eosasami · 1 year
Eos had been invited by a few other knights to some sort of lodge retreat, and with nothing better to do, she had agreed. That being said, she went into the building with low expectations, and thus was pleasantly surprised at how well organized the event was. The place was well-furnished, warm, and lively, and in the center, the eating contest. 
She had little idea on what exactly would be entertaining about watching another eat- that is, until she witnessed the first victim (contestant) take a bite of the chicken, turn nearly red in the face, and hurry away with muffled expletives. That was entertaining. She waited for a little longer to see if any others would volunteer, but to her disappointment, many seemed frightened away by the spice.
Fine, then. She signs herself up with a flourish. When the next batch was prepared, she faced off against someone she thinks she has seen around the monastery. Probably. His attire certainly wasn’t giving her any clues as to where, or how, or when, however.
He starts their competition with words of rivalry, which she soon returns. “Ha! I certainly hope you have the power to back up your words.” She was not one to back down from a provocation, after all, tossing her hair and taking a seat.
The bucket is placed, and her opponent quickly downs several of the wings with a fervor. She has no such speed, instead picking one up, delicately- as a person of status might examine something of interest- careful not to get any of the sauce onto her clothing…
And pops it in her mouth, savoring the taste before swallowing it whole- bones and all. It had a sweet flavor at first, followed by a burning sensation in her mouth. That was new. She blinks, confused, before picking another and consuming it as well. Though it was somewhat painful- if she had a guess, this would be what eating a flame would taste like- it wasn’t bad, per say. Just a little strange.
The Reaper Approaches
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eosasami · 1 year
She tilts her head, listening to him ramble about how she was familiar to him. While he was lost in confusion, she took note of his appearance- silvered hair, red eyes, strange ears. Yes, he clearly was connected to her brother in some way. Yet, when he asks her about him- the one who connects the two of them, she catches sight of the way he reaches for something- comfort, or a weapon? 
Wary now, she recalls how she still had gathered only crumbs of knowledge regarding the present in her lands- one being that her brother deeply regretted something. Did he have many enemies? She had little idea. While she contemplates revealing her relationship to him, he introduces himself- and a slew of names besides. One of them stands out to her.
“… Ichinomiya?”
She knows that name- recognizes it, though he does not hold any sign of holding the blood that it should signify. She narrows her eyes, not yet hostile, but becoming wary. “Why would the King of Valla hold that name?”
She gently removes her wrist from his grasp, straightening. “I am called Eos-Asami. I have never met anyone with your name before- nor with such a brazen claim to two royal families. But, I suppose, just as with you, while I am here, it should not matter who I was in the past, only that I am a knight.”
Family is a Contest No One is Winning
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eosasami · 1 year
She listens to the boy tell his tale, noticing how many of the wyverns seem to relax, and more surprisingly, fall asleep soon after. The first time it happened, she had worriedly checked if the wyvern was alright- but it seemed that its body temperature had not dropped to extremes. Their sleep was a result of relaxing, not of the cold. Once their safety was assured, she spent the rest of the time listening.
He had a way with words, capable of holding her interest beyond that which was curious to her. It was somewhat surprising that she would be so invested in the story itself, not merely in the knowledge that it could provide- so much so that when he stops the story to introduce himself, she is slightly disappointed. A new occurrence, to be sure.
Nevertheless, she returns the introduction with her own. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Nils. I am Eos-Asami, currently a member of the Knights of Seiros.”
Sweet Little Wyvern
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eosasami · 1 year
July Activity
Points Earned: 2
Check: Flying +1 Arena: Bow +1
Skill Changes:
Bow D+ -> Bow C Flying E -> Flying E+
Completed Threads:
Anankos Mini (Anankos) Stop Hitting Yourself! Stop Hitting Yourself! (Summer 2023 Arena Silver Round) sink or swim (Summer 2023 Arena Gold Round)
Blessed Bow (Bow C) Archery Apothecary
0 notes
eosasami · 1 year
The moment the arrow brushes past her target’s face, what little ties the inept bandits held with each other were quickly broken. Weapons were dropped and those unthreatened by her bow took their leave. Caspar, too, contributed to the chaos, first with a blow to his captor’s face, then by scrambling after those fleeing. She is frozen for but a moment, caught by surprise not by the frantic scramble of brigands but by his tenacity, and then his disappearance.
“What are you- where are you going?” Her shouts fall on deaf ears- he is already out of sight once she gathered herself enough. Torn for a moment between chasing after him or dealing with the situation at hand, she decided to first handle him. After all, this was the man willing to take a student hostage- he, at the very least, must be punished for his crimes. 
