eonwick · 7 years
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I’m very proud of this, and for the most part I stayed on model.
#mina #pokemon #matsurika #art #sunmoon 
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eonwick · 7 years
Reflections 2
This Eon Wick. It has been nearly a week since my last update, so here is my week’s reflection.
This is not necessarily negligence that I have contributed nothing to the blog since the 21st, as I was taking my time to recover. My writing (and drawing) has suffered from the necessity of having to stand and write at the same time. I cannot overstate how much physical discomfort disturbs the cogs of the creative mind.
That said, I did accomplish a good amount of work. My pet novel has almost come to a standstill, and is being heavily edited so I am no longer shamed by it. My writing work for my team’s video game is well underway however, and I have done a good amount of work on it this past week. 
Wound dressings (belated apologies to the softer-minded readers) have gone easily and without pain, though the stitches pull and make my body ache endlessly. 
Most of my friends have happily quitted the hospital now. While I am joyous for their recovery, I cannot help but worry about the future of those friends’ inner friendships- I have yet to see how my best friend’s ill choice affected their perception of him. However, it is not my battle to fight, though I will still support my friend regardless.
As far as art goes, I feel I have regressed since being unable to sit at my table. I wish to hone my basics, but I cannot concentrate enough for even that! I only hope there will be enough hours in the days when I am healed to allow for my skills to return. 
For now, that is all I wish to say. Many thanks for reading,
Eon Wick.
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eonwick · 7 years
Update 21.07.2017
Eon here, 
Another curve-ball was thrown at me, and while it is sad, it thankfully avoided being tragic. I just found out this news today, and due to the nature of it, there shall be no tags attached. This update is more for my peace of mind and wish to tell the story without having to seem like I am trying to grab for attention. 
To preface this, I will say that every person I know in this story is alive, if not wholly well, and two of them have left the hospital.
About a week ago, my best friend and four others (a mix of friends and acquaintances) were involved in a car crash. Though I’m unsure of the scenario, I know my best friend to have had some reckless habits, despite being an all-around skilled driver. He would speed to over double the speed limit on seemingly empty roads and this would be my guess for how the accident occurred. 
Yesterday, I found out via social media from his father that he was in the hospital. I didn’t know the reason for it so I reached out to him. He played it off, and I didn’t get any real information.
Today, I received a message from another friend who was also involved in the crash. They were replying to a message I had sent the day before. 
It read: “ Yup [my best friend] i think broke botg legs [another friend] broke his neck(he is fine no need for sugery just needs to be watched) [an acquaintance] had eternal bleeding and [another acquaintance] broke her leg “
This friend had her hip socket smashed, and had to be transported to a larger city to have it operated on. 
I might’ve been in that car if I weren’t working a job in preparation for my month of recovery. If I had been there, would things have been different? What would’ve happened to me? These thoughts came through my head.
I don’t think you need anyone to die to really get a perspective on what a life means, nearly losing it holds the same significance.
EDIT: News sources say the car was driven into a pole. No other info was given.
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eonwick · 7 years
Reflections 1
Hello all, the man and human known as Eon Wick here. I’ve been reflecting today, on how it must feel to age.
Since my operation yesterday, I’ve been unable to walk normally. I cannot even sit down. While there is not necessarily pain all the time, there is always the feeling that I’m about to experience pain. In other cases, other parts of my body hurt.
My feet hurt from standing, as I don’t want to relax them by sitting and opening up my wound. My back is hurting from holding the same position in place for hours, just so I keep my weight off the wound. My throat is intensely sore thanks to the method of anaesthesia, where they placed a tube down my throat to put me to sleep, resulting in scratching all along the insides.
Especially in terms of the last pain, I’ve had fears. I had a dream last night where I was unable to sing again. I showed up to a performance, and upon being prompted to sing, I crashed and my voice tore. The company then said I would never work with them again. It’s by far not a dream most people might fear, but it does make me think about when I might lose my abilities.
I must end these reflections here, as I have nothing of substance to add. I am merely afraid. A nurse will be arriving shortly to help redress my wound, but I decided I could punch an entry out before she came.
That said, due to these pains,I have been unable to draw at my table, or stand long enough to patiently write. I fall behind in my endeavours.
This was Eon Wick, thank you for reading. 
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eonwick · 7 years
My name is not Eon Wick, nor will it ever be, but it is the name I shall be known as. After an operation this morning that left me temporarily impaired, it got my mind churning.
What I achieving in life? I’m a writer, but unpublished. I’m an animator, but I only draw stills. Truly, I must take a step forward and embrace a new ‘me’. 
Here are my resolutions: 
1) I will use this blog to detail my improvement as a human being. I will chronicle my struggles in keeping up a healthy diet, exercising from my broken state to be rebuild stronger and better, and I shall attempt to extrapolate meaning from this transient life.
2) I shall share my art and my tales, sometimes a combination of both. As this blog title suggests, there shall be animation eventually involved. This blog will illustrate my gaining of skill in that field, additionally.
3) I shall not extort any member of my audience nor parade myself as someone I am not. (Though my name is not Eon Wick, please note that I still am Eon Wick)
For those about to commit to this journey with me, welcome. For those who join in the journey later on and look back at this day, I hope you are inspired by whatever has happened between this point in the past and your current future.
All that said, thank you; let’s begin.
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