of my life travelling and on the road with my men, longs for the familiar halls in which I spent a relative part of my childhood. Granted, it will be strange to be returning as king, and even stranger to think that soon my sister shall no longer also reside there, but it is still home, I suppose," he said softly.
It would be lonely, he thought, whenever Eowyn finally left to be wed to Faramir and live with him there in Ithilien. The halls of Edoras were quite large but in the past years, they had seemed so empty. Albeit, he had spotted a maiden in Gondor, but he doubted that anything could ever come of it.
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
"I understand how it can be to miss home. Riding with the Rohirrim can often mean long periods of time on the road, away from home and family. You see a lot of home sickness," he nodded quietly, his hands clasping behind his back and his posture ramrod straight as always as he glanced around the scenery for a moment.
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
//Hey guys, apologies for the fact that I have been more or less completely absent for the last while. Given that I roleplay mostly on the app as I can't always get on a computer, it can be difficult to get on, particularly as I've been focusing more on my Legolas blog lately. However, I am going to be trying to get on a bit more often now, and reply more quickly to rps. I'm gonna go and do replies now, so if I owe you, like this, and if you'd like to rp, just message me. I'm also going to be putting up info for AUs.
Many thanks!
The Mun
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
Little thing
"I can't reach my sword...you're tall, can you reach it for me? Please?"
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
"Little thing"
"Are you an elf? Papa tells me stories about elves but I ain't never seen one before..."
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
"Little thing"
"You're really small...but you have a beard like my papa...what are you?" the ten year old frowned faintly, completely confused as to who this new person was.
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
Send "Little thing" and my character will tell you something as a child.
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
Eomer couldn't say that he was, as of yet, overly fond of Meduseld. It was nothing like Aldburg, not like their home, but they could not return there, for, as he had been told,it was no longer their home. The new third marshal now resided there and his family now inhabited the rooms that had once been there, while his own parents would never return home again. 
Eomund had not lived long enough to say goodbye to his family, had been carried back between his riders, the arrows still embedded in his flesh. Eomer had been the one to see him, and had wondered what the noise was before realising it was his own screaming. But now he had to be strong. He had to be resilient, for Eowyn's sake, if nothing else. Upon their relocation he had thrown himself into his training, determined to always be able to protect her.
This night though, Theodred, who Eomer had grown closer to than any other bar his sister, had decided they both needed to cheer up and had persuaded Eomer to sneak out of bed so that the three of them could go down to the kitchens for a midnight feast. The eleven year old had been dubious,but agreed, following the man old enough to be his father.
Home Is Not A Place I Dare Go | [flashback]
The halls were dark. Ominous. Like the dripping caves of her nightmares. Young Éowyn feared to venture through the Halls of Meduseld alone. Only seven years old, she looked to her older brother for solace, companionship, for everything. In her frown could be seen - just barely - the hard glint of a terrified child. Théoden, mummy’s brother, was a proud, stern man, but she could not trust a man like him with her tears. 
Late one night, after the halls became silent, Éowyn woke and sat bolt upright in her chamber at the sound of a knock on the door. Whispers and giggles. Scuffling feet. She peeked through a crack in the door. “It’s only us,” came her cousin’s voice. “Open up!”
"No!" The little girl huffed. Her obstinance was paper-thin. "Fine…" She cracked the door open just enough for both boys to come barreling in. 
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
He raised an eyebrow slightly at the question, having not expected it. He didn't really see why such a beautiful woman and now queen would be troubling herself with him at such an event when she could be enjoying herself with her husband instead, having a good time and leaving him to his own sullen thoughts.
"I have much to think about, my lady. The war may be over and evil vanquished, but we have much yet to do before the world can be restored. I must return home soon and attempt to aid in the recovery. Rohan has lost much these past few years...and I cannot say that I know where to begin."
It was the honest truth. He didn't know how to be a king. He hadn't been meant to be a king. That had been Theodred, his elder. He had been raised for it, had been more fitting for the role, wiser and calmer, nothing like his hot headed little cousin who was oft caught in fits of temper. He would not be able to act as such any longer. He was a king now.
Eomer started slightly at hearing the voice, having been lost in thought and not heard her approaching. He glanced upwards, surprised to see the ranger’s- the king he reminded himself once again- wife, asking to sit beside him and he couldn’t quite understand why. It...
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
"What brings you outside? Were you not enjoying the festivities?" Eomer's voice sounded quietly from behind her where he was leaning against the door frame lightly, his arms folded across his broad chest. He had noticed her exiting and had decided to follow her, wondering if perhaps something might be wrong.
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
"Business in Rohan was finished early, and I must admit, I looked forward to the prospect of seeing family again. Also,I promised Lothiriel that once I had spent some time here, I would go to visit her in Dol Amroth," a faint smile danced across his features as he thought of his betrothed, whom he had met in Gondor just after the war had finished.
"I would hardly count it as sneaking up on you. On the contrary,I thought I had made quite a bit of noise coming in on Firefoot. But apparently not. Besides, at least I surprised you. But aye, I am early," he teased lightly, a smile crossing his features. He had gotten to know Faramir quite well and thankfully they got along well, and there was no one else the King of Rohan would trust his sister with more.
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
"I was not aware that you would be so distressed. I do not see what is so alarming about waking up alone, particularly when it was my choice to come with you and when I left a note explaining everything," he could not understand her irritation at all, and it was beginning to annoy him a little as well.
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eomer-son-of-eomund · 10 years
"I received queries as to my whereabouts enough, can you imagine the rumours that would have been spread? As king, I cannot afford that. Besides, I did not leave until early in the morning and I left a note I hardly see what my crime was," he responded with a frown, his arms folding across his chest and a slight scowl edging its way across his lips.
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