“You there. Drop your weapons- all of them.” Irritated, the moment he does so, she storms over, roughly fashioning a knot out of a ribbon in her hair. Gathering up the dropped weapons and depositing them a ways away, she turns to the man one last time. “And don’t even think about trying to leave. That ribbon is enchanted- I will know exactly where you are.”
It wasn’t, and she would have to track him down normally, but that was besides the point. Half-hearted security attempt finished, she hurries off in the snow to find the wayward student.
knife's edge
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eosasami · 1 year
She studies their reaction to her words, how their eyes slide smoothly past, or perhaps through her. Unfocused- unwell? Yet even so, their response indicates a willingness to press onward, whether or not her concerns were unfounded. There would be those who would insist, seeing signs of some sort of ailment, but Eos is not one to judge. If they say they are fine, then it was no longer her issue, so long as it does not interfere with their hunt. They return the question to her with another simple gesture.
“I am fine as well. Let us continue.” Her own response is similarly short, and she waits for them to continue before following in silence, still a few steps behind the other. She remains alert to their surroundings, in case her partner was not. Their pace was not necessarily slow, yet it certainly wasn’t fast- especially compared to that of a deer. Human in form, if not in spirit, and thus slowed from the snow and the caution they must exercise while tracking. They would be all the more vulnerable should something catch wind of their presence. 
Fortunately, there seemed to be no need for her surveillance, as nothing disturbs them during their trek. The scent of blood remains strong in the air, and it is through it that she discovers she smells no such mortality from Denning themselves. A strange occurrence, and one she has little idea on how to address. For later, perhaps. It is all the better, for the tracks show signs of faltering- the deer was losing its struggle against its wound and the cold.
She readies her bow, nocking an arrow but not yet drawing the string. Pulling ahead of her partner slightly, she nods at him to do the same.
bloodied feet cross hallowed ground // eos-asami + denning
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eosasami · 1 year
She is on a walk, not a patrol, and expects not to be bothered. A unfounded expectation, what with her attire and her demeanor. It has happened before, and it will happen again. Yet, as she walks through the snow without much purpose, she passes a silver-haired boy- for she hesitates to call him human, his scent a distortion of familiarity- and he waves to her. She returns it with a nod. It should have been the end of their interaction, though she pauses to parse through what she had just detected.
Then he seizes her wrist, and she turns around. Even she knows that this could be counted as rude, but she is in a good mood, so she only tilts her head at his question, scanning him for any possible recognition. It gives her the time to learn what was familiar about him, though there seemed to be little reason for him to feel that way.
“Hm… I do not recognize you, certainly. You smell of my brother and the sea, but there is little else I recognize about you.” His attire is not that of a Hoshidan, nor does he bring any memories of one who might have known her in the past. “Why, do you recognize me?”
Family is a Contest No One is Winning
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eosasami · 1 year
The girl’s concern was touching, unfamiliar to her yet not unwelcome. Naturally, in the past, there would be no one to worry over her like this- there was nothing to worry over. She was their god, a being untouched by their concerns. Here, though, there are few who know what she is, and fewer who know who she was. A feeling both freeing and strange. 
“Thank you for your offer.” Asami’s voice is quiet, lost in memories and the slow rise of the music. Softened by the simple kindness that she is granted, the care granted to another so easily. “But I’m afraid it is much changed since I was there last…”
A rueful smile forms as Sakura clarifies her intentions. “It is very kind of you, but for now, I think I will stay here. Perhaps one day I will take you up on your offer but… not yet.”
I am not ready. The words she leaves unsaid. I am not ready to see the country that has changed without my presence, nor will I be able to guarantee my ascension should madness once again threaten to take hold. To return is to see her homeland, closer than it should ever have been again, and she cannot say what she might feel- what she might see.
“But enough about me, what of you, Sakura? What brings you here, far from home?”
As she slowly acquired the information, she began to feel a little more connected to her, understanding that she as well was from Hoshido, but besides that, the presence and apparel of that graceful individual didn’t flicker a thing inside Sakura’s mind, who was still trying to recollect in her past memories an image or a sound that might hint at the origins of Eos-Asami: she was sure she hasn’t seen her around the castle, but she might has met her in the surroundings of the castle, since the reign of Hoshido was very vast and big. Anything could possibly be, but the last sentence of the petite girl made Sakura a little concerned about her conditions, since she now felt really into her vicissitudes.
