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Writting section.
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Personal Reflection
This course helped me a lot with my English because I have learned how I can study with efficacy. Also how I could understand a lot of topics that at first looked very hard, but if you take your time and being patient you will make it easier.
The way I improve my English will be the same way that a I want to use my English, this is by talking with my native-American friends so If I can use my English to do some real friends I will be very happy, because it is just result of my effort.
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Mrs Cruz, is a basketball player who in the past disrisspected the coach, but in the scene he wanted to have another opportunity to join in the basketball team.
The coach Carter, who is a very aggressive person, wanted Mrs Cruz to do a 2500 push up and 1 thousand dead lines, all this until next Friday. Not only that  the coach carter say to Mrs Cruz that he should give up this task, that it is impossible to do.
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The worker who is running in the street is not a worker, he is a policeman that wanted to capture the main character whose bag is full oficina weed.
The main idea of this law-series is that the main character of this movie have a special superhuman power, he can handle amount of information and understand it. But the impressive idea in this human is that he never forget any of any kind of information.
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The man who is talking about how he bought his market action is not a smart person, the real success of this man was that he took a pill in the past that made the consumer very smart and intelligent.
The greatest shot in this scene was when the main character that is Eddie Murray, discovered the main plan whose the rich man want to do.
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First Period Personal Reflection
Hello, I will talk about my opinion of my development in the first period in english class. I think that I was very lazy about my learning, because at the beginning I believed that I knew all about the English subject, so didn’t study a lot for the quizzes so, my grades was very bad like 60-50 something like that. But I learned a lot, because i learned a different way to study English and how i can organize my mind to understand english well and the different subjects about it. I learned a very huge lesson about my academic life, because you can always learn more about any subject so this period I will give my best to  learn a lot and get a better grades.
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Speacking Practice.
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Speacking Practice.
I think that I was very nervous talking in public in that situation, but I remember well my lines about the energy issues, also I don’t remember that I had error of subjects, I mean, I always talked well about my subject and the interesting things about that.
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Writing Practice.
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About me.
Hi my name is Mauricio Vences Rossell, I am 19 years old, I live  in Arboledas , My major is ISDR (Robotics Engineering ) but I will go to CCM(Mexico City Campus) to study a different major,that is ITSE, (Telecommunication and Electronic Systems Engineering ).
I like the sports, I have practiced  several sports like Volleyball, Squash and even football soccer.
My favorite food is green enchiladas, but my favorite dessert is lemon pie.
I like knowing the different places around the world, I have been to Japan, Cuba, United States  of America and several places in the world but my favorite trip was when I went to  Las Vegas because it was an incredible place with the companionship of all my family and I knew a lot of different and incredible things.
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