“Oh…you can’t go back? This is so sad to hear” she mused with a troubled expression on her face, the sadness of that sentence even made the petite priestess stop dancing, since she actually wanted to help her to being able again to return to her homeland, which was Sakura’s homeland too.
“If you want, I can contact someone from Hoshido; this way you can find a way to be back there” she offered her connection to the land, even though she just realized that might sound a little bit too pushy, since she didn’t even know her that good.
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“This is…just an offer, I just want to be helpful” she tried to correct her intentions, though knowing that she wanted the best for this little cute and mysterious girl.
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eosasami · 1 year
That was why I ascended! Her ascension- and her brother’s lack thereof brings both of them pain. She thinks of the millennia that had passed without her knowledge, of the hundreds of thousands of lives left without her guidance. Has she been forgotten- would it be better for her to be still worshiped or ignored? The change in topic gives her a welcome relief from any similar questions with no answer.
“Well, you and I know better, I would think.” She gestures to her sibling, then to herself. “Clearly, if we were only beings of power, there would be no need for either of us to take on a human form.”
Gods who served them. What a strange turn of phrase, but not entirely inaccurate. Another sigh escapes her lips. “I don’t wish to fight with you either. I have never had any quarrel with you, nor our other siblings- unless they overstepped their bounds.”
She draws back, ready to return to the surface. “We have always occupied different spheres, brother. But that does not mean I enjoy violence. ”
It was the opposite, in fact. But unlike Anankos, darkness could never hide her. She gives one last glance to her azure-haired sibling, before heading back into the light.
“You say that you would not have allowed it… but you would not have had a choice… you surely would have ended up hurting someone, something you loved… just as I did…” She wishes that it had never happened, that human and dragon hadn’t been made separate in the way that they had been. She would never want her sister to have to bear the same fate, to have to have the coin spilt right down the middle, straight in two. She would not want her to have to bear that. She had barely been able to bear it, unable to prevent anything that happened.
“Are you… sure that is not all that defined us…? I’m sure… humans would think that is all we are… beings of power… only gods to serve them. I don’t… I’m sorry sister, I’m sorry things have to be so different… but here… can we not fight? I do not… wish to fight with you anymore…”
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eosasami · 1 year
6. A turning point in their life
They blink slowly, surveying the land that calls to them. It is just a rock, right now. A rock covered in life so frail and delicate that they blink and it is gone. Besides them and far away, their siblings make their own choices, but they float gently over this section of the rock, and they know it is theirs. It must be, because they chose it. They blink again, and the trees- they are called trees, they think- have lost their leaves. Which must be wrong, as trees are supposed to have leaves.
They blink, and the land changes again. There are new creatures, walking on two legs and speaking, burning little fires in imitation of their brightness, and whenever they float past, they raise their arms and the fires burn brighter. They blink. They are gone, and so are the leaves.
They keep their eyes wide open, as they continue their circling path around their rock. It is their rock now, and they keep it bright and warm. One of their siblings is close, and threatening, and sometimes they fight. The little creatures- they are called humans, they think- burn fires for them again. They don’t blink, so that they can keep watching. They fly a little lower, so they can see the land more clearly. One of their wings brushes against the ground as they fly, and in its place the land becomes greener, and when they circle back around, the leaves have remained.
They do it again, they learn how to channel their power into the earth, letting life flourish like never before. They fly lower and lower, until they can almost hear the prayers- they are called prayers, the sounds the humans make for them- and see more clearly the land that they have shaped.
They blink. War breaks out.
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eosasami · 1 year
Send A Number to Experience One of My Muse’s Memories
Memories are vignettes for one’s past, and often times, they are very telling.
1. Their First Memory 2. A memory of their father 3. A memory of their mother 4. A memory of a sibling 5. A memory of a pet 6. A turning point in their life 7. A memory they want to forget 8. A hazy memory 9. A photographic memory 10. A disappointing memory 11. A memory that may or may not have happened 12. A happy memory 13. A memory of a friend 14. A memory of a relationship 15. A heartbreaking memory 16. A memory that makes them angry 17. A memory of something they regret 18. A memory they’d love to change 19. A memory of someone they don’t see anymore 20. A memory of someone who is deceased 21. A memory of the first time they did an activity they love 22. A childhood memory 23. A school day memory 24. A holiday memory 25. A birthday memory 26. A memory they want to share 27. A memory of something they’re proud of 28. A memory that strains a relationship 29. A memory they can’t let themselves forget 30. Asker’s choice 31. Writer’s choice
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eosasami · 1 year
She sighs. “… I suppose it would be far too easy if there were no consequences.” There was a reason why they had all ascended, in the end. It irks her a little that Anankos would assume her own opinion on the experience, but she knows it is the disappointment- that no matter what, she would be unable to watch her country over the years- speaking.
“...I never allowed myself to degenerate to the point of madness.” Perhaps a little pointed to say so, but was not this entire conversation regarding their choices? How she left behind the world, keeping it safe from herself yet losing centuries of time with her people- and how her brother stayed, and lost her power in exchange? “It would have been counterintuitive to all that I fought for.”
Anankos continues, most likely trying to still dissuade her from this path. She appreciates the sentiment, even if it only were in hypotheticals.
“While you certainly… have changed, I was not given the chance.” She turns her face away, glaring at an innocuous stone beyond her brother’s shoulders. Even with all the warnings, a small part of her wishes she did. “But even so, power is merely a means to an end- it is not what defines you, nor is it what defined me.”
"Sister... you do not want that fate..." She thinks of the pain, of the sorrow that had led her to that path. Of how it never should have happened. If only she had been less foolish, less selfish. She does not want anyone else to ever have to suffer that pain, the sense of loss she had felt afterwards, not knowing who she was and why she lived, least of all her very own sister.
"I do not think I was able to survive... not in the way anyone would want to... the dragon lost its mind and I... I lost myself... I didn't know who I was... I could not remember a thing... I would not wish that anyone..." She looks upon her sister, tears welling up in many ruby colored eyes.
"I'm sure... if you went mad enough... it would probably be possible to do again... though I would certainly not reccomend it... I have lost everything that once made me... in this form now... I lack all but a little power... power that can be used to make nothing more than bubbles... I do not want you to follow the same fate..."
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eosasami · 1 year
He certainly held a different relationship with his dragonstone than the one she was accustomed to. After all, guarding one’s stone jealously was simply another facet of her life. But she supposed, hypothetically, if her only fear was of it breaking, then it would make sense to keep it somewhere separate from where she was. Even if his separation from it did not seem completely willing. 
For the most part, she listens to him describe his childhood, having never had one herself. Interesting, in the way that fairytales and myths fascinated those who would never experience one. 
She raises an eyebrow as he continues. “I suppose we are. We do seem to have both ends of the spectrum covered.” 
Eos-Asami lets the next few moments continue in silence, before coming to the realization that neither of them have exchanged names. It was a human custom, to exchange names- at least from her land, during her time. She never had to give out her own, before coming here. They were given to her. Eventually, though, curiosity gets the better of her.
“...What is your name?”
Sweet Little Wyvern
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eosasami · 1 year
She is not granted a moment’s reprieve, as again, the sea monster sends a pointless bout of waves her way. Becoming more accustomed to the rising and falling of the water, she sends another blast of light magic in retaliation, and it howls, akin to the roaring gales over a stormy sea.
Charybdis 25/25HP attacks Dawn Dragon 10/10HP with Raging Waves. [Roll: 9 + 4 = 13; -0, Dawn Dragon 10/10HP] Dawn Dragon counters with Luce [Roll: 17-4=13 ; -8HP. Charybdis 0/25HP*]
For a moment, she thinks it is over. Then, as in almost every other battle provided by this illusion (for one, she cannot say if it would, as she had fallen far too soon to see if it was true), the beast rises again, doing its best to damage her.
Charybdis 25/25 HP uses Raging Waves on Dawn Dragon [Roll: 17-2 = 15, -2 + 4 = 0 HP, Dawn Dragon 10/10 HP]
It is, of course, meaningless. Just salty water battering her, as she continues to stay afloat in the sea. She is already soaked, no need to continue splashing her. She again makes as to follow Celine’s assault, though this time she is not as successful as before.
Dawn Dragon 10/10 HP barely hits Charybdis 14/25 HP with Luce [Roll: 11 - 8 = 3; -3 +4 = 0 HP, Charybdis 14/25 HP] Charybdis 14/25 HP hits Dawn Dragon 10/10 HP with Raging Waves [Roll: 6 + 4 = 10; -2-1-0.5+4 = 0 HP, Dawn Dragon 10/10 HP]
... That is to say that she and the monster exchange blows, with neither coming out worse for wear. Exasperated, she calls up to her summoned Pegasus Knight.
“Go on, attack! Do better than I.”
Pegasus Knights hit, hit Charybdis 14/25 HP with Brave Lance [Roll: 15, 6; -2 -2 = -4 HP, Charybdis 10/25 HP] 
It does, striking with grace above the waves. She is jealous, for a moment. It will take ages to wash the scent of the sea out of her hair.
sink or swim / team seven gold round
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eosasami · 1 year
As you brave the wilderness for more food, you hear the howl of wolves nearby. It looks like they've just brought down a massive buck, big enough to feed an entire pack... the hunger pangs return, gnawing at your empty stomach. When was the last time you had a proper meal? Do you have it in you to keep hunting for however many hours it takes, when there is food right here? Trying to steal from starving wolves is a big risk to take—you'll become prey yourself if you're not careful. But a deer that size could provide many meals to your friends and allies back in the monastery. You better act fast before the wolves devour every piece of meat. [Grants Lance +1] starter for @areadboar
Eos-Asami had never had any need to worry of food before- neither for herself, nor her people. She had made sure of it. The dilemma now is unfamiliar to her, and she only grasped the urgency through the expressions of the people around her and her few experiences over the past month.
Thus, as always, she volunteers for the hunting excursion. She is paired this time with a student- the leader of one of the Academy’s houses. The blue one. She wonders briefly if he was supposed to come along with her to hunt, given how he held a lance and she still wielded her bow. If he is meant to learn something about combat, he would learn very little from her.
When she hears the howling of the wolves, signaling a successful hunt for them, she quickly turns her attention toward the sound. As lacking as the supplies were, they could ill afford passing up this opportunity. Though… do humans eat wolf meat? She turns to her partner for this hunting trip, studying him briefly.
“Your name is Dimitri, correct? If we engage with these wolves, we can take their prey, and perhaps, if you so wish, take them down as well.” A moment's pause. "If humans eat wolf meat, anyways."
She then breaks into a run, checking only once to see if he follows. If they were to be successful in this endeavor, time was of the essence. Besides, if she were to be perfectly honest, she was quite curious to see how well he was able to wield the lance he held. No time like the present.
Hunter and the Hunted
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eosasami · 1 year
Two of her allies choose to grant support in the stead of an attack- (though she notes that Lucina does manage to get a shot in with a weapon that she does not recognize)- and so she feels that despite her staff, she must oblige. “If you insist.” She holds white magic at her disposal, after all. It may not be her preferred weapon of choice, but she shall wield it with skill regardless. 
Dawn Dragon 10/10 HP crits Charybdis 13/25* with Luce [Roll: 15 + 4 - 4 = 19; –8 - 2 = - 10 HP, Charybdis 3/25* HP]
And that she does, large shattering shards of light aiming directly towards the monster of the deep. It roars in pain and fury, thrashing about- sending waves in retaliation. 
Charybdis 3/25* HP hits Dawn Dragon 10/10 HP with Raging Waves [Roll: 16 - 2 = 14, -2 + 4 = 0 HP, Dawn Dragon 10/10 HP]
Though the waves that it send do very little damage, splashing against her harmlessly, it makes it difficult for her to aim properly while accommodating the rise and fall of water around her.
Dawn Dragon misses with Luce [Roll: 1-4+4=1, -0HP Charybdis 3/25HP*]
The second attack goes wide- far too wide for it to even have a hope of hitting the target.
sink or swim / team seven gold round
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eosasami · 1 year
Ocean waters rise around her, threatening to pull her under with every rising wave. The illusion takes away her flight just as suddenly as it had granted it, and she curses under her breath as she fights against the currents around her. Forcing herself to the surface, she catches wind of what her ally shouts to her, atop a winged mount.
“You’d best speak the truth about this!” Though she snaps back, there is very little venom in her words. “These battles have gone on long enough!”
Even as she says that, she notes how yet again, she had been granted a staff and given the role of a healer- to support, not to protect. But that was hardly an issue right now, her allies all looking at the peak of strength- if a little waterlogged at the moment.
Dawn Dragon 10/10 HP attempts to summon a battalion using Invoke [Roll: 2, Success!] Summoned Pegasus Knights!
Though she holds the power to attack the strange creature of the deep, she instead calls upon another’s aid. It would have been unthinkable, prior, for her to disregard a chance for a blow to call for help, of all things, but she had failed this duty to heal in an earlier round. And if she were to do something, she must at least do it well.
To her aid comes a golden rider, also atop a flying steed. It does not speak to her- it does not need to, instead attacking in her place.
Pegasus Knights hit, barely hit Charybdis with Brave Lance! [Roll: 15, 5; -2-1 = -3, Charybdis 16.5/25* HP]
Pleased by her surrogate's successes, she turns to her remaining allies, holding her staff up for a moment. “If any of you need aid, be sure to call for me.”
sink or swim / team seven gold round
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